FAAM News - Issue 3

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ALSO INSIDE THIS ISSUE Registrars welcome Newsdesk features My experience of the COCA Meet the member

An official publication of

FAA NEWS Welcome t W



The Faculty of Asbestos Assessment and Management (FAAM) is



At the 2014 Amer ican Industrial Hygie ne Conference in Antonio, Texas, San there was a round table entitled “Asbe and the Society: stos Perception of an Acceptable Risk here Fred Boelt Level” er gave a presentatio n entitled “Achi World Free of Asbes eving a tos Risk”. All of us in the occupational and public health profession know such an achievement is fundamentally impossible if for no other reason than asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is inherently part of the earth’s crust. The earth’s crust has inherent hazards and the earth’s air has never been pure, which begs the question of what is meant by “pure” and other loosely defined terms frequently encountered on this topic.




ALSO INSIDE THIS ISSUE Registrars welcome Newsdesk features


My experience of the COCA Meet the member Fred W Boelter,


An official publication of

FAIHA and Jacob D Persky,



answer may be to ban asbestos, supportable and such a simple transparent answer is anything decisions about but simple to implemen risk. t. The health effects of significant and substantial exposures Ours is a professio to asbestos, n the costs and legacy grounded in the of regulating principle and remediatin g, and society’s of protecting by assessing desire to rid asbestos from the exposures, designin planet is the source g of a head control solution scratching conundrum s, and : Is there any merit in chasing educating workers insignificant and insubstant ial randomly (increasingly consum low concentrations ers of “things and the public What we also know of interest” that as well), were never in our how to use and profession is that deliberately put work the term asbestos, into a product at least from a but rather are safely with hazards. historical perspectiv artifacts of mother e, is not a mineralog nature? Is it appropria Our profession ical term but te to embrace gives rather a commerci the idea that “detection al term related ” equates consideration to to 6 fibrous forms to “risky”? factors Is our profession of specific minerals really such as “who”, “under that were commerci suggesting that mother nature ally extracted, what is processed, graded, so unpredictable circumstances”, that we simply and sold as “when”, ingredients for should not harvest and “where”. Hazards manufacturing anything natural a variety of useful for fear of exposure and life-saving to something abound everywh products. At least ere, but detectable and therefore the that was the risks are different perspective “back only acceptabl than e concentration then”. We also of now know that hazards. an unintended a significant and artifact is “zero”? substantial exposure What are we supposed or dose (a to think Let us step back function of concentra when authoritat for one moment ive agencies adopt tion, time, to the idea mentioned duration and frequency policies premised earlier that upon there being ) can result “detection” equates for some people “no safe level of to “risky”. in the developm asbestos exposure ent As we all know, of disease, but for any type of “detection” is a further considerat asbestos fiber”? ion Is it technical term also needs to be even technicall that begs definition. y feasible to confirm given to fiber We all know that type and latency “zero” fibers? an analytical Is “zero” what recognizing is result reported some people with meant when using as “<0.01” is missing even significant the word “safe”? important informatio exposure do not If so, we should n. Without develop disease. all wear respirators details about the Such a statement all the time! identity of the does not mean, parameter, measurem “don’t concern yourself about ent unit, method of analysis, Obviously, that asbestos exposure” is not what our and laboratory , the statement proficiency to produce profession is saying clearly recognizes nor should it accurate the reality of and reliable data, be what our profession our profession, the value of the namely, there is implying. are datapoint and Scaring people a number of factors associated concept out of their wits to consider in is of “detection” fearmongering judging risk. is extremely limited. and leads to bad, Similarly, adequate costly, and unsupport working able decisions. definitions are The topic of asbestos We should be scaring also needed for is complicated, people terms often applied but people like into their wits simple answers. and assisting our to the topic of asbestos, While a simple clients and the public talc, and elongate and compellin into making mineral g particles (EMPs), including: fibrous,





CONTENTS 02 Registrars welcome 04 Newsdesk features

now 2 years old. Has it been a successful 2 years? Membership exceeds 300 across all the professional grades. It is an impressive start for a new professional body. It demonstrates that there is a real appetite for a dedicated ‘home’ for asbestos professionals and of course, we expect membership to increase well beyond this. The application process is now well established, including with regard to Professional Experience Portfolio (PEP) applications and Professional Discussion to full Member Grade. The FAAM Committee has started its progression to a fully elected Committee, with unelected positions transitioning to elected positions over the next few years. My position as Registrar will be up for election in 2021. The second FAAM conference – ‘Asbestos 2019’ – is being held in November with, as in 2018, international speakers and a fully scientific programme. FAAM is represented on various relevant committees, has provided presentations at various conferences and is referred to in upcoming HSE guidance on asbestos analytical work. E-bulletins are regularly provided as well as a biannual newsletter.

