HOW MANY HOSPITALS CONTAIN ASBESTOS? In this article, we look at whether these findings cause for any alarm, and everything you need to know about the management of buildings containing asbestos.
ALSO INSIDE THIS ISSUE Registrars welcome Newsdesk features FAAM Conference update Meet the member FAAM PLP - Jason Milner
An official publication of
FAA NEWS Welcome W
There are now over 300 members, at varying grades, of our
professional body, including some international members.
It has been a phenomenal start to the UK’s first and only
professional body for asbestos professionals. FAAM has
An investigation has found that 9 out of 10 NHS hospitals contain traces of the potentially life-threatening material, asbestos. In this blog post, we look at whether these findings cause for any alarm, and everything you need to know about the managem ent of buildings containing asbestos.
An investigation,
which requested
informatio n from In this blog post, weall look at whether these 242 NHS trusts nationwid
e, has found that findings cause for any alarm, and everything 9 out of 10 NHS trust hospitals contain asbestos.about you need to know the management of 198 of the 211
is posed. This is
unlikely to happen, with hospitals (like all workplaces or public buildings containing asbestos) legally required to have regular asbestos surveys conducted by an accredited contractor , leading to the implementation of an asbestos managem ent plan. So long as this plan is followed diligently, it is unlikely that anyone will be exposed to harmful asbestos fibres at NHS hospitals.
trusts which responded
to the buildings containing asbestos. enquiry are said to contain the potentially dangerous material. However, it is worth noting that NHS Improvem ent’s strict regulations mean that asbestos containing material in buildings is registered and safely contained .
The audit came at the request of Jo Stevens MP,
chair of the All ALSO INSIDE THIS ISSUE Party Parliamen tary Group for
Occupatio Registrars welcome nal Health and Stevens said, “If
Newsdesk features it’s there it will at some point become
dangerous if FAAMit’s Conference disturbed or if it deteriorates, update so I’d like to see long term
Meetlong the member term strategies
plans and in place for its
removal from all buildings.” FAAM PLP - Jason Milner
352 claims involving asbestosrelated diseases were made between 2013-
An official againstpublication NHS Trusts of 14
2017. The results of which being the payment of at least £6.8 million to claimants, with legal firms estimating that at least double this has been paid (£16.4mn). The BBC did not specify whether this included hospitals outside of the NHS, or any of the 31 that didn’t respond to FOI requests.
What does this mean for patients and staff? The findings of this inquiry are unlikely to change your experience in your local NHS led hospital. This is due to the fact that
asbestos itself is not an immediate threat to the health of those using the affected hospitals—it only becomes dangerous if it is disturbed and the fibres are exposed to air which is then breathed by patients, staff, visitors or contractors.
What if the plan
isn’t followed
An asbestos managem ent plan is in place to keep everyone using buildings that contain asbestos materials safe. Even though it is clear to see the importanc e of these surveys, some public buildings still aren’t following asbestos managem ent plans. Of the 86% of UK schools which are known to contain asbestos, governme nt research found in 2017 that one-fifth weren’t complying with appropriat e procedures. The result of this lack of compliance is that an estimated 200 teachers have died of asbestos-r elated diseases since the material was banned.
As such, the hospitals containing asbestos can be safely used if the fibrous material is contained appropriately. It is only if the structure of the material is compromised, and the asbestos becomes disturbed, that any risk
also held its first asbestos conference, which took place
Equally, an asbestos survey carried out by a rogue contractor is just as dangerous —if not more so—than not having one carried out at all. Unknowin gly using unreliable contractors exposes all visitors to the site to potentially lethal risks. Therefore, when seeking an asbestos survey contractor , it is important to ensure that whoever you choose holds the relevant accreditat ion to conduct the survey.
What this tells
over 2 days in November 2018, in Manchester, which was a resounding success. FAAM 2019, which will be called
The findings of this inquiry show that even the buildings used to combat health issues have the potential to cause us harm. However, the BBC’s research reinforces the importanc e of using an accredited asbestos contractor to carry out sampling, testing, surveys and managem ent services in order to ensure that these buildings continue to be safe for use.
‘Asbestos 2019’, will be held in Nottingham in November. You can read about FAAM 2018 and Asbestos 2019
If you would like to know more about asbestos surveys, or have any concerns regarding the risk of asbestos in your workplace, get in touch with the Faculty of Asbestos Assessmen t and Managem ent (FAAM). FAAM is an accredited asbestos management establishment which is part of the BOHS chartered society for worker health protection. It specialises in workplace protection and will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding this subject.
elsewhere in this newsletter.
