The Garden Path Fall 2022

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Volume 14 Issue 1 Fall 2022 Focusing on Mission, Sustainability, Preservation, and Conservation BOK BY THE NUMBERS 2021 Annual Report WE HEARD YOU New Membership Benefits PRESERVATION IN ACTION The Vision for El Retiro INFLUENCE BEAUTIFUL OF THE




Becky Mallison


L. Peterson








Cassidy Jones Keith Novosel Cheryl L. Peterson MISSION

To inspire a better and more beautiful world by sharing Edward Bok’s legacy.


To reach out in beauty to the people, and fill their souls with the quiet, the repose, the influence of the beautiful.



Last week while sitting on the back terrace of the Visitor's Center, I met a young couple and their four-year-old daughter. I learned it was their second visit to the Gardens in two days. While visiting the Gardens, their daughter experienced the freedom to explore and discover new things. This family initially traveled from Florida's east coast to take their daughter to LEGOLAND and thankfully found the enchantment of Bok Tower Gardens.

While in conversation with other parents, they have shared similar observations about our Gardens' positive effect on their children and how these experiences foster a lasting influence.

Professionally, I know three successful landscape architects who chose their field of work because of their childhood experiences at the Gardens. One of our recent carillon fellows shared that a family friend brought him to Bok Tower Gardens as a child. He fell in love with the carillon and decided to pursue musical studies in campanology as an adult. Giving children the best we have is vital so that the best will come back to us.

1 Fall 2022 The Garden Path
Volume 14 Issue 1 Fall 2022


Bok's Sanctuary and Tower has inspired numerous public gardens and parks. In a 1945 letter, the author, Zora Neale Hurston suggested to the NAACP founder W.E.B. Du Bois that he should consider creating a cemetery for famous African-Americans as her visit to Bok Tower Gardens so inspired her. Here is an excerpt from her letter:

I think that was why Edward Bok chose Florida for that world famous Bok Tower. I hope that you have seen it, for it is a thing of wondrous beauty. And the thing I want you to note is that two-thirds of the beauty is not in the Tower itself, but in the surroundings.

Hurston’s admiration for our Gardens came from Edward Bok’s desire to create a place that would make the world a bit better and more beautiful. In creating this amazing place, Bok said, "The inspiration for the Sanctuary and the Tower came of that stuff of which dreams are made." In his essay on why he created the tower and gardens, he wrote:

Both were erected and laid out solely and singly to express the gospel of beauty: to open our eyes and awaken our senses to the beautiful. How much we need this appreciation and understanding of beauty in this country, especially to impart to our children… Thus does an example of beautification pass itself on from one place to another. We are now the most prosperous nation in the world:

but we should be and can be the most beautiful country in the world. And we would be the better and greater nation if we were, because the value and power of beauty is limitless.


Our society needs the inspiration of the beautiful more than ever. We are seeing a rapid loss of natural areas and agricultural lands to development without thought to design and beauty, only the expediency of profit. A community's beauty can be lost as a commodity of housing and commerce. Bok's idea was not to hinder development but to make it better; he wrote:

It means just the opposite: it means growth: it means that we want better things: more beautiful buildings and streets and squares so that our children will not be brought up to consider beauty as an exceptional thing but as an accustomed feature of their daily environment.

Simply creating beauty is not enough, it is so important to care for and protect that beauty.


We are working to preserve the Olmsted design, including protecting the incredible vistas that make Bok Tower Gardens unlike any other place. It was not only the magnificence of the Tower that Hurston

noted in her letter but also the acres of natural lands that surrounded Bok's Sanctuary.

I am pleased to announce that through the generosity of a donor, we recently acquired thirty-five acres in our southern vista. This helps ensure future generations will enjoy these sublime views.

Protecting beauty takes effort, but as Bok said, "the value and power of beauty are limitless."

As a member, you see the Gardens grow and change from season to season and year to year, making your feedback extremely valuable to us. A recent member survey helped us better understand the benefits of membership that mean most to you.

You asked us to update our program— and we heard you!

Thanks to your feedback, we have developed a new membership program and we look forward to hearing what you think.

Thank you for your membership support. You make the Gardens a bit better and more beautiful.



3 Fall 2022 The Garden Path


• Admission for children under 18 is now included at the Family & Friends level and above!

• Admission for up to two (2) dogs is included at every membership level.

• Enjoy a 10% discount on mobility scooters at the Shop at Bok.

• Caregiver cards available upon request at the Sundial level and above, so your caretaker or childcare provider can access your benefits.

• Enjoy access to 1,000+ museums and attractions through the National Association of Reciprocal Museums (NARM) when you join at the Family & Friends level or above.

• More tickets to El Retiro are included at the Sundial level and above.

• More programming designed just for you, including Member’s Only Night activities and wellness classes.

• Go beyond the Brass Door and enjoy an exclusive Founder’s Room experience at the Brass Door level and above.

• Share your Gardens with a gift membership, complimentary at the Carillon Bell level.

For more information or to upgrade your membership, visit membership.


Q: I am excited about the new program and benefits. Can I get them now?

Yes! Upgrade now to enjoy these benefits immediately. Your membership will be valid for one year from your current expiration date.

Q: Oh no, I just renewed. What do I need to do now?

You can retain your current benefits and member level until the end of your current membership year. Or, you can upgrade to the new program.

Q: Can I stay in my current program?