06 Meet the member Samantha Collins

So much has been achieved in the first 2 years. But where would I like

09 Asbestos 2019

bigger membership and so on, but the better answer is influence

09 Meet the committee member Jonathan Ford

simply a home for asbestos professionals but a fundamental change

10 My Experience of the COCA By Graham O’Mahony BSc HONS, COCA LFAAM 15 Continuing Professional Development update 15 Exhibiting at FAAM Conference COVER FEATURE

12 Asbestos, Talc, EMPs: An Evolving Perspective on Mined Minerals or a Paradigm Shift? By Fred W Boelter, CIH, PE, BCEE

to see FAAM in 5 or 10 years? The easy answer is more of the above, and change. The concept behind FAAM’s original inception was not in professional practice. I recall many years ago being invited to a chemical site to resolve an asbestos incident. Once on site, I was taken to the offending area and asked to provide advice about some damaged asbestos lagging and fallen asbestos debris. I couldn’t see any damage or any debris. Puzzled, I asked my client what I was meant to see. He pointed at an overhead pipe and said a piece of lagging, the size of a thumbnail, had fallen to the floor; this occurred with nobody present, outdoors and in the rain. The piece of debris had gone, I can’t recall if it had washed away or had been picked up, but my client asked what they should do? Again puzzled, I said with regard to what? He said RIDDOR and reporting as a dangerous occurrence and with regard to possible risk to health? I politely advised him that it was neither reportable nor in any way a

LATEST BOHS NEWS & INFO @BOHS BOHS Head Office 5/6 Melbourne Business Court, Millennium Way, Pride Park, Derby, DE24 8LZ, UK T: + 44 (0) 1332 298101 | iamfaam@bohs.org | www.iamfaam.org The views expressed in this issue are not necessarily those of BOHS Council

@BOHSworld @BOHS Video @BOHSworld

to FAAM News

Martin Stear Registrar of FAAM

risk to health. There was no evidence

for Reoccupation for asbestos removal

buildings, I believe they do so on the

that anyone had been present at the

despite the area not being thoroughly

understanding that such buildings are

time and in any case, even if they had,

cleaned. It is of great concern to me

still rammed with asbestos-containing

they were not exposed. The company

that in 2019, many asbestos survey

materials. This is not correct or is at

did not report this but insisted

reports contain numerous unhelpful

least only part of the picture. The

that I produce a retrospective risk

caveats, are ambiguous and at times,

problem is still so prevalent in many

assessment. Despite my advice that

dangerously misleading.

cases, because we have failed over the

there was no exposure, no risk and this was not an incident, they still insisted that they needed a report. I was able to persuade them that a short letter would suffice. Why have I told this story? There are others I could tell that are similar and I am sure that some readers will have had similar experiences. The point is that I have encountered many such similar ‘incidents’ which have not been so quickly resolved but which escalated into full investigations and clean-ups- worryingly supported by ‘asbestos professionals’. Other examples include air testing when it is not necessary and / or swab testing of surfaces, with ‘contamination’ found and expensive clean-ups recommended, when there was no evidence of a contamination event. Similar situations are found at times with asbestos surveys, where asbestos surveyors take samples of non-descriptive dust ‘just in case’ and find the odd unimportant fibre which leads to great concern for the uninformed client. There is no known safe level of exposure to asbestos but such overzealous advice may result in dealing with issues which do not present any more than a negligible (trivial) risk of injury, when resources could be better spent on real risks from asbestos. More significantly, we at times see real risks missed or created. I am still surprised to see in 2019 poor asbestos clearances where duty holders are provided with Certificates FAAM NEWS



There are of course many excellent asbestos professionals and asbestos consultancies who provide balanced advice and expertise, based on a proper understanding of risk. However, FAAM wants to influence HSE and other bodies, to increase standards throughout the UK; avoiding poor quality professional work that creates a risk and avoiding overzealous advice. So where would I like to see FAAM in 5 to 10 years? If there has been an overall improvement in professional advice and expertise, with FAAM recognised as being at the forefront of this, then I consider that we will have achieved our original vision. At this year’s conference, ‘Asbestos 2019’, there will be professional best practice workshops, which will tackle some of the issues I have discussed. These workshops will be the start of a process that will lead to guidance for members. Fundamental to this will be the engagement of members in developing and promoting such guidance. The hope is that FAAM is seen as leader in best practice, with the guidance being recognised by industry bodies, UKAS and regulators etc.

