20/20 Vision of Post-pandemic World �疫��代的 20/20 視野 Wellness and Sustainability �心健� Placemaking �方�� Made in Hong Kong �港製� Business as a Force for Social Good 社會責�
Creative Markets �意市�
Talks / Seminars 講座 / 研討會
Design Challenges / Competitions 設計挑戰 / �賽
Exhibitions / Installations 展� / 裝置
Guided Tours �賞團
工作坊 其�
Networking Sessions �界�繫
Open Studios
Fee-charging Activities 收費活動
Registration Required �預先登記
Online Events �上活動
Performances 表演
www.bodwcityprog.com bodwcityprogramme bodw.cityprog
BODW CityProg (CityProg) is a citywide creative business and community activation programme that features 3 distinct platforms: “Anchor Site Festivals ”, “ Design EduVation ” and “ Satellite Events & Offers ”. The programme activates local creative neighbourhoods by connecting creative units, business and community organisations through co-creation, exchange, matching and partnership. As new alliances and ideas start to flourish, CityProg engages people of all ages with exciting happenings, enhances public spaces, and encourages creativity and design to take wing in the community, fostering the development of local creative ecosystems. As a community extension of Business of Design Week (BODW), CityProg spans all year round with its peak in November to December and major happenings during BODW period, i.e. 28 Nov - 6 Dec 2020. Coming to its third edition, this year CityProg is themed on " 20 / 20 Vision of Post-pandemic World" which will present more than 200 design and creative happenings to inspire the public to search for their unique 20/ 20 vision and a spirit of designing for society. CityProg was debuted in 2018 by Hong Kong Design Centre, with Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the Lead Sponsor.
「BODW 城�活動」是一個�意���社群的�動計劃�項目��三個不同�別的協作平台 :「主��伴場 ��意�」� 「�眾社���項目」和「衛星活動��惠」��促��意社群����社��構之間的�識� 互助�協���對��結�共��結盟;�動��繫�城各界�意單位�增加不同年��眾�設計的互 動�促����本�設計品�的合作����共�間�讓���設計紮根社��共同締��港�意生�� 作為「設計���」(BODW) 的社��伸�「BODW 城�活動」���年�並主�於 11 � 12 月�行��� �「設計���」期間 (2020 年 11 月 28 日至 12 月 6 日 ) 為活動高��踏��三屆��年的活動�別�「� 疫��代的 20/20 視野」為主題��� 200 �場設計�意�活動�大眾一�找�自己�佳的 20/20 視野� 為社會而設計� �項目由�港設計中心於 2018 年首辦�主�贊助�構為�港�別行政�政府�意�港�
City Overview 城區焦點
17 Anchor Site Festivals 主要伙伴場地創意節
5 Design EduVation 公眾社區教育項目
Collaborate with different creative units to curate 1 to 3 full-day creative festival or interventions at their own location in November and December, bringing unique and fun design experiences all over town.
Line-up different creative units to deliver diverse public education programmes targeting different co m m u n i t i e s a n d a ge g ro u p s . T h e y a i m to encourage public participation and foster design thinking.
�拍城中各大�意團��於 11 月� 12 月在自家 �點�動為期 1 至 3 天的�意�或大型�意活動� 為�眾�來不一樣的設計�驗�
�羅並�合不同單位�辦�合不同�層�年�參� 的�元���項目���鼓�大眾�欣賞設計�培 �設計思維�
ls a iv t s e F e it S r o h Anc 場地創意節 主要伙伴
Tsuen Wan 荃灣
Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile (CHAT) & The Mills 六廠紡織文化藝術館及南豐紗廠 Nina Mall 如心廣場商場
Tsuen Wan Youth S.P.O.T. 荃灣青年空間
Sham Shui Po 深水埗 D2 Place
JCCAC 賽馬會創意藝術中心
openground@Tai Nan Street 大南街
Design tion EduVa區
Yau Tsim Mong 油尖旺
Hong Kong Community College 香港專上學院
公眾社 教育項目
K11 Art Mall 購物藝術館
Aberdeen 香港仔 The Warehouse Teenage Club 蒲窩青少年中心
2 X 2 STUDIO 二次坊 @Tai Po 大埔
AIA Hong Kong 美國建築師學會香港分會 @Tsuen Wan 荃灣
Enable Foundation 啟民創社 @Yau Ma Tei / Central District 油麻地/中區
Loftwork Hong Kong & FabCafe Hong Kong @Central and Western District 中西區 THY LAB 旲視聽實驗室 @Sham Shui Po 深水埗
100+ Satellite Events 衛星活動
80+ CityProg Design Scanverger Hunt Spots 「城區設賞」積分點
Motivate different brands and creative units in Hong Kong and organise an array of activities related to creative designs. Let the creative seeds to be sowed in every corner of the city. �動�城各�不同品�或�意單位��辦��意 設計相關的活動讓�眾參��讓�意種子��佈 �城�
“ CityProg Design Scavenger Hunt ” campaign will be launched from 13 Nov to 20 Dec. It covers over 80 checkpoints in HK to link up our programmes. Participants can visit the checkpoints, and collect points to redeem different awards sponsored by local creative businesses.
於 11 月 13 日至 12 月 20 日期間推出「城�設賞」活 動��結 80 個 BODW 城�活動�點�參加者可於 活動期間到訪�定�點享用即��惠�儲積��並 �積���由本��意企�提供的禮物�
Fo Tan 火炭
GLOs Cafe by fooody 伙食工業 @Au Pui Wan Street 坳背灣街
San Po Kong 新蒲崗
China Bright Production (Lee Hon Kong Kai) 耀華製作室(李漢港楷) @Eight Streets 八街
Kowloon City 九龍城 Kowloon City in Transformation: The Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail 躍變.龍城 ⸺ 九龍城主題步行徑
Kwun Tong 觀塘
HKALPS & VESSEL 香港藝土民間及發現號
The Quayside 海濱匯
Wan Chai 灣仔
7 Mallory Street 茂蘿街7號
White Do Lab 白做研究所 @Starstreet Precinct 星街小區
Chai Wan 柴灣 Youth Square 青年廣場
Design + Lifestyle Events
Curatorial Statement �展團隊的話
20/20 Vision – Finding Clarity in Uncertainty 20/20 視野 ── 危中見�•�變不�
Connecting the dots, to form a line; connecting the lines to create a plane; connecting the planes to create a space... We have always emphasised that the BODW C i t y Prog not onl y lis t s ou t v ar ious lo c al de sig n a c t i v i t ie s , m ore imp or t ant l y, t h e programme features a collaboration platform within the city, that connects local creativity, talent and design concepts, in order to build a creative ecos y s tem. Since it s inception in 2018 , our slim team has been ac ti vel y reaching out, visiting and taking an initiative to understand the dif ferent creative units, enterprises and communit y organisations in different districts of Hong Kong, and for these organisations to know us. Through our introduction and sharing of BODW CityProg, many of these organisations have since then joined as par tners, allowing us to have an increased understanding of who they are and what they do. We encourage them to collaborate, communicate, connect, create and form alliances with the other partners, working together to promote to the creative communi t y, b usin e s s e s an d in di v iduals , fostering design activities within their own communities. As a project that is still in its infancy, we are extremely grateful to our partners for their recognition, par ticipation and suppor t. In the first year, we engaged over 100 partners, nearly 200 the previous year, bringing more than 4 0 0 creative design ac tivities to the public. A s we were preparing for the third year of the BODW Cit yProg, the pandemic hit, disrupting our lives and shifted the global society.
B e c a u s e o f t h e p a n d em i c , w e h a d t o reconsider social distancing, adapt to the current situation and adjust to the pace of the industry and the city. “20/20 Vision ” is a term used to express normal visual acuity measured at a distance of 20 feet. Living in a world of eternal changes, it is essential for us to have a clear mind and see opportunity in the midst of a crisis, more importantly, being able to embrace the changes of the pandemic. We set the BODW CityProg theme as “20/20 Vision of Post-pandemic World ”, in hopes that under the instability of today ’s world, for everyone to use design thinking to solve problems and to step outside of the box and revisit problems using a different perspective. This will strengthen our resilience from the inside out, inspiring individuals to communities, from communities to the rest of the city, creating a more adaptable lifestyle and more clarity in your “20/20 Vision”. Dots, lines, planes, spaces, as we connect each independent piece, we can create entirely new things. This year ’s BODW CityProg, we have connec ted over 150 creative units, businesses and community organisations to create 17 “Anchor Site Festivals” over 1-3 days, 5 “ Design EduVATION ” that t arget s people from different age and backgrounds, over 100 “Satellite Events & Offers”, totalling to hosting over 200 creative design events. Additionally, we have also launched a mobileapp-powered urban exploration campaign “CityProg Design Scavenger Hunt“, extending the design experience to both on and offline. We look forward to connecting with you in the post-pandemic era, while maintaining social distancing, to face new challenges and creatively solving them together!
�繋⸺點�點�結�成為線;線�線�結� 成為面;面�面�結�成為�…… 我們一直強�「BODW 城�活動」不單單是一個 羅�本�各項大小設計活動的項目�更是一個 ��城眾�在�的�意�設計���人材�� 意生��繫�來的協作平台�自 2018 年首度 推出��我們的小小團隊便積��展�四出拜 訪�主動去�識�港各�不同�意單位�企� �社��構;介紹��明��享���……在 ���們加�成為「BODW 城�活動」的�伴同 ��我們�增加了對�們的了��亦因�我們 可�更�一步�推動�們去互相�識�溝�� 協���對��結�共��結盟;並且共同� 劃��促��意社群���和�眾互動交�� �動和�把設計紮根社�的活動� 作為一個�在�步�段的項目�我們十��� � 伴 們 的 � 同� 參 � 和 支 �� 在 � 去 兩 年� 我們由首年�動 100 �個�伴到去年�� 200 個� 已 為 大 眾 � 來 合 共 超 � 400 個 設 計 � 意 活 動� 就 在 去 年 年 末� 我 們 計 劃 � � � 三 年 「BODW 城�活動」的���一場�行�球疫 症�打亂了我們的生活常��改變�球社會的 �奏�
因 為 疫 �� 我 們 不 得 不 重 � � 視 人 和 人 的 � ���整生活��至是整個行�和城市的步伐� 視光學用語「20/20 視野」是�在 20 �尺��下 量度得出的正常視力;���刻���「變幻原 是永恆」的世界��心明眼��危中見���� 方向���擁抱「疫�轉�」尤為重��我們� 別為�年的「BODW 城�活動」設定主題 ⸺「� 疫��代的 20/20 視野」�期�大家�在�� 未知和不�定的�艱下��設計思維去剖析問 題�並從人的⾓度出發��跳出框框的�意方 式去�找��問題的辦法�增強應變力和抗� 力�由�至��個人到社��社�到城市�� 整至一個更�應��代挑戰的�式�一�找� 自己�佳的 20/20 視野� 點�線�面���每個獨立的個��繋�來� 就���出嶄�的事物��年「BODW 城�活 動」�繋了 150 �個�意單位�企��社�� 構��手打�了 17 個�續 1-3 天的「主��伴 場��意�」�5 個針對不同年��層的「�眾 社���項目」�� 100 個「衛星活動��惠」 ��合共 200 �個設計�意活動����我們 亦推出了大型智��城市�蹤�賞��「城� 設賞」��設計�驗�展到線上線下�我們期 ��你��繋�來�在�疫��代�在��社 交��之下�仍���看見面對同樣挑戰的彼 ��一��意�難!
20/20 Vision - Event Highlights 20/20 視野之活動推介
Under the theme of "20/20 Vision of Post-pandemic World", there are four types of vision aim to foster our design thinking and creative problem-solving spirit to boost the city’s agility and resilience in the post-pandemic era: 四個 「�疫��代的 20/20 視野」刺激�眾設計思維�發揮�意�難�神�引�大家於� 疫情�代增強應變力和抗�力:
Made in Hong Kong �港製�
The pandemic only plays one par t in our env ironment al changes. We li ve in a cit y that is constantly changing. Taking the reemergence of “ Made in Hong Kong ” as a reference, we can learn from local artisans and craftsman on how they adapt to change. 疫�只是眾�大環境轉變之中的一小部��我 們的城市一直在轉變當中��重���的「�港 製�」為參考�向本�工匠文�學�轉變和�應 的一課� Neighbour Maker openground P. 25 https://timable.com/event/1939187 Made in Hong Kong �港製� GLOs Cafe by fooody ��工� P. 33 - 34 https://timable.com/event/1946293 Bring the Music to Life FabCafe Hong Kong P.17 https://timable.com/event/1947167
Wellness and Sustainability �心健�
When facing uncertainty in the external environment , taking care of yourselves internally becomes even more important. Start with designing your own lives by learning about what a healthy diet consists of, possible health threats and mental health, and how these affect us. How can we use design to help us adjust to the new pace of life? 面對�在環境的不確定��澱�在變得尤其重 ��從設計自�生命出發�了�����病和 �心�健��何影響我們的生活�設計又是� 何幫助我們找到�的�應步伐� Design Your Life White Do Lab 白做研�所
P.18 https://timable.com/event/1946282 Dementia Hong Kong: Co-creation Showcase II ���港 : 設計物語 二 Enable Foundation �民�社
P.12 https://timable.com/event/1950151 Fountain of Hygiene Haw Par Music �豹�團 , Bompas & Parr https://timable.com/event/1948986
Placemaking �方��
Regardless of social distancing, people will alway s be inseparable from the outdoor environment. The Placemaking project hopes to stimulate the general public ’ s imagination of what public spaces can be used for, while exploring various possibilities of reshaping the future community. 不論人�人之間�何隔��人�終�不開�� 在�間的關���方��項目刺激大家對�共 �間的想���討未來社�重�的各種可�性� 2020 Design Competition 2020 社會房屋公共空間設計�賽
AIA Hong Kong, RIBA Hong Kong and Light Be �國建�師學會�港�會� �國皇家建�師協會 ( �港 ) ���光 P.15 https://timable.com/event/1950150
The Discovery of Design Arts among Kwun Tong Business District 發現�塘�貿�中的設計��
HKALPS & VESSEL �港�土民間�發現�
P. 29 https://timable.com/event/1950146
Neighbourhood Commons@Wanchai 共享�里�間 @ 灣仔 Architecture Commons Limited https://timable.com/event/1945520
Business as a Force for Social Good 社會責�
In the face of changes in the current environment, the s treng th of one person may not be sufficient. We work with different organisations to promote corporate innovation through design thinking, designing for the community. 面對大環境的轉變�一人之力未必足��我們 �同不同的企���設計思維推動企���之 ��更為社會設計� Old VS New, Finding Treasures in San Po Kong �知 • �� • �找�失的��崗 China Bright Production ��製作室 P. 35 -36 https://timable.com/event/1944581 Feel the Motion Accelerator Workshops Feel the Motion �意�學工作坊 SINO Group 信和�團 , eMotion Lab https://timable.com/event/1943456 Design Lab Series 設計實驗室 Apple HK https://timable.com/event/1872063
CityProg Design Scavenger Hunt Redemption Programme 「城區設賞」獎賞計劃 Instant Coupons and Rewards
Campaign & Redemption Period 活動及換領日期
Rewards. Take away 600+ Special AirPods Pro if you can!
13/11/2020 – 20/12/2020
份驚喜獎賞等住你, 仲有機會贏走AirPods Pro!
