3 minute read
Harvest Time 2020
The movement from the reprieve of later summer earth energies into fall when the landscape is illuminates by hues of yellow, orange and red and our gardens are producing their last crops we shift into gathering mode. Canning, storing, freezing and processing our harvest for the fall and winter there is a natural sense of abundance an harmony at this time of year. Stillness allows us to gather and take time out to absorb what we need to hold onto building trust that we have what we need to survive and draw energy from.
The earth is preparing to turn inward as the days get shorter and sun descends on the southern horizon the rays of light are contrasted by the lingering longer shadows lengthening the passing time of daylight. The sweet spot during this transition boasts a gentle beauty that feels like nourishment if we stop to slow with its settling energy.
Grounding in and getting practical with what we need to get through the coming months requires taking inventory and checking in with what is happening around us. We are shifting though uncertain political times and influxes of anxiety and worry in the social sphere making this particular harvest time unique in the fact that many people feel like that are on shaky ground.
Now is a great time to stock up on staples for the winter in the form of dry, canned and frozen foods. It is a time to process the harvest and store for the coming months. Thinking more like our ancestors this year and preparing ahead will help assure stability over the fall and winter and build a sense of trust. Uncertainty hit us in spring time of 2020 when the natural tendency of renewal was just beginning; this gave people a chance to redefine with purpose and renew a connection to the direction that is authentic to them. As we look ahead towards the yin time of year, preparation and forward thinking is key especially in the conditions of unstable ground and unsure footing society is facing. Things to place our attention on include inner fortification for yourself and family, strengthening community bonds and shared resources and a hunkering down for winter with a safety net of connection.
Metal energies are naturally bringing on an unraveling and dispersing energy for release. We will experience this in the coming weeks as physical release, psychological or emotional release and even social and structural unraveling we won’t have control over. The more stability we have in our inner reserves and the storehouses apron us the easier it will be to move though the inevitable changes in the coming months.
What are storing and gathering in the form of:
Canned vegetables Freeze Dried Foods Dry grains like rice, oats and flour Dried beans and pastas Frozen meats and veggies Hard shelled squashes and root vegetables Bones & Stocks

Gold, Silver, Cash, Crypto Currency Boosting savings & diversifying where your “store” your money and assets you are investing into.
Connection & Resources
Invest into home and family Connect to ritual around Food and nourishment Childcare co-ops Homeschooling co-ops or pods Trade Circles Pot lucks Closed loop gatherings Skill Shares Hiring local Healing circles
Medicines Clean water Lysposomal Vitamin C Zinc & Vitamin D Immune supporting herbs Teas and tonics Anchoring into breath Exercise and restoration practices Eating real foods and maintaining A balanced seasonal diet
Clean water Lysposomal Vitamin C Zinc & Vitamin D Immune supporting herbs Teas and tonics Anchoring into breath Exercise and restoration practices Eating real foods and maintaining A balanced seasonal diet