You can stay at your current level and benefits for one more membership year. To maintain your level, renew your membership at your current rate by September 30, 2022 and we will extend your membership by one year. When your membership expires, you will select the level that best suits your needs in the new program.

Q: How can I upgrade or extend my current membership?

You can upgrade or extend your current membership in person, online, by phone, or by mail. Visit membership or call 863-734-1226.

Q: How does guest admission work?

Simply bring your guests to the Gardens! You can bring as many guests as your membership allows. No need to worry about their age or relationship to you. You must accompany your guests at the time of entry. Bring your membership card for easy access.

Q: How do I schedule an exclusive Founder’s Room Tour?

Brass Door-level members and above can schedule Founder’s Room tours by calling 863-734-1233 or by emailing

Q: How can I stay informed about what is happening in the Gardens?

Watch your email! Every Monday you will receive our digital newsletters featuring members-only announcements, behind the scenes stories, and program reminders. You can also visit to check out the Gardens’ online calendar.



Autumn is typically associated with the oranges, browns, reds, and subdued yellows of the sugars and pigments of the leaves of deciduous trees as they lose their chlorophyll, die, and fall, and of drying grasses and forbs. The typical autumn colors are initially bright as they herald the start of the season, then fade within a few short weeks into a leafless, flowerless winter in which few insects are active and nature

settles in to a dormant period.

The natural areas of peninsular Florida do autumn differently. Although there are deciduous trees whose leaves turn color and drop away, there is often a lower abundance of these species compared to other tree species, so the typical sign of the onset of autumn is not always obvious, and many of the trees in a canopy stay green and lush. However, a spectacular autumn show

5 Fall 2022 The Garden Path
– Victoria Erickson
The Fabulous Fall Shows of Florida’s Natural Area

takes place in the understory, as it is flowering season for many grasses and forbs.

One of the first signs of autumn in Florida is an abundance of the white, showy flowers of Summer Farewell (Dalea pinnata) which can commonly be seen along roadsides. The bright yellow flowers of Goldenrods (Solidago spp.), Sunflowers (Helanthus spp.), Tickseeds (Coreopsis spp.), and Narrowleaf silkgrass (Pityopsis graminifolia) are a sure sign that autumn has arrived. Throughout the season, discover an array of purple flowers from several species including Blazing stars (Liatris spp.) and Florida paintbrush (Carphephorous corymbosus).

Many of Florida’s endangered species also contribute to the autumn season shows. For yellow flowers, Lakeside sunflower (Helianthus carnosus) have a bright display in late July and August, Nuttall’s rayless goldenrod (Bigelowia nuttallii) in September and October, and Florida goldenaster (Chrysopsis floridana) can fill acres of scrubby flatwoods with yellow, fragrant blooms in November. Carter’s mustard (Warea carteri) produces showy white flowers in September. Lakela’s Mint (Dicerandra

immaculata v. immaculata) and Savannas Mint (Dicerandra immaculata v. savannarum) prolifically develop pink flowers in October, and Clasping warea (Warea amplexifolia) produces pinkishto-purple cleome-like flowers on tall stalks in September and October.

Numerous butterfly species, native bees, honey bees, and many other pollinators rely on the nectar of the many flowering native plants each autumn. Other autumn-flowering species are important host plants for pollinators. For example, Lopsided Indiangrass (Sorghastrum secundum), which has tall, golden-bronze flower spikes in September, is the larval host plant for six kinds of butterflies.

Florida’s seasonal show can be visually stunning, and enjoying flowering vistas can have many benefits for us. But one of the most important benefits of Florida’s flowering season is the critical role it has in supporting the myriad pollinators that we rely on for our own food crops, and maintaining species biodiversity, which is important for healthy, functioning habitats that can provide the ecosystem services of clean air, clean water, and carbon sequestration.

Join us in supporting these efforts. Gifts to the Rare Plant Conservation Fund support research and rescue operations to prevent extinction of rare plants found throughout Florida. Learn how by contacting Tish Sheesley, Associate Director of Philanthropy 863-455-5292 or


Thank you to the following native plant partners and property owners who allowed the Rare Plant Conservation Program entry to survey and collect native plants from November 2021 to August 2022.

M BB Grove, LLC, Miami, Florida

Florida Dept. of Transportation, District 5, Deland, Florida

Tim Rose, Vero Beach, Florida

Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, District 4, Osprey, Florida

Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, District 3, Apopka, Florida

Florida Forest Service, Tallahassee, Florida

Hillsborough County, Riverview, Florida

Hernando County, Brooksville, Florida

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Lake Placid, Florida

St. Lucie County, Fort Pierce, Florida

St. John’s River Water Management District, Palatka, Florida


TO BLOOM Continues

AdventHealth Physician James Pilkington, MD, and his family enjoying the trails.

7 Fall 2022 The Garden Path

Bok Tower Gardens and AdventHealth is a natural pairing that continues to benefit the community. Both organizations are dedicated to whole-person and whole-community health and share the connection of nature's healing power with the need to nourish the mind, body, and spirit.

Through posting information on how to keep safe during the pandemic, AdventHealth offered suggestions on masking, hand hygiene, and the importance of keeping 6-feet of distance between you and others visiting the beautiful gardens.

Through the partnership, AdventHealth physicians and providers participated in webinars offering tips on how to stay healthy and the importance of remaining active, such as taking a walk around the grounds of Bok Tower Gardens.

