1 minute read
A very warm welcome to everyone.
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) report for 20/21*. EDI is constantly at the forefront of our daily lives and actions at Bolton College, as we are proudly committed to being an open access and widening participation organisation where all people can thrive.
We have had to respond more than ever in the past couple of years to support and serve the wide and differing needs of those in our community; from the impact of the pandemic on wellbeing and digital inclusion to fostering a progressive work and learning environment in the fast changing landscape of the 21st century.
The report profiles our learners, workforce and board members and shows how we are responding to our legal responsibilities to tackle discrimination. It also showcases our passion to promoting and celebrating those in our college family and the wonderful variety of cultures and backgrounds from which it is made up.
We will continue to ask questions and challenge ourselves and others to explore difference with integrity. Our overriding wish is for all to hold a high sense of belonging, as the yield of true inclusion is a sense of belonging for everyone.
Bill Webster
* Due to the coronavirus outbreak, The Equality and Human Rights Commission reviewed the PSED specific duty reporting obligations. In England, the planned compliance activity on the specific duties for 2020 was suspended with the requirement to publish equality information by 30 March 2021.