This campaign is fully supported by Think of a Style and SCANNOW. 此活動由賞想及SCANNOW全力支持。
Discover more about CityProg Design Scavenger Hunt 了解更多關於「城區設賞」
Check-in: Hidden IG Hotspots in the Community
Play: Design Lifestyle Events
Eat: Dine Specials at Great Deals
Explore: Secret Charm of Local Design Districts
Weekly Highlights 每週精選
all around city. 80+ Checkpoints There is always one nearby! 全城「掃」點,區區設賞, 總有一個在附近!
Scan SCANNOW QR code at every checkpoint. Redeem your favourite rewards and enjoy special offers by instant coupons.
掃描每個「掃」點外的SCANNOW QR code以換取心愛獎賞。 出示優惠憑證,更可享受即時優惠。
Your Scan Point 積分紀錄
Check out instant coupons and redeemable prizes 查看各種即時優惠和儲分獎品
Download and Start Your Urban Exploration! 立即下載,開始尋賞旅程! ・1 Scan point at each checkpoint 1分1「掃」點
・Gifts must be redeemed at designated location while stocks last 禮品須於指定地點換領,換完即止
* Terms and conditions apply. For details, please visit “Think of a Style” website. 優惠須受有關條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱「賞想」網頁。
80+ Hottest Design Lifestyle Checkpoints
Hong Kong Island 白做研究所
1963 木十豆寸
童窯陶瓷設計工作室 #HAPi
FabCafe Hong Kong Frantźen's Kitchen Squarestreet KAFFE 卅間
513 Paint Shop 骨子裡 阿啡
鄰里 (香港仔分店) 天上遊雲
鄰里 (鴨脷洲分店) Milk Design 青年廣場
灣仔灣仔道110號中匯大樓2樓 上環普仁街4號
上環普仁街11號地下2-4號舖 上環新街10號
上環差館上街11號地舖 上環四方街15號地舖 中環中和里6號
中環鴨巴甸街35號元創方A座S513室 西半山般咸道38號地下2B號舖
堅尼地城厚和街19號地下3號舖 香港仔香港仔大道116號
香港仔香港仔大道223號利群商場地下2號 黃竹坑黃竹坑道33-35號創協坊12樓02室 鴨脷洲利枝道145號金發大廈地下I 舖 柴灣祥利街18號祥達中心5樓503室 柴灣柴灣道238號
Kowloon 物器堂
Aurora Leathercraft
openground 兄弟皮藝
旲視聽實驗室 店小二小店
The Gentry Barbershop 來自瑞典的肉丸先生 得記良品
Wontonmeen 九鳥蛙古董館
Crossfire Arena 泥塵記
深水埗大南街189號 深水埗大南街198號
深水埗汝州街48-56號萬邦大廈地下 深水埗汝州街135號
深水埗黃竹街1D號金寧大厦地下 深水埗黃竹街15號
深水埗基隆街105號 深水埗基隆街142號
深水埗荔枝角道135 號
荔枝角長順街15號D2 Place二期118號舖
荔枝角長順街15號D2 Place二期306 - 308號舖 荔枝角青山道682號潮流工貿中心12樓1205室
Kowloon 賽馬會創意藝術中心
1a 空間
書送快樂 ︳蒲書館
耀華製作室 (李漢港楷) 創意敲擊樂
石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心8樓805室 土瓜灣下鄉道95-97號安樂工廠大廈C座9樓全層 土瓜灣北帝街10-16號1樓
土瓜灣旭日街1A號福成工業大廈12樓1205室 土瓜灣馬頭角道63號牛棚藝術村2號室 土瓜灣馬頭角道63號牛棚藝術村8號室
土瓜灣馬頭角道63號牛棚藝術村14號室 土瓜灣鴻福街16號地下
土瓜灣譚公道115號運通大廈地下5號舖 新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈19A室
新蒲崗六合街8號六合工業大廈23樓D室R01室 新蒲崗七寶街7號利中工業大廈5樓A2室
大角咀福全街66-68號福全工廠大廈A座8樓805室 尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行5樓523室
Swedish Winter 2020 - Congrats Pippi! 尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號香港文化中心大堂展覽場地E3 本 書店
無用生活 @上海街分號
忙忘工作室 門神啤酒 發現號
The Wave 後欄打金 小時光
H House - Health & Lifestyle Store 古道具公園 美樂照相館
Swish Pizza
旺角618上海街地下G04C舖 油麻地砵蘭街68號
觀塘成業街16號怡生工業中心B座1樓B27室 觀塘成業街18號新怡生大廈2樓A 觀塘海濱道90號
觀塘開源道62號駱駝漆大廈1座10樓C02室 觀塘興業街4號10樓
觀塘興業街18號美興工業大廈A座1樓C室 觀塘鴻圖道60號鴻福工廠大廈10樓B2室 觀塘鴻圖道60號鴻福工廠大廈10樓B2室 觀塘觀塘道328號1樓
觀塘觀塘道396號毅力工業中心5樓M室 九龍灣展貿徑1號
New Territories LabTV Mille-Feuille Fashion Select Store 唧唧 zik² ‒ 毛線編織手作
香港青年協會荃灣青年空間 Treasures of Q
KC100藝術空間 SBDW Longboard Shop Studio Caffeine
非洲鼓樂舞蹈學院 伙食工業 二次坊
荃灣沙咀道40-50號榮豐工業大廈2502D室 荃灣海盛路28號祈德尊新邨商業中心2樓
葵涌大連排道144號金豐工業大廈2座17樓T室 葵涌葵昌路100號
火炭坳背灣街12-14號金豪工業大廈一座12樓U室 火炭坳背灣街24號金豪工業大廈1期B02室 火炭坳背灣街30-32號華耀工業中心409室
火炭坳背灣街57-59號利達工業中心地下3號 大埔圍頭村輋地添恩園
Design EduVation �眾社���項目
E 1
Dementia Hong Kong Co-Creation Showcase II ���港 設計物語 二 Enable Foundation �民�社
Dementia is a broad categor y of brain diseases that cause a long-term effects and of ten decrease in cognitive abilities. Can designers initiate a more inclusive and cultural approach towards the topic, hence advocate new cross-generation and cross-disciplinary co-creation models? Enable Foundation, a non-profit social design collective, start the design research to engage designers from Hong Kong and overseas, students and social exper t s, to inves tigate into the ever yday challenges of people living with dementia and their carers through dif ferent co-creation tools. The programme will present a series of new “ Dementia Things ” protot ypes, and
”OK” Dementia ��「�」生活
5/12/2020 - 15/12/2020 10:00am - 7:00pm 5 Wing Sing Ln, Yau Ma Tei 油��永星里 5 ��下 23/1/2021 - 1/2/2021 10:00am - 7:00pm Shop A, B & C, G/F, Grandview Garden, 18 Bridges St, Central 中環必�者士街 18 �雍�臺�下 ABC 舖
Dementia Things Co-Creation Mini Workshop 1 ��物件共��作坊 1 ⸺��物�
5/12/2020 1/2/2021
explore further how co-creation process can inspire ever yone to be open-minded and creative in our future super ageing society. ���症 / �知障�症�是�種�部功�衰� �病的�稱;設計師�否從共融文�⾓度�找 出�的跨代跨界別合作�式?�牟利社會設計 �構�民�社�年開展「��設計」���二 部曲��同本���國設計師�設計學生和社 福專家��構��� �不同的共�工具�了� ���人士的生活細項和難度�並提��的設 計方向�是�活動��大眾參�共����從 中�會��力�包容性對未來��社會的重� 性�
Dementia Things Co-Creation Mini Workshop 2 ��物件共��作坊 2⸺ Co-Creation Idea Tank 工作坊 5/12/2020 - 15/12/2020 10:00am - 7:00pm 5 Wing Sing Ln, Yau Ma Tei 油��永星里 5 ��下 23/1/2021 - 1/2/2021 10:00am - 7:00pm Shop A, B & C, G/F, Grandview Garden, 18 Bridges St, Central 中環必�者士街 18 �雍�臺�下 ABC 舖
5/12/2020 - 15/12/2020 10:00am - 7:00pm 5 Wing Sing Ln, Yau Ma Tei 油��永星里 5 ��下 23/1/2021 - 1/2/2021 10:00am - 7:00pm Shop A, B & C, G/F, Grandview Garden, 18 Bridges St, Central 中環必�者士街 18 �雍�臺�下 ABC 舖
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: www.enable.org.hk
FB: @enablefoundation
E 2
THY LAB �視�實驗室
135 Yu Chau St, Sham Shui Po �水埗��街 135 �
The faster our city develops, the easier we forget how it became what it is. That is why the memories of the city's historic trajectory only get more and more valuable and important. This year, THY LAB organises the DEEP MEMORY PIER project to create a series of visual works using old photos collected from local and ethnic minority residents in Sham Shui Po. These collective memories will be showcased in a street exhibition mounted in an alleyway in the district and screened in memory-evoking T V in local shops to stimulate thoughts and discussions about future-oriented urban and public space design. In addition, THY LAB will launch the screening of “ Boat People”, “ Miss Hong Kong ” and “ Hands Over the City ” in Vietnamese and Punjabi local hubs to shine a spotlight on ethnic minorities and tell their untold stories, as well as to encourage the general public to take a few more steps to participate in the social circles of the others by understanding their cultures and making friends with them in-person.
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
城市發展的�度越��我們就越容易���� 的社會�景�其變�;因��城市發展軌跡的 記憶�越來越珍貴和重�� �視�實驗室�年為 BODW 城�活動�來了� 為「�水埗」(「埗」字又作碼頭)�收��水埗 少����街坊的�照�並製成記�城市和社 �生活變�的影��在當�的小巷設置街頭設 計展��在當�小店中的�視����的方式 向街坊�享城市的��記憶��發�討論面向 未來的城市��共關�設計� ����視�實驗室亦會在�水埗的越南�� 旁�普�(巴基斯坦和�度西�部)社群��� 點�放《投奔�海》�《�港小�》和《城市上� 的手》三�影��照�少���在�港�個大城 市中的�影�並��繫當�的少���之�� 鼓�大眾走�其��群的生活��了�少�� �所參�的�水埗社���至���識�們�
FB: @ThyAudiovisualLab
Screening: Boat People (1982) 影�放�:投奔�海 (1982) 29/11/2020 4:00pm - 8:00pm PHO DEM Restaurant 賢記�� 72C Nam Cheong St, Sham Shui Po �水埗南昌街 72C �
Exhibition: Hong Kong Time Machine 展�:�港�光� 9/1/2021 - 22/1/2021 4:00pm - 10:00pm THY LAB �視�實驗室
Screening: Miss Hong Kong (1979) 影�放�:�港小� (1979)
1/12/2020 8:00pm Sher-E-Punjab Restaurant Sher-E-Punjab �� 2R Shek Kip Mei St, Sham Shui Po (near Shek Kip Mei St Rest Garden) �水埗石硤尾街 2R � ( �石硤尾街休��� )
Screening: Hands Over the City (1963) 影�放�:城市上�的手 (1963) 3/12/2020 7:00pm THY LAB �視�實驗室
Design Thinking Workshop (3 sessions) 設計思維工作坊 ( 共三� ) 9/1/2021 - 22/1/2021 10:00am - 1:00pm THY LAB �視�實驗室
Collaborators 協作單位 PHO DEM Restaurant 賢記�� / Sher-E-Punjab Restaurant Sher-E-Punjab �� Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
FB: @ThyAudiovisualLab
E 3
2020 Design Competition Communal Design for Affordable Housing 社會�屋�共�間設計�賽
AIA Hong Kong, RIBA Hong Kong and Light Be �國建�師學會�港�會� �國皇家建�師協會 ( �港 ) ���光 AIA Hong Kong and RIBA Hong Kong partner with Light Be, the f irst social housing enterprise in Hong Kong, to organise “2020 D esig n Comp et i t ion - Communal D esig n for Af fordable Housing ”. It motivates local architec t s and designers to bring design into social housing , improve and pioneer sustainable design for the housing varieties so that families in temporary poverty can have stronger upward social mobility. In addition to the urban design public symposium, they will organise workshops with a Tsuen Wan youth centre to educate the district's students how design can improve public spaces and fulfil social needs.
�國建 �師 學會�港�會�同�國皇家建� 師協會 ( �港 )��拍�港首個社�企⸺� �光�合辦��劃「社會�屋�共�間設計� 賽」�鼓�本�建�師�設計師�設計的力量 ��社會�屋�改��開拓可�續的社會�屋 設計�促�短�戶的社會向上�動性���� 除了開放給�眾參�的城市設計討論會�大會 亦��了工作坊�並��灣�的�年中心合 作���當�學生�討�了�設計�何改�� 共�間��足社����
2020 Design Competition Symposium 2020 設計�賽研討會
14/12/2020 7:00pm - 9:00pm Online Event �上活動
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
“Design and Space”Workshops 「設計��間」工作坊 17/12/2020 6:00pm - 8:00pm Online Event �上活動
Collaborators 協作單位 Arup / HKFYG Tsuen Wan Youth S.P.O.T 香港青年協會荃灣青年空間 / The Mills 南豐紗廠 W: www.aiahk.org
FB: @aiahkchapter
E 4
Gwaden ��部屋
2x2 STUDIO 二�坊
Amazing Land, Che Tei, Wai Tau Tsuen, Tai Po 大埔圍頭村輋� 添恩� Collaborating with Amazing Land, a Christian Union practising farming for evangelisation in Lam Tsuen, Tai Po, 2 x 2 STUDIO starts the project “ Gwaden ” with the land support by A mazing L and. From planting melon and gourd for appre ciat ion , to res earch and study in cultivation. The project will explore d i f f e re n t c u l t u re s o f m e l o n a n d g o u r d , together with tie-dye, bamboo craft, pickle m a k i n g a n d sh o p n a ke d co n ce p t a s t h e starting point of introducing the new living culture. The ultimate goal of the programme is to promote “ Food Park , Urban-rural Interaction ” through BODW CityProg. Finding the new possibility of lifestyle in Tai Po where possesses geographical advantage, as well as developing a “ Food Park ” as the backyard of Hong Kong is something the studio would l i ke to co n t r i b u te u n d e r t h e p a n d e m i c .
Natural Dyeing Workshop �木�工作坊
R 28/11/2020, 5/12/2020 11:00am - 1:00pm Amazing Land 添恩�
While people relaxing oneself in this “ Cityb a c k y a r d ”, t h e y c a n k n o w m o re a b o u t the local farming industr y, environmental conser vation, food economic s and li v ing design. Let ’s deliberate the change of direc tion in social and communit y design under the pandemic. 是�「��部屋」項目由二�坊�位於大埔林 村的基督徒團�⸺添恩�合作�辦���種 ���作研��開發不同的�文����中亦 會加�扎��竹工�����祼賣作切�點� ��推�「�物���城鄉互動」的���同 ��二�坊亦希���是�項目�在大埔�個 ��元又具�理��的��中�找疫�下的� 生活�式�並打�一個�物���讓大家�� 放�之��亦加�對本����環境���� 材經濟�生活設計的了��一�思考在疫症下 社會設計的轉向�
Local Bees Industry Development Talk 本�蜂�講座
Tai Po Guided Tour 大埔�賞團
Pickles Making Workshop 漬物�製工作坊
R 28/11/2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm Amazing Land 添恩�
Ginger Candy Workshop ���工作坊
R 5/12/2020 1:30pm - 3:00pm Amazing Land 添恩�
6/12/2020 Online Event �上活動
22/12/2020 Online Event �上活動
Collaborator 協作單位 Amazing Land 添恩� Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
FB: @Gwaden.hk
Photo by Mao Yamamoto
E 5
Bring the Music to Life
FabCafe Hong Kong
G/F, 10 New St, Sheung Wan 上環�街 10 ��下
Our planet continues to suffer from unsustainable global consumption and lack of recycling. At the same time, Hong Kong is currently facing very difficult and depressing times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Is it possible to promote sustainable recycling while also bringing music and smiles to the people? FabCafe Hong Kong and Elec tronicos Fantas ticos are launching a new local community of music and maker enthusiasts who will create musical instruments f rom rec ycled elec tr ic al appliances. T he collaboration will create enter taining and thought-provoking experiences for designers, hackers, musicians, and the general public, bringing music and joy while being eco-friendly.
