Get Freedom from Relentless Collection Calls by filing Bankruptcy Case Filing or non-filing of the bankruptcy case depends on the unique financial circumstance of every people. Deciding on it is a very complicated process and thus considers consulting a skilled bankruptcy attorney. He can assist you in determining whether the filing of bankruptcy is the best option for you or not. You can arrange a free consultation with an experienced attorney to discuss the issue of how a bankruptcy case can impact your financial situation. After you file for bankruptcy the court will automatically put a stay order against all debt collection. This means all your debt collection will get suspended until your case is over or the ban is lifted. A suspension of the debt means you will not receive any letter from your collectors or face lawsuits on the debts. If any of your creditors try to collect the debt money from you despite the stay order by the court then your advocate can bring a contempt of court action against them. Review the Long Island bankruptcy Law carefully to make a choice that works for you. However, the automatic stay order cannot stop criminal proceedings, tax audits, and the establishment of paternity, child support, or alimony. There are certain types of assets like a motor vehicle or wedding ring which comes under the exemption and you can maintain their own without the worry of it being seized in bankruptcy. Always choose to hire a Long Island bankruptcy lawyer as filing for bankruptcy at the wrong time can hasten your financial difficulties. Depending on your best interest you have to choose whether you want to file for bankruptcy under chapter 13 or 7. Although filing for bankruptcy is a person’s best option you must measure your unique financial circumstances first before filing one. Summary Book your free consultation with a skilled attorney who will adopt a case-by-case approach to help their client control their finances.