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boiMAG.com "Bottled Water"

Distilled Water Vs. Spring Water, Which Is Better?


Distilled water or spring water? Let's look at two of the most common versions of drinking water available in the market today. From their pros, cons and overall health benefits.


Distilled water is a type of purified water generally made by boiling water until it condenses and makes way for enough steam. The water used for distilled water generally comes from municipal sources such as cities, towns and communities.

During the rigorous distillation process, minerals along with contaminants and chemicals are all left behind. This process further removes other particles such as heavy metals and nitrates, making sure that the end result is free of any harmful contaminants such as bacteria, fungi and viruses.

When it comes to its overall taste, distilled water is generally flat and bland. This is because all the minerals have already been taken out during the water distillation process. Additionally, the water’s texture is considered the best type to use for small kitchen appliances such as hot water urns and even steam irons for clothes. Using the water on these appliances won’t result in any mineral build-up, a reaction that is common when it comes to tap water.

The main benefit that comes with drinking distilled water is the assurance that it is clean, pure and safe. Because of the strict and exacting standards taken when producing it, every harmful substance or contaminant is almost certain to be eliminated. However, because of this same process, all of the minerals in the water are also taken away, something that could be a great cause of concern for individuals looking to receive their daily mineral intake in their everyday drinking water. Additionally, distilled water also has the potential to leach into plastic containers once stored for a long period of time.


Unlike distilled water, spring water generally comes from underground sources and no longer passes through municipal sources. As a result, spring water is known for its great and refreshing taste and rarely tastes flat or boiled. Compared to distilled water, it’s a lot “fresher” and “crisper.”

When it comes to its production process, spring water also undergoes a rigorous set of vulnerability perimeters, allowing it to reach the stores with no traces of pollution or contamination. As a matter of fact, water from spring sources is already considered to be ready for human consumption once taken out of the source.

One of the biggest benefits of this drinking water is the amount of vital nutrients present in its composition. Electrolytes are mostly present in the water, making it the perfect choice for people who are looking to receive their daily intake of sodium and potassium in a drink. It’s also known to give the body and brain oxygen and can even promote better digestion in the system. However, people with high blood pressure are advised to avoid drinking spring water because of its sodium content.


There’s no doubt about it: spring water is the best choice for you. It provides your body with vital nutrients and is known to help give it with different health benefits along the way. But that’s not to say that you should shut out distilled water altogether!

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