REVIVE – From Old Electronics to Musical Instruments 再生�子產品�器展�
4/12/2020 - 11/12/2020 Mon - Fri 星期一至五︰ 8:30am - 5:00pm Sat - Sun 星期六至日︰ 9:00am - 6:00pm FabCafe Hong Kong
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
我們的�球一直受到不可�續的�費�式影 響����乏完��環回收方�的困���� 生枝的是�疫�肆��整個城巿�乎被不�和 負面的���罩��我們�否在推動�環再� 同��音�����給�港人�? FabCafe Hong Kong � Electronicos Fantasticos 合作建立一個��團��希���一眾對音� ��環回收�興�的人士��廢��子產品再 �成�子�器�為設計師�音�人�大眾�來 不一樣的���驗�一�推�環��一��� ��!
Design Thinking Ideathon: Hacking the Barcoder and Exploring New Sounds 設計思維工作坊:從�子�碼器發掘��音 20/2/2021 - 21/2/2021 10:00am - 6:00pm FabCafe Hong Kong
Collaborator 協作單位 Electronicos Fantasticos W: www.fabcafe.com/hk
FB: @fabcafehk
Anchor Site Festivals 主��伴場��意�
Design Your Life
Shop B, 1 Sun St, Wan Chai 灣仔日街 1 � B
White Do Lab 白做研�所 Everybody is facing a tough time nowadays.
It might be difficult but worth trying. Through these activities, White Do Lab is going to explore the insights from FOOD, to suggest how FOOD can change your life. Via the sharing, workshops and outdoor installation, White Do Lab aims at inspiring people that mental wellness is as vital as our physical health. “Food of Enlightenment Installation” 「��之果」�室�驗展� 28/11/2020 - 6/12/2020 Tue - Sun 星期二至日︰ 1:00pm - 8:00pm White Do Lab 白做研�所
白做研�所�一個小小的�想�希�大家可� 得到�發�走出「�懼」並從中學����⾓度 �視自己的生活�從心出發設計自己的�生命� �可�很困難�但仍�值得大家��一試�
����物為主題的�享會�工作坊�戶�裝 置�活動�白做研�所希�可����眾從� 在的健���索到�在的����至真正的� 心���
“Food of Enlightenment”Sharing 「��之果」開��享會 28/11/2020 2:00pm - 3:00pm Online Event �上活動
Self Guided Tour 自助�賞�
“Nicecreaming”- Experiencing Your Senses “Nicecreaming” ⸺DIY ������工作坊 5/12/2020 12:00nn - 2:00pm White Do Lab 白做研�所
You are What You Eat Sharing You are What You Eat �享會 19/12/2020 2:00pm - 3:00pm Online Event �上活動
Collaborators 協作單位 A Note Laboratory / Blend & Grind / Deep Food �� / Edgar / Greenwoods 綠野林 / Kapok
28/11/2020, 5/12/2020 4:00pm - 5:00pm Starstreet Precinct 星街小� Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
�疫��代的�常�顛�了大家的日常生活� �境之中��何��心理和生理健�的平衡變 得越來越重��
FB: @whitedolab
White Do Lab has a little dream: inspire minds and enlighten lives. Encouraging people to step out from “ fear ”, designing one ’ s own life with different vision, fulfilling the mission of life.
The post-pandemic “ New Normal ” lifest yle brings tremendous changes to people ’s lives. In result, how we maintain mental and physical health balance in adversity become more and more important.
Play Lives �玩日日
Hong Kong Design Centre - Design Spectrum �港設計中心⸺設計光譜
3/F, 7 Mallory St, Wan Chai 灣仔��街 7 � 3 �
灣仔 WC
Play is a powerful human instinct driving children an d a dul t s to e x p lore t h e wor l d , ha ve f un , enjoy life-long curiosity, acquire new skills, and construct meaning. In February 2021, Design Spectrum will stage a design exhibition themed PLAY LIVES. Curators Rémi Leclerc, founder of PolyPlay Lab, and Lee Chi Wing, founder and design director of Milk Design, will demonstrate the relevance of play to people ’ s lives and how play can be designed from a five-step narrative. A series of ‘ playshops ’ will be organised from O c t o b e r 2 02 0 t o J a n u a r y 2 021 t o u n l e a s h par ticipant s ’ creativit y by of fering multid i m e n s i o n a l , r i c h l y p l a y f u l , a n d t h o u g h tprovoking experiences, helping par ticipant s explore play ’ s infinite possibilities in the weeks leading up to the exhibition in February.
30/4/2021 玩�是人��生俱來的天性��是推動大小朋友� 索世界�學��技��享受����足�奇心的� 效方�式� 「設計光譜」�於 2021 年 2 月推出��主題設計展 �「�玩日日」(PLAY LIVES)��得 PolyPlay Lab 負 責人 Rémi Leclerc � Milk Design �辦人�設計� �利志�先生���展人��別用�個層面展� 「玩」在日常生活中所�當的重�價值:何�「玩」� 怎樣「玩」��何「玩」出未來���大「玩」工作坊 製成品讓參�人士�於享受��的同���索玩� �何成就設計�生活中的種種�味� 為了讓參�者在來年 2 月的展��率先�驗「玩」的 層���度��元� 「設計光譜」�於�年 10 月至 來年 1 月�辦一���結「玩�」�「設計」的�� 工作坊�鼓�大眾��⾓度�索玩�的�限可�� ��了�玩��何刺激思維��會日日都��玩� ��力行���玩每一日!
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: www.designspectrum.hk
FB: @designspectrum.hk
Monster Transformation 怪獸大變� 21/11/2020 10:30am - 12:30pm 3/F, 7 Mallory Street ��街 7 � 3 �
Hackshop �玩具�裝�
20/12/2020 1:00pm - 6:00pm 3/F, 7 Mallory Street ��街 7 � 3 �
30/1/2021 2:00pm - 5:00pm 3/F, 7 Mallory Street ��街 7 � 3 �
31/10/2020, 1/11/2020 2:00pm - 4:00pm 3/F, 7 Mallory Street ��街 7 � 3 �
Balloon-powered Trash Racers �動廢物再�車
IDK Design Thinking Workshops: Designing through Play IDK 設計思維工作坊 :玩�設計
Exhibition: Play Lives 展�︰�玩日日 2/2021 - 4/2021 3/F, 7 Mallory Street ��街 7 � 3 �
DFA Awards Exhibition 2020 DFA 設計�展� 2020
27/11/2020 - 10/12/2020 Mon - Fri 星期一至五︰ 11:00am - 8:00pm Sat - Sun 星期六至日︰ 10:00am - 8:00pm 3/F Gallery, 7 Mallory Street ��街 7 � 3 �展��
Tangible Programming Workshop 實���工作坊 9/1/2021 9:00am - 12:00nn 3/F, 7 Mallory Street ��街 7 � 3 �
Flipping the Town, Upside Down 玩轉灣仔 16/1/2021 1:00pm - 6:00pm 3/F, 7 Mallory Street ��街 7 � 3 �
A Whimsical Adventure Begins Stones, branches & leaves 大自�奇�出發 ⸺ 石頭�樹枝�樹�
Exhibition Venue 展�場�
23/1/2021 2:00pm - 5:00pm 3/F, 7 Mallory Street ��街 7 � 3 �
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: www.designspectrum.hk
FB: @designspectrum.hk
Design Tsuen Wan 設計���
HKFYG Tsuen Wan Youth S.P.O.T. �港�年協會�灣�年�間 2/F, Commercial Complex, Clague Garden Estate, 28 Hoi Shing Rd, Tsuen Wan �灣海盛路 28 �祈德��邨��中心 2 �
為了推��灣�的在�文���繫當���灣� 年�間�「設計���」為題��辦一���元� 的設計活動�當中的「設計����賞團」由�年 �賞員��大家���灣�的��和傳�小店� �不同⾓度�識�灣社����� 「設計��� 工作坊」��了本�手作人���眾光影紙�� ���傳�手工���驗手作的���而「�� 設計裝置展�」則於��天�展�各式手作�� ���毛線�織��讓大眾憶��灣曾經是五� 六十年代的紡織之城�同場亦�年��畫家�惠 繪製的�灣����互動展�手法�鼓���人 士�用��力�想�力和設計思考�式發揮�意�
Design Tsuen Wan Cyanotype Workshop 設計•����工作坊
28/11/2020 12:00nn - 2:00pm HKFYG Tsuen Wan Youth S.P.O.T. �港�年協會�灣�年�間
Design Tsuen Wan Installation ��設計裝置
1/12/2020 - 7/12/2020 10:00am - 10:00pm Natural Walk A, G/F, Citywalk ��天��下自�長廊 A 1 Yeung Uk Rd, Tsuen Wan �灣楊屋� 1 �
Design Tsuen Wan Guided Tour (For primary and secondary students) 設計•���賞團 (��中�小學學生)
28/11/2020, 5/12/2020 2:30pm - 4:30pm Various locations in Tsuen Wan �灣��眾��點 / Online Event �上活動
Design Tsuen Wan Light Shadow Paper Carving Art Workshop 設計•��光影紙�工作坊 5/12/2020 12:00nn - 2:00pm HKFYG Tsuen Wan Youth S.P.O.T. �港�年協會�灣�年�間
Collaborators 協作單位 A studio x Yeung Chin / Citywalk ��天� / Ip Ka Wai, Alexis �家� / WAI WAI �惠 / 唧唧 zik² - 毛線�織手作
28/11/2020, 5/12/2020 2:30pm - 4:30pm Various locations in Tsuen Wan �灣��眾��點 / Online Event �上活動
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
Design Tsuen Wan Guided Tour (For public) 設計•���賞團 (�眾人士)
W: tw.hkfyg.org.hk
FB: @twspot
will depict a map of Tsuen Wan to encourage the neighbourhood to apply creativity with observation, imagination and design thinking spirits through interactive exhibition.
In order to promote the local culture of Tsuen Wan and connect the community, HKFYG Tsuen Wan Youth S.P.O.T. brings along a series of design events, naming the programme “ Design Tsuen Wan”. In the guided tour, teenage docents will bring participants to explore Tsuen Wan in a different way by visiting various landmarks and traditional stores. The programme also brings up the memories of Tsuen Wan as the “City of Textile ”, which was famous in the fifties and sixties, and showcases cyanotype and knitting in the “ Design Tsuen Wan Installation ”, which will take place in Citywalk. The public can participate in “ Design Tsuen Wan Workshop”, to learn traditional handicraft skills of light shadow paper carving art and cyanotype from local craftsmen. Wai Wai, a local emerging illustrator,
Yin Xiuzhen & Song Dong, Sky Patch, 2020 (Video still) 尹�珍�宋冬� 《補天》 �2020 ( ��截� )
CHAT’s Winter Programme 2020 CHAT 六廠冬�項目 2020
The Mills 南豐紗廠
45 Pak Tin Par St, Tsuen Wan �灣白田�街 45 �
�灣 TW
A n c h o r i n g to co n te m p o r a r y a r t , d e s i g n and heritage, CH AT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) strives to host distinctive and cross-disciplinar y exhibitions and colearning programmes to the general public, to explore new horizons of textile heritage and contemporary arts. C H AT i s p l e a s e d t o l a u n c h t h e W i n t e r Programme, including Yin Xiuzhen: Sky Patch, the first solo institutional presentation of artist Yin Xiuzhen in Hong Kong, as well as sharing, curator tour and public participation, providing heartwarming and thought-evoking experience for visitors.
Yin Xiuzhen: Sky Patch 尹�珍:補天
31/10/2020 - 28/2/2021 11:00am - 7:00pm (Closed on Tue �星期二休�) CHAT CHAT 六廠
Public Participation: Sky Patch・In Transit �眾參�項目: 「補天・中轉站」 31/10/2020, 1/11/2020, 7/11/2020 2:00pm - 6:00pm CHAT CHAT 六廠
�當代���設計�傳�為中心�CHAT 六廠� 力�辦各�型獨�的跨界別展��共學計劃� 供市民大眾參���索紡織�史�當代��的 �視野� CHAT 六廠 ( 六廠紡織文���� ) 誠意推出 2020 冬�項目�一��的�彩活動�包括「尹�珍: 補天」��展���享會��展人�賞��眾參 � 項目�為 � 眾�來會心� ���發人 �省的 思考�
CHAT with Artist: Yin Xiuzhen ���家�天:尹�珍 31/10/2020 3:00pm - 4:30pm Online Event �上活動
Curator Tour of Yin Xiuzhen: Sky Patch 「尹�珍:補天」�展人�賞 7/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:30pm CHAT CHAT 六廠
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: www.mill6chat.org
FB: @mill6chat
WeWeave WeWeave �織生活�
The Mills 南豐紗廠
45 Pak Tin Par St, Tsuen Wan �灣白田�街 45 �
Music Performance 音�表演
O 5/12/2020
2:30pm - 3:00pm Serrini x per se 4:00pm - 4:30pm 鄧小巧 x 林家謙 Tang Siu Hau x Terrence Lam 6:00pm - 6:30pm �� Jing Wong Online Event �上活動
Music Performance 音�表演
O 6/12/2020
2:30pm - 3:00pm Kendy Suen 4:00pm - 4:30pm 林二汶 x �林� Eman Lam x Ng Lam Fung 6:00pm - 6:30pm SENZA A Cappella Online Event �上活動
Programme Enquiries �目�詢
W: www.themills.com.hk/event/we-weave/
Online Market �上市�
5/12/2020 - 13/12/2020 Online Event �上活動
Immersive Theatre �驗�場 O 《Living Up to HER》 6/12/2020 10:00pm - 11:00pm Online Event �上活動
FB: @themillshk
南豐紗廠的�年活動 WeWeave �織生活�會 於十二月�行��文��表演�市�於一��為 每個�港人注�文�的元素��織�世代的� 元�生活�
The Mills anniversary event titled “ WeWeave ” is a variety of programmes held in December featuring a range of contemporar y cultural per formances and experiences created by local ar tis t s to inspire and injec t cultural elements into each Hong Konger and foster an exchange of ideas.
Chinachem Group supports Art and Culture Activities ���團支����文�活動
Nina Mall 1 �心�場�場一期 �灣
8 Yeung Uk Rd, Tsuen Wan �灣楊屋� 8 �
Chinachem Group has been devoting effort in bringing positive impact to the community, which includes enriching people ’ s lives and promoting creativity through facilitating art and culture development. The Group renders its support for design and innovation-related activities, encouraging people ’s participation, thereby inspiring their interest in ar t and culture.