last 40 years to do the job properly; many organisations thought they had removed their asbestos only to find it had been done badly. The major uses of asbestos had stopped in the UK by 1980 but nearly 40 years on, it remains a major problem. By establishing a major professional body, that helps to improve standards, FAAM hopes to see asbestos really confined to the history books. So I want to see the membership grow and grow, with members signed up to continual professional development and the code of ethics, but with the elimination of asbestos risks as the ultimate objective. As described elsewhere in the newsletter, Asbestos 2019 will include much more than the development of such best practice, with international speakers from Europe, USA, Canada and Australia. We will hear about communication of risk, asbestos management outside the UK, health risk studies in relation to the Quebec mining region, what is meant by an ‘asbestos free world’ and much more. It promises again to be a very rewarding conference for members and non-members. Two years on,

Through such work and representation

we will be looking to engage more

on committees etc., FAAM wants to

members in working groups and

do what it can to help the UK be rid

committees to help achieve our goals.

of the biggest occupational health problem we have ever seen. When politicians talk about eradication of asbestos from schools and other

Martin Stear 03



❙❙ There were 2,084 male deaths

HSE has recently published (July

their effects both on businesses

in 2017, a slight reduction

(particularly SMEs) and the health

compared with recent years,

and safety system.

and 439 female deaths, a slight

2019) the latest statistics on


asbestos disease and mesothelioma

showed that the health and safety

❙ There were 2,025 new cases

cases assessed for Industrial Injuries

burden is not a problem for the

of mesothelioma assessed for

Disablement Benefit (IIDB) in Great

majority of businesses (70%),


Industrial Injuries Disablement

The latest information shows:

235 were female. This compares

❙❙ There were 2,523 mesothelioma

with 2,170 new cases in 2016, of

and most feel that the policies

Benefit (IIDB) in 2017 of which

which 240 were female.

deaths in Great Britain in 2017,

❙ Men who worked in the building

a broadly similar number to the

industry when asbestos was

previous five years.

the rest of this current decade

has a much greater understanding

interested in the report published


recently by HSE on “Understanding

❙❙ More than half of annual deaths

the impact of business to business

now occur in those aged over 75

health and safety ‘rules’”.

years. Annual deaths in this age

within their business.

The report concludes that HSE now

Newsdesk readers may also be

before annual numbers begin to

proportionately relative to the risks

health and safety burden.


around 2,500 deaths per year for

have in place are sensible and

of SMEs do report a considerable

among those most at risk of

that there will continue to be

and procedures they have to

However, a substantial proportion

used extensively are now

❙❙ The latest projections suggest

The evidence from the study

of what is influencing duty holder practice, the impact of these various drivers, and their interaction with the Government regulatory

group continue to increase while

The research explores perceptions of

deaths below age 70 are now

health and safety ‘rules’ (sometimes


referred to as “blue tape”) and

regime. It presents HSE with a significant opportunity to work with and through the system to drive evidence-driven improvements to tackle the key challenges – including in HSE policies and practice

Figure 1: Mesothelioma annual deaths, IIDB cases and projected future

The report also identifies the

deaths to 2030 in GB (source HSE, “Mesothelioma in Great Britain,

importance of “Sharing our

Mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain 1968-2017”) http://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/causdis/mesothelioma/mesothelioma.pdf 3,000

understanding of this with health and safety professionals at the ‘sharp end’ of putting it into practice with the SMEs most affected by the current rules culture”.’


http://www.hse.gov.uk/regulation/ assets/docs/understandingimpact-business-to-business-







“Past and current asbestos exposure and future mesothelioma risks in Britain: The


Inhaled Particles Study (TIPS)” 0 1980



Mesothelioma deaths (actual)




IIDB Cases




Mesothelioma deaths (projected)



Upper and lower



Prediction Interval

Clare Gilham et al. International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 47, Issue 6, December 2018, Pages 1745–1756.

ASBESTOS & INNOVATION 4th conference of the European Asbestos Forum On the 14th and 15th of November 2019, The EAF will organise workshops and its 4th international conference on the topic ‘ Asbestos &

of the art science, developments

location. If you have to deal with

and best practice. For example:

asbestos matters in any shape or form

robotic microscopy on location,

professionally, this is the conference

new remediation methods and

for you.

the means to finish illegal asbestos

Reduction for BOHS and FAAM

dumping forever. Also there will be answers to such questions as:

Innovation’. At: the Van der Valk Hotel

❙ What really is asbestos?

