The Bolton School Foundation A Community of Support The Bolton School Foundation, the charitable foundation which incorporates the Girls’, Boys’ and Primary Divisions of Bolton School, has continued to thrive during the 2022-23 academic year, with a return to levels of activity and endeavour surpassing those from pre-pandemic times. Pupil numbers and recruitment across all three Divisions has remained buoyant, with the maximum Year 7 intake joining the two Senior Schools both this September and last. Examination results at both GCSE and A Level provided much to celebrate individually and across the cohorts, an outcome made all the more remarkable when the impact of Covid-19 upon both year groups’ Senior School experiences is considered. This year of achievement was capped by the outstanding inspection report received by the Girls’ Division in April 2023, in which the Girls’ Senior and Junior Schools were both rated as ‘excellent’ in every category assessed. In that report, the inspectors remarked: “Pupils have an exceedingly strong sense of community, showing a deep commitment to service and contributing positively to the lives of others within School and beyond”. This sense of community extends far beyond our pupils’ time at School, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the exceptional philanthropic support the School has enjoyed throughout the past 12 months. During the 202223 academic year, an amazing £2 million was given in support of the Bolton School bursary scheme. In addition
to this exceptional total, a further £140,000 was received to provide hardship funding for pupils with families experiencing financial difficulties, and another £252,000 to provide extra-curricular support for bursary pupils, university scholarships, academic prizes and funding for a variety of other projects and activities. This outstanding level of benefaction has impacted positively upon every aspect of the Foundation’s activities, and is appreciated wholeheartedly by the pupils, staff, leaders and Governors of the School. This sense of community is evident also in the high number of Alumni and others who generously gave their time and expertise to the School during the past 12 months, and whose names are listed in the Roll of Honour within this Report for the first time this year. In the past year, the School, its pupils and Alumni have benefited from the service of 243 volunteers who offered the gift of time to the Foundation. These volunteers supported pupil careers and enrichment activities across all three Divisions, community events and activities benefiting local schools and those living in the wider Bolton area, and the two mentoring schemes for young Old Boys and
Old Girls, alongside the service of of my fellow Governors and Trustees, who work voluntarily to ensure the good governance of the Foundation and the further growth of our bursary scheme. Thank you to all those who have given their time and expertise so generously to the School during the past 12 months, and for the contribution you have made to the Foundation’s continued success throughout that time. As an election approaches in 2024, the Governing Body is now preparing extensively for the impact that a change in Government would have upon the School’s finances and bursary funding model, particularly if VAT is applied to school fees. Regardless of any legislative changes ahead, we are determined that the ethos and values of the Bolton School Foundation must be protected, so that they can endure throughout this second century of our history. We are intent that the School community will remain socially and economically diverse – as it is today, and as it has been since our foundation, almost 110 years ago – and we are resolute that the School should continue to be open to all who would thrive here, irrespective of background or position.
If we are to achieve these goals, it is imperative that progress towards our ambition to fund one in three pupils’ places at the School is not derailed. The need for support for our bursary scheme has never been more urgent, and we are grateful to every one of our benefactors and volunteers for their steadfast and enduring support. With our strong shared community spirit and sense of collective responsibility to ensure our ethos and values endure, we will have the best chance of realising that ambition. With my best wishes for the festive season, and thanks for your support.
Ian Riley (Class of 1981) Chair of the Bolton School Governing Body Trustee of the Bolton School Bursary Foundation
The Bolton School Bursary Foundation A Year of Success It is now over a year since the Bolton School Bursary Foundation (BSBF), the charity through which the School’s bursary funds are raised, held and granted, was formally launched to the Bolton School community. BSBF was established by the School’s Governing Body in May 2022 to ensure that the donations, given so generously by the School’s supporters to enable its bursary scheme during the past quarter of a century, remain ring-fenced for that purpose in the decades to come. I was privileged that my place at the School was assisted by a Direct Grant, as were those of many of my friends. My wife, Nancy (Girls’ Division, Class of 1983) benefited from a local authority-funded free place and would not have been able to attend the School otherwise. Nancy and I have proudly supported the bursary scheme for many years, in recognition of the ongoing impact our education at Bolton School has had upon both of our lives. My service as Chair of Trustees of BSBF, and as a Governor of the School, is rooted in this desire to ensure that the opportunities we enjoyed continue to be available to future generations of pupils at the School, and I know that it is this same sense of “giving back, to pay it forward” that motivates many others of the School’s benefactors to support the bursary scheme alongside us. In the coming years, the Governors’ strategic priority is to grow the bursary scheme from the one in five pupils
currently supported, to provide bursary funding for one in three pupils across the two Senior Divisions. If the School is to remain as socially inclusive as it has always been – a place open to the bright and talented, regardless of their families’ circumstances – then this expansion of the bursary scheme is vital. The legislative changes expected should there be a change of Government in the coming year, particularly the imposition of VAT on school fees, will have a significant impact upon the timescales in which we can realistically achieve this ambition, and on the funding required to achieve it. Nevertheless, I and the other Trustees of BSBF are intent that the bursary funds we steward will be grown significantly throughout the remainder of this decade in order to provide funding to support one in three of the Senior Schools’ pupils, and we will not be deterred from this mission. Your continued support will be crucial if we are to achieve that goal, but so too will that of many more Alumni and other members of the School community. In the coming months, please do encourage friends and former classmates to follow your example and support the bursary scheme themselves if they are able to, in order to promote our cause further.
