Bold Leads - Real Estate Business Cards

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Bold Leads - Real Estate Business Cards

Bold Leads - Real Estate Business Cards It comes as no surprise to me that Real Estate business cards, among all forms of marketing and branding oneself as a Real Estate agent.

Bold Leads - Real Estate Business Cards Business cards have been around for a long time, and while there's only so much new that can be done on such a small piece of paper, I'm still amazed at how often I see Real Estate agents under utilizing the space given on this small.

Bold Leads - Real Estate Business Cards If you want a cutout photo, make sure that you're not cropped to close to edge of the frame as it becomes more difficult for even a skilled designer to make the cutout look good. Most important though is to make sure you start with a high resolution image.

Bold Leads - Real Estate Business Cards Finally, you should consider adding a back to your card instead of just leaving it blank. Again, all too often I see Real Estate agents with business cards that have a blank back.

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