Oostzaan in Amsterdam, twenty

❙ How can asbestos be

minutes by taxi from Schiphol Airport.

safely denaturised and which of the various methods are ready

Speakers Global top speakers will discuss a wide range of new and high-tech remediaton techniques, denaturation and – obviously – innovation. The Keynote Speech will be presented by professor Jukka Takala, the president

for commercial reality? ❙ How can asbestos awareness be improved and made easily accessible? ❙ What are the important legal developments?

of the International Commission on

Practical relevance of the

Occupational Health (ICOH). He will

presentations is paramount.

discuss the social and economic impact of asbestos in society. Also professor Arthur Frank of Drexel University will explain what the true health dangers of asbestos exposure are. More than twenty very different speakers from across the globe will fill you in on the latest state




Specifically for asbestos

Members If you are a BOHS or FAAM Member, mention this in the registration form to receive 15% reduction on everything! More information There is so much to learn and share, come join us in Amsterdam! If you are interested to register, sponsor, have a stand etc., email Dr. Yvonne Waterman at yw@ europeanasbestosforum.org. To see the programme, go to www. europeanasbestosforum.org/ program-2019 or register at www.europeanasbestosforum.org/

professionals across sectors and



I hope to welcome you soon,

The European Asbestos Forum Foundation is specifically meant to address the need for knowledge and networks of professionals, regardless of their specific background or

Dr. Yvonne Waterman, founder and president of the EAF Foundation



Samantha Collins 1. What was the first job you

some days it will be travelling to

time education?

clients to audit asbestos training

I found it really hard to get a job when I graduated university. I wanted to work for the Environment Agency but it was all quite competitive and employers quite rightly wanted experience over shiny new degree certificates so after my 24th job application was rejected I gave up. After doing temp work including data input and cleaning supermarket floors I decided to take up a voluntary position as an ‘Urban Biologist’ with the Texas Parks and Wildlife department in Dallas which involved advising companies how to include native plants on development sites, manage storm water and redevelop disused sites into nature reserves. I returned home with a slightly better CV (and a very poorly bank account) and got a job with a local analytical company specialising in soil, water and air monitoring. 2. When and why did you join FAAM? I have been a member of BOHS since I took my CCP (CoCa) in about 2008. I am still a BOHS member now at Specialist Licentiate level but my comfort zone is asbestos and I’m not overly familiar with other areas of occupational hygiene, so I’d find it difficult to progress further with my BOHS membership. When I heard through colleagues at BOHS that FAAM was being formed and it was specifically for people specialising in the asbestos industry I joined as soon as I could. 3. Describe a typical day in your work. I’m sure everyone says it but there really isn’t a typical day. I do a lot of work for different organisations


and wear a few different ‘hats’ so

got when you finished full-


courses on behalf of IATP or BOHS, other days I will be a specialist invigilator/examiner for BOHS proficiency modules and sometimes I’ll be at home reviewing training presentations, writing training notes and course guidance or marking exam papers. I also help a couple of companies with

6. Where did you last go on holiday?

quality management and UKAS

We recently went camping in The

accreditation which might mean

Cotswolds and are planning a

auditing paperwork and systems or

short stay in Cornwall. Nothing too

going out on site to observe their

adventurous at the minute as my

surveyors and analysts.

Dad’s side of the family are from The

4. How did you get your current job?

Falkland Islands and we are saving for a trip there next year.

When I had my little boy 10 years

7. Favourite food?

ago, I was working for a local

I just love food……..any food! Just

asbestos and occupational hygiene

don’t try and make me eat raw

company. I enjoyed my job but


struggled because I wanted to be at home more with my son. It was my boss who suggested I apply to BOHS as role of what was then a ‘practical examiner’ which would be fewer hours so I could save on childcare costs and be at home much more. I expected to maybe do that along with some temping again until my son was in pre-school but somehow, 10 years later I’m still working for myself and really enjoying it. So thank you Mr Grant

8. Favourite film? There are just too many. I still love my childhood films such as The Goonies and Indiana Jones but I also really enjoy a classic Western or a war film – I have to say Saving Private Ryan too because my dad was in it and I got to watch some of it being filmed! 9. Favourite book? Anything by Patricia Cornwell,

for giving me a push!