During the 2022-23 academic year, just over £2 million was donated to the bursary scheme – proof that the School community shares our passionate belief in this ambition, and in our commitment to its achievement. On behalf of the Trustees of BSBF, thank you for your generous support during the past academic year, and for the continued endorsement of our aims that your gifts provide. With your sustained benefaction and broader support, we will continue to pursue our goal to expand the bursary scheme significantly, and thus enable the School to continue to drive social mobility across Bolton and beyond. With my sincere thanks once again, and best wishes for the year ahead.
John Craven (Class of 1982) Governor of Bolton School Chair of Trustees of the Bolton School Bursary Foundation
The Power of a Bursary Place A Bolton School bursary can transform the trajectory of a child’s life forever. Last year, your generosity meant that 54 members of the Class of 2023 had their aspirations raised and their opportunities for success increased, thanks to the bursary support they received: • In the A Level results published in August 2023, 63% of those bursary recipients achieved grades A*-B, with 37% of those pupils securing grades A*-A; • 39 of those bursary pupils left the School to study at university, including 23 pupils who are now studying at one of the prestigious Russell Group universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. A further four bursary pupils secured places on highlycompetitive Degree Apprenticeship schemes with a variety of national and international businesses.
Popular University Destinations of Bursary Recipients, 2023
“I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my benefactors for having faith in my ability and investing in me from such a young age. I hope one day that I will be in a position where I get to pay it forward to the young minds of the next generation.”
Class of 2023 Bursary Recipient
Your Support During the 2022-23 academic year, the School community made pledges and gifts totaling £2.39 million in support of the School and its pupils. As a result of this generosity, last year the School spent £3.5 million on means-tested bursary funding, enabling 356 pupils – one in five across the two Senior Schools – to attend the School when otherwise they would have been prevented from doing so.
£2 million was given to support the expansion of the School’s bursary scheme, including £47,000 donated by 191 families of the Class of 2022, who gifted their children’s deposit for bursary funding. A further £638,000 was bequeathed by eight Alumni and Friends of the School, who remembered the School in their wills, and whose legacies collectively provided inyear funding for 64 bursary recipients.
In addition to these transformational sums, a further £140,000 was donated by a charitable trust to provide hardship funding for pupils whose families were facing financial distress, with another £252,000 donated to support the provision of extra-curricular trip grants and ancillary costs for bursary recipients, university scholarships for recent leavers, academic prizes for pupils in both Senior Schools, the continued development of Patterdale Hall, the development of departmental facilities and the expansion of the School’s bursary outreach programme. This includes a bequest of £125,000 from the late Dr David Speirs (Class of 1962) for the improvement and development of the Boys’ Division’s Technology Department, two bequests to support the Divisions’ respective Music Departments and a bequest from the late Mrs Dorothy Lees-Blakey (née Lees, Class of 1950) to augment the Lees-Blakey Drama Prize Fund.
The Gift of Time During the 2022-23 academic year, 243 Alumni, Current Parents, Former Parents, Friends, Governors and Trustees volunteered their time to support the Bolton School Foundation and its pupils, past and present. These volunteers included: • 170 volunteers who gave their time, expertise and energies to support the School’s careers and enrichment programme, benefiting both current pupils and the wider community. Volunteers presented at a variety of virtual and in-person sessions, including the School’s Perspectives Lecture series, the World of Work series, the A-Z of Careers series, the International Women’s Day careers event, the annual Year 12 Interview Skills evenings, the Sixth Form Entrepreneurship Scheme, the Tillotson Lecture, the Platt Fisher Lecture, the Hulton Lecture and many more activities besides; • 24 Old Boy and Old Girl mentors who supported young Alumni through the Old Boltonians’ Association’s Find Your Path mentoring scheme and the Old Girls’ Association’s Steps to Success mentoring scheme; • 26 Old Boys and Old Girls who served on the committees of the Old Boltonians’ and Old Girls’ Associations; • 16 Governors of the Bolton School Foundation and six Trustees of the Bolton School Bursary Foundation who offered time and expertise to ensure the good governance of the School and the continued growth of its bursary funds; and
• The Officers, Committee Members and Volunteers of the Parents’ Associations of the five Schools, and of the Friends of Bolton School, who gave their time to support School activities and fundraising for the benefit of pupils in all three Divisions of the School. From this year onwards, the names of all who volunteer their support to the School will be recorded in the annual Roll of Honour, in recognition of their gift of time and the benefits this brings to the Foundation.
Using Your Donations Responsibly
Contact Us
We are privileged to receive the generous support of so many members of the Bolton School community, and take our responsibilities in the stewardship and management of these gifts seriously:
The Development Office is responsible for all fundraising activity in support of the Bolton School Foundation, and on behalf of the Bolton School Bursary Foundation.
