Go Play Outside
Drama Takes Shakespeare onto the River Campus
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Riya Kar Contributing Writer
he stage dims as Lysander and Hermia stare at one another tenderly. A blinding light breaks the loving moment. ‘Relent, sweet Hermia: and, Lysander, yield/ Thy crazed title to my certain right.’ says Demetrius, as he haughtily approaches Hermia. In recent months, Mrs.Rippel, director of fine arts, and the theatre club have been working on Midsummer Night’s Dream. From the very beginning, Rippel had a love for Shakespeare’s plays. “Over ten years ago, which is crazy, I went to the Globe Theatre in England. I studied Shakespeare. I just loved Midsummer’s because I think it is really accessible.” When asked to give a synopsis of the play, Rippel laughs “Try to explain Shakespeare quickly.” Suffice to say: Helena, Hermia, Demetrius and Lysander form a love square. Jake McGraw, gives a small
insider as the actor of Demetrius. “Demetrius is kind of forced on this journey of self-realization and becoming better.” McGraw admitted Demetrius is not the good guy. “ Demetrius is a very complicated man. On the surface, he seems to be another romantic, but deep down he’s really out for himself for most of the play.” McGraw feels Shakespeare’s universality makes it easy to emotionally connect with the character. We’ve all been where they are. it’s like a more intense version of when that person you don’t want to talk to won’t leave you alone no matter how many signs you give them.” Ultimaely, McGraw confesses, Lysander is his favorite. “People call me a romantic, so that’s probably how I relate to Lysander.” Rippel and the cast have changed the subplot arises paralleling the lovers. Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the fairies, The original version had Oberon drugging Titania to have her fall
in love with the first thing she sees with the ultimate motive for ther to give up the boy. “We’ve actually changed the characters so that Titania drugs Oberon.” Ripel said. She explained how this change helped pronounce the character’s motives. “It solved some of the complicated issues that Oberon should not be drugging Titania to make her fall in love with someone.” “So by turning it on its head and taking it out of a romantic relationship and just the manipulation,” Rippel said, “I think it’s really interesting so I like that relationship.” Rippel said. “Shakespeare really likes to take you on a journey. You experience a road trip of feelings.” With many twists and turns, the story continues as the lovers both go through many tender moments as well as hardships. On their trek they are constantly faced with situations that require them to reflect.