Stephen King or James Herbert.

5. What do you enjoy doing

10. What was the first/last music

when you are not working? We are quite an outdoorsy family and are lucky enough to live in a beautiful rural part of Hampshire, so we are always out walking, usually with our retired working dog Fern. I also love cooking, gardening and going to the pub plus I am particularly keen on clay shooting and a bit of fishing.

album you bought? We used to go on holiday to Tintagel every year and Gracelands by Paul Simon was always on in the car. The first album I bought with my own money however was probably a Bryan Adams cassette. I haven’t bought an album for a while as it’s so easy to stream music now but I am currently listening to London Grammar and The Eagles.

When I heard through colleagues at BOHS that FAAM was being formed and it was specifically for people specialising in the asbestos industry I joined as soon as I could.






ASBESTOS 2019 By now you will have seen the advertisements for the FAAM/BOHS Asbestos 2019 conference. We hope that you have this year’s venue (Crowne Plaza, Nottingham) and dates (November 19th and 20th) in your diaries and your places booked. For our second conference we are building on the success of last year to provide an exciting program of national and international speakers with something for everyone who has a professional

course is a “must” for practising

manage asbestos, there are still


many incidents of reported failures,

If you cannot make it to the PCD, one of the key-note speeches will also centre on communicating the risks. Every FAAM member signs up to a Code of Ethics and the conference aims to explore the meaning / practical implementation of ethics within our industry. The scene will be set on the first morning and all delegates will be asked for input to bring this together at the close of day two.

criticism. Hence the management address is focussing on schools but there are lessons for everyone. Guidance on asbestos in soils has now been tested in the field. How is it working and what improvements can be made? The various aspects of surveys, air sampling/analysis, and risk will be addressed along with a case study to illustrate current variations in method and interpretation. Two speakers cover some of the

interest in asbestos.

technical developments within our industry.

This year we are taking on board some added features, copying

New to some of you may be denaturing asbestos as an

successful ideas from the BOHS Annual Conference. They are:

alternative to land-fill.

❙❙ A conference dinner when we

A topic that has been

can all relax and socialise in the

investigated since the 1970s but

company of like-minded people.

as yet has had little use in the UK. Automated fibre counting

❙❙ Workshops: one on surveying/ reporting and another on

which discriminates between

clearances. Both subjects have

asbestos types is the other

frequently aroused considerable

technical development.

concern when they have come

Implementation of the

under scrutiny either in HSL

sentencing guidelines in

research investigations or during

asbestos related criminal

legal prosecutions, both civil and

prosecutions is also a session

criminal. As members of FAAM,

subject (although hopefully it

we want better standards and

will never directly apply to any

the workshops will explore ways

of our delegates). The guidance

in which this can be achieved. ❙❙ A Professional Development Course (PDC) is being held the day before the conference on 18 November, run by Andrey Korchevskiy and titled “Crash Course on Asbestos Risk Assessment: Workers, Community, Consumers”. In the daily decisions and recommendations we make as professionals we need to be able to quantify the risk from asbestos exposures and relate them to other risks. We also need to explain these risks to clients and those who may have been inadvertently exposed. This


with schools being prime targets for


We are furthering last year’s presentations on asbestos in the talc used in some international children’s cosmetic products.

gives the sentencing Judge simple categories related to risk of harm. HSE would like agreement between the legal profession and expert witnesses as to what exposures

Sampling and analysis also has a slot

should be regarded as high, medium

but this year we are looking at dusts

and low risk for use with these

and swab samples and exploring their

sentencing guidelines. Proposals

interpretation. Since the aim of all

require careful consideration before

our work is to minimise risk, where do

any agreement can be reached by

we draw the line of acceptability?

those involved in such matters.

HSE are presenting their findings

So there really will be something for everyone. We do hope to see you there.

on the topical issue of management of asbestos in schools. Despite the long standing requirement to

Jean Prentice


Jonathan Ford 1. What was the first job you got when you finished fulltime education? After I completed full-time education, I struggled to get work in the environmental sector. Although I had just gained a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science, I still didn’t have a driving license. Which do you think was more important for job applications?

the trickier technical queries from

8. Favourite film?

clients and colleagues.