• Every donation we receive goes directly to support the bursary scheme or to the purpose directed by the donor - all costs associated with the running of the Development Office are borne entirely by the School; • Outside School hours, we use our buildings and facilities to generate income, with the annual profits from the School’s trading arm, BSSL, and the School’s Nursery, gifted back to School to support our bursary scheme; • The management of the invested funds held by the School and by BSBF is overseen with care by the two charities’ respective Investment Committees, with the objective of delivering sustainable growth in bursary provision whilst preserving the real value of invested capital; • In order to preserve and grow the real value of the bursary funds in an endowment style, thus ensuring financial support remains available to both current and future pupils, each year, the Trustees of BSBF will determine the level of grant to be made to the School for bursary support, for the School’s Governors then to determine the total funds available to spend on bursaries in the following academic year; • All bursaries are entirely means-tested, awarded via a transparent and rigorous allocations process designed to ensure that financial support reaches those who are the most deserving of it. This allocations process, which includes detailed financial checks and individual interviews, is reviewed annually, and all bursary applications are renewed entirely at the end of Year 11, before a child’s admission to the Sixth Form.
If you would like to make a gift to support the School’s bursary scheme, or are considering remembering the School in your will, please contact Laura Firth, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, on 01204 434718 or at, who will be happy to discuss with you, in confidence, how you might support the School. More information about supporting the School can also be found using the QR code below.
Thank You
The School is sincerely grateful to all of those donors who have offered their financial support and to all of those volunteers who have offered their time, during the past academic year: Anonymous Dr Nabeel and Dr Nighat Yasmeen Afzal Mr I and Mrs D Ahmed Dr M and Mrs F Ahmed Mr Munir and Mrs Tayyaba Ahmed Mr and Mrs Madathil Ajith Mr Rizwan Akhtar and Mrs Sadia Safdar Mr I Akram and Dr S Imran Mr Brian and The Late Mrs Shirley Aldred Mr Stephen Aldred Dr Salahaddin and Mrs Shamim Al-Falahi Mr Amjad Ali and Mrs Nazhat Saleem Mr Arfan and Mrs Rehmat Ali Ms Fazila Ali Dr Mubushar Ali and Dr Muddeha Waraich Professor Robin Ali Mr Craig Allen Mr Peter and Mrs Tracey Ambrose Mr John Anderson Mrs Julie Andrews AO Retail Ltd Mr George Apsion Mr Phillip Ashton Mr Paul and Mrs Caroline Ashton Mr Graham Ashurst Mrs T Aslam Mr David Aspinall Mr D Richard Astle Anonymous Anonymous Mr Mohammed and Mrs Sidra Awais Mr Shafaat and Mrs Sumera Awan Lady Bain (Gwynneth Vickers) Mr John and Mrs Fiona Baines Ms Sarah Ball Mr Mohamed Sadiq and Mrs Shafiqa Bandukwala Mr Faziel Bapu and Mrs Farhana Patel Ms Siân Barber (In Memory of The Late Mrs Eileen Edwards) Mrs Anisa Bargit Mr Salman and Mrs Halima Bariwala Mr Paul and Mrs Sonja Barnes Mr Clyde Baxter Mr Ian Beattie Mr Derek and Mrs Laura Beaumont Mr and Mrs J Bennett Mr Nicholas Bennett Dr Peter Bennett Mr and Mrs Jeremy Bentham Mr Jonathan Bergwerk Mr and Mrs C J Berisford Mr Paul Berry Mr Sajid Bhad and Mrs Sajeda Ismail-Bhad Mr S and Mrs A Bhuta Mr and Mrs I Bhutawala Mr Norman and The Late Mrs Audrey Binks Anonymous The Late Mr Peter Bishop Mr Mark Bisson Mr J and Mrs S Blackhurst Mr Alan and The Late Mrs Joan Blenkinship
