Natalia Mudruk Сучасне мистецтво Скульптори України
Contemporary art Sculptors of Ukraine
Bolhe Znat
Наталія Мудрук Natalia Mudruk e-mail: nmudruk@gmail.com
Mudruk Natalia Vlolodymyrivna was born on 1 July 1 974 in the city of Zaporizhia, Ukraine. Since 1 980 she lives in Kyiv. In 1 986 Natalia entered into the State Art Secondary School named after Taras Shevchenko (majoring in Sculpture) and graduated from the school in 1 993. In 1 993 she entered into the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in the city of Kyiv. Natalia graduated from the Academy in 1 999 and began her post graduate studies. In 2003 she graduated from these studies. In 2005 her sculpture project "The Muse of Theatre" received a grant of the President of Ukraine. This sculpture was mounted near the Kyiv Art Academy for Children. Since 1 994 Natalia has participated in exhibitions organized by the National Union of Ukrainian Painters. She actively presented her works of art in Kyiv galleries and abroad. The main exhibitions: 1 996 - exhibition organized by the Ukrainian consulate in city of Gdansk, Poland. 2009 - participation in the Grand Sculpture Salon 2009 (the Ukrainian House, Kyiv). 2009 - "Fine Art Ukraine’ 09”. Participation in the project "One Minute of Life" (the Ukrainian House, Kyiv). 201 0 - participation in the Grand Sculpture Salon 201 0 (the Ukrainian House, Kyiv). 2011 - participation in the Grand Sculpture Salon 2011 ("Mystetsky Arsenal”, Kyiv). 2011 - participation in the charity exhibition (gallery “Art Republic”, Kyiv). 2011 - participation in the project “Over the Sky” (gallery "New Gallery", Kyiv). 201 2 - participation in the Grand Sculpture Salon 201 2 ("Mystetsky Arsenal, Kyiv). Natalia Mudruk is a member of the National Union of Ukrainian Painters, a member of the AllUkrainian Artists Association. Her works are kept in private collections both in Ukraine and abroad, as well as in the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Arts of Ukraine. She lives and works in the city of Kyiv.
Happy end, бронза, 56х55х1 8 Happy end, bronze, 56х55х1 8
Love, бронза, 1 4х20х1 7 Love, bronze, 1 4х20х1 7
Дівчинка, бронза, 35х11 Girl, bronze, 35х11
Король, бронза King, bronze
Мандрівник, бронза, 36х40х25 Traveler, bronze, 36х40х25
Музичний равлик, бронза, 60х72х25 Musical snail, bronze, 60х72х25
Муха-цокотуха, бронза, 50х32 Fly-chirper, bronze, 50х32
На побачення, бронза, 30х45х1 6 To date, bronze, 30х45х1 6
Не бійся, я с тобою, бронза, 26х20х26 Fear not, I am with you, bronze, 26х20х26
Подружки, бронза, 27х1 4х1 7 Girlfriends, bronze, 27х1 4х1 7
Прогулянка верхи, бронза, 77х70х32 Horse, bronze, 77х70х32
Та що летить, бронза, 43х55х30 And flying, bronze, 43х55х30
Танцюристка стрекоза, бронза, 67х40 Dragonfly dancer, bronze, 67х40
Тонкі струни, бронза, 60х50х30 Thin string, bronze, 60х50х30
Фонтан достатку, бронза, 55х65х50 Fountain abundance, bronze, 55х65х50