1 minute read

College Charter

Before your course, we will provide: • Qualifications and other entry requirements needed for the course you intend to study on • Full details of how to move forward and advance within College, and information on what students on the same course have achieved in previous years • Honest, open and impartial advice and guidance to help you make the right decisions • Information about fees and any financial support that might be available • Extra help if you need additional support

At the start of your course, we will: • Give you an induction onto the course and College, and explain clearly your rights and responsibilities as a member of the College community • Show you round the College, and familiarise you with the buildings and facilities • Discuss with you any additional support you may need after your initial assessment

• During your course, you can expect: • A high-quality learning programme delivered by well-qualified and experienced staff • Regular meetings with your tutor to discuss your progress • Opportunities to express your views about your course and College • Your written work and assignments to be returned promptly, with written feedback that can help you in your studies • Opportunities to take part in enrichment activities • Help with careers information, advice and/or guidance • Access to confidential counselling and welfare services (e.g. housing, finance and health issues)

If you are 18 or under, your parents/carers can expect: • Regular progress reviews • At least one Parents’ Evening each year • To be contacted by tutors if there are any issues relating to your progress which are causing concern • The opportunity to provide feedback on the College both informally and by participating in the annual parental survey at Parents’

Evenings • To be asked to encourage appropriate conduct and hard work at all times

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