"AdventHealth is pleased to be the official health care partner for Bok Tower Gardens. Working together, we can continue to inspire our community to embrace a wholistic approach to care," said Jennifer Wandersleben, regional President and CEO for AdventHealth.

One of the programs sponsored by AdventHealth is the annual Spring Bloom festival. Each spring, visitors enjoy a new season of beautiful blooms of camellias, azaleas, and hundreds of flowering plants. The bright, beautiful colors provide an excellent background for those visiting and taking advantage of strolling through the flowering areas. Taking in the fresh air can also give you a chance to reset from the hustle and bustle, and it is also a great way to reflect and recharge.

Another way Bok Tower Gardens and AdventHealth collaborate is the annual Carillon Classic 5K race. Exercise is one of the best ways to achieve that whole-person care feeling by engaging the body, mind, and spirit. The race, which is known by running enthusiasts everywhere for its demanding course, winds runners through the beautiful gardens. The course also takes runners through elevation changes and over different surfaces, such as grass, gravel, and mulch trails. One of the most beloved aspects of the race is the sweet sounds of the Singing Tower's bells runners hear throughout the course.

In 2021, Bok Tower Gardens and AdventHealth joined forces to bring the beautiful gardens to those who may not be able to get away and enjoy the flowering fields in person – with 12 months of Mindful Monday webcasts. These videos offer the serene backdrop of the majestic grounds while AdventHealth care professionals share a peace-filled message with viewers.

The Mindful Monday meditations series is available on Bok Tower Gardens' blog.
AdventHealth Surgeon Mazvita Simoyi, MD and her mother visiting The Singing Tower.


Edward Bok, Maxfield Parrish, Louis Comfort Tiffany, and Clarence J. Tibado


Throughout Edward Bok’s life, he shaped our nation through his work with The Ladies’ Home Journal and his many philanthropic projects. In his Pulitzer Prize-winning autobiography, The Americanization of Edward Bok, he discussed many of these historically significant contributions, including a rich adventure to bring public art to the city of Philadelphia.

In this three-part series, we will share his entertaining tale of successes and failures as he navigated through the twists and turns of the fine art landscape, ultimately creating one of the largest art glass installations in American history. This series closes by examining Clarence Tibado’s work reflecting on Edward Bok dreaming in the garden he helped build.


Edward Bok: An Adventure in Civic and Private Art

This dream begins in 1908 when the Curtis Publishing Company, publishers of The Ladies’ Home Journal , began drawing plans for a new building in Philadelphia.1 For the lobby, Edward Bok envisioned a grand public art piece. By his own recounting, the new Curtis Publishing Company building allowed Bok to “demonstrate the willingness of his own publishing company to do what it could to elevate the public taste in art,”2 something he had been campaigning for in The Ladies’ Home Journal . To whom could he turn to realize this vision? Who should create this public masterpiece?

9 Fall 2022 The Garden Path
Smallbones. Max Parrish Dream Garden Philly. Image. Garden_Philly.JPG. Creative Commons License (CC0 1.0).

Figure 1: Abbey, Edwin Austin. Compositional Study, possibly for The Grove of Academe, ca. 1908-1911. Oil on canvas. Yale University Art Gallery. June 9, 2022. https://artgallery.yale. edu/collections/objects/63269

Three strikes

Bok first turned to Edwin Austin Abbey, a Philadelphia-born muralist then living in England, who was working on numerous projects throughout the United States. His many mural works include placements in buildings such as the Boston Public Library and the Pennsylvania State Capitol.

In an arrangement that was his modus operandi in life for working with artisans, Bok gave Abbey free range to create the masterpiece as he saw fit, with the only requirement being that the artwork be “the best piece of work you have ever done.”3

Abbey had longed to paint on the subject of “The Grove of Academe,” the Greek philosopher Plato’s famed place of education located in a grove of olive trees

just outside the walls of Athens. In a tragic loss to the world, this dream passed when Edwin Abbey died on August 1, 1911. Fortunately, fragments of this dream remain. The Yale University Art Gallery is home to Abbey’s compositional studies and sketches for the project among their treasures.

After Abbey’s death, Bok turned to Howard Pyle, a Wilmington, Delawareborn artist who was visiting Florence, Italy. Pyle was a prominent illustrator of many books and had taught at the Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry in Philadelphia. In an unfortunate turn of events, authorities contacted Pyle’s family in Delaware not long before Bok was notified that the painter had been fatally stricken on November 9, 1911.

After such devasting news, Bok yet again sought a new artist and was led to Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel, a French painter, illustrator, and decorative artist. Sketches were approved and arrangements were made for the artist to come to Philadelphia on March 17, 1913. Shockingly, on the evening before his travel to the United States, de Monvel suddenly passed away in Paris and Bok learned of the tragedy in the newspaper.

According to his autobiography, Bok felt “thoroughly bewildered” and “began to feel as if some fatal star hung over his cherished decoration.”4 By this point, Bok was becoming desperate to find an artist to complete his dream for a public art installation as the building was nearing completion. To whom could he now turn?

The second part of this series will be published in the next edition of The Garden Path. Keep reading to learn more about Edward Bok’s connections to famed American artisans, Louis Comfort Tiffany and Maxfield Parrish.

1Edward Bok, The Americanization of Edward Bok (Bradenton, Florida, Osprey Classics, 2003), 173. 2Ibid. 3Ibid., 174 4Ibid.

