Bolshaw Primary School Cross Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3LW Telephone: 0161 437 6886 Fax: 0161 436 2314 E-mail:
Dear Parents / Carers,
Newsletter Autumn Term 1 2015
A very warm welcome back everyone to the start of a new school year. I hope you have had a lovely holiday and are ready for an action packed 2015-2016. First of all, I would like to welcome all those families who are new to school. I am sure you and your child will love being part of the Bolshaw community during the next 7 years and will benefit from all that our school has to offer. I cannot express how proud I am of every single child since they returned to school. The children arrived back with excellent attitudes, super behaviour and an eagerness to learn. Our transition period at the end of the summer term certainly helped prepare the children to settle into their new classes. Our new Reception children have also settled in beautifully and they have made lots of new friends already. There is definitely a happy atmosphere around school with lots of smiling faces. Within this newsletter there are many important reminders and news items that relate to the commencement of the new school year.
Staffing News Welcome back to Mrs Clayton-Brown who returns to school, following her maternity leave. We also welcome Miss Collins to our team of staff. Miss Collins joins our Upper Key Stage two department as a Teaching Assistant. Mrs Wooder will begin her maternity leave at the end of September. We wish her well and look forward to hearing her news. Congratulations go to Mrs Morgan who is expecting her second baby. Last term Mrs Murfin, our finance administrator requested to reduce her working hours in the office and from September she has been working Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. As part of our succession planning Mrs Nixon will be taking over this role on Thursday and Fridays. We are currently advertising for a new member of staff to join our office team who will take on a new role as PA / School Secretary to the Headteacher and office staff.
School Improvement Refurbishment / Building Work Update Exciting times are ahead again this year in terms of our school refurbishment programme. Over the summer holiday, school has been a very busy place. All our ceiling tiles throughout school have been replaced. This was a lengthy process but it has definitely changed the look of all our classrooms, bays and hall. Mr Suggett has been extremely busy renovating and improving our outdoor area for Reception and Year 1. You may have noticed that we have extended the outdoor area so both classes can access the outdoor provision. Over the next term the outdoor area will be fully resourced to reflect the EYFS curriculum and transition into Year 1. Towards the end of this term all our windows throughout school will be replaced. This is something that we have waited a long time for. Every classroom will also gain an external door that will allow the children to access outside from their classroom. Here at Bolshaw, outdoor learning has always been integral to our curriculum. Having the doors installed will enable all children from Reception to Year 6 to access indoor/outdoor learning at all times throughout their school day. The installment of the windows will take place over several weeks and there will be a short period time when the children will spend a few days in the hall whilst their classroom windows are being fitted. This term we are also having new playground equipment installed. Our PTA have been raising money to help develop our outdoor provision.
Safeguarding Procedures
The safety of our children is paramount at all times and we would like to bring your attention to the following information: 8.45a.m. 8.55a.m.
The School Day
Children arrive at school (No earlier please) School bell goes – children line up independently. Reception parents please accompany your child to their classroom. 9.00a.m. School starts 10.45a.m KS1/KS2 playtime 12.00p.m- 1.15p.m. FS/KS1 lunchtime 12.15p.m- 1.15p.m. KS2 lunchtime 2.20p.m-2.30p.m. KS1 playtime 3.15pm End of school day
Arriving at School
All children should arrive at school between 8.45am and 8.55am. All members of staff will be available on the playground from 8.45am just in case you need to pass on a
quick message. If you would like to discuss anything in more detail please arrange an appointment with your child’s class teacher after school. I expect all children to be in school on time, ready to line up with their own class at 8.55am. Arriving at school on time is vitally important for your child so they can come into school in a calm manner with their class teacher ready for the school day. Arriving late not only causes distress for your child but also disrupts the start of the day for the rest of the class. Reception children will continue to go straight into their classroom accompanied by their parents. We will be contacting parents whose children arrive late.
Leaving School All children from Reception up to Year 4 will be handed over directly to parents on the playground. Year 5 and 6 children who have younger siblings will also be handed over to parents in the playground. All other children in Year 5 and 6 can be collected at the front of school. If your child is in Year 5 and 6 and you would like them to walk home on their own a consent form should have already been filled in last term. If another member of your family (who must be fourteen or over) is picking up your child please inform your class teacher in the morning. Please ensure you pick up your child on time at 3.15pm.
Consent & Pupil Data Forms
At the beginning of every academic year we need your consent so that your child can take part in range of activities throughout the year. I have enclosed a pack of consent forms. Please also fill out or make any corrections on the pupil data sheet so we have up to date records. It is vitally important that you inform us during the academic year of any telephone/contact changes you make. Please read, sign and return back to the school office before Friday 25thSeptember as these need to be collated.
