Does Vitamin C and Vitamin D help you to Lose Weight ?

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Does Vitamin C and Vitamin D help you to Lose Weight?

Vitamin C

While undergoing difficult or heavy exercise the body is unable to metabolize fat without vitamin C. People do not lose weight despite regular exercise may be deficient in Vitamin C. Recent studies found out that Vitamin C reduces stomach and abdomen fat. Vitamin C is a watersoluble vitamin and mostly found in citrus fruits. As it is water-soluble it is

not stored in the body excess amount of vitamin is voided in the urine. You need Vitamin C daily if you fail to get enough Vitamin C through diet, consider taking vitamin supplements for weight loss and for maintaining a regular intake of Vitamin C in your body.

By taking an adequate amount of vitamin C daily not only helps your body function properly but it could aid in effective weight loss. Many a time we go on crash diets for losing weight this can lead to unhealthy weight loss by losing all vitamins and minerals. Some vitamins and minerals body needs daily or regularly and vitamin C is one of them. Sometimes bleeding gums and skin problems signify that your body does not have enough vitamin C.

Vitamin C helps synthesis carnitine which carries fat molecules for energy generation. A little amount of vitamin C in a body increases fat reserves and increases extremely fat on the waist. Thus adequate intake vitamin C daily helps in reducing stomach fat.

A daily dose of vitamin C should be 40-90 mg if consumed more than this cannot harm your body as it’s a water-soluble vitamin. Bell pepper has 2.5 times of vitamin C than an orange, same as amla juice also known as Indian gooseberry has 20 times more vitamin C than the same quantity of orange juice.

Vitamin D and Calcium

Vitamin D and Calcium play a very important role in the body it helps our joints and bones to keep stronger if you meet your daily intake. Vitamin D and calcium go hand in hand, enough calcium in your body and lack of vitamin D can cause many health issues like joints pains, weaker bones, etc. so both should be an equal amount.

Vitamin D also helps in weight loss. Lack of vitamin D helps the body to convert sugar into fat instead of energy and thus if you consume adequate vitamin D daily your body decrease body fat. Researchers found that those patients who are on diet with regular exercise and do not lose weight because of lack of vitamin D, and those who achieved optimum

levels of vitamin D daily with diet and regular exercise found to lose weight faster.

Some studies suggest that consumption of vitamin D1000-4000 IU/day is needed to maintain optimum blood levels.

Having an adequate amount of vitamin D in your body also helps your body absorb calcium. Calcium also plays a role in weight loss. Calcium combined with a low-calorie diet can result in losing weight faster. Daily intake of calcium for women should be 1200 mg over the age of 50 and for men 1200 mg over the age of 70.

Make it a Habit

As discussed adequate amount of vitamin D and calcium also helps your body lose weight faster with diet and regular exercise. Daily vitamin D and calcium consumption should be our habit if you fail to get daily vitamin D and calcium through diet consider taking supplements. All such supplements are available at an online health food store or any nearby health or medical store.



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