A news clipping that mentions the death of de Monvel. “De Monvel Passes,” The Birmingham Age-Herald, March 17, 1913. Retrieved from Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. https:// ed-1/seq-5/

CONTINUE TO Volunteers Difference MAKE A


11 Fall 2022 The Garden Path

Volunteers began enhancing the visitor experience at Bok Tower Gardens on February 1, 1979, the 50th anniversary of our dedication. For more than 40 years, volunteers have helped to care for and nurture our Gardens. The first volunteers staffed the original Visitor Center, a house already located on the property.

From inception to the present, Volunteer Engagement has been a hallmark of Bok Tower Gardens. Volunteers are an essential part of our organization that, along with our staff, support our exceptional visitor experience, excellence in horticulture, and leadership in conservation.

More than 150 dedicated volunteers give their time, talents, and energy to Bok Tower Gardens' success by serving in 25 unique roles across all departments. Volunteer roles fall into one of two categories: Visitor Engagement or Horticulture.

From roles at our Visitor Center, retail locations, educational programs, and our historic home, to Horticulture roles in our nursery, conservation program, and gardens, volunteers are important partners. Volunteers are a vital and valued resource at Bok Tower Gardens.

Volunteering is a great way to learn, meet people with similar interests, and give back. To learn how you can volunteer go to



Investment Return: Dividends and

% of Total


Admission and Programs 1,844,071

Food and Retail Services 2,396,483

Visitor Services 225,820





REVENUE $7,886,004

% of Total

Horticulture and Grounds Maintenance $1,201,942

Endangered Plant Program


Retiro (Pinewood

Visitor Services

Food and Retail Services





13 Fall 2022 The Garden Path
315,200 Carillon
273,351 El
Estate) 32,457
1,877,031 Educational
341,422 Membership 231,119 Philanthropy and Fundraising 243,923 Administrative
2,068,090 Depreciation 773,323 TOTAL EXPENSES $8,326,665 % of Total Increase in net assets $1,723 Net realized and unrealized gains –investments 6,655,734 Net assets - beginning of year 70,007,119 NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR
Financial year ending September 30, 2021 The Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Activities which are a part of this annual report were summarized from the audited financial statements. A copy of the audited financial statements with accompanying notes, which were audited by CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, is available upon request to Bok Tower Gardens. The 990 return is also available upon request. EXPENSES Retail, Marketing, Visitor Services Administration Support Fundraising, Membership 31% 26% 6% Programs37% Revenue & Support 24% contributions, grants11% investments 26% admissions, programs and rentals 8% membership 30% food & retail services <1% other revenue 2021 ANNUAL REPORT % of Total Accounts payable, accrued expenses & other liabilities $226,404 Deferred Revenue 601,228 TOTAL LIABILITIES $827,632 % of Total Cash $3,075,277 Interest & dividends receivable 91,044 Pledges Receivable 342,146 Restaurants and gift shop inventories 211,154 Prepaid expenses and deposits 173,625 Property & Equipment (net) 22,038,543 Investments 51,554,035 Other assets 6,384 TOTAL ASSETS $77,492,208 % of Total Without Donor Restrictions $71,388,811 With Donor Restrictions 5,275,765 TOTAL NET ASSETS $76,664,576 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $77,492,208 TOTAL LIABILITIES LIABILITIES Financial year ending September 30, 2021 FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS
15 Fall 2022 The Garden Path 10,000+ M EMBER S FO L L O W AV G WEEK TO T A L 80% 64% bet w T O (9,747 FAN ,022 FANS) 2 7, 5 47 WEBSIT (Repor ting for FY Oct 1 PAGE VIEWS: 1,739,9 USERS: 518,119 EM A I L PROGRA M TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS: AVG OPEN RATE FOR AVG OPEN RATE FOR B O K B Y TH E N U M B E R S YEA R MEMB ER S HI P AR TI C I P 2018 n/a 2019 n/a 2020 6,07 2021 8,983 IN 2022, BOK TOWER GARDENS ESTIMATES 265,000 VISITORS. 2 0 2 12 0 2 2 89 EM P L O YEE S ( FT E ) 150 V O L UNTEER S 10,000+ M EMBER S PAGE VIEWS: 1,739,9 03 USERS: 518,119 UNIQUE PAGE VIEWS: 1,370,205 AVG TIME ON PAGE: 1:24 AVG PAGE PER SESSION: 2.49 EM A I L PROGRA M TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS: 68,631 AVG OPEN RATE FOR MEMBER EBL AST: 40% AVG OPEN RATE FOR WEEKLY EBL AST: 35% B O K B Y TH E N U IN 20192020, BOK TOWER GARDENS HAD 188,418 VISITORS 2 0 1 92 0 20 IN 20202021, BOK TOWER GARDENS HAD 268,195 VISITORS 2 0 202 0 2 1 V I SI T A T I O N YEA R MEMB ER S HI P E MA I L P AR TI C I P AN T S W E EK L Y E MA I L C L U B P A RTI C I P AN T S 2018 n/a 26,400 2019 n/a 27,400 2020 6,079 35,000 2021 8,983 42,000 2022 8,400 50,000 89 EM P L O YEE S ( FT E ) with 64% ORLANDO (9 AMPA (7,022 Repor ting for AGE VIEWS SERS: 518,1 EM A I L PROGRA TOTAL SUBSCRIBER AVG OPEN R AVG OPEN R I N 20192020, B O K TOW E R G A RDEN S H A D 188,418 V ISI TOR S. 2 0 1 92 0 20 I N 20202021, B O K TOWE R G A RD E N S H AD 268,195 VISI TO R S. 2 0 202 0 2 1 V I SI T A T I O N YEA R MEMB 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 BOK BY THE NUMBERS FACEBOOK STATISTICS AVG. WEEKLY REACH: 205,000 TOTAL PAGE LIKES: 80% of fans are women with 64% between the ages of 25-54 Top Markets (fans): ORLANDO: 9,747 TAMPA: 7,022 LAKELAND: 10,714 WINTER HAVEN: 6,115 SOCIAL MEDIA 96,858 FOLLOWERS 27,547 FOLLOWERS EMAIL PROGRAM WEBSITE Oct 1, 2021-July 20, 2022 UNIQUE PAGE VIEWS: 1,370,205 PAGE VIEWS: 1,739,903 USERS: 518,119 AVG. TIME ON PAGE: 1:24 AVG. PAGE PER SESSION: 2.49 TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS: 68,631 AVG. OPEN RATE FOR MEMBER E-BLAST: 40% EVENTS er unparalleled SHOP AT BOK AT HOME BLUE PALMETTO CAFE Located next to the Visitor Center, the café features delicious salads, soups, sandwiches and wraps, 10000 153 GROW YOUR GARDEN There’s something new to discover every season Bok Tower Gardens, so you’ll want visit again THIS WEEK'S CARILLON MUSIC BLOG TOWER GARDENS EXPLORE US PHOTOSTREAM–#BOKTOWERGARDENS 89 150 10 k+ EMPLOYEES (FTE) VOLUNTEERS MEMBERS 2018 N/A 26,400 2019 N/A 27,400 2020 6,079 35,000 2021 8,983 42,000 2022 8,400 50,000 YEAR MEMBERSHIP E-MAIL PARTICIPANTS WEEKLY E-MAIL CLUB PARTICIPANTS