As you read this, FAAM has removed ‘Route 2’ to Member
grade, the so called grandfather route. Route 2 allowed very experienced professionals to, if successful following a review of their Professional Experience Portfolio (PEP),
01 Registrars welcome 02 Newsdesk features 03 FAAM Conference update By Martin Stear 04 Meet the member Nick Garland
enter at Member grade without the need for a Professional Discussion.
With Route 2 gone, all applicants for Member grade, after a successful review of their PEP, will need to take part in a Professional Discussion. It is an online discussion with three interviewers and is called
06 Centre of Expertise for Asbestos & Fibres and work on talc By David Vreede
a Professional Discussion, as it is just that, a discussion of the
09 Mavis Nye article 2.0
10 FAAM PLP By Jason Milner
This year will also see the first elected Board members,
Asbestos in NHS Hospitals
candidate’s professional career. We discuss projects that the candidate has been involved in and learnings from these; e.g. risks to health and actions taken. Ethics is also a key area of
with over the coming years, a progressive transition from what is now a volunteer Board to a Board fully elected by its members. It’s a chance to get involved and help shape your profession. There are two positions up for election in April
LATEST BOHS NEWS & INFO @BOHS BOHS Head Office 5/6 Melbourne Business Court, Millennium Way, Pride Park, Derby, DE24 8LZ, UK T: + 44 (0) 1332 298101 | F: + 44 (0) 1332 298099 | admin@bohs.org | www.bohs.org The views expressed in this issue are not necessarily those of BOHS Council
@BOHSworld @BOHS Video @BOHSworld
to FAAM News 2019. Bob Harris of AEC is stepping down from the Board and I would like to add my thanks to those of the rest of the Board, for all his assistance and support as FAAM developed from a concept to the successful professional body it now is. Jean Prentice is up for reelection on the Board, so of course may or may not be continuing with us. Next year other Board members positions will be up for re-election and so on until the full Board is of elected
Please watch out for these notifications and take the opportunity to get involved if and when you can – it is your professional body. Whether you wish to be involved
Martin Stear Registrar of FAAM
asbestos finding its way into products we purchase on the high street, but there is also of course still much to learn in terms of what this means for risk to health historically and of course going forward. We hope to provide further updates as David and Sean’s work progresses.
in a small way, such as write
Providing scientific updates,
an article, or become a Board
guidance and positions are very
member, the success of FAAM is
much at the heart of what FAAM
in the hands of its members.
wants to achieve.
positions. My position as Registrar is up for
There are now over
re-election in two years. The move to a fully elected board is being done in such a way to ensure consistency from the initial to an elected Board. Sitting on the FAAM Board is not the only way to participate. We are also going to be looking for PEP
300 members
Discussion interviewers, presenters, authors of position papers and for members to represent FAAM on relevant bodies. Reviewing PEPs and interviewers will be paid roles. We will also invite FAAM members to write articles and share their views in this newsletter, and sit on working groups/committees, such as the Conference Committee. Notifications of such opportunities will be made in the newsletter and through our e-bulletins etc.
a voice for members to share their experiences and views, but also invite others to detail their work and opinions etc., where we consider this of relevance to
In this issue we have an article from David Vreede (Chairman to the Center of Expertise for Asbestos & Fibers / Technical Advisor Committee for Asbestos Victims, Netherlands). Delegates of the FAAM conference will have seen David speak, along with Sean Fitzgerald (Scientific Analytic Institute, USA), regarding their investigations of the presence of asbestos in talc. Their work is ongoing and I feel there is still much to learn about this subject. We of course do not want any
Therefore, we will provide
at varying grades, of our professional body.
reviewers, Professional
We want FAAM to be seen as a coherent, balanced and ethical voice for the industry.
the membership. More formally, FAAM will produce guidance, advice notes and position papers as it sees fit. These are again all opportunities for members to become involved with FAAM. FAAM has grown significantly in the first year and the signs are that the second year will bring greater growth and success.
Martin Stear 03
UPDATES FROM THE BOARD OF MEMBERS CSCS CARDS FAAM, ACAD and NORAC have formed a collaboration to bring a new skills certification card displaying the CSCS logo to Asbestos professionals. At the beginning of 2015 the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) announced that the industry should only accept card schemes carrying the CSCS logo with no equivalents accepted. This is known
❙❙ Re-inspection reports – what
❙❙ Annual deaths are continuing to
should the report contain.
increase among those aged 75
❙❙ Asbestos registers – what are
years or over, but are reducing
how they inform the duty holder
broadly similar to the annual
These documents will be readily available from the NORAC website to allow the sharing of information and improving standards.