Medical Conditions
It is absolutely imperative that we know if your child has any kind of medical condition to ensure they have the correct medication and care at school. Please could you inform Mrs Nixon, our school secretary if your child has any medical needs. If your child has asthma please inform your class teacher and ensure they have an inhaler (in date and with spacer) in school at all times. If your child requires medicine, please pass the medication directly to Mrs Nixon, who will ask you to fill out the necessary forms so that we can administer it to your child for you. Our Medical Conditions Policy is available on our website and VLE if you require any further information.
Safety around School Can I remind you about our safety rules around school:
Please do not park in the school car park or walk through it to collect children. Please do not drop your children off at the school gate or park on the yellow lines. Please leave your dogs at the school gate.
Please have consideration for all our school neighbours when parking cars. Please ensure your child does not ride their cycle or scooter in the school grounds before or after school and ensure they wear a helmet. Please cross the road with Mr Muir at the beginning and end of the school day.
Contacting School If your child is absent, please notify the office by leaving a recorded message by 9.00a.m on the first day of absence. This needs to be confirmed with a letter sent in to your child’s class teacher when they return.
School Uniform
We are extremely proud of our school uniform and we would like to ask you for your continued support to ensure your child is dressed in the correct uniform at all times. Please see our uniform rules on the VLE and school website. Please ensure all items of uniform are labelled.
Holidays in term Time
Please can we remind all parents that it is not permitted to take children out of school during term time for holidays. This can significantly affect their progress academically and socially. A holiday list is available from the school office or on our VLE. As advised by the DFE leave of absence will not be authorised unless they are for exceptional circumstances. A written request addressed to myself and the Chair of Governors must be handed into school two weeks before. Please ensure all dentist and doctors appointments are made out of school hours unless they are an emergency.
Office News
Please use our post box outside the school office. This is attached to our notice board and is there for your convenience, especially when you just want to drop something off and don’t necessarily need to speak to our office staff and queue up! School Dinners & Dinner Money All infant children are entitled to a free school dinner. For all junior children the cost is £2.10 per day, £10.50 a week. Please send dinner money in an envelope marked with your child’s name and class. Payments must be made one week in advance on Monday morning. Cash or cheques (made payable to Bolshaw Primary School) please. If you would like your children to change at any time please contact Mrs Nixon in the school office at least a week in advance. We need to know exact numbers on a daily basis. Please note Halal and vegetarian dishes are available.
Extra Curricular Activities The majority of our clubs will begin later this term with a few new ones starting. Further information to follow.
Harvest Festival This year we will be holding our Harvest Festival on Friday 9th October at 9.15am. We will be asking the children to bring in donations of dried/tinned food which will be sent to the Wellspring Kitchen in Stockport. The children will be singing a variety of songs and all parents are invited to come along.
Reception Parent/Carer Information meeting
On Monday 28th September, 3.15 – 4.00pm, Miss Gower Jones will be holding an information meeting for all our Reception parents and carers. Please come along to find out how you can help support your child during their first year at Bolshaw. Mrs Rourke will also be holding a more informal drop in evening on Thursday 1st October at 3.30pm for any Reception parents /carers. You may have some questions following the information evening or you may want to take the opportunity for your child to show you their new classroom.
Year 1- 6 Parent / Carer Drop in
We will be also be holding two informal ‘Parent Drop in’ sessions on Monday 28th September and Thursday 1st October at 3.15pm – 4.00pm. This time is for any parent who would like to pop in and find out how their child has settled into their new class or may have any questions they would like to ask their child’s class teacher. There are no appointments and children may come along with you.
Class Newsletters Your child’s class teacher will be sending you their termly newsletter. This will contain information about daily routines, class organisation, homework, curriculum themes and how you can help your child at home. This information will also be available on our VLE.
Parents/ Carers Evenings
Our first parents’ / carers’ evenings will be held on Tuesday 20th October 4.00pm – 6.30pm Thursday 22nd October 4.00pm– 6.30pm Your child’s teacher will be discussing how your child has settled into their new class, as well as their end of year targets and expected progress during the year. You will be able to sign up for an appointment from 10.00am on Monday 5th October, using our online booking on our VLE. Further details to follow.
PE KITS PE kits should remain in school every day. Your child’s teacher will have already informed you which days your child has PE. Children may wear jogging bottoms and sweatshirts for outdoor PE lessons during the winter months. Please ensure all items of PE kit are labelled. Jewellery is not allowed to be worn during PE. If your child cannot take their own earrings out please ensure they do not wear them on their PE day. All parents will be contacted if their child does not have their PE kit in school.
Class Assemblies and Performances During the course of the year, each class will produce and perform their own assembly. The dates for these are listed below to give you plenty of notice as we know you won’t want to miss it. All parents are welcome to our class assemblies throughout the year. Friday 23rd October at 9.15am Year 6 Friday 20th November at 9.15am Year 4 Friday 11th December at 9.15am Year 3 Friday 29th January at 9.15am Year 1 Friday 11th March at 9.15am Reception Friday 18th March at 9.15am Year 2 Friday 20th May at 9.15am Year 5
Photographs All children will be having an individual photograph taken on Monday 21st September as well as their class photo. Children who have siblings will also have their photograph taken together in school. If you have younger children at home there will be an opportunity to come in at 8.30am to have their photograph taken together.