I watched Serenity again last night

4. How did you get your current job? After being made redundant from a previous employer, I got in touch with an ex-colleague who was

the team I work with and of the

Geography teacher, a friend of mine

contributions I’ve been able to

offered me an interview with Casella

make. 5. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? Family comes first – keeping 3


young kids occupied is a full-time

2. When and why did you join

weights helps to keep my base level


job in itself! 3 times a week on the of strength and fitness up and is a

I applied to join FAAM at the end

great stress reliever. When I get the

of 2018, with my membership

chance, I’m an outdoors person:

granted on the 2nd Jan 2019. I

MTB’ing, rock or ice climbing, and

joined FAAM because I felt that we

family walks in the woods, hills

needed a home for professionals

and rivers of the Peak District and

and that membership would help


to differentiate me as a consultant, in the eyes of clients, from the many other professionals offering similar services. It is a useful tool to demonstrate that I actively work on

soundtrack, and James Earl Jones.

The Physics of Blown Sands and

and it turned to be a good fit for

and a stint on a PGCE as a

there started my career in asbestos

Barbarian (1982). Great story, great

9. Favourite book?

10 years now and I’m proud of

take me on without a license and

times than others is Conan the

for an interview as his replacement

After a few temping placements,

consultant. They were prepared to

film I’ve probably watched more

emigrating. He kindly invited me in

both parties – I’ve been here for

Hazmat to train as an asbestos

(film of the Firefly series), but the

6. Where did you last go on holiday? Pwllheli in North Wales. It’s close enough to get to easily with a car

Desert Dunes, by R A Bagnold. This was a core text whilst at university but was long out of print (since 1941). After graduating I managed to persuade the publisher to reprint it, so I was able to buy a copy in 2005. It applies both to dry sands in deserts and beaches, and also to sediments in rivers streams and seas. NASA applied it to the study of dunes on Mars too. Continuing the desert theme, I also like to re-read the Dune series by Frank Herbert and the prequels/sequels by his son Brian. 10. What was the first/last music album you bought? I can’t remember the actual first, but it may have been Bjork’s “Post”, Radiohead’s “Pablo Honey” or Portishead’s “Dummy”. Prior to that, I’d record singles off the Chart Show using a tape deck next to the TV.

full of kids and has a huge range

Last album I bought may have been

the higher levels of our profession.

of beaches, mountains and forests

Led Zeppelin’s Mothership about

3. Describe a typical day in your

within an hours drive. I can also

10 years ago. I think Youtube and

get a bit of fishing in during the

Spotify has done for album sales

evenings or early mornings.

– I’m currently listening to Pharrell

my CPD and that I can operate at

work. After doing the school and nursery runs (thanks to a flexible employer), my days mostly revolve around our quality management system and auditing. However, they also include developing and delivering training courses under our UKATA profile, managing our site tablet hardware

7. Favourite food? I prefer variety: I like new and interesting flavours and a bit of

Williams/N.E.R.D., Bonobo, Tame Impala, Ocean Wisdom, Sofi Tukker and a lot of playlists.

spiciness. Middle Eastern and North African is good, but so is a slowroasted lamb shank or nasi goreng. I like my food.

and software, and dealing with








My experience of the

As an asbestos training provider for over 20 years I had undertaken several of the BOHS modules, and also delivered some of their training courses. I felt that the “top qualification” in the subject of asbestos was the CCP, now the COCA. I actually first applied to undertake the CCP (after passing the S301 course) over 10 years ago and thought back then it would challenge and test me, I applied and then didn’t get the chance to sit the interview due to work commitments.


surveying, asbestos legislation

analytical business, and one of

asbestos removal or asbestos air

the requirements to hold the

testing, as I have taught in all these

accreditation is that somebody in

subjects for many years. I identified

the organisation must hold the

that my weakness was asbestos bulk

COCA, therefore a good time to

analysis. So I studied hard to learn,

revisit something that I should have

understand and practically teach

completed 10 years ago. I also act

myself the process, with some lab

as an Expert Witness on occasions,

assistance, how bulk samples were

qualifications and experience are

ACTUALLY analysed, obviously I

always challenged, so the COCA

knew how samples were analysed,

was becoming a necessity not just a

but when delving into the EXACT


process and full analysis procedure I

So I applied, with a colleague of mine and we decided to undertake it at the same time. The process wasn’t quick but that was mainly down to me getting my submission report to BOHS, and then reviewing the submission and feedback, I wasn’t in an extreme hurry and work commitments had to come first. I started the process early 2018, and due to the scheduling of the oral exams, I opted for December 2018, which was the quietest time for me at work. I am sure the process is relatively quick if you are willing to commit to it, my time was my issue. With my background in the industry I had no issues with oral questions asbestos management, asbestos



I have recently set up a new

relating to the subject of asbestos,


Graham O’Mahony

identified this as my weakness. So I set aside a day near the oral interview date and held a question and answer session with my colleague (who was also being interviewed) to identify each others weakness, this really helped and I would strongly advise any person deciding to undertake the oral interview, be prepared and study hard, some of the questions are tough…very tough….but fair, after all it is assessing your competence. On the day, I arrived and had a very nice welcome from Val and the team, who I must say were very helpful throughout the whole process. I attended the interview and felt very confident afterwards. Once the results were received, I was very pleased with myself. Subsequently I then joined FAAM.

