15 minute read
Dannielle Arceneaux, LMT BodyMind Coach, RYT-200
How would it feel to know that no matter what happens you have a place you can always go to get the best guidance? How about having a solid sense of, “Ah yes, THIS is what it feels like to know and deeply trust myself.” I work with ambitious men and women who are ready to discover how embodiment of their true values brings their personal purpose alive in how they live, work and love.
You are invited to set down what’s been swirling around in your head, become present in your body and fully engaged with your natural inner source of wisdom.
You have all your answers inside of you. What might be possible as you live BodyMind Connected?
Dannielle@Tribody Wellness.com IG: tribody_wellness
............................................................................................................................... Tanya Bodsford BodyMind Coach

If you’ve ever felt like you’re navigating life completely alone and you wish you had a wise, trusted support system to help guide you, advise you, and show you the easiest way forward, Tanya is here to show you how to find that person… within YOURSELF!
Tanya works with soul-searching women that have a stack of self-help books by their bed but feel like they’re living their lives on autopilot. Her clients know they’re here for a greater purpose… but feel like everyone else’s priorities seem to always get in the way of making that dream happen.
tbodsford@gmail.com IG: @tanyabodsford
............................................................................................................................... April Cacciatori BodyMind Coach

I provide private and group coaching to those seeking to incorporate a deeper awareness of self care, self love and mindfulness. When you can see your truth and accept yourself unapologetically, the doors to personal freedom open wide. As a certified BodyMind Coach, I guide you to listen to the inner works, where all the answers live.
ZensationsMassage.com ZenspirationBoxes.com FB: Zensations Massage IG: Zenspiration Boxes
............................................................................................................................... Victoria Carrier BodyMind Coach

I help heart centered, multitasking women, quiet the noise in their busy lives and become more in tune and grounded with their life’s purpose. I enable them to enjoy a life that is fulfilling and rewarding, without the stress, fear or guilt that they are not doing enough.
BodyMind Coaching shined a light on habit patterns that no longer served me. I was able to clearly see how I would become challenged. The most amazing part is that I’m no longer taking baby steps, but amazing, giant steps that still honor my values of integrity, freedom, authenticity, connection, abundance and playfulness.
VictoriaCarrierLMT.org Lewiston, NY

Karyn Claflin BodyMind Coach Copywriter
As a lifelong introvert, when Karyn started her first business (as a massage therapist) in 2013, she became obsessed with creating content that would bring people to her, so she didn’t have to go out and look for them.

Now Karyn works with coaches who know they’re here to make change in the world, but feel limited by the way they’re currently marketing their offers.
If you’re struggling to consistently market your coaching business and working too damn hard to find clients and are BEYOND ready to create ease in your business, Karyn will help you clarify your message and organize your magic into content that connects so you can spend more time in your zone of genius — coaching people.
KarynClaflin.com IG: balancechampaign
............................................................................................................................... Carly Clark Zimmer, LMT BodyMind Coach Wholistic Biz Consultant Licensed Esthetician Creative Entrepreneur
Carly Clark Zimmer is the Program Coordinator and Business Coach for the BodyMind Coaching program.
Carly loves making sure the program is running smoothly while helping our members find alignment in their business systems without compromising their embodiment.
When she’s not wearing her coaching hat or binging on the latest business and personal development podcasts, she’s practicing her sailing skills and hiking the hills of Ireland where she currently lives with her husband, Devin.
CarlyClarkZimmer.com Carly@CarlyClarkZimmer. com IG: @carlyclarkzimmer FB: Carly Clark Zimmer BodyMind Coaching and Consulting
............................................................................................................................... Kim Fish, LMT BodyMind Coach