Milk Scheme If you would like your child to have milk at their morning break please pick up a leaflet from the school office. All children under 5 are entitled to this free of charge.
Water bottles Please ensure your child has a named water bottle, with a safety top, with them every day. Only water is allowed. No flavoured water, fizzy drinks or cordial.
When it is your child’s birthday they can wear their own clothes at school if they wish to do so. If it falls on the weekend or during the holiday they can wear their own clothes on the Friday before or the Monday after. Please do not send your child in with sweets or cakes due to our healthy eating policy in school.
Many children have returned to school without a coat. Please could you ensure your child has a coat with them, as it is our aim to go outside for playtimes and lunchtimes every day (even in light showers) unless the weather is extremely poor. Children are also regularly involved in outdoor curriculum studies and coats will definitely be needed in school now the weather is becoming colder!
Keep in Touch
Many of you have already joined your child’s class online with our new ‘class dojo’ system. If you haven’t already signed up – please do! This will help us keep in touch with you about your child’s learning and behaviour. We can also share some of your child’s best moments with you. Also follow us on twitter to receive regular updates about events, information and school life on
Phonics & Reading Evening
We will be holding an evening for all parents and carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 on Thursday 12th November at 3.30pm -4.00pm and 6.00pm – 6.30pm. During the meeting you will be able to find out how we teach phonics and reading at Bolshaw and how you can help support your child at home.
Parent/ Carer Forum
Mrs Gleaves, our Learning Mentor and myself will be holding our first Parent Forum this year on Wednesday 14th October at 9.15a.m and are inviting parents to come along. This is a valuable way to listen to your ideas and seek your views on predetermined subjects; helping to develop Bolshaw and to make sure the needs of our children and their families are met. Please could you inform us if you are interested in coming along.
Parent Governor
Later this week we will be sending out a letter regarding our parent governor election. We have 1 vacancy at present. All you need is commitment and time. If you are interested in becoming a parent/governor please fill in the nomination form and return to school. If you are unsure of what the role entails please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kidz Kingdom We are delighted with our new outside provider Kidz Kingdom who are now providing before and after school care for our children. The club is open from 7.30am in the morning and until 6.00pm in the evening. There are lots of activities for the children to enjoy. If you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact: Luke Heaney (manager) 07444 394 427 0r visit
Diary Dates
We are just finalising all our main dairy dates for the year and we will send these out next week. We have provided as many dates as possible; however there will always be some events and activities that will be added as the term progresses. Dates will not be changed unless this is unavoidable. We also provide up to date diary dates on our Parents Page on our VLE. We also have a new calendar on our website that will be up and running shortly.
Helping in school
If you can help in anyway in school please let us know. Parents / carers and grandparents are all welcome. From listening to children read to helping out with clubs; there are always plenty of activities you can help out with in school. All parent helpers must be security checked through DBS.
Swimming Swimming tuition will take place for our Year 4 children this term, with Year 5 in the spring and Year 3 in the
summer. This will continue to take place on Thursday mornings at 9.30a.m at Cheadle swimming pool. To comply with Stockport’s school swimming policy, please ensure you remove your child’s earrings on their swimming day, unless they can do so themselves. Children with long hair are advised to wear a swimming hat.
Healthy Snacks
Please ensure your child has a healthy snack to eat at playtime. Examples of acceptable snacks for morning playtimes are listed below. No crisps, chocolates or
sweets are allowed.
Raw vegetables (carrot, celery sticks etc) Fresh fruit Bread sticks Cheese Dried fruit e.g. raisins Rich tea biscuits Plain digestive biscuits
We appreciate your support in continuing to help Bolshaw become a healthier school for your children.
New Entrants 2016 Open Afternoon /Evening ******************************************** We will be holding our Open Afternoon and Evening for our new entrants 2016 on: Tuesday 13th October at 2pm – 3pm and 6pm – 7pm Applications need to be filled in online at: before the deadline 15th January 2016 for Stockport residents.
News from PTA Parent Teachers Association
As parents and carers you are automatically a member of our PTA. Our PTA are passionate about holding events for our children to raise money which benefits all the children at Bolshaw. If you can spare a few hours to help with fundraising events, it would be much appreciated. You are invited to come along to their monthly coffee morning on the first Tuesday of every month. Their next coffee morning is on Tuesday 6th October at 9.00am at the Kidz Kingdom. This is a great opportunity to take an hour out of your busy schedule and meet with other parents. They would also love to see you at their Annual General Meeting which will be held on Thursday 24th September at 6.30pm. Currently our PTA have a vacancy for their Chair and Secretary. If you are interested in this post please come and have a chat. And finally… Please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of staff if you have any concerns or worries (no matter how small). Always remember we are here to help, to ensure your child’s time and experience here is rewarding and happy. Kind regards Miss Lynda Brown Headteacher