Mrs Sandra Bloch Mr J Bohanna and Ms S Henry Bolton School Services Limited Mr Ian and Mrs Suzanne Bolton Mr Ralph Bolton Mr Christopher Bond Mrs Judy Booth (née Smith) Mr David Borkin Mrs Jean Bowker Reverend A Douglas Brear Mrs Susan Briggs Mr Philip Britton, MBE and Mrs Rachel Britton Mr Christopher Bromilow Mr David Brookes Mr Stuart Brooks, CMG Mrs Kathryn E Brophy Mrs Pat Brown Mr P and Mrs S Bruton Mr M and Mrs J Burgess Mr William Burrow Mr Joseph Burrows Dr Aiden P Burrows Mr Hanif and Mrs Zulekha Bux Mr Yousuf and Mrs Nilufar Bux Mr Scott and Mrs Julie Camm Dr Mike Cannon Capital Group Corporate Matched Gift Mr Stephen and Mrs Julie Carr Mrs Liz Carr Mr Jorge Carrera Rodriguez and Mrs Gillian Knowles Ms Marguerite Cattermole Mr James Chadwick Dr Debra Charnley Mr E H Cheers Mr Graham Chesters Mr Sudhirkumar Chevli Dr Q Choudry and Dr S Younis Ms Margaret Clare (née Baldwin) Mr Alexander and Mrs Siobhan Clarkson Miss Katherine Clinton Mr Douglas Clinton Mr Paul Cockram Mr Ian and Mrs Emma Collings Dr Don and Mrs Angella Collins Mrs Rachel Connelly Anonymous Mr Matthew and Mrs Sarah Cook Anonymous Dr Christine Cottam Mr K and Mrs S Crabtree Sir Philip Craven, MBE Mr W John Craven and Mrs Nancy J Craven (née Gaskell) Dr Andrew A Crawford Mrs Helen Critchlow Mrs Effie Crompton Mr Adam Crook, Goldman Sachs Gives Mrs Gillian Crooks The Late Miss J Rosemary Crosling The Late Mrs Josephine V Curry (née Hewitt) Anonymous
Mr Sajid and Mrs Anisha Dalal Anonymous Mr Peter Davis Mrs Judith Dawson Mr Gary Day-Davies Dr Arindam De and Dr Angana De Bhattacharya Mr Mark and Mrs Rachel Dean Mr Oliver Dearden Mrs Susan Dee Deutsche Bank Mr G Alex Dickinson Mr Tom Diggle Ms Karen Diggle Dr Michael Dillon The Dilworth Family Mr Rob Dobson Mr Andrew Doran Mr James and Mrs Ruth Doyle Mrs Joyce Duckworth Mr Timothy Duckworth Mr Bill Duncalf Mrs Angela Dunn Dr Mark and Mrs Julie Dziobon The Late Mrs Florence Eastham Dr Elizabeth Eaton The Late Mr Derek Eccles Mrs Stella Eccles Dr Joe Eden Anonymous The Friends and Family of The Late Mrs Eileen Edwards Dr James Edwards Ms Louise Edwards Mr David Emery Mr David N Entwisle Mr Matthew Entwistle Miss Esther Etadale Mr Shaun and Mrs Suzanne Evans Mr Eric Fairweather Mr John and Mrs Lindsay Farnworth Anonymous Mr Kieran Farragher and Ms Jaqueline Pollock Dr Ahmad and Dr Maliha Fawad Mr Nigel and Mrs Alice Featham Ms Nancy Federlein (née Smith) Mrs Laura Firth Dr Sheila Fisher Mr John and Mrs Susan Fitzpatrick Mr J and Mrs G Flood Mr Andrew Forshaw Mrs Angela Forshaw Mr Lyndon and Mrs Lisa Forshaw Mr Howard Forster Mrs Doreen Fort Anonymous The Friends of Bolton School Mrs Tina Fu-Chan Mr Tony Galloway Lieutenant Colonel Robert Gardner Mr Richard and Mrs Andrea Garland Mr David Garton Anonymous Mr M Barney Gerrard Mr J Mike Gerrard Mrs Jean Gerrard (née Shepherd) Mr Stelios Giannakopoulos and Mrs Stella Christidou Mr Warren and Mrs Andrea Gibbs Mr Allan Gibson Dr Victoria Gibson Mr Peter Gilbert Mr David Glassman Mr James and Mrs Amanda Goloba Mr A and Mrs J Goodwin Mr Roger and Mrs Catherine Gould Anonymous
Dr Stephen Greenhalgh Mr Gary and Mrs Rachel Greenwood Mr Paul Greenwood Mrs Tracy Grime Miss Nicola Grinstead Mr Martin Grundy and Ms Diane Gatenby Mr Scott and Mrs Amanda Grundy Matthew, Melanie and Finn Haisley Mr Alexander Hamilton Mr L Neil Hampshire Mrs Saadia Hanif Mrs Val Hanrahan Mr Colin Harding Professor David Hargreaves Anonymous Mr Duncan and Dr Saira Harkness Mrs Judith Harrop Mr Grahame Harwood Anonymous Mrs Eileen Haslett Anonymous Mr Robert Haworth Anonymous Mr David Heale Dr Annabel Hesford Mr Andrew Heyes Ms Judith Hibbert Anonymous Mr Colin and Mrs Jayne Higham Dr Nicholas Higham and Dr Francoise Tisseur Anonymous Mr Philip and Mrs