I would say it wasn’t as daunting as people make it out to be, the three individuals on the panel were very nice and the process wasn’t difficult.


OR A PARADIGM SHIFT? Fred W Boelter, CIH, PE, BCEE, FAIHA and Jacob D Persky, MPH, CIH

At the 2014 American Industrial Hygiene Conference in San Antonio, Texas, there was a roundtable entitled “Asbestos and the Society: Perception of an Acceptable Risk Level” here Fred Boelter gave a presentation entitled “Achieving a World Free of Asbestos Risk”. All of us in the occupational and

answer may be to ban asbestos,

supportable and transparent

public health profession know such

such a simple answer is anything

decisions about risk.

an achievement is fundamentally

but simple to implement. The

impossible if for no other reason

health effects of significant and

than asbestos is a naturally

substantial exposures to asbestos,

occurring mineral that is inherently

the costs and legacy of regulating

part of the earth’s crust. The

and remediating, and society’s

earth’s crust has inherent hazards

desire to rid asbestos from the

and the earth’s air has never been

planet is the source of a head

pure, which begs the question of

scratching conundrum: Is there

what is meant by “pure” and other

any merit in chasing insignificant

loosely defined terms frequently

and insubstantial randomly

encountered on this topic.

low concentrations of “things

What we also know in our profession is that the term asbestos, at least from a historical perspective, is not a mineralogical term but rather a commercial term related to 6 fibrous forms of specific minerals that were commercially extracted, processed, graded, and sold as ingredients for manufacturing a variety of useful and life-saving products. At least that was the perspective “back then”. We also now know that a significant and substantial exposure or dose (a function of concentration, time, duration and frequency) can result for some people in the development of disease, but further consideration also needs to be given to fiber type and latency recognizing some people with even significant exposure do not develop disease.

of interest” that were never deliberately put into a product but rather are artifacts of mother nature? Is it appropriate to embrace the idea that “detection” equates to “risky”? Is our profession really suggesting that mother nature is so unpredictable that we simply should not harvest anything natural for fear of exposure to something detectable and therefore the only acceptable concentration of an unintended artifact is “zero”? What are we supposed to think when authoritative agencies adopt policies premised upon there being “no safe level of asbestos exposure for any type of asbestos fiber”? Is it even technically feasible to confirm “zero” fibers? Is “zero” what is meant when using the word “safe”? If so, we should all wear respirators

Ours is a profession grounded in the principle of protecting by assessing exposures, designing control solutions, and educating workers (increasingly consumers and the public as well), how to use and work safely with hazards. Our profession gives consideration to factors such as “who”, “under what circumstances”, “when”, and “where”. Hazards abound everywhere, but risks are different than hazards. Let us step back for one moment to the idea mentioned earlier that “detection” equates to “risky”. As we all know, “detection” is a technical term that begs definition. We all know that an analytical result reported as “<0.01” is missing important information. Without details about the identity of the

all the time!

parameter, measurement unit,

“don’t concern yourself about

Obviously, that is not what our

proficiency to produce accurate

asbestos exposure”, the statement

profession is saying nor should it

and reliable data, the value of the

clearly recognizes the reality of

be what our profession is implying.

datapoint and associated concept

our profession, namely, there are

Scaring people out of their wits is

of “detection” is extremely limited.

a number of factors to consider in

fearmongering and leads to bad,

Similarly, adequate working

judging risk.

costly, and unsupportable decisions.

definitions are also needed for

We should be scaring people

terms often applied to the topic of

into their wits and assisting our

asbestos, talc, and elongate mineral

clients and the public into making

particles (EMPs), including: fibrous,

Such a statement does not mean,

The topic of asbestos is complicated, but people like simple answers. While a simple and compelling FAAM NEWS



method of analysis, and laboratory


Continued from page 13

solid solution series, exposure, free, zero, safe, pure, clean, and ban. We probably all have different definitions for those terms, but having an agreed upon and reliable definition is critical in science and in effective communication. The dictionary would not exist if there wasn’t the need to understand the meaning of words and terms. Socrates (470–399 B.C.E.) is reported to have said “The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms”.