Asbestos Disease Statistics
card schemes must meet a number
HSE has recently published the latest statistics on asbestos disease and other cancers in Great Britain.
❙❙ There were 2,595 mesothelioma
The CSCS logo displayed on the card will provide the industry with confidence that the card holder has achieved the recognised standards of training and qualification for their asbestos occupation.
Full details and other information can be found in the following publications: Asbestos-related diseases in GB 2018
skilled occupations at NVQ level 2.
approved to display the CSCS logo.
❙❙ Men who worked in the building
most at risk of mesothelioma.
The latest information shows:
requirements of the CLC and is
females in the previous four years. industry when asbestos was used
and setting a minimum standard for
The new card fully meets the
numbers among males and
extensively are now among those
order to qualify for the CSCS logo all
qualifications for each occupation
deaths and 398 female deaths,
carrying out intrusive surveys
that include, agreeing appropriate
years. ❙❙ In 2016 there were 2,197 male
❙❙ Damage expected when
as the One Industry Logo action. In
of requirements set out by the CLC
among those aged below 70
they supposed to contain and
deaths in Great Britain in 2016,
http://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/ causdis/asbestos-related-disease.pdf Mesothelioma mortality in
broadly similar to the previous
GB 1968-2016
four years.
❙❙ The latest projections suggest
that there will continue to be around 2,500 deaths per year for the rest of this current decade before annual numbers begin to decline (see Figure 1).
mesothelioma.pdf Occupational Cancer in GB 2018 http://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/ causdis/cancer.pdf
NORAC UPDATE NORAC is soon to release its first technical guidance note which will deal with asbestos in ceramic wall tile adhesive. This is an asbestos containing material which has gone undetected for years with many being oblivious to its existence. This will be the first publication with
Figure 1: Mesothelioma deaths in Great Britain: annual actual and predicted deaths (source HSE, “Asbestos-related diseases in GB” 2018) 3,000
Substantial increase in annual deaths due to asbestos exposures prior to 1980
Projected: 2,500 per year until 2020
a series of others to follow shortly afterwards which will include; ❙❙ Refurbishment surveys – how to get behind ACMs safely, explaining the dilemmas and also the problems with
preplanning. ❙❙ Survey reports – model types of reports, the detail that is commonly missing from reports including building descriptions. 04
0 1980
Shaded area represents the upper and lower prediction iunterval
2010 Mesothelioma deaths
2030 Projected deaths
Asbestos Analyst Inspection Programme
❙❙ FAAM now has over 300 members with Associate being by far the most
HSE has completed the report on
popular membership grade.
the Asbestos Analyst Inspection
❙❙ MFAAM applications have sky rocketed with just over 40 received in the
Programme carried out in 2015.
last month alone.
The inspection programme was
❙❙ Chart of membership figures since creation:
designed to obtain a picture of current analyst work including the
FAAM Membership figures October 2017 - January 2019
nature and scale of organisations
carrying out 4-stage clearance
inspections; and to examine safety arrangements and 4-stage
Number of members
clearance procedures. Around 75% of analyst organisations provided information for the report and around 15% were inspected by HSE. The report identifies a number of issues regarding analyst work
48 42
59 51
basis of many of the changes to
36 31
37 31
38 33
O V17 D EC -1 7 JA N -1 8 FE B -1 8 M A R -1 8 A P R -1 8 M AY -1 8 JU N -1 8 JU L18 A U G -1 8 SE P -1 8 O C T18 N O V18 D EC -1 8 JA N -1 9
C T17
the forthcoming revised Analyst
17 10 4 0
6 4 0
55 47
The findings of the study form the
practices and 4-stage clearances.
published on the HSE website.
analyst work practices, health and
Guide. The report is expected to be
Nick Garland 1. What was the first job you got when you finished fulltime education?
3. Describe a typical day in your work. One of the reasons I have always
Apart from a year out – where
loved my job is that there is rarely
technically my first job was working
a typical day. I have two main
in the lab of Canberra University
hats. The first is asbestos and H&S
(collecting and sorting acacia seeds),
consultant. I work for some blue
my first real job would have been
chip organisations, where I help
with Environmental Evaluation. I
them with policy, procedure and
was effectively employee number
investigations. I also act as an
1 as Bill Maxwell had just had an
expert witness for asbestos cases. I
accident and needed an assistant.
work with some licensed asbestos
This was 1992, and I was a fully-
removal companies, where I assist
fledged pump jockey with several
them on complex removal projects
clearances in a day. When not
and construction H&S advice – again
working on asbestos projects I was
policy and procedure, but also
helping with monitoring stack
auditing, competence assessments,
trend analysis etc.... It was this
I really couldn’t have hoped for a better start, technically all three directors (Bill Maxwell, Margaret
second strand that led to my other hat – which is H&S software, Assure360.
5. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? Holidays are normally outdoors related – and I suppose it all comes down to that. The perfect start to the day is an early walk on the common with the dog. Skiing happens once a year and the main family holiday is camping – normally the south of France. They all transport you away from real life where you are instantly ‘on holiday’ where you remain till you get home. They’re all pretty much off grid. 6. Where did you last go on
Parrett and David Miles) were
One of the problems of being an
superb – but more impressive was –
external auditor / advisor is that it
in a grubby industry - their integrity.
allows some silo thinking to creep
Skiing with friends in the French
in. ie ‘Nick does H&S for us, so I don’t
Alps. The week before the
need to’. The software I created,
horrendous conditions we are
Assure360, allows companies to
hearing about now thankfully.
2. When and why did you join FAAM? I put my application in the moment
eliminate the repeated mining of
that you were accepting them.
multiple Excel spreadsheets, and
As a professional I have been searching for years for a home. BOHS, with whom I did all my early training should have been that place, but because I was an asbestos specialist – I was always made to feel that I wasn’t a ‘proper occupational hygienist’. IOSH also didn’t seem to fit. When BOHS received its Royal Charter I became very excited – hoping for a potential route for this to be extended to my sector. I know that a Royal Charter for the faculty is not on the cards yet – but FAAM is a massive step in the right direction. Full recognition, code of conduct, continuing professional development. MFAAM are the only letters I have ever used.
importantly the App allows multiple people in an organisation to feed into audits and generally participate in H&S. This has the effect of widening participation, greater understanding and a stronger more positive culture. 4. How did you get your current job? I am self-employed – I made the decision to set up on my own with my old colleague Damon Rowley (from my RPS days). This became AM Partnership. After that I genuinely went on my own, starting Assure Risk management in 2006 and in 2014 Assure360 (the software company).
7. Favourite food? Will try anything but if I was pinned down – Sunday roast (or as my boys call them – ‘Roast Day Dinners’). 8. Favourite film? “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart. Must have watched it 20 times – always gets me. 9. Favourite book? One you have probably never heard of Malazan book of the fallen by Steven Erikson – huge science fiction tome. 10. What was the first/last music album you bought? Chaka Khan – “I Feel For You” (84) and “Teleman Family of Aliens” – not too embarrassing!
When not working on asbestos projects I was helping with monitoring stack emissions.
FAAM SPECIAL REPORT BY DAVID DE VREEDE Chairman to the Centre of Expertise for Asbestos & Fibres
Centre of Expertise for Asbestos & Fibres and work on talc The Centre of Expertise for Asbestos & Fibres is a non-profit organisation in the Netherlands, which performs research into possible asbestos containing products / materials, raises awareness of the hazards, investigate other possibly hazardous fibres and support the fight for a global asbestos ban. Every participant in the board and the Expertise Committee has experience and knowledge on asbestos from a different background. We have a certified HSE specialist, a certified surveyor, a certified abatement chief, a physician who works as a professor at Drexel University, a geologist, two experienced laboratory analysts, an asbestos liability lawyer, an air quality expert and a water quality expert.
About a year ago I started an
are sold to the EU and other
other in the same rock formations.
investigation into the possible
countries with an asbestos ban.
Often the talc veins and asbestos
contamination of talc with asbestos, and whether this could find its way in to talc-based products available on the high street in Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe. My interest started once I learnt that asbestos had been found, by Sean Fitzgerald (geologist and director of SAI Laboratory (North Carolina), in products sold by Claire’s accessories. As technical advisor to the Committee for Asbestos Victims, I wanted to investigate this and, as necessary, to report my concerns to authorities in the Netherlands; Inspectorates ILT and NVWA (environmental and consumer protection). With support from the Dutch news programme Eenvandaag (One Today), we started our own research project into the matter. Because of the news report by Eenvandaag on our investigation and political pressure by the Socialist Party, for who I also work as an asbestos policy advisor, the inspectorate ILT also started an investigation. Both we and ILT found asbestos present in make-up products. The Dutch government reported the results to the EU rapid alert system for non-food products, which led to investigations and recalls in many countries, like the UK, Spain, Czech Republic and Belgium among others. We have also carried out further research beyond talcbased products, discovering further possible sources of asbestos. The whole Claire’s situation made clear that the Netherlands and Europe in general needed a NGO which performs research into 21st century threats of asbestos. Worldwide research over the last
Therefore we decided to found a new non-profit organisation in the Netherlands. Together with experts who took part in the Claire’s project and the financial support of the Drexel University, department of environmental and public health (Philadelphia, United States) we founded the Centre of Expertise for Asbestos & Fibres.