Gail Hilton Anonymous Mr Geoffrey Hind Mr J Trevor Holden Anonymous Miss Pamela Holer Mr Michael Holmes Mr Christopher Hopkinson and Miss Amanda Valentine Professor R Malcolm Horner Mr Roland and Mrs Ruth Horridge Mr Stefan Horsman Mr Matthew and Mrs Catharine Hothersall Mr John and Mrs Karen Houghton Mr David and Mrs Rachael Howarth Mrs Jean Howarth Dr Kathleen Howarth Mr Antony Howcroft Mr Malcolm Howe Mr Stephen and Mrs Helen Howell Mr Chiu Huang and Ms Siew Ling Miss Margaret Hughes Mr Rob Hughes (In Memory of The Late Dr Derek Robinson) Mr John Hull Mr Peter Humphrey Dr Bhagwant and Mrs Manjeet Hundle Mr Mohammed Hussain and Mrs Rashida Khaliq Mr Shahid and Mrs Wajeeha Hussain Dr Kamal Ibrahim and Dr Heyam Hashim Mr Muhammad Ibrahim and Mrs Faiza Hussain Mr S and Mrs Z Iqbal Dr Yousaf Iqbal and Mrs Fouzia Khan Mrs Dairne Irwin The Late Mrs Margaret Irwin (née Adamson) Anonymous Professor Roy Jackson, FRS Mrs Lisa Jacobs Anonymous Mrs Heather Jenkins Dr Fergus Jepson and Dr Sandeep Ranote Dr Mohammed Jiva, MBE and Mrs Michelle Jiva Mrs Kathleen Johnson Mr Paul Johnson Anonymous
Mrs Maureen Jones Mr E Ralph Jones Mr Christian and Ms Stephanie Kay Mr Nicholas and Mrs Jennifer Kay Anonymous Mr E Bruce Kenworthy Mr S Khalid and Ms I Farooq Mr Sajad and Mrs Saira Khan Ms Fiona King Mrs Averell Kingston Dr Arno Kitts Ms Kathryn Knight Mr Duncan and Mrs Lynne Kyle Mrs Patricia Land Mr John and Mrs Margaret Langtree Dr Snehal and Mrs Jackie Lapsia Mr David Lee Mrs Jennifer Lee The Late Mrs Dorothy Lees-Blakey Mr and Mrs C Leigh Mr Brian Leigh-Bramwell Mrs Jennifer Leigh-Mitchell Anonymous Anonymous Mrs Margaret Lever (In Memory of The Late Dr Derek Lever) Ms Meriel Lewis Dr B Liang Mr F H Lin and Mrs F L Weng Mr Stephen and Mrs Catherine Lintott Mr Peter Little, OBE Mr Steven and Mrs Louise Littlefair Mr Jonathan Livingstone Mr Neil and Mrs Helen Logan The Late Mrs Jeanne Lonnen (née Glover) Mr Nicholas Lord Ms Pui Ling Lui Mrs Margo Lumb Mrs Deborah Lyon Mr Alexander Macpherson Mr Ajith Madathil and Mrs Priya Ajith Mr Dennis Maitland Mr Yasuhito and Mrs Yuka Makino Mrs Eva Marshall Mr Philip and Mrs Stephanie Martin Mr Simon and Mrs Rachel Martin Mr Asif and Dr Saima Masood Mr Imran and Mrs Hanifa Master Miss Lisa Matthews Mrs Sharon McCaul Anonymous Mr Kevin and Mrs Sue McDermott Mr Stewart R McGuffie Ms Sheila McIndoe Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mrs Susan McNeill Mr G J and Mrs J Mercer Professor Sarah Mercer Mr Keith Middlehurst and Miss Michelle Syers Anonymous Ms Patricia Milner Dr B Mishra and Dr S Das Mr Ashok and Mrs Bhavna Mistry Mr Anand Mistry Mr Andrew Mitchell Mr Moosa and Mrs Shenaz Mogradia Mr Sajid Mohammad and Mrs Farzana Hafiz Mr David Mohyuddin, KC Anonymous Mr Robert Moores Mr Jonathan and Mrs Karen Morgan Mrs Katy Morley Ms Janet Morritt
Mr Kieron and Mrs Claire Morrow Mr John Moulton Mr Tariq and Mrs Hira Mukhtar Miss Elizabeth Mullenger Mr Nyahwo Munyaradzi and Mrs Tsitsi Nyahwo Mr Dean Murphy Mr Justin and Dr Michelle Myall Dr A and Mrs L Nally Mr R H Needham Mrs Elizabeth Newton Anonymous Mr Peter Nightingale Anonymous Dr Gajanan Nirodi and Dr Komal Imtiaz Mr Jayson Nunkoo Mr David Nuttall Mr Charles Ogden The Old Boltonians’ Lodge Reverend S Margaret Oldroyd Dr Jacob Oommen and Dr Elizabeth Jacob Anonymous Mr David Openshaw Mr James O’Reilly Mr A Owens Mr Anthony Page Mr Andrew and Mrs Karen Palmer Miss E Jane Panton Dr Julia Papleacos Mr John Parker Mr Derek Parkin Mr Ali Parsai and Mrs Zahra Nazari Dr Alka Patankar Dr Tufail Patankar Anonymous Mr Hiren and Mrs Harriet Patel Dr Hitendra and Mrs Ruth Patel Dr Jocelyn Patel Mr Kamlesh and Mrs Darshanaben Patel Mr M and Mrs Y Patel Mr Mayoor