12/2020 � � � 團 � 力為 社 會 � 來 正 面影 響�包 括 � �推動���文�發展���意豐富市民的生 活��團準�了一���設計���相關的活 動�鼓�市民參��希�可��發大眾對�� 文�的興��
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢
W: www.chinachemgroup.com
FB: @chinacheminfo
Neighbour Maker
G/F, 198 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po �水埗大南街 198 ��下
Online Workshop (6 sessions) 線上工作坊 ( 共六� )
R 10/10/2020, 17/10/2020, O
24/10/2020, 31/10/2020, 7/11/2020, 14/11/2020 7:30pm - 9:30pm Online Event �上活動
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
是 � 項 目 � � 一 群 設 計 師 � �「Neighbour Maker」�一同發掘�水埗的�����並結合 街坊工��智��設計一件件�結�件供應� 街坊�求的日常生活用品�讓設計融�生活� 回�社����同��項目亦���研�水埗 �的店舖�口��史�拼合成一張原材��� (Material Map)�期�讓街坊�設計師從中一� ��的原材�店舖之��亦�了�更�它們� �的��故事�
Neighbour Maker Exhibition & Open Workshops Neighbour Maker 展���開工作坊
26/11/2020 - 13/12/2020 Tue - Sun 星期二至日︰12:00nn - 7:00pm openground
Collaborator 協作單位 The Misused �用論 W: www.openground.hk
FB: @opengroundhk
A group of designers are invited to become “ Neighbour Maker ”, to create a series of daily objects by studying the needs of neighbourhood and adopting the intelligence and skills from the locals, to showcase the connection between design and living. A Material Map is also created through exploring the shops and oral history of the neighbourhood. With the map, the locals and designers can have a glimpse of the shops selling raw materials and uncover the stories behind.
很�本��意工作者都喜�到�水埗�寶�那 裏不只是激發��的�方�更是不同材��� 件�工具�奇珍��的�中��
Sham Shui Po is a place full of treasure for us all, especially who work in creative industry. It is not only a place for finding materials, tools and all kinds of surprises but also a place for inspirations.
D2 Place’s Christmas Programme D2 Place ��主題活動 D2 Place ONE & TWO D2 Place 一期�二期 �水埗
9 Cheung Yee St, Lai Chi Kok �枝⾓長義街 9 �
15 Cheung Shun St, Lai Chi Kok �枝⾓長順街 15 �
For years, LAWSGROUP has been dedicating ef for t s and resources in promoting local c ul t ure an d c rea t i ve in dus t r ie s t hro ug h one of its retail and branding projects "D2 Place" (also known as "Designers' Dreams"), in which s tar tups and entrepreneurs are supported and groomed through the unique CS V (Creating Shared Value) concept and "Entrepreneurship Model". Apar t from “ Top 10 Ar tisans Award 2020 ” , D 2 Place is pleased to launch a series of C h r i s t m a s p r o g r a m m e s i n t h e W i n t e r,
羅氏�團一直�力推動本�文��意發展�� 年來���旗下�售�品�項目 D2 Place(亦� 「設計師之�想」 )實踐 「��共享價值」� 「初� ���式」計劃�支�初�企��步成長� 除了 「十大匠人�� 2020」��D2 Place �會在 �個冬天��一����主題活動�包括�� 活動�互動裝置��意市��天台音�會��大 家一�共度��!
D2 Place x Dreamcatcher Toy to the world Xmas mart D2 Place x �田捕手��市�
7/11/2020, 8/11/2020 12:00nn - 8:00pm The Space, 2/F, D2 Place ONE 一期 2 �
19/12/2020 - 27/12/2020 1:00pm - 8:00pm The Space, 2/F, D2 Place ONE 一期 2 �
LAICHI ONSEN D2 Place �湯物語⸺�の泉
D2 Place x White Market x Mr. LLH - HELLO 2021 D2 Place x 白紙市� x Mr.LLH⸺跨年市�!
28/11/2020 - 3/1/2021 12:00nn - 9:00pm (Closed on Mon �星期一休息 ) Rooftop Garden, D2 Place ONE 一期天台��
31/12/2020: 3:00pm - 9:00pm 1/1/2021 - 3/1/2021: 1:00pm - 8:00pm The Space, 2/F, D2 Place ONE 一期 2 �
LAICHI ONSEN D2 Place �湯物語⸺�の湯
28/11/2020 - 3/1/2021 12:00nn - 9:00pm (Closed on Mon �星期一休息 ) The Garage, G/F, D2 Place TWO 二期�下
including Snow y Garden, interaction game, creative markets and roof top music par t y, celebrating Christmas with everyone!
Top 10 Artisans Award 2020 十大匠人�� 2020
D2 Place x White Market: New Year's Eve Music Show D2 Place x 白紙市�:天台��跨年音�會 31/12/2020 9:00pm - 12:00am Online Event 網上活動
Programme Enquiries �目�詢
W: www.d2place.com
FB: @D2Place
JCCAC Handicraft Fair JCCAC 手作市�
JCCAC 賽馬會�意��中心
30 Pak Tin St, Shek Kip Mei 石硤尾白田街 30 �
28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 10:00am - 10:00pm L2-L8 Common Spaces & Blue Walls L2-L8 �共�間��牆
JCCAC Handicraft Fair JCCAC 手作市�
28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 1:00pm - 7:00pm Central Courtyard, L0 & L1 Galleries, Jockey Club Black Box Theatre 中�庭��L0 & L1 �廊�賽馬會黑盒�場
Designers and Artists Open Studio 開放工作室
JCCAC x MOViE MOViE Rooftop Cinema JCCAC x MOViE MOViE �天�影會 Faces Places《眼�相旅行 》 28/11/2020 7:30pm - 10:00pm Rooftop 天台
Local Indie Music Performances 獨立音�放�
Collaborators 協作單位 HITA / MOViE MOViE
Arts Demonstrations ����
Special Thanks �別鳴� Hung Sheung Yee, Shirley 孔尚儀 / Chan Chi Man 陳志文 / Zhang Junjie, Jake 張��
29/11/2020 2:30pm - 3:00pm
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm All floors of JCCAC 賽馬會�意��中心所��層
29/11/2020 4:00pm - 5:30pm L2 Terrace 平台
28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 1:00pm - 7:00pm All floors of JCCAC 賽馬會�意��中心所��層
28/11/2020 2:30pm - 4:00pm L2 Terrace 平台
Studio Guided Tours 工作室�賞團
W: www.jccac.org.hk
FB: @jccacpage
Showcases and Exhibitions 演出�展�
JCCAC 手作市�是「JCCAC ��� 2020 ︰�活」 的��活動�為本�百�位手作�人提供平台 展���售自家�作�為期兩天的市�不但是 城中手作人和�文��者的��點�更是一家 大細必到的活動��� JCCAC ��� 2020�市 �期間�一�串免費的�文活動�包括開放工 作室��賞團�������共�間展��� 天�影會和音�表演��讓大家�市���寶 之����對��和生活�更�的�會�
As the kick-off event of “ JCCAC Festival 2020 : Live Living ”, JCCAC Handicraft Fair provides a creative platform for over a hundred artisans and crafters from Hong Kong, to showcase their original handiworks and meet thousands of culture lovers. In line with JCCAC Festival 2020, a kaleidoscope of free public programmes including open s tudio, g uided tour s , ar t demonstrations, exhibitions, as well as rooftop screening and music performances, is hosted throughout the fun-filled weekend, introducing visitors to a holistic and artistic way of living.
Arts in Kowloon City ����城
Kowloon City in Transformation: The Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail
Information Centre �變•�城�驗� Shop No.5, G/F, Wan Tung Bldg, 115 Tam Kung Rd, To Kwa Wan 土�灣譚�� 115 ���大��下 5 �舖
As one of the traditional old districts, Kowloon City District is full of historical flavours. At the same time, it contains a unique art culture. D u r i n g t h i s f a l l - w i n te r, K o w l o o n C i t y i n Transformation gives you a taste of the charm of art and design, and brings you an artistic journey through a series of craft workshops.
Exhibition of Community Photography Competition Winning and Shortlisted Photos 「光影��城⸺社��影�賽」�圍�得�作品展 13/11/2020 - 19/12/2020 11:00am - 6:00pm Information Centre �變•�城�驗�
Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop 繪出和�九�城 28/11/2020 10:00am - 12:00nn 4/12/2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm Information Centre �變 • �城�驗�
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
作為傳���之一的九�城�����是�史 的味��同�亦��獨�的��文���個� 冬 � � 由 � 變� � 城 � 辦 的 一�� 手 � 工作 坊�一�來�驗設計���的韻味�來一趟� ��意的��旅��
Mosaic Candlestick Workshop 馬賽克�台工作坊 28/11/2020, 5/12/2020 2:30pm - 5:00pm Information Centre �變•�城�驗�
Mini Neon Workshop �下紅��影⸺�你�虹�工作坊 5/12/2020 10:00am - 12:30pm 11/12/2020 2:30pm - 5:00pm Information Centre �變•�城�驗�
FB: @Kowloon.City.Walking.Trail
The Discovery of Design Arts among Kwun Tong Business District 發現�塘�貿�中的設計��
HKALPS & VESSEL �港�土民間�發現� G/F, 90 Hoi Bun Rd, Kwun Tong �塘海濱� 90 ��下
“Silent Cartoon World”Exhibition Weekend Parent-child Exhibition Guided Tour and Creative Workshop 「寧�的卡�世界」展��末�子�賞��意工作坊 28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 2:00pm - 4:00pm Online Event �上活動
Silent Cartoon World – Commercial + Arts + Design=? Exhibition 「寧�的卡�世界」⸺�� + �� x 設計 = ? 展� 30/11/2020 - 6/12/2020 9:00am - 6:00pm VESSEL 02 發現� 02
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
「發現�塘�貿�中的設計��」�意��一方 面��賞團�出 「設計�何影響�塘�」 的面貌� 另一方面��晉�畫�設計師的展��出「生活 中的實用小設計」 �發現���到展���家唐 詠�合作�作為���意�的駐場��家��� 「設計」�「��」作為�作中心�再�用發現� 的戶��共�間�室��功�室��辦是�『 「寧 �的卡�世界」⸺�� + �� x 設計 = ? 』 展 ��展��意於平日�行�賞�希�讓附�的上 �一��於�重的工作中�得到舒緩;於�末亦 為家庭�社�人士設�賞團�提供一個可��識 設計���了��塘社�的�會� “Silent Cartoon World” Exhibition Lunch Guided Tour R 「寧�的卡�世界」午間�賞
2/12/2020, 4/12/2020 1:00pm - 2:00pm Online Event �上活動
“The Discovery of Design Arts among Kwun Tong Business District”Guided Tour R 「發現�塘�貿�中的設計��」�賞團
W: www.vessel.org.hk
9/1/2021 10:30am - 12:30pm, 2:30pm - 4:30pm Online Event �上活動
The Festival invites artist Apple Tang as the residential artist to host the "Cartoon World in Silent – Commercial + A r t s + Design=? Exhibition ”, with the main theme of "design" and "ar t ” , makes use of VESSEL's outdoor public spaces and indoor mul ti -f unc tion rooms. Guided tours will be held on weekday
and weekends for working population and family nearby, to rediscover art and design in Kwun Tong community.
The "The Discover y of Design Ar ts among K w u n To n g B u s i n e s s D i s t r i c t " C r e a t i v e Festival included guided tours to bring out “ how does design affect Kwun Tong district ”, and an exhibition of an emerging designer to showcase the prac tical design in daily necessities.
A Christmas of Sensory Delights
77 Hoi Bun Rd, Kwun Tong �塘海濱� 77 �
The Quayside 海濱匯
�塘 KT
T he Quay side is built with a harmonious vision in mind―one that stretches across environmental and human aspects. As a new generation lifestyle hub striving to redefine work-life balance, it not only demonstrates a model of Smart City, but also emphasises on sustainability among environmental, physical and mental health on its architecture design. It devotes to construct an effective, eco and people-friendly space for occupants, visitors and the Kowloon East Community. To e x p e r i e n c e t h e n e w v i b e i n f e s t i v e seasons with lifes t yle adventure, The Quayside prepared a series of happenings and gourmet delicacies at various dining outlet s. Having fes tive fun while taking a
fresh breath from bustle life in the city oasis by enjoying green garden, exchanges and embodying work-life balance spirit. 海濱匯 是 一 個 結 合工作 �間 ��元 活力的 社 ��其建�理�融合環境�人文�不但展現「智 �城市」���在設計上��重可� 續 發展和 �心健 �的���色元素��力為使 用者�租 戶�至九�東的居民構建出一個高效�環�而 健�的�間� 為��佳��海濱匯的��裝��限定活動� 為大家添上�日�����亦準�一���� 佳��讓 大家在都市��中� 裡�閒�享受 � ��共�間��現交��享和�心健�的��� �「���刻」轉�為��泉源�
Afternoon Tea Set Reward ��下午��賞
Christmas Special Menu ����
Christmas Decoration ��裝�
Wine Tasting Evening 品��驗
13/11/2020 - 10/12/2020 3/F, Podium Garden 3 �平台��
30/11/2020 - 3/1/2021 The Quayside 海濱匯
Green Christmas Reward �色���賞
1/12/2020 - 31/12/2020 The Quayside 海濱匯
R 20/1/2021, 27/1/2021 $
6:15pm - 7:15pm 1/F, Terrace 1 ����台
1/12/2020 - 10/12/2020 The Quayside 海濱匯 30
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: www.thequayside.com.hk
Design Taster 設計淺�
Hong Kong Community College �港專上學院
R 5/12/2020
2:00pm - 3:00pm Online Event �上活動
Stencil Typography Workshop 實驗字�工作坊 19/12/2020 2:00pm - 3:00pm Online Event �上活動
Design Exhibition 「設計淺�」學生作品展� 16/12/2020 - 15/1/2021 Online Event �上活動
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/BODW-Design-Taster
FB: @polyuhkccdesign
Guest Talk: TVC Production Process 嘉賓�話︰�視��製作��
「設計淺�」�在讓大眾�����交��思考 �製作�從中�驗設計的���了�它�本土 文�之間的緊密�繫�一���意活動包括展 ���享會�工作坊�� � �上平台�行�� �鼓�大眾�欣賞設計�培�設計思維�
“ Design Taster ” aims to invite the public to experience design and understand the close tie bet ween design and the local culture through seeing, talking, thinking and making. A kaleidoscope of creative activities including exhibition, guest talk and workshop are held online via dif ferent channels to encourage public par ticipation and fos ter design thinking.
K11’s Christmas Programme K11 ��主題活動
K11 Art Mall K11 購物��� 18 Hanoi Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀河�� 18 �
油尖旺 YTM
This winter, award-winning sculptor and toy designer Jason Freeny bring s anatomical deconstruc tions of iconic charac ters, including X XR AY Elmo from Sesame Street, X X R AY L u f f y f r o m O n e P i e c e a n d J a s o n Freeny's crossover with other artists, such as Dissected Hellyeah by MAMAFAKA, Dissected POPek by Whatshisname and, X XRAY Mousy Little by STAYREAL to K11 Art Mall. Here you will discover the unusual in the familiar, and the unconventional inside you.
