3 minute read
Abby Bradley
When do you feel the most like the best version of yourself? “Definitely whenever I’m doing something I love with people I love, like people that are super positive, and then doing something that makes me happy and like when I have energy and feel confident. Definitely confidence.” - Abby Bradley (‘25)


What bothers you most about the world today? “We forget we’re one human race and I wish that everyone, both sides, of a controversial topic knew better how to treat one another with respect and kindness.”

“Probably around my friends. I tend to hang out with a lot of friends who set high goals and are very motivated and I feel like when I’m around those people I’m a better person because they’re also helping motivate me.” - Olivia Clontz (‘25)

“Definitely stuff with racial inequality, because I’ve had many first-hand experiences since I am Muslim. It’s just judging a book by its cover before actually getting to know the person.” - Nora Bouziane (‘25)

What’s something you’ve changed your opinion about since you started high school? “My mindset on other people’s opinions [...] People don’t focus on the little things as much as I thought they did [...] People are more focused on themselves than you.” - Miley Fites (‘25)

If you could swap eyeballs with anyone, who would it be? “Probably someone that doesn’t have a lot, maybe a homeless person so I could see their perspective and see how they live and how it feels for them because then I feel like I could have a lot more respect for that person.” What is the one thing that bothers you most about the world today? “Not enough people are changing it. It’s all talk most of the time it’s not really doing anything [...] I would like to see a lot of people that are young helping influence the world a lot more”

- Katrina Adewale (‘22)

What is something that you changed your opinion about because of what you experienced in high school? “When I was in high school I had a close friend who came out and it sort of sent these ripple effects through our friend group [...] so during high school is when I understood that being gay was not a choice and it was not something you could judge people for [...] that was a very important coming of age experience for me” ” - Mme. Phillips-Bourass

How do you measure success? “I measure success through financial gain.” - Jeremy Davis ‘23

If you had the whole world’s attention for 30 seconds, what would you say? “Try to learn as much as you can about everything, and try your best to improve yourself and the community.” - Abby Radel ‘22

What is one thing that bothers you about the world today? “I kind of dislike that our work schedules are the same thing every day, every season.” - Hannaah Edwards ‘23

If you could swap eyeballs with anybody, and see what that person sees for a day, who would it be and why? “I think I’d pick one of my basketball players, just to see how they see me as a coach and as a person. I always want to do better for them.”