Patel Mr Munaf Mohammad and Mrs Afsana Patel Mr Andrew and Mrs Maria Paton Mrs Diana Pennington Dr Paul Pennington Anonymous Mr Darren and Mrs Andrea Perry Miss Louise Phelan Mr Michael and Mrs Valerie Phillips Mrs Pat Philp Commander David Pickup Dr David Picton Mr Matthew and Mrs Holly Pixton Dr Elizabeth Poskitt Mr Martin S Poskitt Mr David and Mrs Ruth Potter Miss Jeanette Powell Mr Ian and Mrs Eloise Price Dr M G and Mrs P M Priestley Mr Robert Prill Mr Alan Prince Mr David Probett Mr Nadarajah and Mrs Logithaverny Puveenthirarajan Mr Hui Qu and Mrs Hong Zhao Mr N and Mrs R Raja Dr S B Rashid and Dr N Rasheed Anonymous Dr Yusra Razzaq Miss Jane Redford Mrs Gill Richards Mr Peter Richards Mr Alan Richardson, OBE Anonymous Mrs Kathleen Ricketts (née Waddicar) Mr Philip and Mrs Sarah Riding
Mr John Rigby Mr Ian Riley Mr Ian and Mrs Gillian Rimmer Mrs Vivien Rink Mr John and Mrs Sally Roberts Mr Roy and Mrs Julie Roberts Mrs Claire Robinson Mr David Robinson Anonymous Mr Nigel and Mrs Elizabeth Robson (née Fairless) Mrs Emma Rodriguez dos Santos Mrs Sheila Roe Mr Andrew Roscoe Anonymous Mrs Marjorie Rothera The Late Dr Derek Rothwell Mr Darren Round and Mrs Suzanne Payne Mr Paul Rushworth (In Memory of The Late Mrs Joan Rushworth) Mr Martin and Mrs Monica Sample Dr M A Sargent (In Memory of The Late Mrs Gladys Mary Sargent (née Openshaw)) Dr Sanjay and Dr Karen Sastry Mr Thomas Sawbridge Mrs Sheila Sawyer Mr Michael and Mrs Nicola Schaffel Mr John and Mrs Joanne Scoble Mr J Norman Scott Anonymous Mr Warren and Mrs Gina Seddon Dr Rajasri Seethamraju and Dr Venugopal Duddu Mr David Sellwood Mr Kallol Sen Dr P and Mrs D Settle Mr Rizwan and Mrs Fatima Shah The Late Mr David Kenneth Sharp Mr David Shaw Mr Michael Shaw Mr Nigel Sheppard Mr Daniel Shimmin Mr Robert Shipperbottom Dr David Short Mr and Mrs Howard Short Mr John Shuttleworth Mr Nicholas Silvano Mrs Victoria Silvano Mr James and Mrs Jennifer Simmonite Dr Katherine Simpson Anonymous Professor Nigel Slater Mr Duncan Smith Mr Roger Smith The Late Mrs M Ann Sparrow (née Berry) Mr James P Speak The Late Dr David L Speirs Anonymous Dr J Mike Stansbie Mr John and Mrs Lynn Stapleton Anonymous Mr John and Mrs Dawn Steer Mr Martin and Mrs Michelle Stenton Anonymous Professor Malcolm Stevens, OBE FRS and Mrs Valerie Stevens Mr David Stewart Mr Tor and Dr Kinga Stringfellow Mr Mark Stringfellow Mr Martin Styan Mr Peter Suntha Mr S and Mrs J Swires Mr Clifford Tasker Mr H Mike Tate Dr Carol M Taylor Mr Paul Taylor Taylor & Taylor Financial Services Ltd
Mr W and Mrs L Taylor-Watson Mr Robert Thompson and Ms Mariassunta Sidoli Mr Martin Thompson Mr Rik Thwaites Anonymous Mr John Tomlinson Miss Jacquelyn Tonge Mrs Sheila Tonge Mr Ray C Travis Anonymous Mrs Kathleen Trustrum Mr Alex Turner Mr Justin and Mrs Ruth Turner Anonymous Mr Thomas A J Twitchett The Late Dr Bernadette Tynan Mr Brendon and Mrs Nicola Utley Mrs Aileen Valentine Mr K and Mrs Z Valli Mr Sunil and Mrs Silvaniya Varghese Mrs Joyce Vickers Mr Anthony Wadsworth, CBE Mr Martin Wadsworth Mr M and Mrs N Waheed Dr S and Dr T Wahie The Wakefield Grammar School Foundation Mr Andrew Walker Mr Peter Walker Mr I Walley and Mrs J Burns Dr Andrew Walsh and Ms Dawn Meers Mr James Walsh Professor Ian Walsh, MBE Mr David and Mrs Gillian Warburton Mr W Ross Warburton, MBE Miss Yvonne Warburton Mr G Rodney Ward Mr Nigel Waters Mr Stanley Webster, OBE Mrs Edwina White Mr Darren and Mrs Vanessa Whitman Mr Paul and Mrs Karen Whittle Mr Stephen and Mrs Alison Wild Mrs Barbara Wild The Late Miss C Barbara Wilkinson and The Late Miss Betty J Chaplin Mr Andrew and Mrs Lorraine Williamson Sir Malcolm Williamson Dr Philip Winston Mr Arthur and Mrs Carol Wong Mr Derek and Mrs Bonita Wong Ms S W Wong Mr Anthony K Wood Mr Stephen Wood Squadron Leader William Wood Mrs Zonia Wood Ms Helen Woodward Mrs Heather Worthington Anonymous Anonymous Mr John Yates Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Dr H and Mrs F Zaidi Mrs Kathleen Zimak TRUSTS AND FUNDS British Schools and Universities Foundation The Essen Fund The French Huguenot Church of London Charitable Trust The Enid Hargreaves and Philip Hargreaves Memorial Fund The Clifford H Ingham Fund The Peter Kershaw Trust The Kirk Fund