veins are interwoven. Therefore, during mining, talc can become contaminated with asbestos. During processing, purification methods are applied to remove the asbestos, but these are not always sufficient. The problem lies in the analysing methods, in order to ensure the asbestos has been removed. Current standards are based on XRD (x-ray diffraction) and PLM (polarised
We decided our first research project would be an investigation into talc products in general. The study into Claire’s make-up, the Johnson & Johnson case in the US and research performed by the Australian and South Korean governments and the NGO Environmental Working Group from the US showed asbestos in many talc containing products like crayons, baby powder, make-up, pharmaceutics and finger print kits sold to children.
light microscopy), but the testing
Our new study focusses on raw
use, since it’s the only really effective
talc on powdery (friable) consumer products like cosmetics, since those are most likely to release fibres to the
methods are inadequate of finding most asbestos fibres in talc. Sean Fitzgerald developed a more effective way of testing talc for the presence of asbestos. It is based on a special preparation of the sample in combination with TEM (transmission electron microscopy) or SEM (scanning electron microscopy). TEM works better since it’s hard to see the difference between talc fibres and anthophyllite fibres through SEM. At the moment the ISO committee is considering adding this method to the current ISO standard. In case you would like to start your own investigation into asbestos presence in talc products please feel free to contact us and our Expertise Committee member Sean Fitzgerald will share the testing method we way of determining asbestos presence in talc. (e-mail address: info@expertisecentrum-asbest.nl )
air during usage. Once the results are available from our testing, we will be publishing them. Once this work is completed, we will be continuing with further areas of research regarding the possible presence of asbestos in
If you would like to know more about our organisation or support us, then please contact us at info@expertisecentrumasbest.nl or visit our website
at www.expertisecentrum-
asbestos presence in sandblasting
Manufacturers of talc-based products, such as cosmetics, do
in English but can be
materials, tap water, cat litter and the problem of online asbestos
not add asbestos to talc. Talc and
sales. Through websites like whish.
multiple types of asbestos, mostly
com, aliexpress, alibaba and amazon
tremolite, but also anthophyllite and
many asbestos containing products
chrysotile, are found close to each
decade has also found (possible)
asbest.nl. This is not translated when accessing through Google Chrome.
The Mavis Nye Foundation The Mavis Nye Foundation was created to inspire victims of mesothelioma, an asbestos related terminal cancer, to give hope to fellow victims and show a light at the end of the tunnel. In sharing a brief story of her journey she hopes to dispel some of the fear and myths.
THE JOURNEY. It began in the 1950’s when, aged 15 she met Ray who was to become her lifelong partner. He was an apprentice in the Royal Naval Dockyard in Chatham. They would meet during lunch breaks and later in the day. He would have on his clothes the fine invisible dust of asbestos.
No one at that time warned them that this would in later life become a major issue After their first year together Ray was called up for National Service, the 2 years separation was no barrier to asbestos contamination because unwittingly she was already exposed.
there was no cure and no treatment
awarded a BCA for her work. She
available. The prognosis was a life
is an NHS patient rep, and sits on
expectancy of about 3 months,
various committees and support
and that she was advised to return
home and put her affairs in order. The following 4 years were spent on chemotherapy and failed drug trials. A further year followed and the Oncologist reported that the chemo was no longer working and that
there was nothing more that could
The following year from the last
be done for her.
result that she has no hope of
Although she had been in treatment she had not sat idle, she decided early on that something needed to be done. So she began to set about searching for answers. She found a small group of likeminded victims on social media and joined them. It was headed by Debbie Brewer. She and Mavis became good friends, but sadly Debbie succumbed to
On Rays demob they got married and he returned to his trade in the shipyard. Over the years that followed they raised a family and lived a normal life together. It was 49 years later that the devastating consequences of their first meeting would now return. In 2009 Mavis was suddenly aware that her breathing was labored, this was first noticed during a short walk to the shop across the road. An urgent appointment with her GP was made and within hours she was admitted into Hospital and 7 liters of fluid were drained from her lungs.