October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021


Polk County Tourism and Sports Marketing Spurlino Foundation Wawa, Inc.

$50,000 - $99,999


Catharine O. Broderick & Kevin P. Broderick Claudia G. Conn Catherine A. Cotter John G. Finneran Jr.

$25,000 - $49,999


Arthur L. & Elaine V. Johnson Foundation Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Bryan IV

Genevieve Dimmitt & Lawrence H. Dimmitt

Duke Energy Foundation

Jahna Foundation Inc.

Alexis & Jim Pugh

State of Florida - Dept. of Consumer & Agricultural Services

State of Florida - Division of Cultural Affairs

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Willow Branch Foundation

$15,000 - $24,999

Anonymous Straughn & Turner, P.A.

United States Department of Agriculture Jean & Dick Wood, Jr.

$10,000 - $14,999

Eugenie L. Birch

Ann & Alan F. Blanchard Carol & Paul J. Collins

Kay & J. Roderick Heller III Kay Heller

Mr. & Mrs. L. Evans Hubbard Mary Beyrer Foundation George W. Jenkins Fund within the Givewell Community Foundation

$5,000 - $9,999


Sissela A. Bok & Derek C. Bok

Mary Driscoll & Frank Driscoll

Annie Eichleay & George F. Eichleay Florida's Natural Growers Foundation Marilyn B. Jahna & Emil R. Jahna III Susan G. Jahna & James A. Jahna

Donna Mann

Marusi Family Foundation

Michael McGowan

Katherine McLeod Karen L. Ruthven & Joe L. Ruthven Julie Snook

Nancy J. Sullivan & Robert P. Sullivan

$2,500 - $4,999

Michael S. Aloian Mary Ann & J. Shepard Bryan

Winifred M. Guerdon & James G. Guerdon Selma Ankist Family Trust, Andrea Nobil, Trustee

Laura Powell & Richardson Powell

SEMCO Construction

The Netherland-America Foundation Mary L. Wight & John W. Wight

$1,500 - $2,499

Azard Baksh

Peg Bousquette & Kevin Bousquette

Christine Cooper & Sara Krist Deborah M. Doyle & James F. Doyle Mary Ann Drasdo & William A. Drasdo

Florida Wildflower Foundation

Forni Dental

Holly Herman & John Butler J.N. McArthur Foundation

$1,000 - $1,499


Diana L. Baker & Preston M. Baker

Ashley Barnett & Wesley R. Barnett

Heather Bogdahn & Joseph Bogdahn

Florentien S. de Ruiter & Tomas J. Bok Central Florida Ferns and Foliage Danielle M. Christiano & Jason M. Cooper

Roberta A. Cove & Michael J. Cove Dayle A. Dierks

Susan & Frank Drake

Barbara A. Flaglor

David Forney

Susan Forney

Jean & Robin Gibson

Debra C. Howell & Michael D. Howell

Stephanie M. Jackson & Greg M. Jackson

Rebekah Jahna Robin Jolley & Stephen B. Jolley

Patricia K. Kayhart

Joan Kunzelmann

Cathy Liska & Pete Liska

Jan Maddock & Daniel Maddock Kathy E. Manry Smith

Sally M. May & Richard D. May

Joann Tredennick & Jack L. Meeks

Laura A. Motis & John R. Motis

Ann Sellman-Murphey & Dan Murphey

Ellen L. Needham & George A. Needham Christine Nikdel & Seifollah Nikdel

Erica O'Neill & George D. O'Neill Jr. Maureen J. Oster & John Oster

Petersen Industries, Inc

Jeanie Redmon & Scott Redmon

Kate Rutledge & Edward K. Rutledge

Jeannine M. Snipes & Garrett E. Snipes

The Grove Creek Fund

17 Fall 2022 The Garden Path
We express our deepest gratitude to the following donors who supported Bok Tower Gardens through their generosity