Kim Fish is a seasoned massage therapist and bodywork coach. For 15 years she has helped hundreds of people transform their relationship with their body through addressing and managing pain and stress through group and private self care sessions.
She is a current student of yoga teacher training through and has shifted her business to support clients in the space between massage appointments. She teaches safe, simple and effective self care bodywork sequences, breath work, mindful movements and meditation so that her clients can feel supported, embody confidence and take inspired action that aligns with how they want to feel and with the life they are wanting to create.
Kimfishbodyworkcoach.com IG: @Kim_Fish_BodyworkCoach DivineAlignmentCoach@ gmail.com 603-969-4815
............................................................................................................................... Fidel Forde BodyMind Coach Motivational Speaker Massage Therapist Yoga Instructor Retreat Leader

Fidel is a renaissance man and entrepreneur. He is a proud military spouse to a Navy psychologist and a father of four. He is on a mission to ignite the spark in others — empowering them to live the life they are capable of living and create more time, more impact, more joy, more energy and sustainable success without burnout.
Today Fidel teaches heart-centered and impact-driven men, women, entrepreneurs and leaders how to come back home to their bodies, create balance, movement, hustle with grace and tap in to their personal power.
FidelForde.com Fidel@FidelForde.com IG: @fidelforde
Laurel Goulden-James Osteophathic MT, Massage Therapist, Movement Facilitator

As a mom, grandma, and BodyMind Coach, it is her mission to help those she encounters to realize and embrace their power from within so that they can bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be.
After recovering from a personal injury, Laurel has a special interest in working with those who are at “the next chapter” and moving forward into how life might be and what might be possible. She has a zest for life, laughter, and a strong faith that as humans we are all blessed with our own special gifts.
GoldenTouchHealthWealth@ gmail.com IG: goldentouchhlthwealth FB: Golden Touch Health & Wealth LI: @ Laurel Goulden-James
............................................................................................................................... Melanie Grimm Certification Manager & Retreat Coordinator, And affectionately called the CBO, Chief Boundary Officer

Melanie lives in Columbus, Ohio, and came to BodyMind Coaching through her 30+ year friendship with Laura. She loves getting to know BodyMind members online, and especially in-person at workshops!
Melanie@ BodyMindLiving.com
............................................................................................................................... Liz Hargreaves BodyMind Coach
I work with driven, passionate individuals who are ready to unleash their full potential to calibrate their body and soul to their highest level of living.
BodyMind has guided me back to myself and to my authentic life path; it has become my way of living, teaching and coaching.
LizHargreaves.ca movement@ lizhargreaves.ca Victoria, BC, Canada
............................................................................................................................... Shana Hartman, LMT Managing Editor, BodyMind Living Magazine Embodied Writing Coach

Through her 20+ years of work mastering the power of reflection and intention, she discovered that we are our own experts regarding our body and mind if we just learn to listen.
Her favorite way to listen and get embodied is through writing! In her experience as an English professor turned BodyMind coach, Shana knows this listening (and writing) is easier said than done, and we aren’t meant to figure out this amazing life (or body) on our own. It takes practice, specific actions, and support. She loves to support our BodyMind Ambassadors in creating amazing content for Body Mind Living Magazine.
ShanaHartman.com IG: Shana Hartman

Melissa Kelley BodyMind Coach Coaching Curriculum Coordinator
Melissa brings her 20+ years of devotion to the healing arts and study of the BodyMind Connection to support you in learning and implementing embodied coaching skills.

Melissa lives in the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of New York State. She loves camping, exploring nature, and spending time with her family.
wMelissa leads our Coaching Corners calls and is one of the most grounded and powerful coaches you will meet.
............................................................................................................................... Julie Kouyate BodyMind Master Coach
Julie Kouyate is a certified BodyMind and sacred living coach. Her passion after years of service to women and guiding their return to their sacred nature, is the act of speaking truth. Speaking truth means saying what’s true and on our hearts, but speaking truth also means freedom of expression. To freely express is to live in total truth and Julie guides that process with embodiment tools that connect us to our spirituality and our divinity.
Julie runs 1:1 coaching but also runs a women’s retreat business called “Into the Heart Retreats” along with ceremonies to bring a sacred reverence for life’s big moments, and is working on a course on how to build an alter, what it is, why we use it and what to do while we are at our sacred space.
MassageArtistryNYC.com FB: Julie Jaffray Kouyate linktr.ee/kouyatehealingarts
............................................................................................................................... Araina Linton BodyMind Master Coach