The George Lancashire Bursary Award The George Lancashire Community Action Award The Leverhulme Trust Lord Leverhulme’s Charitable Trust The Platt Fisher Lecture Fund The Raspin Bursary The Raspin Fund The Roberts Fund The Scott Trust The David Kenneth Sharp Bursary The Stevens Fund The Stoller Charitable Trust The Treeside Trust The Ross Warburton Charitable Trust The Williamson Educational Charitable Trust The Zochonis Charitable Trust PRIZES – GIRLS’ DIVISION The Family of His Honour The Late Judge James Booth Miss Sue Clarke Mrs Kathryn Critchley Mrs Margaret E Davies (née Walsh) Dr Michael Dillon Mr Rob Dobson The Girls’ Division Parent’s Association Mr Kenneth Henson The Late Mrs Anne-Marie Hutchings Miss Claire Keat The Late Mrs Dorothy Lees-Blakey The Leigh-Bramwell Family The Leverhulme Trust Mrs Livingstone, Mr Jonathan Livingstone and Mrs Lesley Todhunter (née Livingstone) Mrs Deborah Lyon The Late Miss Mary Moon Baroness Morris of Bolton, OBE Anonymous Anonymous The Old Girls’ Association The Late Mr Brian Oldroyd Mrs Elsie Peel (née Addison) Mrs Barbara Porter, MBE Mrs Fiona Pratley (née Parks) Dr Barbara Ralphson Miss Jane Redford Mr Ian Riley The Late Alderman Mrs E M Ryley DL Mrs Marilou Scott Mr Peter and Mrs Julie Steele Mrs Ann Tankard The Late Mr Barry Taziker Mr Derek Vose The Late Mr H H Wainwright The Warburton Family PRIZES – BOYS’ DIVISION The Late Mr J Roger Bell The Family of His Honour The Late Judge James Booth Mrs S J Bowden Mr M Andy Brabbin Mr C Bramall Mr J C Brown Mr Andrew Craston The Late Mrs B Crossley Professor Norman Davies The De Maine Family Dr Michael Dillon Mr Rob Dobson The Late Mr Norman Fletcher The Boys’ Division Parent’s Association Mr Maynard Hall Mrs Hilton Mr Steven Jary
Mrs Margaret Kendrew The Late Mr Roger C Kirk The Lambert Family Mr Christopher Lane The Leigh-Bramwell Family The Leverhulme Trust Mr Ralf Little Baroness Morris of Bolton, OBE The Old Boltonians’ Association The John Popplewell Trust Mr Philip and Mrs Sarah Riding Mr Ian Riley The Late Alderman Mrs E M Ryley DL Mr Jeremy Simmonds The Tillotson Family The Late Mr H H Wainwright Mr Roy Waterhouse Mrs Willis VOLUNTEERS Mr Peter Acton Mrs Alison Ahamed Miss Fiza Ahmed Mr Kutub Akuji Professor Robin Ali Mrs Margaret Allen Mr George Apsion Mr V Raj Apte Dr Natalie Armer Mr Wayne Ashton Mr Graham Ashurst Mrs Ruth Auchterlounie Mrs S Joy Bailey Mr Suve Banerjee Mr Paul Barnes Mrs Charlotte E Bate Dr Matthew Bell Mr Jonathan Bergwerk Mr Ravi Bhatiani Dr Andrew J Bird Dr Leanne K Blackmore Mr Christian Bleakley Mr Christopher Bond Dr Susan A Booth Mrs Charlotte Bovill Mr Scott Bowden Mrs Rebecca Brayshaw Miss Grace Brookes Mr Jack Burley Mr Julian R Butterworth Miss Ayse S Caglayan Miss Magdalen Case Mr Luke A Cavanaugh Mr James Chadwick Miss Rashmi B Chattopadhyay Dr Ashish Chaudhry Mr Farhan Chhabu Mr Jonathan Child Mr Andrew A Clelland Miss Katherine Clinton Mr Thomas G Cowling Dr Holly Craggs Sir Philip Craven, MBE Mr W John Craven Mr Stephen Critchlow Mrs Rachel V Crompton Mr Doug Cryns Miss Joanna Czutkowna Miss Than Dar Mr Nicholas Davies Mrs Ruth Davies Mrs Victoria Dickens Ms Karen Diggle Mr Huw Dixon Mr Rob Dobson Ms Janice Drake
