4 Ways Of Hosting Your Site Successfully
Are you looking for a way of hosting your website? Here are 4 ways in which you can do it: Using your internet service provider You need an internet service provider (ISP) for you to access the internet. In addition to providing you with internet connection, most of the providers also offer web hosting for a small fee. The hosting provided by the providers is usually basic thus ideal if you are looking to host a young site that isn't receiving a lot of traffic. Online experts recommend that you use this type of hosting to test and prepare your site. Free web hosting If you are trapped for cash and want to start your online career, there are plenty of companies offering free web hosting. The companies will host your site for free, but they place adverts on your site. Many would call it a win-win arrangement. While the services are free, most of the companies offering them offer advanced services such as: SSI, shell access, PHP and CGI; therefore, if you are interested in having a professional web host without shedding a dime, this is the hosting plan that you should use.
Since the companies place adverts on your site, the adverts might cause bad user experience when they block users from accessing some of your content. The adverts might also take traffic from your site when users click on them. Domain hosting Also known as URL redirection, this is a unique way of hosting your site. Instead of the traditional way where you host your web page, here you pay for your domain and then have your site hosted anywhere you want. This type of hosting ($1 Hosting) is ideal if you don't have plenty of money to spend on web hosting. Colocation This option is ideal for you if you are interested in having more control over your site. Here you put your web server in the machine room of a larger company then connect to their high speed internet. There are two types of colocation: Managed and unmanaged. When you use the managed colocation you have more control of your web hosting thus you have a better experience. Conclusion These are some of the ways in which you can host your site. For you to choose the right way of hosting your site you should consult an experienced professional. As rule of thumb go for a way that meets your needs and at the same time doesn't take much of your money. And if you think the same, better go with $1 Unlimited Hosting. If you don't have plenty of money to spend on web hosting, but want the professional look, MyTrueHost Australia is your savior. With this hosting you have all the features offered by a professional hosting company for a fraction of the cost. While there are many companies offering 1 Dollar Hosting services, we are the best. Visit the given links