The Metaverse
We are entering into an era where new tech seems to be teetering on the edge of a complete digital takeover. If you thought it was difficult to tear yourself and your ego away from your phone and the social media apps of today then I’m afraid this is a mere drop in the ocean as to what is coming next. Try to imagine a virtual world that runs parallel in real-time to our own physical world, where people can plug in via some kind of VR/AR headset and experience life like we do in the real world. In the Metaverse you will into the idea of the Metaverse, be able to explore landscapes, work which means that like the inter& make money, buy property, build net, it wouldn’t be owned by one property, meet partners, socialize, company and would evolve into a enjoy concerts, study, workout, go shared experience. to the cinema, take a vacation, play Companies such as Meta (facegames and much more. Much like book), Microsoft, Unity, Epic the film Avatar all this will be expe- Games & Roblox want to be on rienced through your unique ava- the front line of this immersive tar identity and more than likely, interconnected 3D experience as a user, you would probably sign which won’t be so different in up to the different worlds and apps concept to the online multimedia using some form of crypto curren- platform Second Life (2003). cy as you seamlessly flow from one During lockdown virtual digital world into another. reality really came into its own There are lots of big tech where people spent more time players currently pouring billions either gaming or socializing in 14