In exploring the world of Risk Science, there are five distinct but intermeshed aspects: Assessment, Characterization, Communication, Benefit/ Cost, and Management. The world of mineral “things of interest” explores and necessarily requires working definitions for 14


concepts of “impurities vs. contaminants”, “asbestos, asbestiform, nonasbestiform”, “evolution of analytical methodologies for the detection and classification”, “evolution of occupational exposure regulations and standards”, “comparative assessment of exposure”, “ambient and background exposures”, and “low-level exposure”. Durable fibers, minerals, and EMPs are complicated and challenging subjects. At the core of exploring this subject, keep asking yourself, “What are we really trying to accomplish?” As a global society, giant strides on asbestos-related objectives have already been accomplished by banning friable products, regulating abatement and demolition, and eliminating the

mining of commercial amphiboles. Is the “new” focus on vilifying extremely low levels of residual mineral “things of interest” in bulk materials taking the concept of theoretical risk too far? If we focus on elusive natural “things of interest”, will we even see improvements in public health or reduced disease traditionally believed to be associated with asbestos?

We are a fearful species of not only what we create but also of what is natural, of life, and of death. Be a conscious citizen and participate in this dangerous, risky, and beautiful world. There is much to learn, appreciate, and enjoy.

Continuing Professional Development update Thirty five new members of FAAM were registered for the entire 2018 calendar year. This relatively small number limited the review of CPD performance. The number was not considered to be a large enough sample of the current membership to publish meaningful statistics of the points declared.

were just below the required

However, until we have a full set of

threshold number (6 or 10

figures from all members, it may

points are required, depending

be premature to instigate change.

on membership grade). Those

The main themes I would like to

declaring high numbers of points

see the CPD scheme develop are

extend the auditing assessment

(i) encouraging behaviours such as

while those just below the

participation in FAAM events and (ii)

thresholds may have good reason

communication of asbestos issues. As

(illness, work situations) which

a new society, we have a great deal

also require more questions and

of knowledge to communicate and

explanations, when considering a

hopefully meld into a professional

calendar year.

consensus, on what is good / best practice. CPD can be a progressive

As the current CPD system is the

The main issue that came to light was around the extremes of the distribution. Some members provided points totals in excess of 30, while one or two FAAM members points totals

same as used for other BOHS professionals, how we tackle these issues should initially be consistent but there are likely to be differences between FAAM and FOH, which may see the two CPD systems develop along slightly different lines.

tool to promote and achieve active participation by the membership in this endeavour. It would be great to hear if any members have other points on CPD they want to raise and how it should be applied in FAAM. Garry Burdett (FAAM Committee)

EXHIBITING AT FAAM CONFERENCE Phil Frank, Franks Portlock Consulting Franks Portlock is primarily an

devices called ‘Sentair’ for the

The range of speakers talking about

asbestos consultancy, carrying out

industry. We’re currently finalising the

the wider view on asbestos, its effects

survey and testing works across the

product for sale.

and current control measures is

UK. We cover all sector of industry currently and all sizes of buildings and structures within those sectors.

As an organisation we currently exhibit 2 or 3 times a year. I attended the FAAM conference with our

important for anyone involved in the delivery of inspection and testing services.

I am one of the directors and co-

product designer under the Sann

Logistically I felt there was adequate

founders of Franks Portlock, which

Innovation banner to promote

time to meet potential customers

we formed back in December 2006.

our Sentair devices. I felt it was

and discuss our devices in sufficient

Since then we’ve grown and are

particularly important to exhibit here

details for those that were interested.

currently looking to diversify into

given that is will be attracting the

other complimentary services.

leaders and decision makers within

One area I’ve been very interested in is the equipment used in the asbestos air testing sector which has not been updated for some. From this I formed Sann Innovation to enable us to focus an R&D project to design a newer smarter air sampling




the industry and, arguably, the most forward thinking.

The conference was well organised and aside from anything else, very informative.

For other exhibitors, I’d say ensure you push yourself forward and engage those who come by the stand rather than wait for them to engage you. Practical demonstrations, especially where unusual or interesting can help begin a conversation and are more attractive than a stand full of fliers and branded promo items.


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