LUXURY EXPOSES DESIGN MYTHS By Chris Ramey Luxury and design are very different business models. In many ways, luxury exposes design myths and fables. Designers are not immune from market forces. The myths that designers are somehow above marketing or that marketing is not effective for designers are two of the most harmful myths imaginable. The entire luxury category is built on marketing that creates desire for brand. Your brand equity and margins increase as more prospects desire to retain you. Every industry has protective bubbles. The result is parity; everybody looks the same, particularly online. It is a myth that you can compete profitably if prospects think you are no different than other designers. That parity is why design is considered comparative and often commoditized. Meanwhile, luxury is superlative; driven by point of view from the person at the top. Designers often tell me they “do whatever the client wants.” But if so, their client need only hire an intern. I believe every interior designer brings something
special to every relationship and design. But it’s meaningless if they miss identifying and leveraging it. Industry disruptors across all categories almost always emanate from outside industry bubbles, for example, Casper, Tesla and Airbnb. They see the world differently. Luxury sees design differently too as our values are centered on classic luxury marketing pillars that are reminiscent to design in the days of Dorothy Draper. These pillars should be more important than ever to talented high-level interior designers. The current bubble that dumbsdown design is an anathema to us. We understand it’s human nature to be comfortable inside your bubble. You can congratulate each other at events to chat-up your relevance. You might even begin to believe ‘word of mouth’ is more impressive and effective than real marketing. It’s akin to Garrison Keillor’s fictional Minnesota town where “all the children are above average.” It is delusional The most difficult truths exist outside your bubble where you discover that not everyone knows who you are. Former US Secretary
of State Madelaine Albright tells a story about being pulled out of line at London’s Heathrow Airport by British customs. She asked the officials, “Do you know who I am?” The guard replied, “No, but we have doctors here who can help you to figure that out.” Mrs. Albright was outside her bubble. Fortunately, you can advertise beyond your bubble to build brand awareness. If Cartier, Coke and Chanel must advertise, then you do too. The most important business pillar of luxury is ‘marketing first.’ The luxury category and luxury margins are driven by marketing that creates desire for brand. It is a myth that you sell to the affluent. Instead, you fascinate and match values. Of course, you only have that opportunity if they know you exist. Anonymity, regardless of whether you consciously plan it or not, is always a bad strategy.