this insidious disease leaving Mavis to carry the flag. She set to with a vigor that was unstoppable. She expanded this small groups humble beginnings and created various groups on social media and soon
advised by Professor Dean Fennell that a small drugs trial was about to start in the Royal Marsden that was for mesothelioma. The weeks that followed were productive in that she was referred for interview for assessment. Some weeks later she received news that she had been accepted on a trial of just 3 people. The MK3475 trial later to be known as the Keytruda trial was a comprehensive trial, demanding treatment every 14 days for up to 2 years depending on response. All of which Mavis grasped with both hands. She was slowly dying so what
name - it had gained a reputation
had she too loose.
for support and advice. Today Mavis’ work is internationally recognized, she is available on a personal level to support and encourage victims of mesothelioma and is supported by many influential people; she is in demand for presentations to spread the word. She talks with
After weeks of tests and biopsies she
spoken on occasions in the House
was given the news that she had
of Commons in the company of
mesothelioma. It was explained that
distinguished speakers. She was
campaigns, during which she was
become known was now a global
and Doctors, and MP`s. She has
treatment was spent on these
the “Mesowarriors” as they had
Lords, Ladies, Professors, Oncologists
it was a terminal cancer and that
Her energy and enthusiasm knows no bounds.
This trial was to prove a miracle. Shrinkage of the tumors began within a few treatments. These improvements continued right through the 2 years culminating in the result that a complete response was achieved. In laymen’s terms that means remission. They were quick to point out it’s not a cure because it could return at any time.
Mavis has now become the first person in the world to re-challenge the drug at The Royal Marsden where 14% shrinkage in 4 infusions was achieved.
Mavis’s DNA has been looked at in detail and the Royal Marsden is about to publish a medical case history, so watch this space! At the moment, taking into account the damage the disease and chemotherapy has done to her she is active, and is living a better quality
The asbestos industry has been
The professional discussion itself
crying out for a Faculty to act
was an hour with a panel of 3
as a guardian for professional
FAAM representatives including
standards and ethics.
Martin Stear - Registrar of the
As soon as the Faculty of Asbestos Assessment and Management (FAAM) was launched, I was
Faculty of Asbestos Assessment and Management (FAAM).
she moan, and does she complain.
There are various levels of
No Way. She continues to run her
membership of FAAM: Technician,
The interview itself was not as intense as the Certificate of Competence in Asbestos qualification
support groups and show the way.
Associate, Licentiate, Member and Fellow.
but more a discussion of personal
She says that she has been given
of life than the previous 9 years. She still has issues, her body has been irreparably damaged, unseen outside in most cases but does
another chance at life so that she can help other sufferers.
excited at the prospect of joining a BOHS faculty for asbestos industry professionals.
As the Estates Asbestos Risk Manager for Bradford Teaching
SO THE FOUNDATION WAS SET UP The foundation’s primary aim is to reach out to as many donors and fund raisers as possible.
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust with over 15 years Asbestos Management experience I jumped at the chance to apply at “Member level”.
grants to smaller research labs to
The process was straightforward as I compiled my Professional Experience Portfolio (PEP) which
pursue the development of new
encompassed my asbestos
Without these donations and fund raisers we cannot begin to help those in need of our support to offer
drugs for mesothelioma research in the UK. Applications are now being accepted. The foundations next aim is to support young university students studying to become mesothelioma doctors and to offer grants towards securing more mesothelioma CNS nurses in the UK. For more information on Mavis Nye, and how you can support her foundation. Please visit her website www.mavisnyefoundation.com
experience, practises within my current role and questions on how the asbestos industry could be improved. Further to a successful professional discussion I was proudly accepted into FAAM at Member Level in September 2018. In November 2018 I attended the FAAM conference in Manchester. This was an opportunity for me to network with other FAAM delegates and Health & Safety representatives from the UK and also around the world.
qualifications and experience
The presentations at the
from consultancy to the public
conference were excellent and
gave you a vision of the fantastic
The PEP also included photos and information relevant to my career journey thus far. I was then invited to attend a Professional discussion to discuss
work FAAM is accomplishing now as we speak. I would encourage all asbestos professionals to apply to become a member of FAAM.
my asbestos experience and
FAAM will continue to define
knowledge highlighted in my
asbestos professionals in the
Professional Experience Portfolio
years to come as it strides forward
positively towards stringent asbestos safety developments for future generations.
By Martin Stear BSc DipOH FFOH MFAAM Registrar
On 11th October 2017, the Faculty of Asbestos Assessment and Management (FAAM) was launched at the Conrad Hotel in London. Just short of 13 months later, FAAM held its first conference, over two days at the Park Inn Hotel Manchester, with 118 delegates, speakers and exhibitors in attendance. It is of equal note that FAAM has grown in its first year to 278 members, which clearly shows the appetite for a home for asbestos professionals.