R $
K11 OUTSIDE IN: Jason Freeny Asia XXRAY Experience Store K11 OUTSIDE IN: Jason Freeny Asia XXRAY �驗店 21/11/2020 - 28/2/2021 11:00am - 10:00pm chi K11 art space, B2/F & K11 Atrium, G/F B2 � chi ���間� K11 �下中庭
K11 X'mas Market
Every Sat & Sun �星期六至日︰ 5/12/2020 - 20/12/2020 Thu - Sun 星期四至日 ︰ 24/12/2020 - 27/12/2020 11:00am - 9:00pm 1/F & 2/F, K11 Art Mall K11 購物��� 1 �� 2 �
28/2/2021 � 個 冬 天� � � � � 家 � 玩 具 設 計 師 Jason Freeny � 剖 家 � 戶 曉 的 卡 � 人 物� 包 括 � � 街 XXRAY Elmo�XXRAY 海 賊 王 路 飛� � � Jason Freeny 和 其 � � � 家 合 作 的 ⾓ 色� 包 括 MAMAFAKA 的 Dissected HellYeah� What shisname 的 Dissec ted POPek � STAYREAL 的 XXRAY Mousy Little 都 � 於 K11 購物� ��登場��破格��視⾓「�視」熟 �的事物�發掘�在不一樣的自己!
MOVIE11 | Deconstructing Animation MOVIE11 | �構動畫 21/11/2020, 19/12/2020 2:00pm – 4:00pm Online Event �上活動
SALON11 - PLAY HARD LIKE A BOSS SALON11 ⸺「玩」出潮� 5/12/2020 2:00pm - 4:00pm K11 Art Mall K11 購物���
The D Project Pop-up The D Project 文�限定市� 21/11/2020 - 22/11/2020, 28/11/2020 - 29/11/2020 11:00am – 9:00pm 1/F, K11 Art Mall K11 購物��� 1 � 32
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: hk.k11.com
FB: @K11ArtMall
Made in Hong Kong �港製�
GLOs Cafe by fooody ��工�
Flt 3, G/F, Leader Ind Ctr, 57-59 Au Pui Wan St, Fo Tan ��坳�灣街 57-59 �利�工�中心�下 3 �
FT� / �崗 SPK
Hong Kong's industry sprouted in the early 2 0 t h c e n t u r y, a n d s o m e l o w - t e c h l i g h t industries emerged. Hong Kong's industr y entered its heyday in the 1970s. “ Made in Hong Kong ” became an internationally recognised brand. Although a large number of factories have moved north in recent years, Hong Kong serves as a base for decision-making, design and promotion. It remains unchanged and is exploring new directions for high-tech and creative industries. GLOs Cafe by fooody is not just a place for dining but also a place for cultural and creative happenings. Located in Fo Tan industrial district, fooody is passionate in promoting the industry and maker culture i n t h e co m m u n i t y. W i t h t h e go o d w i l l o f introducing local makers to audiences through a series of even t s , fo o o d y w o ul d like to explore the new identity and possibilities of re-developing the brand of “ Made in Hong Kong ” in the post-pandemic era and at the best, bringing inspirations for emerging local makers, designers, manufacturers and the whole industry.
�港工�於 20 世紀初����技�的輕工� �現�並於 1970 年代���盛期�而「�港 製�」更成為了國��可的品��雖�大量工 廠現已���但�港作為���設計和推�的 基�依�未變��年亦開��索高�技�和� 意產�的�路向� ��工�不但是一間��� �是推�本��意和文�的攪手�作為��工 ��的其中一員���工�對推���的�意 工�尤�興��希�����活動�讓大家� 識當�不同的本�匠人��討在�疫�的�� 代下��港工�的位置和「再發展」的可�性� 為�興的匠人�設計師�製��和整個行�提 供���
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
FB: @gloscafe.fooody
�� FT� / �崗 SPK
Made in Hong Kong: Guided Tour Online Launch �港工��開�
Flea Market �港工�市場
28/11/2020, 7/12/2020 12:00am Online Event �上活動
1/2021 GLOs Cafe by fooody ��工�
Made in Hong Kong: Guided Tour & Workshop �港工����港工�工作坊
Talk 2: Hong Kong Workshop 討論會 2 :�港工�
1/2021 Various locations in Fo Tan District ����眾��點
1/2021 GLOs Cafe by fooody ��工�
Talk 1: The Value of Hong Kong Industrialisation 討論會 1 :�港工��的價值 1/2021 GLOs Cafe by fooody ��工�
Hong Kong Workshop / Demonstration �港工�工作坊 1/2021 GLOs Cafe by fooody ��工�
Collaborators 協作單位 Advanced Intelligence Management Limited 其子�限�司 / Bro Froza Company Limited 源生發展�限�司 / DOUBLE HAVEN / Herbaceous Teas 良�� / Hong Kong Children & Youth Services �港�少年服�� / OULAMII SOOJ African Drum & Dance Academy ��鼓��蹈學院 / SBDW Longboard Shop Hong Kong / Snowpeace Guitars / Studio Caffeine
Festival Band Show @Fooody ��工� Band SHOW! 1/2021 GLOs Cafe by fooody ��工�
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
FB: @gloscafe.fooody
Old VS New, Finding Treasures in San Po Kong �知•��•�找�失的��崗 China Bright Production ��製作室
Workshop C2, 4/F, Tai King Ind Bldg, 100 King Fuk St, San Po Kong ��崗景福街 100 �泰景工�大� 4 � C2 室
FT� / �崗 SPK
San Po Kong, as an old district which cannot be reached directly by MTR, is often forgotten. However, this district has been redeveloped over the years and the vibrancy is increasing gradually. During the transition, let China Bright Production takes everyone to reminisce the good old days in San Po Kong and also look forward to the changes in this place. Learning more about the manufacturing in San Po Kong under a series of events and discovering the cultural and creative groups which stationed in San Po Kong these years. The festival aims to strengthen the connection within the community, provides communication plat forms for new generations of the industry, and brings new opportunities and perspectives to merchants and manufacturers in this district. At the same time, participants can enjoy the warmness and friendliness of San Po Kong and get to know more about this community.
��崗作為一個�������未�直��常 常被人����而���在�年間不斷發展� 活 力 綿 綿� � � 交 � 之 間 交 織 了 許 � 人 和 故 事�就讓��製作室��大家重拾��崗的回 憶之��亦一�憧憬�個�方的變�� ��一��的活動�大家除了可�回憶當年� �崗的工廠�光���更可發掘�年�駐於� �崗的�興文�團��期�活動��讓社�之 間�更強的�結 ;社��的行�二代互相交 ��為同�的�戶�廠��來����視野� 同�亦讓參加者�受到��崗的人�味�更� 識�個小社��
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: www.chinabright4c2.com
FB: @leehonhk
$ O
R $
The Factory: Second Generation 廠二代�享會 8/1/2021 9:00pm - 10:30pm Online Event �上活動
R $
Pawn Shop Signboard Making Workshop 當舖招�製作工作坊 9/1/2021 4:00pm - 5:30pm Online Event �上活動
R $
Signboard and Font Guided Tour 招��字��賞團 20/2/2021 2:30pm - 4:00pm Various locations in San Po Kong ��崗��眾��點
San Po Kong City Hunt �別��之��崗 City Hunt
6/2/2021 - 7/2/2021 11:00am - 6:00pm The Factory Flt B, 2/F, Chin Fat Factory Bldg, 3 Tsat Po St, San Po Kong ��崗�寶街 3 ��發工廠大� 2 � B 室
FT� / �崗
16/12/2020 9:00pm – 10:00pm Online Event �上活動
Creative Weekend Bazaar 小型�文市�
San Po Kong Pawn Shop Signboard Tour ��崗當舖招�考�
21/2/2021 2:30pm - 4:30pm Various locations in San Po Kong ��崗��眾��點
Movie Sites Walking Tour @ San Po Kong �影場景�賞 @ ��崗 23/1/2021 2:30pm - 4:00pm Various locations in San Po Kong ��崗��眾��點
Stories Of Hong Kong Old Districts 港���講���講故事 24/1/2021 2:30pm - 4:00pm Online Event �上活動
Hong Kong People, Hong Kong Font Sharing �港人�港字�享會
O 30/1/2021
2:30pm - 4:00pm Online Event �上活動
San Po Kong Exhibition ��崗展�
30/1/2021 - 7/2/2021 Mon - Fri 星期一至五︰ 2:00pm - 6:00pm Sat - Sun 星期六至日︰ 11:00am - 6:00pm The Factory Flt B, 2/F, Chin Fat Factory Bldg, 3 Tsat Po St, San Po Kong ��崗�寶街 3 ��發工廠大� 2 � B 室 Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
Collaborators 協作單位 Adrianne Chan 陳建怡 / Anewtoys 再生玩具店 / Bleak House Books �明堂 / Eddie Yuen 阮�昌 / Eric Chan 陳毅力 / Film Pilgrimage �影朝� / Gary Yau 邱益彰 / Hide and seeK Tour ���港 / Hong Kong Old Textbooks �港�課本 / Jenny Lun 倫珍� / Kit Man 文�� / Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School �心林��中學 / Parfait Productions �溢製作 / Pen House 文� / Slash Nomads 東�三院�牧部�計劃 / Spicy Fish Cultural Production Ltd. 水煮魚文�製作�限�司 / The Factory / 大光�器行 / 子喬手作� / 南亞�品�司
W: www.chinabright4c2.com
FB: @leehonhk
10th Anniversary Exhibition 十�年展�
Youth Square �年�場 �灣
238 Chai Wan Rd, Chai Wan �灣� 238 �
CW� / 港仔 ABE
T h e Yo u t h S q ua re, w h i c h c a m e i n to f u l l operation in 2010 , is a youth development projec t of the Home Af fairs Bureau of the HK SAR Government, with an aim to be the hub of diversif ied youth development ac tivities for youngsters to develop their potentials . You th S quare has been co n d u c t i n g e v e n t s u n d e r t h re e t h e m e s – “ Music & Dance ” , “ A r t s & Cul ture ” an d “ Community Engagement ”. Approaching the 10 -year mark , You th Square will present t h e 10 t h A n n i v e r s a r y E x h i b i t i o n w i t h different concurrent events to showcase this milestone and provide more opportunities f o r y o u t h s to e xc h a n ge t h e i r i d e a s a n d explore every possibility of their potential.
13/12/2020 �年�場於 2010 年正式�用�為�港 �別行 政�政府民政事�局的�年發展項目��年� 場�力���年人的力量�結��港的�年發 展活動�讓�年人擁�一個理想的場��發展 ���一展所長��年�場自�用�來�別圍 繞三大主題⸺「音���蹈」� 「文����」 � 「社�參 � 」� 辦活 動�踏 � �十 年� � 之 ���會��十�年��展��一���祝活 動�讓�年�更��會交�相��一�發掘� 限可��
As a precaution due to escalated concerns regarding the Coronavirus outbreak, this programme will be cancelled. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. 有鑑於本港持續受新型冠狀病毒影響,為確保所有合作單位及參加者安全,原定的節目將會取消。 不便之處,敬請諒解。
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: www.youthsquare.hk
FB: @youthsquare
Imagine Aberdeen �港仔社�異想
The Warehouse Teenage Club ���少年中心
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
1995 年����少年中心�駐��港仔�署� 繼�了�個漁港社�的百年古蹟�在傳��� �之間���年�意人才�手合作��力�� �少年的�二個家�讓�們開拓�限�間�
是��意���同�年�意人才�一��用設 計��意為�港仔社��來�的活力�當�的 �年不但�自�劃社��賞團�讓�眾細�南 �人和事�更�回收物�打��� Go Kart 場 (木製高卡車)�把��的戶��方打�成社� 玩��間��意�期間更會�行工作坊讓大家 �自製作屬於�港仔�個人�味的�包�亦� �匠�享會鼓��眾動手為社會而設計�並� 用�意�社�素材�回收物��行���作� 推�可�續的生活常��
W: www.warehouse.org.hk
FB: @warehouseteenageclub
T h e Wareh o us e Te enage C lub s t r i ve s to channel teen energ y to reinv igorate the Aberdeen communit y with design and c re a t i v i t y. F o r C i t y P ro g , h o m e - g ro w n youngs ters will curate communit y guided tours to give us an insider's view of their district. They will also build a set of go-kart track s for wooden go - k ar t s in the club's outdoor space by using recycled materials, providing the community with a fun space. Besides, there will be work shops for participants to make scented sachets infused w i t h t heir p er s onali t ie s an d A b erde en' s charac ters, as well as to get a deeper
understanding of local recycling and to make art with community elements and recycled materials. Participants can also learn to take initiative to design for the society and make sustainability a part of our daily lives.
CW� / 港仔
T h e Wa re h o u s e Te e n a ge C l u b h a s b e e n located at the Old Aberdeen Police Station since 1995 . Dedicated to working with young creatives in between traditions and creations, The Club endeavors to build a second home for young people in which they can discover themselves in an unlimited space.
116 Aberdeen Main Rd, Aberdeen �港仔大� 116 �
�灣 CW� / 港仔 ABE R O
Community Guided Tour 社��賞團
28/11/2020 11:00am - 1:00pm The Warehouse Teenage Club and Various locations in Southern District ���少年中心�南��眾��點 5/12/2020 11:00am - 1:00pm Online Event �上活動
Precious Plastic at the Warehouse – Guest Sharing �匠���享 6/12/2020 11:00am - 12:30pm Online Event �上活動
Sachet-making Workshop ���驗 28/11/2020, 5/12/2020 2:00pm - 4:00pm The Warehouse Teenage Club ���少年中心
The Warehouse Go Kart Racecourse �� Go Kart 場
28/11/2020, 29/11/2020, 5/12/2020, 6/12/2020 2:00pm - 5:00pm The Warehouse Teenage Club ���少年中心
How does a Precious Plastic member do? �匠�驗 29/11/2020, 6/12/2020 2:00pm - 4:00pm The Warehouse Teenage Club ���少年中心
Programme Enquiries and Registration �目�詢�報�
W: www.warehouse.org.hk
FB: @warehouseteenageclub
More to Come! �彩活動�續更�! Check out BODW CityProg website now! 立即上 BODW 城�活動�頁了�更�詳� !
