2 minute read

Our Five Year Strategy

With the 2016-2020 strategy cycle coming to a close and having made a significant impact of many of our ambitious aspirations, the Board, Faculties and Head Office have been working to develop a set of achievable and focused aims for the next fiveyear period.

During the last month, we have published the full details of the strategy on the website and released a series of discussion videos with our CEO, Kevin Bampton, and Board members.


Strategy - British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS)

In this cycle, a specific strategy for each of the faculties (FOH and FAAM) has also been developed, to reflect the immensely important role that they play in developing the occupational hygiene professions and raising standards.

Over the course of the next five years, the strategic aim is to “To position BOHS as the key scientific and professional body influencing change towards a healthier working environment”. Achievement of this will be demonstrated by:

• BOHS’ professional standards seen as benchmark for good occupational hygiene practice • Robust and sustainable partnerships with all other key influencers • BOHS seen as responsive to critical contemporary issues, but a futurefocused organisation, anticipating new challenges • Widespread adoption and promotion of BOHS technical guidance by other key influencers • Standing consultee for all key stakeholders in worker health protection and management of the work environment • BOHS awards seen as the gold standard for education in occupational hygiene and related areas • Growth in membership, engagement, and participation

As you can imagine, work is already well underway in many of these areas as a result of the hugely valued voluntary contributions made the Society’s members through participation in working groups and committees, representing the Society at external meetings, providing technical expertise, and showing support of the Society’s activities, all ably supported by the Head Office team.

We hope that you will share our enthusiasm and ambition for the future as outlined in the strategy documents and welcome your feedback on our areas of focus. Over the coming weeks and months, we will be highlighting further opportunities for members to help deliver these and sharing news on progress.


Our mission is to safeguard the UK’s current and future health through the effective management of the workplace environment.


Our vision is of a country where work is not a cause of acute or chronic ill-health.


Our approach is led by principle, informed by science, enabled by professionalism, and guided by good sense.

During the last month, we have published the full details of the strategy on the website and released a series of discussion videos with our CEO, Kevin Bampton, and Board members.

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