The afternoon reminded us that not only do we have to be mindful of the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) used and installed in the past, but that asbestos can still find its way into the workplace and the home. Sean Fitzgerald (Scientific Analytic Institute, USA) provided an insight into USA asbestos regulations and practices.
The Conference was opened by
and Darnton’s 2000 seminal
Martin Stear, FAAM’s Registrar,
paper, “The Quantitative Risks of
with the first presentation given
Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer
by Mavis Nye of the Mavis Nye
in Relation to Asbestos Exposure”.
Foundation. Mavis was diagnosed
Andrew discussed this model, along
with mesothelioma in 2009 and
with other recognised models
she has been successfully battling
(Berman & Crump (2003, 2008 and
the disease ever since, having been
2011), “A Meta-Analysis of Asbestos-
placed in an immune-therapy trial.
Related Cancer Risk that Addresses
Mavis provided an inspirational talk
Fiber Size and Mineral Type” and
of her story and of the continual
EPA/Nicholson (USA, 1986/2008), and
need to protect workers from the
the use of an ‘Asbestos Calculator’
dangers of asbestos and other dusts
for risk, developed by himself and
in the workplace. Jonathan Hughes
Andrey. Andrew provided examples,
(IOSH Vice President) then provided
based on different short-term
an update on IOSH’s ‘No Time to Lose
exposures to asbestos from the
disturbance of asbestos-insulating
The aim of FAAM was to provide
board (AIB).
both a scientific and an international
Andrey then took us through an
conference, aimed very much at
example of how we can address
addressing many of the important
risk using the Asbestos Calculator,
issues that the asbestos professional
based on remediation of asbestos-
still faces. Andrew Darnton (HSE
contaminated land. Risk assessment
Statistician) and Andrey Korchevskiy
is at the very heart of what we do as
(C&HI (USA), dealt with asbestos
asbestos professionals, in particular,
exposure and ‘Making Sense of the
with regard to what are now often
Laboratory Data’. Most asbestos
low-level and/or short duration
professionals are aware of Hodgson
Interestingly, Sean provided a picture of Russian raw chrysotile asbestos sacks from Russian manufacturer Uralasbest, with packaging which reads: “Approved by Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States”. Alarmingly, Sean told us that asbestos imports into the USA had increased under the Trump administration and showed examples of currently available products found to contain asbestos. Sean also, in conjunction with our next speaker, David De Vreede (Chairman to the Center of Expertise for Asbestos & Fibers Technical Advisor Committee for Asbestos Victims) from the Netherlands, presented their work on the presence of asbestos in talc. They explained their investigations and testing, in particular with regard to work in the Netherlands but also regarding asbestos in talc as a global issue. David said that, “Tremolite, anthophyllite, and chrysotile asbestos were all found in the Claire’s makeup from the Netherlands, just like in the US”. Its presence in the talc is natural
(i.e. it can be formed in the same rock
schemes and Jean Prentice provided
developments and technologies) and
formations as asbestos) and we were
an historical viewpoint as to why
Daniel Barrowcliffe of HSE (current
told it is not adequately screened
light microscopy, at times derided
exposures and work practices in
for during production of the talc.
as not sensitive enough, was the
the licensed asbestos removal
De Vreede wrote stated that, “The
chosen method for asbestos testing
industry). There were also equipment
purification methods used at the
back in the 1980s (and of course still
demonstrations from Beacon
processing mills are not sufficient”
used today). These speakers held a
Internal Limited on their latest in
and “The current methods for the
joint question and answer session
ventilation control for enclosures,
determination of asbestos in talc are
regarding how and why we test for
and Sann Innovation and Airbox
asbestos in the twenty first century.
on their latest in sampling devices.
Yvonne Waterman (European
John Moore Gillon, King Edward
Asbestos Forum) and Jasper
VI’s Hospital Sister Agnes, gave
Kosters (Admanstars) also dealt
the audience an update on our
with asbestos in talc, but also that
understanding of asbestos-related
asbestos is still being mined and
diseases, and its treatment. John
used in parts of the world, and
explained that with regard to
The conference was closed by
potentially crossing (unknowingly)
asbestos (and cancer generally),
Jonathan Grant of the FAAM Board,
borders into Europe. John Addison
developments are progressing
but also by Mavis Nye who thanked
explained the difficulties with
faster than the literature can keep
the efforts of FAAM, BOHS and
defining what is asbestos, beyond
up with. He said that in his own
IOSH in their continued efforts to
what we typically regard as asbestos
experience, the last 5 years has seen
prevent and reduce exposure to
fibres and Jean Prentice presented
greater developments than all of his
asbestos. All in all, FAAM 2018 was
Garry Burdett’s work on heated
career that went before. Mavis Nye,
a resounding success, with many
chrysotile in asbestos cement and
sat in the audience, was testament
delegates asking about FAAM 2019.