Araina helps overwhelmed women entrepreneurs reduce stress and create the perfect balance between work and life.
She is known for a simple step-by-step process that guides women back to their passion to avoid burnout, feel better, have more time, and build their businesses with ease.
Finding a balance between work and life is tough. Sometimes despite your ambition, your dreams can feel a bit out of reach, and it can start to cause stress, frustration, and pain. It can be enough to make you want to give up your business.
There is a better way! If you’re thinking about closing the doors to your business, please reconsider — introduce some healthy habits into your hustle!
MassageArtistryNYC.com FB: MassageArtistryNYC IG: arainalinton
............................................................................................................................... Love, Bobbi Jo BodyMind Coach Author & Speaker
Foreshadowed by a poem she wrote in her childhood entitled “Lost Dreams,” Bobbie Jo eventually found herself at a crossroads, looking within to once again find who she really was.
BodyMind Coaching guided her back to herself. Now Bobbie Jo uses her gift of writing to share inspirational and transformational books as well as guided meditations. Through BodyMind Coaching, she helps others connect with their body wisdom to discover and live their true purpose.
It is her passion and purpose to be a channel of love inspiring others in reclaiming and living those “lost dreams,” and confidently expressing the truth of who they really are.
Because, the world needs who YOU are.

Alina McGilloway, LMT BodyMind Coach Wholistic Biz Consultant Licensed Esthetician Creative Entrepreneur
As the founder of Core Momentum Coaching of Illumify A•nu•mí LLC, she creates a safe space for creative, intuitive, highly sensitive individuals to learn how to harness their time, energy, finances, and core momentum to receive abundance, live authentically, and become tethered within spiritual integrity in all areas of their lives.
If you are ready to align with the abundant reality that has been lovingly awaiting you — Alina is here to help you explore your intelligent human design, liberate your holistic integrity, and anchor within your Root Chakra!
Learn more about Alina and her simple yet powerful programs.
IlluminateYourCore.com IG: illumify.a.nu.mi
............................................................................................................................... Heidi Metro BodyMind Coach Massage Therapist

Heidi Metro is a total hybrid: Obsessed with practical systems and totally woo. You’ll find her creating in her coaching studio, saging her crystals, and designing Systems with Soul for her incredible clients.
After 12 years in a successful massage practice, Heidi combines her degrees in philosophy and massage therapy, with BodyMind Coaching training to coach full time within her company, The New Next Level — BodyMind Coaching. The New Next Level is about empowering womxn to Lead From Within by aligning their purpose, values, and boundaries. When women lead, we change the world.
www.heidimetro.com Heidi@TheNewNext Level.com IG: @heidimetro FB: Heidi Metro FB: The New Next Level
............................................................................................................................... Lauren Piro BodyMind Coach

