1 minute read

Wellbeing Matters NHS 5 Steps to Wellbeing: Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give to Others and Be Mindful

As well as providing an excellent learning experience, we aim to support your child to develop the understanding, skills and behaviours to lead fulfilling, worthwhile and happy lives. Good wellbeing underpins successful learning and supports progress to further learning and employment, so our whole College approach aims to provide the best possible experience for your child.

Your young person will be provided with opportunities throughout their learning journey to reflect on and enhance their wellbeing. In addition to their learning programmes we provide a menu of activity and support based on the NHS 5 Steps to Wellbeing:

Connect, Be Active; Keep Learning; Give to Others and Be Mindful. You can find out more about the 5 Steps to Wellbeing by visiting:



Encouraging your child to engage in out-of-class activities and clubs to support their wellbeing.



Opportunities for your young person to engage in social action projects.

Our curriculum promotes positive health and wellbeing, providing your child with sources of online support for mental health and wellbeing.


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Mentors, personal tutors, support workers, the mental health team and others, work with groups and individual learners to support mental health and promote wellbeing.

We have an excellent counselling service if your young person needs more professional support during their time with us. We also work with many partners in the local area, if we need to direct your child to support outside the College.

To find out more follow the link to our Wellbeing for Learning and Life Strategy: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/assets/Uploads/Wellbeing-forLearning-and-Life-Strategy.pdf College Connect page 9

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