• 100 + Satellite Events All Around City �彩衛星活動 • 80+ Design & Lifestyle Hot Spots 設計生活�點 • 600+ Rewards �賞
Satellite Events 衛星活動
灣仔 Wan Chai
Neighbourhood Commons@Wanchai 共享�里�間 @ 灣仔
Architecture Commons Limited Ideation Workshop 構思方�工作坊 24/10/2020 1:00pm - 3:00pm Sau Wah Fong, Wan Chai 灣仔��坊
Prototype Workshop 原型製�工作坊 7/11/2020 1:00pm - 3:00pm Sun St, Wan Chai 灣仔日街
Co-creating Weekend (PRESENT - PLANTS SHOWCASE: Plants Sketching Workshop) 共��末 ( 現在⸺灣仔�栽 �卉展︰植物寫生工作坊 ) 14/11/2020, 29/11/2020 2:30pm - 4:30pm Sau Wa Fong & Dominion Garden, Wan Chai 灣仔��坊�東���
Co-creating Weekend (PRESENT - PLANTS SHOWCASE: Story Collecting Workshop) 共��末 ( 現在⸺灣仔�栽�卉展︰ 故事收�工作坊 ) 28/11/2020 1:00pm - 6:00pm Dominion Garden, Wan Chai 灣仔東���
Co-creating Weekend (PAST CO-CREATING EXHIBITION) 共��末 ( �去⸺共�展� ) 28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 10:00am - 5:00pm Li Chit St, Wan Chai 灣仔��街
Co-creating Weekend (FUTURE CO-CREATING WORKSHOP) 共��末 ( 未來⸺共�未來 工作坊 ) 28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 10:00am - 5:00pm Dominion Garden, Wan Chai 灣仔東���
Co-creating Weekend (PRESENT - NEIGHBOURHOOD STORYTELLING TOUR) 共��末 ( 現在⸺灣仔社�故事 �賞團 ) 28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 11:00am - 4:00pm Li Chit St, Wan Chai 灣仔��街
Co-creating Weekend (How might We Activate Spaces for Neighbour-friendly Activities?) 共��末 ( �何活用社��間 ) 29/11/2020 5:00pm - 6:00pm Kapok 8 Sun St, Wan Chai 灣仔日街 8 �
Smoothie Tasting �昔�驗
Blend & Grind 28/11/2020, 5/12/2020 4:00pm - 5:00pm Blend & Grind 1 Sun St, Wan Chai 灣仔日街 1 �
Zero Waste Sharing �廢��享 Edgar 28/11/2020, 5/12/2020 4:00pm - 5:00pm Edgar 5 Moon St, Wan Chai 灣仔月街 5 �
CBD Products Sharing CBD 產品�享 Kapok 28/11/2020, 5/12/2020 4:00pm - 5:00pm Kapok, 8 Sun St, Wan Chai 灣仔日街 8 �
Butterflies of Hope
Lee Tung Avenue 利東街 3/12/2020 - 10/1/2021 10:00am - 10:00pm Lee Tung Avenue 利東街 200 Queen's Rd East, Wan Chai 灣仔皇后大�東 200 �
"Fountain of Hygiene" Exhibition 「Fountain of Hygiene」展�
Bompas & Parr Studio Ltd., Haw Par Music Bompas & Parr Studio Ltd.� �豹�圃 20/1/2021 - 18/4/2021 Mon 星期一 : 2:00pm - 6:00pm Tue - Sun, Public Holidays 星期二至日 ��眾假期 : 10:00am - 6:00pm Haw Par Music �豹�圃 15A Tai Hang Rd, Tai Hang 大坑大坑� 15A �
�灣 Tsuen Wan
Neighbourhood Commons@Tsuen Wan 共享�里�間 @ �灣
Architecture Commons Limited Street Polling ��工作坊
8/11/2020: 3:00pm - 7:00pm 10/11/2020: 9:00am - 1:00pm 22/11/2020: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Various locations in Tsuen Wan �灣��眾��點
Ideation Workshop 構思方�工作坊 23/1/2021 11:00am - 2:00pm Nina Mall 1, Tsuen Wan �灣�心�場�場一期
Prototype Workshop 原型製�工作坊
30/1/2021, 31/1/2021, 6/2/2021 30/1/2021: 4:00pm-6:00pm 31/1/2021: PM 下午 Various locations in Tsuen Wan �灣��眾��點
Open Studio 工作室開放
Brands United Limited / LabTV 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 9:00am - 6:00pm IP Lab 5/F, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par St, Tsuen Wan �灣白田�街 45 �南豐紗廠 5 �
Pinkoi x SNOOPY X’mas Pop-up Store Pinkoi × SNOOPY ��主題店
Pinkoi 19/11/2020 - 5/1/2021 Mon - Fri 星期一至五 : 12:30pm 6:30pm Sat - Sun 星期六至日 : 12:00nn 7:00pm Pinkoi SPACE HK Pinkoi SPACE �港實�點 Shop 307, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par St, Tsuen Wan �灣白田�街 45 �南豐紗廠 307 �店
�水埗 Sham Shui Po "Bluey the Wanderer" Solo Exhibition by Clementine Chan 「�����」小�子個展 Bluey Maniac ��工作室 1/9/2020 - 30/11/2020 11:00am - 9:00pm Zaap Zok �作 Shop 105, 1/F, D2 Place ONE, 9 Cheung Yee St, Lai Chi Kok �枝⾓長義街 9 � D2 Place 一期 1 � 105 �舖
Eco-friendly Liquid Dish Wash Workshop 環�液�洗��工作坊 Ducky's Wellness 得記良品 1/11/2020 - 31/12/2020 11:00am - 7:00pm Ducky's Wellness 得記良品 G/F, 142 Ki Lung St, Sham Shui Po �水埗基隆街 142 ��下
Leathercraft Class 手�皮具�
Aurora Leathercraft Trading Co. 1/11/2020 - 6/12/2020 12:30pm - 6:30pm Aurora Workshop Aurora 工作室 G/F, 197 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po �水埗大南街 197 ��下
925 Silver Rings Workshop 925 純銀戒�工作坊 a little something 小意思 1/11/2020 - 1/12/2020 1:00pm - 5:00pm a little something 小意思 G/F, 180 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po �水埗大南街 180 ��下
Coffee Grounds Candle Workshop 咖����工作坊 Encompass HK 14/11/2020 10:00am - 12:30pm Cafe Sausalito 201 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po �水埗大南街 201 �
Japanese Tea Sharing �品�試��享
U+RooLee 20/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm U+RooLee G/F, Melbourne Bldg, 54 Yu Chau St, Sham Shui Po �水埗��街 54 ���大��下
Handbuild Coffee Mug Class 手作咖�杯�驗�
Mudheytong Gallery 物器堂 21/11/2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm, 5:00pm - 7:00pm Mudheytong Gallery 物器堂 175 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po �水埗大南街 175 �
Coffee Experience Journey 咖��驗�
U+RooLee 25/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:30pm U+RooLee G/F, Melbourne Bldg, 54 Yu Chau St, Sham Shui Po �水埗��街 54 ���大��下
JCCAC's Zhang-Zhe Sculpture Studio Open JCCAC 張哲��工作室⸺開放日 Zhang-Zhe Studio 28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 2:00pm - 6:00pm L8-05, JCCAC 賽馬會�意��中心 L8-05 室 30 Pak Tin St, Shek Kip Mei 石硤尾白田街 30 �
Leather Keychain Workshop 皮革�扣工作坊
Brothers Leathercraft 兄弟皮� 28/11/2020, 29/11/2020, 5/12/2020, 6/12/2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm Brothers Leathercraft 兄弟皮� 207-209 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po �水埗大南街 207-209 �
Hong Kong Style Milk Tea Introductory Class ��港式���門�
gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 6/12/2020, 13/12/2020, 20/12/2020, 27/12/2020 2:00pm - 3:30pm, 4:00pm - 5:30pm gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 G/F, 80 Apliu St, Sham Shui Po �水埗鴨寮街 80 ��下
Cake Making Workshop 甲乙丙蛋�製作工作坊 gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 12/12/2020, 19/12/2020 10:00am - 1:00pm gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 G/F, 80 Apliu St, Sham Shui Po �水埗鴨寮街 80 ��下
Handbuilding Class 手捏�驗
Lai Chan Kee ��記 12/12/2020, 27/12/2020 10:00am - 3:00pm Lai Chan Kee ��記 Unit 1205, 12/F, Trendy Ctr, 682 Castle Peak Rd, Lai Chi Kok �枝⾓�山� 682 �潮�工貿中心 12 � 1205 室
Mobile Phone Photography Class 甲乙丙手��影課�
gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 12/12/2020, 19/12/2020 2:00pm - 3:30pm, 4:00pm - 5:30pm gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 G/F, 80 Apliu St, Sham Shui Po �水埗鴨寮街 80 ��下
Wool Felt Workshop (X'mas Decorations) 羊毛氈手工� ( ���物 ) gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 13/12/2020 10:00am - 12:30pm gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 G/F, 80 Apliu St, Sham Shui Po �水埗鴨寮街 80 ��下
Eco Dyeing Workshop 天�植物��絲質圍巾工作坊 gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 20/12/2020, 27/12/2020 9:30am - 1:00pm gaap yuet bling 甲乙丙 G/F, 80 Apliu St, Sham Shui Po �水埗鴨寮街 80 ��下
"Traces of life" Exhibition 「生活痕跡」展�
Department of Communication Design and Digital Media, Hong Kong Design Institution �港知專設計學院傳意設計學� 25/2/2021 - 8/3/2021 12:00nn - 7:00pm Parallel Space 202 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po �水埗大南街 202 �
SSP_People �水埗人 _ 人
Hong Kong Design Centre �港設計中心 6/3/2021 - 21/3/2021 Various Public Space at Sham Shum Po �水埗��眾��共�間
Satellite Events 衛星活動
�涌 Kwai Chung Glass Bead Making Experience 毛����驗�
Treasures of Q 30/9/2020 - 31/12/2020 Mon - Fri 星期一至五 : 11:30am 6:30pm Sat 星期六 : 10:30am - 4:30pm Treasures of Q Flt T, 17/F, Blk 2, Goldfield Ind Bldg, 144 - 150 Tai Lin Pai Rd, Kwai Chung �涌大��� 144 �金豐工�大� 2 座 17 � T 室
Surging Traces Sculpting Dynamics IV - Raymond Pang Solo Exhibition 浪� �動 IV⸺彭金� 個展
KC100 Art Space KC100 ���間 27/11/2020 - 16/1/2021 Mon - Sat 星期一至六 : 9:00am - 7:00pm KC100 Art Space KC100 ���間 G/F, 100 Kwai Cheong Rd, Kwai Chung �涌�昌路 100 ��下
Breaking Out of Pupa First Solo Exhibition of Chan Ka Yi Carrie 「我是�樣長大的」陳家誼首� 個人畫展
Jackson Lee Arts Centre & Gallery 畫��港國��廊 13/1/2021 - 26/1/2021 Mon - Sat 星期一至六 : 12:30pm 6:30pm Jackson Lee Arts Centre & Gallery 畫��港國��廊 Unit 1601, K83, 83 Tai Lin Pai Rd, Kwai Hing �興大��� 83 � K83 1601 室
九�城 Kowloon City SAORI Tasting Workshop 紗織�驗工作坊
Collage DECO 亂世繪 1/10/2020 - 6/12/2020 Mon- Fri 星期一至五 : 2:00pm - 6:00pm Paradise of Cattle Depot 牛 2 天� Unit 2, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd, To Kwa Wan 土�灣馬頭⾓� 63 �牛棚��村 2 �室
"Post-Digital Materiality" Exhibition 「Post-Digital Materiality」展� 1a space 1a �間 7/11/2020 - 22/11/2020 11:00am - 7:00pm 1a space 1a �間 Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd, To Kwa Wan 土�灣馬頭⾓� 63 �牛棚��村 14 �室
Human Design Empowerment 101 - Introduction Talk & Workshop 生命易� 101 ︰�享會�工作坊 Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 8/11/2020 11:00am - 1:30pm Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 Rm 1205, 12/F, Fook Shing Ind Bldg, 1A Yuk Yat St, To Kwa Wan 土�灣旭日街 1A �福成工�大� 12 � 1205 室
Human Design Empowerment: "Dance with Fear" Workshop 生命易� X 直覺中心︰ 「Dance with Fear」工作坊 Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 8/11/2020 3:00pm - 6:00pm Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 Rm 1205, 12/F, Fook Shing Ind Bldg, 1A Yuk Yat St, To Kwa Wan 土�灣旭日街 1A �福成工�大� 12 � 1205 室
"Belong to Us and The Planet" Rubber Stamp Carving Workshop 「屬於我們��球的」�皮�章�刻 製作� Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 15/11/2020 10:00am - 1:00pm, 2:30pm - 5:30pm Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 Rm 1205, 12/F, Fook Shing Ind Bldg, 1A Yuk Yat St, To Kwa Wan 土�灣旭日街 1A �福成工�大� 12 � 1205 室
To Kwa Wan Community Tour under Redevelopment 土�灣重建社��賞
House of To Kwa Wan Stories 土�灣故事� 21/11/2020 2:00pm - 4:00pm House of To Kwa Wan Stories 土�灣故事� G/F, 16 Hung Fook St, To Kwa Wan 土�灣鴻福街 16 ��下
"Post-Digital Materiality" Curator-led Guided Tour 「Post-Digital Materiality」 �展人�賞團
1a space 1a �間 21/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:00pm 1a space 1a �間 Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd, To Kwa Wan 土�灣馬頭⾓� 63 �牛棚��村 14 �室
"Belong to You and Me" Mini Flower Plaque Crafting Workshop 「屬於你跟我的」�你��製作�驗 Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 22/11/2020 10:00am - 4:30pm Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 Rm 1205, 12/F, Fook Shing Ind Bldg 1A Yuk Yat St, To Kwa Wan 土�灣旭日街 1A �福成工�大� 12 � 1205 室
"re : view" Exhibition 「re : view」展�
jiksap �拾 27/11/2020 - 31/12/2020 11:00am - 7:00pm jiksap �拾 9/F, Blk A, On Lok Factory Bldg, 90 Kowloon City Rd, To Kwa Wan 土�灣九�城� 90 ���工廠大� A座9�
Open Studio & Guided Tours 工作室開放��賞
Making on Loft �在製� 27/11/2020 - 18/12/2020 Fri 星期五 : 4:00pm - 6:00pm Making on Loft �在製� 9/F, Blk C, On Lok Factory Bldg, 95-97 Ha Heung Rd, To Kwa Wan 土�灣下鄉� 95-97 ���工廠大� C座9�
"Infection Invader" Exhibition 「銀�!部��略者」展� 1a space 1a �間 10/12/2020 - 13/1/2021 11:00am - 7:00pm 1a space 1a �間 Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd, To Kwa Wan 土�灣馬頭⾓� 63 �牛棚��村 14 �室
��崗 San Po Kong
Moon & Planet's Lamp Workshop 月夜星願�工作坊
Make Centre 8/11/2020 2:00pm - 4:00pm Make Centre Flt 4B, Ka Wing Factory Bldg, 19-21 Ng Fong St, San Po Kong ��崗五�街 19-21 �嘉�工�大� 4B 室
Aphorism Globe Workshop 語句星球儀工作坊
Make Centre 8/11/2020 2:00pm - 4:00pm Make Centre Flt 4B, Ka Wing Factory Bldg, 19-21 Ng Fong St, San Po Kong ��崗五�街 19-21 �嘉�工�大� 4B 室
Open (A Book) Day ��書�日
Read-Cycling 書��� 28/11/2020 - 6/12/2020 10:00am - 7:00pm PPO Library �書� Rm A, 19/F, Success Ind Bldg, 17 Sheung Hei St, San Po Kong ��崗雙喜街 17 �富德工�大� 19 � A 室
