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Spring is almost here and we are excited to host you at the 9th annual Diamond T Stockman’s Choice Bull & Female Sale, on April 4th at 2pm! If you got our Christmas Letter or checked in on social media, you caught up on all the “social” happenings around the ranch as of late!
Each year we write how we had a great year previously … this year is no different! We had a smashingly successful bull sale, we had timely rains and good feed crops, our bulls and heifers weaned off nicely, we had a very successful preg-check in the fall! We checked a lot of the boxes which made for a great year! We had a BLAST with the kids at their activities, at the lake and working together! Each year we want to focus more on those items as we feel so grateful to have the opportunity to live this life and continue to serve YOU, our customers as seedstock producers. Because you trust in our program we can continue to do what we loveRAISE CATTLE!
RR#2 Olds Alberta T4H 1P3 diamondt.gardner@gmail.com www.diamondtcattle.ca find us on facebook
Brody 403.994.0552
Justine 403.969.3730
In January this year, we said our final farewell to our “Grandpa Gary”, the patriarch of Diamond T! We got our brand & our name from him, via his uncle “Lenny Mickle”, Gramps was so proud to watch us brand our bulls and heifers this year in some of his final days at home. Although he won’t be with us in person on sale day, we know he will be there in spirit. His memory gives us even more reason to keep our heads down, working hard towards our goals.
Our 2023 Sale Offering is one that we are so proud of, we have 6 main sire groups and then 2 “no mad” bulls! Our black bulls this year are sired by Peak Dot No Doubt 1019G, Coleman Bravo 6313, Bar E-L Royal Reserve120H, Murph’s Hot Toddy 2009 (a Payweight Son), OCC Legacy 839L and a Cowboy Up son. Our red bulls are sired by Red U2 Genesis 103G and Red W Sunrise Authentic 104F. Sire groupings that we have come to appreciate so
Ryan Dorran 403.507.6483 Auctioneer
Taylor Richards 306.821.4169 Ringman
Rod McLeod 403.540.7986 Ringman
Scott Bohrson 403.370.3010 - Bohrson Marketing
Taylor Richards 306.821.4169 - Bohrson Marketing
Jay Sibbald 403.899.2625 - Bohrson Marketing
Brody Cell 403.994.0552
Justine Cell 403.969.3730
Sale Barn 403.507.2255 • 403.507.2256
David Saretsky 403.896.9616 - Cantriex Livestock
Joel Waddell 403.512.6151
Pomeroy Inn & Suites, Olds - 403.556.8815
Ramada, Olds - 403.507.8349
Best Western, Olds - 403.556.5900
Jill Wildman
Canadian Farm Insurance Corp. 780-305-1146 much, each for many different reasons. Read through the footnotes and hear what makes each bull stand out to us. It is their genetics that we strive so hard to source, develop and breed, for the betterment of your operations and most certainly, your bottom line.

Our Heifer offering is smaller this year, Justine seems to keep a tight rein on the female sales around here. A Hanson trait that clearly isn’t about to die anytime soon! The Heifers are an elite group that come right from the top of our replacement pen. They are maternal, broody, attractive and built to develop high levels of ROI for you. Dr. Hans Riemert from Pioneer Vet Services will have them all palpated and ready to go.
This year we have given each bull a calving ease score as well as scored the bulls for claw shape & foot angle. We have also teat & udder scored their mamas. These scores have been given to the cows as of THIS YEAR and not as of the calves birth year. You will find the reference material from CAA on the following page. We are on a constant endeavour to provide our customer with the most amount of information and knowledge when purchasing their next herdsire.
We have developed these animals with the direction and advice from Doug Roxburgh with Bullseye. With Doug’s steady guidance we are confident in the development of our offering. We are always tough on fertility, structural integrity and longevity. We work closely with our veterinarian Hans, right from the start; the crew at Pioneer Veterinary work with us to develop a vaccine program that works with our environment and our cattle. We want to do whatever we can to ensure that all the bulls and heifers go to work for you; and not the other way around.
The following pages are 3 years in the making, we are passionate about what we are working towards. Raising cattle, growing feed, being good stewards of the land, building relationships and seeing our hard work & determination pay off. This is what we absolutely love to do! We are always so grateful to continue to have the opportunity to earn a living in a way we love.
Please feel free to reach out for a tour anytime as we lead up to the sale; we would love to show you through the bull pen, see their mama’s and enjoy a coffee or a rum! We have a great group of marketing representatives that know our cow herd and our bulls, so feel free to call any of them. Brody is proud of his “sight unseen purchase plan” - he takes pride in knowing our bulls and your cow herds, we want to make sure we get you set up with the bull that is going to work the best for you.
We look forward to having you on April 4th, at the Diamond T Sale Yard!