I help badass creative womxn who own their own business go from overwhelmed and trapped in the cycle of meeting everyone else’s needs first (including your business!) to feeling grounded, clear, calm, and spacious. Together we create simple systems for success that tap into the rhythms, energies, and cycles of nature.
BodyMind Coaching has completely changed my life! In this community, I felt truly heard, supported, and held for the first time in my life. I’ve learned to deeply listen to myself and as a result, I’ve gained trust and confidence in myself and I’ve learned that doing it scared is the way forward.
RadRemedies.com FB: Lauren Piro Wellness IG: Lauren Piro Wellness IG: Radicle Remedies
............................................................................................................................... Michelle Rockwood BodyMind Enrollment Coach
Michelle is a fierce and loving Heart-Centered Sales expert for BodyMind Coaching’s Certification program. She teaches clients the most joyful way to master the sales conversation so they can sell their coaching programs with love, ease and grace. Michelle also runs a program called Sisterhood Rising, it’s designed for badass women ready to reclaim their brilliance. She loves her work and cares deeply for her clients, her family and the world.
Michelle is a former yoga teacher with a background in non-profit development and sales. She has lived and worked all over the world and now resides in Denver, Colorado, and loves to ski. When Michelle isn’t working, she’s chasing her three wild boys or playing with her dog Tigo and her new puppy Ruby.
TwoArrowCoaching.com Michelle@TwoArrow Coaching.com
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Christine Tauer BodyMind Coach
Christine uses BodyMind Coaching, breathwork, and bodywork, combined with her diverse background in holistic health to best guide her clients to find calm in the chaos.
She does this by encouraging clients to honor and love themselves and create a self-care practice that becomes a part of their daily routine.
Christine is dedicated to helping womxn discover opportunities to break the patterns and habits around stress to feel best in their body and more present in their lives.
Christine and her groundbreaking work is featured here.

honumn.com IG: honucoachingandbodywork
............................................................................................................................... Jenn Taylor, LMT BodyMindCoach, Osteophathic MT, Movement Facilitator
Jenn Taylor is a heartcentered entrepreneur and CEO of Sacred Connections Coaching & Energy Work. She uses her 15+ years experience in the holistic community to serve and support her clients’ journeys. As a Reiki Master, Intuitive, and Instinctive Meditation Coach she teaches her clients to reconnect with their body and inner wisdom.
Her clients know they’re made for more! They want to make a serious impact on their communities and the world and are empowered to make aligned decisions in their lives and businesses.
Jenn is a momma to four amazing kiddos. Jenn thrives when she’s adventuring, relaxing on the beach, reading, educating and inspiring others.
JenniferTaylor.blog IG: Jennifer Lin Taylor
............................................................................................................................... Adriana Morales, LMT BodyMind Coach

She started the wellness journey in 2013 by attending massage school and soon found out that helping people connect to their bodies was her passion. She then opened up her own business, Transcend Relaxation, specializing in the emotional aspect of chronic pain. In the pursuit of providing integrative support to her clients, she found the BodyMind Coaching method and now she helps women make positive changes in their lives, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Adrianamoralescoach@ gmail.com 909-263-6598 transcendrelaxation.com

EDITOR Laura Wieck
MANAGING EDITOR Shana Hartman Shana@BodyMindLiving.com
ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Sandy Bassett sandy@BodyMindLiving.com
DISTRIBUTION Subscriptions questions: support@BodyMindLiving.com
To renew or change address: support@BodyMindLiving.com
To subscribe visit BodyMindLivingMagazine.com

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MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 21712 Columbus, OH 43221-0712
Reproduction of editorial or advertising content without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited. ©2021
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BodyMind Living Magazine, PO Box 21712, Columbus, OH 43221-0712
OCTBER 2021..............Issue No 11
BodyMind Living Magazine is published 10 times/year by Laura Wieck LLC. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio and additional mailing offices.
.............................................................................................................. IMAGE CREDITS
BodyMind Living Magazine would like to honor and thank the photographers below for making their stunning images available freely on Unsplash.
Wesley Tingey (page 3) William Farlow (page 10) Nega (page 13) Markus Spiske (page 15) Jakub Kriz (page 18) Nikolina Mikovska (page 38) Jonathan Borba (page 41) Seyi Ariiyo (page 43) Abigail Ducote (page 34) Susan Wilkinson (page 44) Ian Schhneider (page 50) Steve Halama (page 52) Karine Germain (page 54) Jayson Hinrichsen (page 56) Bekir Donmez (page 67)
As well, photographs are supplied to us by our team and Ambassadors. Deep gratitude to this amazing cohort of Ambassadors and their courage in being seen and heard here in BodyMind Living Magazine.
Mary Pat Curran Dena Halle Lorine Hoffer Laurie Juszkiewicz Carolyn Ulitsky Halinka Van Minnen Laura Wieck