Hand-build Chopstick Holder Workshop 手捏�子座工作坊
Useless Studio �用生活 28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 11:00am - 1:00pm Useless Studio (San Po Kong) �用生活 ( ��崗 ) Flt A2, 5/F, Lee Chung Ind Bldg, 7 Tsat Po St, San Po Kong ��崗�寶街 7 �利中工�大� 5 � A2 室
A Coffee Roaster’s Confession: From Coffee Beans to a Perfect Cup 咖���私�享 Read-Cycling 書��� 28/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:15pm PPO Library �書� Rm A, 19/F, Success Ind Bldg, 17 Sheung Hei St, San Po Kong ��崗雙喜街 17 �富德工�大� 19 � A 室
�塘 Kwun Tong Neon on Acrylic Workshop �你「�虹�」工作坊
Myosotis Flower ��工作室 23/9/2020 - 5/2/2021 10:00am - 10:00pm Myosotis Flower ��工作室 Rm B27, 1/F, Blk B, East Sun Industrial Ctr, 16 Shing Yip St, Kwun Tong �塘成�街 16 �怡生工�中心 B 座 1 � B27 室
AVA RPg 2020 – groundwork �港�會大學視覺��院研�式 研�生課�展� 2020⸺基礎 Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University �港�會大學視覺��院 29/10/2020 - 28/11/2020 11:00am - 6:00pm AVA Gallery, Kai Tak Campus, HKBU �德校��廊 51 Kwun Tong Rd, Kowloon Bay 九�灣�塘� 51 �
150 mins DIY Sterling Silver Jewellery Workshop 150 �鐘 DIY 純銀首�工作坊
Back Column Hit Gold �欄打金 1/11/2020 - 31/1/2021 11:00am - 9:00pm Back Column Hit Gold Studio �欄打金工作室 Rm C5B, 5/F, Wing Hing Ind Bldg, 14 Hing Yip St, Kwun Tong �塘興�街 14 �永興工�大� 5 � C5B 室
The Hong Kong Illustration and Creative Show 2020 �港�畫�文�展 2020 HKHands 28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 12:00nn - 8:00pm KITEC Rotunda 3 九�灣國�展貿中心 3 �展�� 1 Trademart Drive Garage, Kowloon Bay 九�灣展貿徑 1 �
The Journey of French Antique Exhibition 「法國古�之旅」展� Parc Antique & Lifestyle Parc 古�具�� 1/12/2020 - 31/12/2020 Wed - Sun 星期三至日 : 12:00nn 6:00pm Parc Antique & Lifestyle Parc 古�具�� Rm C02, 10/F, Blk 1, Camel Paint Bldg, 62 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kwun Tong �塘鴻�� 60 �鴻福工廠大� 10 � B2 室
�� Fo Tan Introduction of Longboard Freestyle Workshop Longboard 基本� Freestyle 技巧 交�・�學・試玩 SBDW Longboard Shop Hong Kong 28/11/2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm San Mei St Playground 山尾街��場 San Mei St, Fo Tan ��山尾街
�灣 Chai Wan Open Studio 工作室開放日
Milk Design Ltd. 27/11/2020, 28/11/2020 11:00am - 6:00pm Milk Design Studio Milk Design 工作室 Workshop 503, 5/F, Cheung Tat Ctr, 18 Cheung Lee St, Chai Wan �灣祥利街 18 �祥�中心 5 � 503 室
"Mokomo Forest" Exhibition 「毛���林」展�
Forest Round Round 在�林和圓嘢 30/11/2020 - 6/12/2020 Mon, Tue & Thu - Fri 星期一至二�四 至五 : 1:00pm - 8:00pm Sat - Sun 星期六至日 : 2:00pm - 7:00pm Forest Round Round 在�林和圓嘢 Rm C02, 10/F, Blk 1, Camel Paint Bldg, 62 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kwun Tong �塘開源� 62 �駱駝漆大� 1 座 10 � C02 室
Satellite Events 衛星活動
油尖旺 Yau Tsim Mong Herbarium Pen Workshop 植物�本�工作坊
M Flower Workshop 千日紅工作室 1/10/2020 - 31/12/2020 Mon, Wed & Sat 星期一�三�六 : 4:00pm, 7:00pm M Flower Workshop 千日紅工作室 Unit 2107, 21/F, Wealth Commercial Ctr, 48 Kwong Wa St, Mong Kok 旺⾓��街 48 ��發��中心 21 � 2107 室
Hobby Class - Stranger Things 自��鮮��束�
DAISYZOOM BOTANIC 12/10/2020 7:00pm - 9:30pm DAISYZOOM BOTANIC Shop 101B & C, 1/F, 618 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok 旺⾓ 618 上海街 1 � 101 � B � C 舖
Art Market ��
Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 15/10/2020 onwards � Thu - Sat 星期四至六 : 11:00am 7:30pm Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 68 Portland St, Yau Ma Tei 油��砵�街 68 �
In the Mood for Photo �樣年�懷�服�租借�驗 Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 15/10/2020 onwards � 10:00am - 7:00pm Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 68 Portland St, Yau Ma Tei 油��砵�街 68 �
Night Coffee Storyteller 故事夜�堂 Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 15/10/2020 onwards � By appointment �預約 Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 68 Portland St, Yau Ma Tei 油��砵�街 68 �
Multi-Sensory Tea / Coffee Brewing Art Experience 五��� / 咖�沖煮�驗 Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 15/10/2020 onwards � By appointment �預約 Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 68 Portland St, Yau Ma Tei 油��砵�街 68 �
"A Time for Picture Books" Exhibition 「繪本��」展�
kubrick 3/11/2020 - 30/12/2020 11:30am - 10:00pm kubrick Shop H2, Prosperous Gdn, 3 Public Square St, Yau Ma Tei 油��眾坊街 3 ��發�� H2 �舖
Creative Arts Workshop (Emotional Expression in Djembe and Dance/Movement Form) �意���緒出口�驗工作坊 ( ��鼓��蹈 / 動作 ) TripleBeat �意敲擊� 6/11/2020, 4/12/2020 7:15pm - 8:45pm 805 Studio 805 工作室 Rm 805, 8/F, Blk A, Fuk Tsun Factory Bldg, 66-68 Fuk Tsun St, Tai Kok Tsui 大⾓咀福�街 66-68 �福�工廠大� A 座 8 � 805 室
Play with Creativity Workshop �意玩�日工作坊
Artel �覺 15/11/2020, 13/12/2020, 10/1/2021 10:30am - 12:30pm, 2:00pm - 4:00pm I+Plus Development and Exchange Centre �才發展�交�中心 Rm 504, 5/F, MacPherson Place, 38 Nelson St, Mong Kok 旺⾓�路臣街 38 ���臣匯 5 � 504 室
Hand-build Chopstick Holder Workshop 手捏�子座工作坊
Useless Studio �用生活 28/11/2020, 29/11/2020 11:00am - 1:00pm Useless Studio (Mong Kok) �用生活 ( 旺⾓ ) Shop 105, 1/F, 618 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok 旺⾓上海街 618 � 1 � 105 �舖
Bucket Drumming Workshop �都敲��⸺水桶敲擊�驗 工作坊
TripleBeat �意敲擊� 28/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:30pm 805 Studio 805 工作室 Rm 805, 8/F, Blk A, Fuk Tsun Factory Bldg, 66-68 Fuk Tsun St, Tai Kok Tsui 大⾓咀福�街 66-68 �福�工廠大� A 座 8 � 805 室
中西� Central & Western District "IMAGINE THE 'IM'POSSIBILITIES: BAMBOO" 「�竹��」展� Crafts on Peel ��活� 26/9/2020 - 31/12/2020 Tue - Sat 星期二至六 : 11:00am 6:00pm Crafts on Peel ��活� 11 Peel St, Central 中環卑利街 11 �
DENIM REVAMP - Denim Painting X Clothes Upcycling 牛仔大翻� • 工作坊
513 Paint Shop 1/10/2020 - 31/1/2021 12:00nn - 2:00pm, 2:00pm - 4:00pm, 4:00pm - 6:00pm 513 Paint Shop S513, Blk A, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St, Central 中環鴨巴甸街 35 �元�方 A 座 S513 室
AVA Studio Jewellery - Jewellery works from HKBU Academy of Visual Arts 2020 �會大學視覺��院當代手作 首�展 2020 Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University �港�會大學視覺��院 24/10/2020 - 25/11/2020 12:00nn - 7:00pm Loupe H410, Blk B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St, Central 中環鴨巴甸街 35 �元�方 B 座 H410 室
Commemorative Memories - Something They Can Hold Onto: Devil Claw's New Product Launch & Jewellery Exhibition 札記⸺��珠寶去記載世間事 : DEVIL CLAW �品發佈�展� Loupe 24/10/2020 - 31/12/2020 12:00nn - 7:00pm Loupe H410, Blk B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St, Central 中環鴨巴甸街 35 �元�方 B 座 H410 室
Experience The Silk Road Exhibition 「�繞絲路」展�
Loupe 1/11/2020 - 31/12/2021 12:00nn - 7:00pm Loupe H410, Blk B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St, Central 中環鴨巴甸街 35 �元�方 B 座 H410 室
Chinese Medicine Through Technology: 3D Copper Acupuncture Augmented Reality Model Exhibition 中��科技結合⸺ 3D 針�銅人展�
Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences Society �港�學�物�學會 3/11/2020 - 4/2021 Tue - Sat 星期二至六 : 10:00am 5:00pm Sun & Public Holidays 星期日��眾 假期 : 1:00pm - 5:00pm Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences �港�學�物� 2 Caine Ln, Mid Levels, Sheung Wan 上環堅巷 2 �
Official MV Launch Party of "COLD" by the G3sha “COLD”by G3sha MV 正式發布會 #HAPi 13/11/2020 7:00pm - 9:00pm #HAPi Shop 2-4, G/F, 11 Po Yan St, Sheung Wan 上環普仁街 11 ��下 2-4 �舖
Busking with Affee 阿�和你 Busk
Affee 阿� 14/11/2020 2:00pm - 6:00pm Affee 阿� Shop 3, G/F, 19 Hau Wo St, Kennedy Town 堅��城厚和街 19 ��下 3 �舖
#HAPi x Ghost Mountain Field Artist Residency #HAPi x �山田 # ��家駐場計劃
#HAPi 14/11/2020 - 20/11/2020 10:00am - 7:00pm #HAPi Shop 2-4, G/F, 11 Po Yan St, Sheung Wan 上環普仁街 11 ��下 2-4 �舖
LE SALON 14 - Building Resilience: The Future of Education
Marc & Chantal 19/11/2020 5:30pm - 7:00pm Marc & Chantal Rm 401, 4/F, Arion commercial Ctr, 2-12 Queen's Rd West, Sheung Wan 上環皇后大�西 2-12 ��發��中心 4 � 401 室
Latte Art Workshop 阿�拉�工�
Affee 阿� 20/11/2020, 4/12/2020 6:30pm - 8:00pm Affee 阿� Shop 3, G/F, 19 Hau Wo St, Kennedy Town 堅��城厚和街 19 ��下 3 �舖
Ceramics Design Exhibition 陶�設計展�
Tung Yao Ceramics Design Studio 童�陶�設計工作室 28/11/2020 - 6/12/2020 Mon, Wed & Thu 星期一�三至四 : 10:00am - 6:00pm Tue & Fri 星期二�五 : 10:00am 8:00pm Sat - Sun 星期六至日 : 10:00am 7:00pm Tung Yao Ceramics Design Studio 童�陶�設計工作室 4 Po Yan St, Sheung Wan 上環普仁街 4 �
其��� Other Districts love in sorrow – a solo exhibition by fiswm
kubrick 16/10/2020 - 28/11/2020 11:00am - 10:00pm house by kubrick 5/F, Cityplaza, Phase 1, 18 Taikoo Shing Rd, Tai Koo 太古太古城� 18 �太古城中心一期 5�
Design Does* For Better and For Worse 做吧!設計 * 不論��壞
HKDI Gallery 5/11/2020 - 10/1/2021 Mon, Wed - Sun 星期一�三至日 : 10:00am - 8:00pm HKDI Gallery @ Hong Kong Design Institute �港知專設計學院 HKDI Gallery 3 King Ling Rd, Tseung Kwan O �軍�景�路 3 �
Italian Design Day
Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong 意大利駐�港��事� 17/11/2020 5:45pm - 6:45pm Hong Kong Design Institute �港知專設計學院 3 King Ling Rd, Tseung Kwan O �軍�景�路 3 �
Open Book Art - Tiana CloudLand 10th Anniversary Open Day 打開書本��⸺天上��十�年 開放日
Tiana CloudLand 天上�� 21/11/2020, 22/11/2020 2:00pm - 7:00pm Tiana CloudLand (Book Art Studio) 天上�� ( 書�工作室 ) Unit 2, 12/F, Genesis, 33-35 Wong Chuk Hang Rd, Wong Chuk Hang �竹坑�竹坑� 33-35 ��協坊 12 � 2 �室
Open Book Art - Book Market 打開書本��⸺�你小書市�
Tiana CloudLand 天上�� 21/11/2020, 22/11/2020 2:00pm - 7:00pm Tiana CloudLand (Book Art Studio) 天上�� ( 書�工作室 ) Unit 2, 12/F, Genesis, 33-35 Wong Chuk Hang Rd, Wong Chuk Hang �竹坑�竹坑� 33-35 ��協坊 12 � 2 �室
Open Book Art - Minibook Workshop 打開書本��⸺�你書工作坊
Tiana CloudLand 天上�� 21/11/2020, 22/11/2020 2:30pm - 5:30pm Tiana CloudLand (Book Art Studio) 天上�� ( 書�工作室 ) Unit 2, 12/F, Genesis, 33-35 Wong Chuk Hang Rd, Wong Chuk Hang �竹坑�竹坑� 33-35 ��協坊 12 � 2 �室
Unusual Renaissance Festival 文��興�正常生活� kubrick 1/12/2020 - 30/12/2020 11:00am - 10:00pm house by kubrick 5/F, Cityplaza, Phase 1, 18 Taikoo Shing Rd, Tai Koo 太古太古城� 18 �太古城中心一期 5�
Kinsan Chung Museum Open Day 鍾建����開放日
Exquis International ��國� 26/12/2020 10:00am - 5:00pm Kinsan Chung Museum 鍾建���� 24 Sheung Wo Hang, Sha Tau Kok Rd 沙頭⾓�上禾坑 24 �
"Traces of life" Exhibition 「生活痕跡」展�
Department of Communication Design and Digital Media, Hong Kong Design Institution �港知專設計學院傳意設計學� 10/3/2021 - 15/4/2021 10:00am - 8:00pm Hong Kong Design Institute �港知專設計學院 3 King Ling Rd, Tseung Kwan O �軍�景�路 3 �
Satellite Events 衛星活動
�上 Online PolyU Design Degree Show 2020 理大設計覺度展 2020
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design �港理工大學設計學院 14/9/2020 - 4/2021
Social Innovation Regional Forum (SIRF) 2020 社會���域論壇 2020
PolyU Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation 理大賽馬會社會��設計院
Feel the Motion
Sino Group, eMotionLAB LTD 信和�團��立�限�司 Feel the Motion Industry Sharing The Alchemy of Motion Feel the Motion �界專家�享⸺ 動�影�之�成 17/10/2020 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Feel the Motion Master Talk From Motion to Action Feel the Motion 大師講座⸺ 從動�影�到實�行動 24/10/2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Thematic Session 1: Smart Home: Improving Quality Living of Elderly 專題研討 1: 智�家居 : 提升長者生活質素
Feel the Motion Accelerator Workshops Feel the Motion �意�學工作坊
Thematic Session 2: Smart Building : Achieving Sustainable Buildings 專題研討 2: 智��宇 : 實現可�續建�
Neighbourhood Commons@ Tsuen Wan: Civic Design Fellow Training (4 days) 共享�里�間 @ �灣 : 社�智囊訓練 (4 天 )
9/10/2020 2:30pm - 4:30pm