Diane Ugolyn & Victor Ugolyn

Amelia H. Updike & Samuel D. Updike

Rene Ward & Cory L. Ward

$500 - $999

Kathleen M. Abbitt-Hartnett

Candace Anderson & Gregory Anderson

Susan G. Baker & Donald E. Baker

Ellen T. Beltramba & Joseph A. Beltramba H. Abigail Bok

Patti C. Bostick & R. Mark Bostick

Elizabeth W. Brine

Michelle M. Brockett & Gary L. Brockett

Carol E. Buhlman & John A. Buhlman

Frances Burklund & Bernard B. Burklund

Joy E. Campbell

Tammy Casey & Patrick Casey

Maryann Cassell

Sheila Catron & Reed Catron

Margaret M. Clark-Pinther & Evan Pinther

Cecily Colburn & Oliver Colburn

Robin J. Davis & William K. Davis

Susan de Saint Phalle

Shari Derhammer

Leigh Dietz & Eric Dietz

Katherine A. Enz & Edward L. Enz

Allison Estes & M. Thad Estes

Beverly Etheredge

Carolyn Faiks & Walter A. Faiks

Kathleen M. Foley & Charles T. Foley

Amy Fritz-Ocock

Deena Fussell & Jeff Fussell

Carol Gardiner

Raymond T. Gerace

Cyleste Goodson & Bret Goodson

Pia K. Griffin & Ben Hill Griffin, IV

Shelley Haberkorn

Lynn C. Haffner & James Haffner

Rhonda Lindon-Hammon & John R. Hammon

Katie Hart & Steve Hart

Camila Hernandez & Scott Novell

Gail E. Lybrook & W. David Hobbs

Sheryl A. Hockenbery & Allen Hockenbery

Karen J. Hunt & D. Andrew Hunt

Frank M. Hunt II

Brian T. Hurley & Kelley Hurley

Michelle G. Hurst & Stewart W. Hurst

Sandy Johnson & Steven Johnson

Diana S. Kline & Leonard P. Kline

Ann Kowald & Ken Kowald

Marie A. Krenisky & James M. Krenisky

Leighton's Honey, Inc.

Allison McCance & Henry F. McCance

Janet S. McCord & Paul L. McCord

Jill E. Robinson & Richard McKinley

Zara Melcher

Kristine Merritt & Brandt Merritt

Sandy L. Moore

Carole Moorman & J. Marion Moorman

Anthony G. Morrow

Lois Neal & David C. Neal

Catherine R. Nelson & William R. Nelson

Betz Newbold & Clement B. Newbold

Donna J. Newman & Miligian Osorio

Mary Nunez & Tim Nunez

Delaney Ocock & Amy Fritz-Ocock

Baba Owen & Thomas P. Owen

Beverly Oyler & Alan Oyler

Teri Phillips & Tod Phillips

Ann Probert & Edward W. Probert

Ana Puente & Rolando Puente

Tammy Putnam & Abel Putnam Julia Regier

Elisabeth T. Richard & William C. Richard

Sylvia Rothman & Jim Rothman

Connie Royer & Anthony A. Royer

Catherine M. Sage & Willis F. Sage

Terri Sanchez-Leal & Henry Sanchez-Leal Nancy K. Sichler & Joe E. Sichler

Sidestreet Art Beat Inc.

Susan E. Sinclair & David C. Sinclair

Anica R. Smith & David A. Smith

Heather Snively & Josh A. Snively Marissa Story & Kyle R. Story

Victor B. Story Jr.

Margaret E. Taylor & Stephen J. Taylor

Rebecca Thompson & Mark W. Thompson

Debra D. Thurlo & Jack D. Thurlo

Patricia A. Titer & M. Scott Cassidy

Nancy M. Turnquist & Lee W. Turnquist

Mary F. Wagoner & Richard Wagoner

Mandy Cilliers

Leslie M. Whitman & Daniel J. Whitman

Diane M. Wilshere & Kevin B. Wilshere Gloria J. Wurth

$250 - $499

Jennifer C. Adams & James D. Adams

Debra Arbuthnot & Edward Arbuthnot Amy Austin & Jason Austin

Carolyn Baldwin & Gray Baldwin Jesse D. Barlow

MaryJane Barlow

Diane O. Bauman & Paul B. O'Neill John Bauman

Diana R. Bella & Robert J. Bella

Joan V. Benedict & Michael Benedict Rhoda Beutler

Holli Beachum & Perry Blake

Karen K. Boyette & Stephanie Langford MaryLynn Brady & Tricia Sacco

Joyce S. Brown & William Brown

Martha A. Browning

Rita B. Burns & Jerry Burns

Judith C. Casingal & Eduardo L. Casingal

Kathy Cassady & Milburne C. Cassady

Sarah M. Clark & J. Eric Clark

Lynne B. Halleran & Cindy Clark

Laura Lee A. DaSilva & Joseph A. DaSilva

Dawn D. Davis & Julie L. Bales

Tatiana De Biasi-Reed & Kevan Reed

Sonia Fatheree & Robert Giumarra

Gemma R. Ferraro & Randy Carreno

Brenda Fishbaugh & Stephen N. Fishbaugh

Andrea W. Frederick & John B. Frederick

Irene E. Gassek & Charles F. Gassek Kelly Geniott & Michael Geniott Meghan Griffin

