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Reasons & Season Fire Element part 1
Small Intestine
The Small Intestine is one of the yang aspects of the fire element and is responsible for receiving information and nutrients from the stomach to process and separate them for use in the body. This process requires proper discernment and balance of discrimination to assure we take in what is needed. The Virtue of the fire energy is propriety, which can be understood as the inner communication with the heart knowing and the heart of the universe. It is the small intestine that pairs with the heart and takes on the job of communicating this information between inner and outer world. In a sense the heart sets the rhythm and the small intestine supports that rhythm by feeding the heart the nourishment it needs to stay anchored in its truth.
The small intestine lining is a permeable wall that allows for this discernment process to take in the resources of nutrients that the body needs and send them directly into the bloodstream. Form here the blood can then begin to deliver those nourishment to the rest of the body system. The Small intestine is know as the minister to the heart emperor, it though its physical permeability that it decides what gets to the heart and protects the heart from what is garbage. The Minister must know the truth of the emperor to do its job properly and assure it provides what s needed.
The first bit of clear and pure energy nutriments, thoughts, and consciousness are sent from the small intestine to the heart, so that the heart is nourished in doing its job of pumping and circulating blood throughout the entire body system, and carrying the nutrients and consciousness of those resources into the body. You can see why it is important that the small intestine knows the inner truth of the heart and holds that awareness in great honor so it knows how to take in what feeds the pure truth of the heart.
Historically we are in a time of great confusion and uproars of information, toxicity and overwhelm we are all taking in more that we ever have . In modern urban cultures we are seeing more and more irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, overall indigestion and digestive issues that are showing up as dysfunctional patterns at the level of the small intestine. Whether it be to due to poor diet, stress, or information overload the function of the small intestine has undergone a great deal of adaptions to modern lifestyle, which has resulted in the lining of the small intestine permeability having a difficult time discerning what to take in and what to let pass.
Leaky gut syndrome is where the small pores or junctures in the small intestine lining have widened, to the point where whole food particles and substances are getting into the blood stream, causing a host of immune system reactions, and discomfort at the level of the gut. This can be akin to a lot of over stimulation and wearing out the process of discernment in the body.
We can also look at the mind body connection here and see that many people have lost connection to their gut instincts or have adapted to an acquired way of being and thinking that has strayed away from the truth of the heart’s self awareness and they are over consuming reality in the form of food, information and experiences leaving the body in a state of overwhelm. Our survival instincts and gut knowing has been hijacked and over fed with excess and indulgence beyond inner propriety and equal exchange.
Fire keeps us in synchronization with the world though our expressions of inner truth and the capacity to transform outer influences to useful nourishment. You can see how this energy is highlighted in the summer as it is the season for sharing and celebration, maturation and fully expressing; this is seen in the ripening fruits being ready to consume, flowers showing there full color and our innate tendency towards late nights of conversation and exchanging dreams sharing ourselves with others though intimacy or connection.
The fire of the body is susceptible to chaos and control. Too much order stifles the natural expression of the fire in its uniqueness and chaos reflects a lack of order which can burn out of control destroying what is in its path.
Right now socially and culturally we are experiencing both extremes of chaos and control reflected in the outer world and there looms a sense of uncertainty making this particular summer a time for great recalibration of our inner terrain and its response to the outer world.
We can think of the summer of 2020 as a time of redefinition and transformation as we look back to the catalysts of spring earlier in the year we can ask ourselves how are we maturing and how are we learning to commune and communicate with the inner wisdom of our heart and feed it exactly what it needs.