if and when the fibre is no longer
to such developments and John’s
Its certainly hard to argue against
presentations was one of the
this being an annual conference,
highlights of what was an excellent
as opposed to every two years, but
the FAAM Board will consider all
Day two provided talks on light microscopy and electron microscopy techniques, by Sara Mason (ABP
The final afternoon of the conference
Associates), Ashley Howkins (ETC)
focused on the asbestos removal
and James Staff (HSL). James also
industry with presentations from
talked us through various proficiency
Dr Martin Gibson of HSE (new
These organisations showed that significant improvements are being made in the tools for the assessment and management of exposure to asbestos.
the feedback once received and make an announcement in the early new year.
INVESTIGATION FINDS THAT 90% OF NHS TRUST HOSPITALS CONTAIN ASBESTOS An investigation has found that 9 out of 10 NHS hospitals contain traces of the potentially life-threatening material, asbestos. In this blog post, we look at whether these findings cause for any alarm, and everything you need to know about the management of buildings containing asbestos.
An investigation, which requested information from all 242 NHS trusts nationwide, has found that 9 out of 10 NHS trust hospitals contain asbestos. 198 of the 211 trusts which responded to the enquiry are said to contain the potentially dangerous material. However, it is worth noting that NHS Improvement’s strict regulations mean that asbestos containing material in buildings is registered and safely contained. The audit came at the request of Jo Stevens MP, chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Occupational Health and Safety. Stevens said, “If it’s there it will at some point become dangerous if it’s disturbed or if it deteriorates, so I’d like to see long term plans and long term strategies in place for its removal from all buildings.” 352 claims involving asbestosrelated diseases were made against NHS Trusts between 201314
2017. The results of which being
asbestos itself is not an immediate
the payment of at least £6.8 million
threat to the health of those
to claimants, with legal firms
using the affected hospitals—it
estimating that at least double
only becomes dangerous if it
this has been paid (£16.4mn). The
is disturbed and the fibres are
BBC did not specify whether this
exposed to air which is then
included hospitals outside of the
breathed by patients, staff, visitors
NHS, or any of the 31 that didn’t
or contractors.
respond to FOI requests. As such, the hospitals containing
What does this mean for patients and staff? The findings of this inquiry are unlikely to change your experience in your local NHS led hospital. This is due to the fact that
asbestos can be safely used if the fibrous material is contained appropriately. It is only if the structure of the material is compromised, and the asbestos becomes disturbed, that any risk
Equally, an asbestos survey carried out by a rogue contractor is just as dangerous—if not more so—than not having one carried out at all. Unknowingly using unreliable contractors exposes all visitors to the site to potentially lethal risks. Therefore, when seeking an asbestos survey contractor, it is important to ensure that whoever you is posed. This is unlikely to happen, with
choose holds the relevant accreditation to
hospitals (like all workplaces or public
conduct the survey.
buildings containing asbestos) legally required to have regular asbestos surveys conducted by an accredited contractor, leading to the implementation of an asbestos management plan. So long as this plan is followed diligently, it is unlikely that anyone will be exposed to harmful asbestos fibres at NHS hospitals.
What if the plan isn’t followed An asbestos management plan is in place
What this tells us The findings of this inquiry show that even the buildings used to combat health issues have the potential to cause us harm. However, the BBC’s research reinforces the importance of using an accredited asbestos contractor to carry out sampling, testing, surveys and management services in order to ensure that these buildings continue to be safe for use.
to keep everyone using buildings that
contain asbestos materials safe. Even
If you would like to know more about
though it is clear to see the importance of
asbestos surveys, or have any concerns
these surveys, some public buildings still
regarding the risk of asbestos in your
aren’t following asbestos management
workplace, get in touch with the Faculty
plans. Of the 86% of UK schools which are
of Asbestos Assessment and Management
known to contain asbestos, government
(FAAM). FAAM is an accredited asbestos
research found in 2017 that one-fifth
management establishment which is
weren’t complying with appropriate
part of the BOHS chartered society for
procedures. The result of this lack of
worker health protection. It specialises
compliance is that an estimated 200
in workplace protection and will be able
teachers have died of asbestos-related
to answer any questions you may have
diseases since the material was banned.
regarding this subject.