Linda N. Griggs & Jeffrey R. Griggs

Halle B. Hahn & Tyler Ellis

Donna M. Hall

Donna Hall & Samuel W. Hall

Barbara L. Hammerle & Ronald L. Hammerle

Taylor Heath & Julian Heath

Tracey L. Held & Ronald J. Held

Donna Henderson & Don Henderson

Cynthia Henry & Charles S. Henry

Jane E. Hinger & Thomas M. Hinger

Laura Hunt & Frank M. Hunt III

Rena Imbert

Cheryl L. Isaac Blaine Johnson

Karen Johnson Barbara B. Johnson

Linda B. Lackey & Hugh Lackey

Sandra LaPlante & Allen LaPlante

Courtney Lashley & Rigel Lashley

Suzanne M. Lindsey & Thomas R. Lindsey

Pamela Lunsford & Joseph Lunsford

Zsuzsanna Lyon & Michael P. Lyon Nicholas P. Mahabir

Barbara J. Mahan & David C. Mahan

Janet Mandt & Mikkel Mandt

Samantha Marcario & Gregory Marcario

Gail D. Mauney & Larry N. Mauney

McCord Sales, Inc.

Patricia McCrory & Christine Langford

Yvonne H. McCutcheon & Robert D. McCutcheon

Ana M. Miller & Paul A. Miller

Christopher J. Neilson & Roxanne Neilson

Maryann Nelson & Keith Petitt

Donna L. Pisano & Nicholas D. Pisano

Rebecca S. Powell & Grant V. Powell

Casey Prescott & Nathanael Prescott

Cheryl A. Price & Joel D. Price

Deanna Pritchett & Brandon L. Pritchett

Gail A. Quam & Robert K. Quam

Laurie Quigley & Patrick Quigley

Brannon L. Raulerson & Edgar Raulerson

Jeremy N. Ray & Dustin Ray

Amy Reddick

Connie Reitz & William Reitz

Allen R. Remp

Geraldine Rivera-Torres & Luis J. RodriguezColon

Rose Marie Kling Family Fund within the GiveWell Community Foundation

Kay Rynear & Emma Hicks

Teresa L. Salamanca & Edwin Salamanca

Carla Savage & Robin Savage

Toni W. Schaller & Bert J. Schaller

Karen Schreiber & Morgan Schreiber

Tara Schwab & Stephen Schwab

Brenda L. Sheffield & Paul D. Sheffield

Deborah L. Sipes & Bill Dawson

Sarah Smith & Landan Smith

Jill B. Smith & Julie E. Smith

Lisa M. Sottile

Karen K. Stewart & Devyn Montalvo

David C. Taylor

Rachel Ullrich & Otto Ullrich

Kimberly D. VanHook & R. Keith VanHook

Kirsten H. Vaughan & Steven L. Vaughan

Althea Warrell & Frank Drewniany

Kimberly K. Watkins & Brent D. Watkins

Ryan A. Wilson

Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of this list. Kindly let us know if we have made an error or if you prefer to be listed differently in the future. To update your record, reach out to Melissa Tyrone, Director of Philanthropy & Membership 863-734-1213. Thank you.


Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support and appreciation for Bok Tower Gardens and its mission while accomplishing your own personal, financial, estate-planning, and philanthropic goals. Leaving your legacy at Bok Tower Gardens is now easier than ever, with the new Life Stage Gift Planner tool located at where you can compare giving options, find ways to minimize your tax burden through strategic giving, and sign up to receive helpful tips and tricks in your in-box.


C. Harvey Bradley William G. & Margaret Burns Ruth F. Conn Carol Drake Donald C. Frueh Douglas Gayhart John F. Germany John B. Goodwin Olga E. Hernandez Ruth M. & Frank M. Hubbard Howard & Lois King Charles Banks King, Jr. IV Ruth V. Marchione Marilyn S. & Bruce Newell Gwen C. Seliga Dorothy Suchner Mamoru Yoshida

Anonymous (2) Phyllis J. Bailey in Memory of Mary K. Beyrer Bonnie Faye Bergeron Curtis Bok and Sharon Bailey-Bok H. Abigail Bok Linda L. Browning in Honor of Terry Browning Ford J.F. Bryan IV Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Burdeshaw Dr. & Mrs. George Butz, III Mrs. Carol Chandler Little Richard Crowell Belinda Cutshaw in memory of Marcus, Lillian & Nancy Cutshaw Susan M. Diebel Frank Drake Marion T. Yongue & Evan C. Earle

Every effort has been

Ken Taylor Endline Howard E. Ferris Carol First Clifford C. Freund Jeanne Gayhart Jane in Memory of Demaris P. Goodwin John R. Goodwin Jr. P. Timothy Hartsfield & Jody C. Shellene Kurt and Edith Hoppe Jack and Landy Little Charles Eric Matheny David M. Price Roger E. Robson Jim Rothman Enid Curtis Bok Schoettle Broster J. Schroeder Jonathan A. Shaw Rick T. Short Joan A. and John R. Thomas Cynthia J. Turner Melissa C. Tyrone

of this list. Kindly let

differently in the


reach out to Melissa Tyrone, Director of Philanthropy & Membership 863-734-1213. Thank you.

made to assure the accuracy
us know
we have made an error or if you prefer to be listed
update your record,


El Retiro


In 2020, Bok Tower Gardens had a Collections Assessment for Preservation (CAP) report completed for El Retiro.

