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from Joey B Port
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Date: November- June 2018
Milano Complex Shibuya
Worked for two months as part of a team of Japanese and American architects supporting on the design of a entertainment complex within central tokyo (Shibuya). Created and presented a research project on spatial patterns and public space studies around the building site. Additionally was tasked with producing drawings on design alterations for entrance and internal layout for the entertainment complex using SketchUp and Rhino.
Project Overview
The Milano Complex looks towards a large open public space where I was tasked with designing an entrance that invites users into the building whilst also being a multi-purpose space. The task presented many challenges and research into the Japanese lifestyle on the periphery of buildings.
Model for Entrance Space
Colloborated with a work colleague on making a 1:50 Model of the buildings entrance with emphasis on the main structural columns holding up the rest of the building.
Sketch Design
A space where shops inside can expand their seating too whilst also giving opportunities for passing people to sit down.
Sketch Up Concept
Cinema Materiality Proposals
A certain aesthetic was aimed for and these were the materiality presented. Rhino+ Photoshop
Personal Hobbies And Competitions
Understanding Architecture
The interest of architecture is beyond the office or workspace. Its a personal hobby that I aim to celebrate through drawings and research.
Tjibaou Cultural Center Research