6 minute read

Our Approach to the Promotion of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

‘Managers and staff promote equality and diversity passionately and exceptionally well. There is a strong development of learners’ awareness of equality and diversity themes.’

Latest Ofsted Inspection

The College has an active approach to promoting and celebrating equality, diversity and inclusion. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming and inclusive College with a real commitment to continually raising awareness of equality and diversity matters and minimising discrimination and prejudice. There is a senior strategic lead in place with the objective of ensuring a proactive approach is taken to promoting and monitoring EDI in our College.

Quality Assurance Promotion

EDI is embedded into all quality assurance mechanisms designed to drive improvement of teaching, learning and assessment, such as observations and walkthroughs of teaching, learning and assessment, learner surveys, course reviews, departmental and College self-assessment reports (SARs), performance management and quality improvement plans (QIPs). Teachers use the EDI Champion calendar to plan for the embedding and promotion of EDI into lesson plans and schemes of work.

In-year course attendance, retention, achievement, progress and success rates are monitored by protected characteristic. This approach was recognised by Ofsted in its latest inspection: “Managers and staff promote equality and diversity passionately and exceptionally well. Managers identify any particular groups of learners who do not achieve as well as others and put effective actions in place. Consequently, there are no significant differences in achievement between different groups of learners.”

Comprehensive systems are in place to regularly monitor the views of learners (questionnaires, focus groups, learning walks, student representatives). The student questionnaires include specific questions on aspects of EDI.

Diversity and Inclusion Promotion of Equality, Our Approach to the

‘Teachers make good use of a range of learning resources and materials that celebrate diversity and that reflect their multi-racial society. Learners are respectful of each other and work well together in class. The teaching of fundamental British Values and equalities is integrated successfully into programmes. Tutorials are highly effective in promoting diversity and developing learners’ understanding of tolerance, respect and resilience.’

Latest Ofsted Inspection


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are embedded at the heart of our curriculum planning through a variety of activities such as:

• Equality, Diversity and Inclusion awareness and promotion are embedded in session plans, schemes of work and tutorials

• Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is scheduled as a standard agenda item in all meetings and good practice is recorded and shared at meetings and through self- assessment. The

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Champion Calendar informs lesson planning.

• Observation of Teaching,

Learning and Assessment (OTLA) shows high achievement across

College against the standard:- “Learners enjoy an environment that supports and promotes good wellbeing, where they feel cared for, respected and safe”. • Teachers consistently deliver a respectful, supportive and fair approach. This is recognised by learners; - 97% agreed with the statements:

“I learn about British Values in class” and “I am treated fairly and with respect.” (QDP End of Course survey 19/20).

• Teaching and learning materials used in lessons and Learning

Resource Centres (LRCs) promote

EDI and cultural awareness, with LRC staff members acting as champions. Dedicated EDI teaching and learning Moodle resources have been created, aiming to widen the sharing of good practice and the ease of accessing materials.

• Themed tutorials are planned against a calendar of diverse events and delivered by the

Learning and Development

Mentor (LDM) team such as LGBT+ awareness, Black History Month, support for our partner charity FAST Romania,

Stereotyping, Self-worth and

Self-esteem, Anti-bullying and the College-wide Respect Week.

• In March 2019 the College was re-accredited for ‘The Matrix Quality Award’ for its information, advice and guidance (IAG) services.

The award recognised that

‘Equality and diversity, confidentiality, impartiality and professional integrity are all robustly addressed in policy documentation and staff confirmed that these matters are frequently introduced into discussions at team meetings and in individual meetings with managers. An appropriate mandatory training and refresher programme underpins key aspects.”

The College’s Wellbeing for Learning & Life Strategy and our whole college approach to becoming an Ace’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Aware organisation, drives the individualised wraparound support packages that students benefit from.

Active promotion of anti- discrimination and anti-bullying and harassment ensures that learners know where to report and how to access support if they have any issues or concerns. Consistent and fair behaviour management and the proportionate use of our trauma informed Behaviour for Success Policy, support and challenge learners to behave appropriately and take responsibility for their actions. These approaches create a culture in which all can be heard and valued whilst harassment and bullying of any kind are minimised.

The commitment and care for the welfare and success of Care Leavers is exceptional. Through the Student Services Manager, the College monitors the progress and outcomes for Care Leavers. The Student Services Manager regularly attends Bolton Council’s Corporate Parenting Board. This is a multiagency group designed to improve the prospects, raise aspirations and track the progress of Bolton Looked after Children/Care Leavers.

At the operational level, the College is involved in a regular EET (Education Employment and Training) Group within the Borough which looks for practical solutions to help hard to place Care Leavers. Each Care Leaver who enrols at College is allocated a Student Mentor to help them with their journey through college life and charts their progress through a termly PEP (Personal Education Plan). The College has invested in a highly skilled transition team that ensures learners with learning disabilities and/or difficulties, and looked after children have a smooth transition into College. This team provides a wide range of support for learners on all courses across the College provision.

The College has an excellent reputation working with these learners and providing innovative and inclusive support packages according to learner need. This is demonstrated by the continued growth in the number of high needs learners choosing to come to Bolton College. In 2019-20 the Education Funding Agency (EFA) provided funding for 157 high needs learners, in line with the numbers from the previous year. High needs learners achieve and progress as well as or better than their peers and above national average for their category. The College provided high needs support for 165 learners in total during 2020-2021.

The College has volunteer chaplains from the Christian and Muslim communities who visit Deane Campus regularly to offer Friday prayers and fortnightly Christian fellowship in the Quiet Room, as well as providing a listening ear for learners who feel they need to talk about faith or non-faith matters.

‘College staff provide effective pastoral and learning support. They ensure that learners who require additional support make good progress. Learners with high needs quickly develop their skills and confidence to become independent.’

Latest Ofsted Inspection

Case Study

Josue Losasa

Josue has been awarded the ‘Dr A G Peace Prize’ for his Outstanding Service to Bolton College. Josue has faced many challenges – he was new to the country when he first arrived at College and he needed to learn English. He also has faced some tough disability challenges during his time with us but Josue has proved he has the ability and determination to succeed. He has been a keen and reliable Student Volunteer with the College for several years now and is producing first class results on his Level 3 Business course. Josue does all this and with a big smile on his face – he inspires both staff and students alike and we wish him well as he takes his next step to university.

‘Learners develop and adopt a positive awareness of equality and diversity and embrace British values, which are promoted well throughout lessons.’

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