The primary purpose of this CAP report was to assess the building, the objects and furnishings housed at El Retiro, and the organization's policies and procedures. An architectural conservator and a collections conservator spent two days at El Retiro exploring the home and the collection's decorative arts. They prepared an extensive report with their findings outlining steps for ongoing preservation and best practices.

One of the first recommendations the CAP assessors suggested was to hire a Collections Manager who would oversee the care of the collections and provide guidance on the interpretation of El Retiro. Diana Welsh joined the Bok Tower Gardens team as Collections Manager in October 2021, and she immediately began implementing the plan's recommendations.

The creation of a Collections Management Manual, Housekeeping Manual, and Integrated Pest Management Policy now align El Retiro with the best museum practices for historic homes.

21 Fall 2022 The Garden Path

Another suggestion by the CAP assessors was to remove excess furnishings that did not assist in telling the story of Charles Austin Buck's time in the home. With historical photographs and records as a guide, the home's collection is being reviewed to determine if those items belonged to the Buck family or were appropriate for the 1930s. It will take a bit of time; however, with enough research, the team plans to interpret El Retiro as close to the Buck era as possible, allowing guests to experience what the lifestyle was like in the 1930s.


The El Retiro team is working to achieve the vision for the historical accuracy of a 1930s-period house museum and the decision to return the home to its original name was a strategic step in this ongoing process. Named “El Retiro,” meaning “retreat” in Spanish, by the home’s first owner, Charles Austin Buck, and is the name listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Preserving a historic home requires purposeful policies, thoughtful interpretation, expert maintenance, and care. Over the last few months, El Retiro has seen numerous building preservation efforts. Recently, the home's exterior was lightly power washed, allowing the beautiful pink tones to shine. All the doors and windows have been repainted, matching the original colors chosen by Buck.

Bok Tower Gardens wants El Retiro to be around for generations to come. With the focus shifted to the preservation of the home, your children, grandchildren, and their future children will be able to witness what the lifestyle was like for Florida's 1930s winter residents.

You can join in supporting these efforts. Gifts to our El Retiro Preservation Fund help to maintain the home for future generations to enjoy. Learn how by contacting Melissa Tyrone, Director of Philanthropy & Membership 863-734-1213 or


El Retiro's romantic Moon Gate fountain is a favorite destination for visitors and one of the home's most attractive features. Over the years, the fountain's walls have settled, causing an unsightly surface crack to form.

Over the next few months, the Bok Tower Gardens Facilities team is working on a restoration project to correct the issue and preserve this historic landscape area.

The team has created a stainless steel cable and turnbuckle system to pull the wall back together. This process will take some time as the team can only tighten the turnbuckles every 3-4 weeks. Each month the wall moves approximately 3/8 of an inch.

After the tightening process, the repaired wall will be re-grouted, and the Moon Gate fountain will be restored to its former glory.


MAIN DESK 863.676.1408



MEMBERSHIP 863.734.1233

PHILANTHROPY 863.734.1213

EDUCATION 863.734.1221


OPEN 365 DAYS A YEAR! 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. with last admission at 5 p.m.


Members receive a 10% discount at The Shop at Bok, the Blue Palmetto Café, and on most programs and events.

Bok Tower Gardens, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is supported by tax-exempt gifts and contributions and is sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.

Fall Wine Walk Saturday, October 15, 2 – 5 p.m. $40 members, $55 non-members Sip, sample and stroll through the Gardens while sampling 12 wines from exciting New World destinations including California, South Africa, Washington, New York, and Argentina.

Concert Under the Stars: An Evening with Hayes Carll Friday, November 11, 7 p.m. $35 members, $45 non-members (includes admission for the day), Day of Admission $50 With two Americana Music Awards and a Grammy nomination, Hayes Carll is one of the most-played artists in the genre. His songs appear on the screen regularly and have been recorded by Kenny Chesney, Lee Ann Womack, and Brothers Osborne, to name a few.

Concert Under the Stars Holiday Edition with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra Brass Saturday, December 10, 7 p.m. $35 members, $45 non-members (includes admission for the day), Day of Admission $50

Seasonal selections and Holiday favorites performed by the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra Brass. Celebrate the season with brass arrangements of Holiday Fanfare, O Magnum Mysterium, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, and more!

Starry, Starry Night: A Night of Stargazing, Art, and Science Friday, December 16, 5:30 – 10 p.m.

Free for members, included in general admission Look to the heavens at Starry, Starry Night, an evening stargazing event. Discover the incredible sky above you with some of Florida’s top astronomers, scientists, and nature experts.

Yuletide Wednesday, December 21, 5 – 8 p.m. Free for members, included in general admission On the longest night of the year, ring in the Winter Solstice and celebrate. Enjoy a path of twinkling luminaries, live music on the Terrace, and Carillonneur Geert D’hollander will present a Moonlight Recital with sacred hymns.

OCT 15 NOV 11 DEC 10 DEC 16 DEC 21
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