23/10/2020 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Thematic Session 3: Smart Neighborhood & Community: Connecting All Without Boundaries 專題研討 3: 智��里�社� : �繫�界限 6/11/2020 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Thematic Session 4: Regional Landscape on Social Innovation 專題研討 4: 社會��的�域協同�發展 20/11/2020 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Social Innovation Regional Forum (SIRF) 2020 社會���域論壇 2020 11/12/2020 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Social Innovation Regional Forum (SIRF) 2020: Digital Exhibition 社會���域論壇 2020: �上展� 11/12/2020 onwards �
Service Design Hong Kong (MAKE Studios) 服�設計�港 16/10/2020, 17/10/2020 10:00am - 4:00pm
28/11/2020 - 27/2/2021 Sat 星期六 : 11:00am - 1:00pm
Architecture Commons Limited 5/11/2020, 11/11/2020, 18/11/2020: 6:00pm - 9:00pm 13/12/2020: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Design Lab 設計實驗室 Apple HK
Design Lab: Evolve Your Visual Brand with Westley Wong 設計實驗室 : ��雋溢提升品�的�作 層� 13/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Design Lab: Make Packaging that Performs with Vincent Mok 設計實驗室 : ��允信�品�設計�引 不同客戶 20/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Design Lab: Create Integrated Brand Experiences with Otto Ng 設計實驗室 : ��鎮��作整合的品� �驗 27/11/2020 3:00pm - 4:30pm
"Post-Digital Materiality" Artist Talk 「Post-Digital Materiality」 ��家講座 1a space 14/11/2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm
What's Up Finland? – week
Consulate General of Finland in Hong Kong & Macao, Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong ��駐�港��事���港���會 Breakfast Seminar: "Designing Health?" 30/11/2020 8:00am - 10:00am
Seminar: "Education - Key to Happiest Nation" 1/12/2020 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Workshop: "How Design and Technology Are Shaping the New Normal?" 2/12/2020 9:00am - 10:30am
Jetour Mall X Finnish Christmas Market 4/12/2020 - 20/12/2020
"Design Made in Hong Kong 20202021" Presentation Round Table
Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong, Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong 意大利文�協會�意大利駐�港��事� 30/11/2020 4:30pm - 6:00pm
"What’s next?" - A Discourse on the Future of Post-Crisis Design 「下一步是什�?」⸺討論危��的 未來設計 Orient Occident Atelier 東西建� 3/12/2020 9:30am - 10:45am
Local o2o Antarctic Tour 本�的 o2o 南�� Art Square 26/12/2020 - 14/1/2021 9:00am - 8:00pm
Neighbourhood Commons@Wanchai: Past, Present and Future 共享�里�間 @ 灣仔︰�去�現在� 未來 Architecture Commons Limited 21/1/2021 11:00am -12:00nn
The Wave X OASA: Future of the Space Economy - How to Build Your Own Satellite The Wave X OASA: 太�經濟��� 構建你的立方衛星 The Wave 1/12/2020 5:00pm - 5:45pm
�惠 Offers 10% Discount for Dining 9 折���惠
1963 Treee 1963 木十豆寸 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 1963 Treee 1963 木十豆寸 2/F, Chung Wui Mansion, 110 Wan Chai Rd, Wan Chai 灣仔灣仔� 110 �中匯大� 2 �
Buy One, Get One 50% Discount (Weekends, 13:00 - 15:00) 惠�� 2 杯�品可享半價�惠 ( ��末 13:00 - 15:00)
Affee 阿� 13/11/2020 - 13/12/2020 Affee 阿� Shop 3, G/F, 19 Hau Wo St, Kennedy Town 堅��城厚和街 19 ��下 3 �舖
5% Discount on All Items 惠�可享 95 折�惠
Alri Star Leather Factory 阿里皮� 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 Alri Star Leather Factory 阿里皮� G/F, 189 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po �水埗大南街 189 ��下
15% Discount Upon Presentation of BODW Tickets or Passes 憑 BODW 門�或證件到店��費可享 85 折�惠 chez trente 卅間 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 chez trente 卅間 6 Chung Wo Ln, Central 中環中和里 6 �
HK$20 Discount for Workshops 工作坊 $20 減免�惠
Collage DECO 亂世繪 1/12/2020 - 30/6/2021 Paradise of Cattle Depot 牛 2 天� Rm 2, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd, To Kwa Wan 土�灣馬頭⾓� 63 �牛棚��村 2 �室
A Taste of Sweden
Consulate General of Sweden in Hong Kong 瑞典駐港��事� Free Mulled Wine & 10% Discount upon Purchase of Any Mulled Wines ��免費������紅� (Mulled wine) 1 杯! 活動期間凡購買 ��亦� 9 折�惠! SverigeShoppen 1/12/2020 - 20/12/2020 SverigeShoppen Unit 523, 5/F, Star House, 3 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀�士巴利� 3 �星光行 5 � 523 室
Service Fee Exemption & Enjoy 10% Discount! 免加一��單 9 折�惠! Frantzén's Kitchen 1/12/2020 - 20/12/2020 Frantzén's Kitchen Kitchen G/F, 11 Upper Station St, Sheung Wan 上環��上街 11 ��下
Free Meatball Sauce upon Single Purchase of 1kg of Meatball 活動期間凡購買 1 �斤肉��即� 瑞典肉��! MrMeatball 來自瑞典的肉�先生 1/12/2020 - 20/12/2020 MrMeatball 來自瑞典的肉�先生 105 Ki Lung St, Sham Shui Po �水埗基隆街 105 �
Free Coffee upon Purchase of Våfflor 活動期間凡購買瑞典�夫即� 咖�一杯! Squarestreet KAFFE 1/12/2020 - 20/12/2020 Squarestreet KAFFE G/F, 15 Square St, Sheung Wan 上環四方街 15 ��下
Free Salad upon Purchase of Any Pizza 活動期間凡購買�何 Pizza 即� 沙律 1 �!
Swish Pizza 1/12/2020 - 20/12/2020 Swish Pizza Rm M, 5/F, Everest Ind Ctr, 396 Kwun Tong Rd, Kwun Tong �塘�塘� 396 �毅力工�中心 5 � M 室
Satellite Events 衛星活動
�惠 Offers Private Exhibition Tour 《�竹��》私人�賞團 Crafts on Peel ��活� 30/11/2020 - 6/12/2020 Crafts on Peel ��活� 11 Peel St, Central 中環卑利街 11 �
Free Souvenir Upon Like & Follow Crafts on Peel’s Facebook or Instagram 凡 Follow � Like Crafts on Peel ��活� Facebook � Instagram� 即可�贈�關「竹」的��禮物乙�! Crafts on Peel ��活� 1/12/2020 - 23/12/2020 Crafts on Peel ��活� 11 Peel St, Central 中環卑利街 11 �
Enjoy Buy 1 Get 1 Free for 60-min Gaming Experience 惠� 60 �鐘���驗可享買一�一 �惠 Crossfire Arena 13/12/2020 - 20/12/2020 Crossfire Arena Shop 306 - 308, D2 Place TWO, 15 Cheung Shun St, Lai Chi Kok �枝⾓長順街 15 � D2 Place 二期 306 - 308 �舖
10% Discount on Food Products 惠��品可享 9 折�惠 Edgar 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 Edgar G/F, 5 Moon St, Wan Chai 灣仔月街 5 ��下
5% Discount on Lifestyle Products 惠�生活用品可享 95 折�惠 Edgar 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 Edgar G/F, 5 Moon St, Wan Chai 灣仔月街 5 ��下
10% Discount on Regular-priced Items 惠�正價物品可享 9 折�惠 Exquis International ��國� 26/12/2020 Kinsan Chung Museum 鍾建���� 24 Sheung Wo Hang, Sha Tau Kok Rd 沙頭⾓�上禾坑 24 �
Receive HK$40 Gift Voucher Upon Check-in at the Shop 成功打卡即可�贈價值 HK$40 的禮品 卡乙張
Special Offer of HK$480 for Handbuilding Class if 2 Enroll Together 2 人同行可享 HK$480 �惠
5% Discount on Regular-priced Items 正價產品 95 折
10% Discount on All Regular-priced Items for Each Donation a Pair of Shoes at LANE EIGHT 每�贈一對�鞋予 LANE EIGHT�即可 享正價�品 9 折�惠
Forest Round Round 在�林和圓嘢 30/11/2020 - 6/12/2020 Forest Round Round 在�林和圓嘢 Rm C02, 10/F, Blk 1, Camel Paint Bldg, 62 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kwun Tong �塘開源� 62 �駱駝漆大� 1 座 10 � C02 室
H House - Health & Lifestyle Store 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 Pomaru Rm 1, Unit B2, 10/F, Hung Fuk Ind Bldg, 60 Hung To Rd, Kwun Tong �塘鴻�� 60 �鴻福工�大� 10 � B2 室 1 ��
5% Discount on Regular-priced Items 惠�正價�品可享 95 折�惠 hakdei 黑� 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 hakdei 黑� Shop G04C, G/F, 618 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok 旺⾓ 618 �上海街�下 G04C �舖
10% Discount Upon Single Purchase of HK$200 or Above 惠� HK$200 或�上可享 9 折�惠
Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 29/11/2020 - 23/12/2020 Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 Rm 1205, 12/F, Fook Shing Ind Bldg, 1A Yuk Yat St, To Kwa Wan 土�灣旭日街 1A �福成工�大� 12 � 1205 室
If You Meet MELTY, You May Get One Chance to Barter �巧�場主 Melty 本人�可用故事或 物件易物一� Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 29/11/2020 - 23/12/2020 Kindergarten Insane Studio 幼稚�工作室 Rm 1205, 12/F, Fook Shing Ind Bldg, 1A Yuk Yat St, To Kwa Wan 土�灣旭日街 1A �福成工�大� 12 � 1205 室
Lai Chan Kee ��記 12/12/2020 - 27/12/2020 Lai Chan Kee ��記 Unit 1205, 12/F, Trendy Ctr, 682 Castle Peak Rd, Lai Chi Kok �枝⾓�山� 682 �潮�工貿中心 12 � 1205 室
LANE EIGHT 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 LANE EIGHT LG/F, 14 St Francis St, Wan Chai 灣仔�佛�士街 14 ��下
Enjoy 20% Discount on November to December Workshops at Loupe with Discount Code "LoupeBODW20" 參加 Loupe 11 � 12 月工作坊��� �惠碼「LoupeBODW20」報��可享 8 折�惠 Loupe 1/11/2020 - 31/12/2020 Loupe H410, Blk B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St, Central 中環鴨巴甸街 35 �元�方 B 座 H410 室
Package Discount for Vintage Photography �港�懷�影⸺套��惠
Mei Lok Studio ��照相� 13/11/2020 - 12/12/2020 Mei Lok Studio ��照相� 1/F, Wanda Ind Bldg, 328 Kwun Tong Rd, Kwun Tong �塘� 328 �溫黛工�大� 1 �
Free Gift upon Single Purchase of HK$800 or Above 惠�� HK$800 �上可�贈��禮品 Mille-Feuille Fashion Select Store 1/11/2020 - 31/12/2020 Mille-Feuille Fashion Select Store Shop 124, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par St, Tsuen Wan �灣白田�街 45 �南豐紗廠 124 �店
Enjoy Buy 1 Get 1 Free Upon Every Purchase 惠��何產品可享買一�一�惠 Moonzen Brewery 門神啤� 1/10/2020 - 30/12/2020 Moonzen Brewery 門神啤� Unit 2A, 2/F, New East Sun Bldg, 18 Shing Yip St, Kwun Tong �塘成�街 18 ��怡生大� 2 � A 室
10% Discount on Regular-priced Items 惠�正價�品可享 9 折�惠
Myosotis Flower ��工作室 23/9/2020 - 5/2/2021 Myosotis Flower ��工作室 Rm B27, 1/F, Blk B, East Sun Ind Ctr, 16 Shing Yip St, Kwun Tong �塘成�街 16 �怡生工�中心 B 座 1 � B27 室
Stories about Southern District 書寫南�小故事
Neighbourhood Coffee �里 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 Neighborhood Coffee (Aberdeen) �里 ( �港仔 ) Shop No. 2, G/F, ABBA Ctr, 223-227 Aberdeen Main Rd, Aberdeen �港仔�港仔大� 223-227 �利群中心 �下 2 �舖
25% Discount on All Items (Except for Consigned Products) 惠�可享 75 折�惠 ( 手作寄賣品除� ) Nine Bird Frog Antiques 九鳥蛙古�� 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 Nine Bird Frog Antiques 九鳥蛙古�� Shop 118, D2 Place TWO, 15 Cheung Shun St, Lai Chi Kok �枝⾓長順街 15 � D2 Place 二期 118 �舖
10% Discount for Dining 9 折���惠
scoool 小�光 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 scoool 小�光 Flt C, 1/F, Blk A, Mai Hing Ind Bldg, 18 Hing Yip St, Kwun Tong �塘興�街 18 ��興工�大� A 座 1 � C室
10% Discount on Regular-priced Items 惠�正價�品可享 9 折�惠
Spicy Fish Cultural Production Ltd 水煮魚文�製作�限�司 1/11/2020 - 30/11/2020 Spicy Fish Cultural Production 水煮魚文�製作 Flt B3, 3/F, On Tat Ind Bldg, 3-5 Pat Tat St, San Po Kong ��崗��街 3-5 ���工�大� 3 � B3 室
Free Giveaway 惠�可�贈小禮品乙�
The Bulk Shop 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 The Bulk Shop Shop 25-28, Level 2, Jade Plaza, 3 On Chee Rd, Tai Po 大埔�慈路 3 ��屏�� 2 � 28 �舖
One-year Membership Upon Single Purchase of HK$500 (Original Fee: HK$1,000) 單�惠�� HK$500 可� 1 年會� ( 原價 : HK$1,000) TheBookshop 本 書店 1/12/2020 - 31/12/2020 TheBookshop 本 書店 G/F, 10 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀�士巴利� 10 ��下
HK$80 Discount for Workshops 工作坊 HK$80 減免�惠
TripleBeat �意敲擊� 13/11/2020 - 20/12/2020 805 Studio 805 工作室 Rm 805, 8/F, Blk A, Fuk Tsun Factory Bldg, 66-68 Fuk Tsun St, Tai Kok Tsui 大⾓咀福�街 66-68 �福�工廠大� 8 字� A 座 805 室
Art Explorer Day Pass 《��東南》一日�行證
Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 15/10/2020 onwards � Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 68 Portland St, Yau Ma Tei 油��砵�街 68 �
A Peaceful Slowcation Experience Package 「平���活」住宿�驗 Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 15/10/2020 onwards � Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel 東南����店 68 Portland St, Yau Ma Tei 油��砵�街 68 �
50% Off on Beverage Upon Any Food Purchase 凡惠��何�品�可�半價�購�品
Studio Caffeine 12/8/2020 - 31/12/2020 Studio Caffeine B02, Blk 1, Kin Ho Ind Bldg, 24 Au Pui Wan St, Fo Tan ��坳�灣街 24 �金豪工�大� 1 期 B02 室 50
Marketing Partners 活動推廣伙伴
Strategic Media Partner 策略媒體伙伴
Media Partner 媒體伙伴