Check Details On New Development For Sale Sihanoukville

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Check Details On New Development For Sale Sihanoukville

Cambodia is currently one of the fastest growing countries in Asia. Foreigners in the Kingdom can own 100% of the shares of companies, and own real estate above the second floor. Sihanoukville is a modern seaport and tropical resort on the coast of Cambodia. The city is located on picturesque hills and is surrounded on three sides by snow-white beaches, palm groves and washed by the warm and clear waters of the Gulf of Thailand. The city is now rapidly being built up and is becoming an important economic center of Asia and a new world resort. Just a couple of years ago it was a small village, today it is a large construction site, and tomorrow it will be a city comparable to Singapore or Macao (more information — development Plan). Sihanoukville attracts more and more capital from Asian countries, in particular, China and Taiwan, so real estate prices are rising here like in any other city in Cambodia, and perhaps the whole of Asia, hence don’t forget checking New Development For Sale Sihanoukville.

Currently, the city is being actively developed. The Chinese invest money, build new casinos and hotels, repair roads, break down old guesthouses and sheds, and build new multi-storey hotels in their place. In a couple of years, or even earlier, Sihanoukville on Serendipity will have a lot of high-rise buildings, 15-20 floors. There's already one condo on independence beach. Construction is now common here. In General, the land market is much more developed than other segments. This is due to the fact that Cambodia has recently defined a legal framework regulating land ownership processes. Many lands have been transferred to private ownership, but are still empty for one reason or another. It is widely believed that prices in Cambodia are extremely low, however, it is worth considering that Sihanoukville is the only resort city on the coast of Cambodia, so the prices here are appropriate, and now, with the constantly increasing flow of tourists, prices will only grow. You can buy land in Sihanoukville at a price from 25$-50$ per m2 and up to infinity. The price per square meter depends on the size of the plot, location, availability of roads and communications, and many other factors. As for Sihanoukville, here, first of all, small plots of land close to the coast are bought, as well as plots with a minimum cost per m2. When choosing a land plot, it is very important to know whether the seller has a firm title to the land. In the absence of a firm ownership right, the buyer is very much at risk. An unscrupulous seller can promise that You will get a firm right after the purchase without any problems, but, in reality, this is not always the case. We recommend checking any transactions with your lawyer or a trusted real estate Agency. Detailed information about how to register a land plot can be found on the website

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