Mr Roger Draper Mrs Michelle Duncalf Mr Richard Eames Miss Hannah S Earp Mr Christopher J Egan Ms Ann Evans Mr Eric Fairweather Mr Michael J Faulkner Dr Sheila Fisher Mr Benjamin Fletcher Miss Georgina Fray The Officers, Committee Members and Volunteers of The Friends of Bolton School Mr Junyu Gao Dr Victoria Gibson Mr Nicholas W Gilmour Dr Lindsay Glover Ms Juhi Gore Miss Thorrun R Govind Mr Paul M Greenhalgh Mr Michael Griffiths Mrs Cherie Hall Mr Scott Hamer Ms Saima Hanif, KC Dr Christopher Harbour Mrs Emma J Harnett Miss Katherine L Harrison-Dibbits Dr Claire J Harrison-Twist Miss Aysha Y Harwood Mrs Carol Haslam Miss Janet Hathaway Mr Timothy J Hatton Mr Robert Haworth Miss Sophie L Hayton Mrs Heather L Henry Mrs Laura Henthorn Miss Anna Herko Mr Patrick Hesson Dr Nicholas Higham Mr Bob Higson Mr George H Hill Mr Gary Hilton Mr Michael Hilton Mr Nick Holt Miss Charlotte O Hopkins Professor R Malcolm W Horner Miss Olivia L Hosker Mrs Catharine Hothersall Mrs Jean Howarth Miss Suzi K Howell Miss Charlotte L Hughes Mrs Angela Irving Miss Khadijah Ismail Mrs Lisa Jacobs Mrs Natalie James Mrs Melanie Jones Mrs Penny Jones Miss Jennifer M Joule Mr Andrew Jowett, OBE Miss Abigail Kay Mr Robert Kay Mrs C Pamela Keenan Fritz Mr Lewis Kemp Dr Hussein Khambalia Mr Shouma Khan Miss Sian Kilner Mrs Sally Knight Mr Harry Lane Ms Maeve F Lane Lieutenant Commander Christopher Lang Mr Jamie R Laundon Miss Dawn Leonard Mr Stephen Lintott Mrs Helen Logan Miss Celia H Logan Mr Andrew R Lowe
Mrs Sandra Macpherson Mr Thomas W Mair Mr Yunus Maka Miss Amy J Managh Mr Ross Mathieson Mr Paul Matthews Mr Shane McCarthy Mr Stewart R McGuffie Mr Thomas W McLenachan Miss Claire Melbourne Professor Sarah Mercer Mr C Pete Miller Mr Mark Millhouse Mr Muhiyud Dean Mirza Mr Harry Moore Mrs Charlotte E Morley Mrs Katy Morley Mr Richard Morris Mrs Christine Morrison Dr Ralph Murphy Ms Ingrid Murray Dr Daniel Nethercott Mrs Elizabeth Newton Mrs Gwynneth Nightingale Dr Victoria Norrington-Moore Mrs Amanda Nuttall Mr Robert Ogilvie Mrs Julie Oldham Mr Timothy G Overton Mr Andrew Palmer Dr Sri N Panasa Mr Akul Pankhania The Officers, Committee Members and Volunteers of The Beech House Parents’ Association The Officers, Committee Members and Volunteers of The Boys’ Division Parents’ Association The Officers, Committee Members and Volunteers of The Girls’ Division Parents’ Association The Officers, Committee Members and Volunteers of The Hesketh House Parents’ Association The Officers, Committee Members and Volunteers of The Park Road Parents’ Association Mr Stephen Parry Miss Anushka Patchava Miss Aamina Patel Miss Alisha P Patel Miss Farhana Patel Miss Rashida Patel Mr Shivam A Patel Mr Waqqas Patel Mr Zuhair Patel Miss Susannah E Penney Mrs Stella Pickford Mr Ian Pilkington Miss Toni V Pilling Mrs Aanya R Pitalia Mrs Rebecca Pukiello-Slack Mr Edward Pursey Mr Mobeen Qureshi Mr Jatin J Rajbhandari Miss Emily Rajbhandari
Dr Mark W Ramsey Dr Irfan Ravat Mr David Redfern Mrs Stephanie Reed Mr Lee J Richardson Mr Philip Riding Mr Ian Riley Mr Paul Roberts Miss Ruth Robson Mrs Emma Roden Mrs Helen Rowe Mrs Raisa Saley Miss Sadie E Scorah Mr David Seddon Dr Zakiyya Seedat Mr Kallol Sen Miss Ziyaah Shaikh Miss Shweta Sharma Miss Abigail Shaw Dr Alexander J Shaw Mr Michael Shaw Professor Nigel Slater Mr Greg G Smith Mrs Monica Sobrero-Fletcher Mr Michael A Somerville Ms Stephanie R Sorrell Mr Christian S Stapleton Mr Aden Stephenson Mrs Nadiya F Suida Mr Keith M Summers Mr Adam Syddall Ms Andrea R Taylor Mr Chris Taylor Miss Katie J Taylor Professor Philip D Taylor Mrs Sophie A Taylor Mr Tim Taylor Miss Grace Thompson Mr Rik Thwaites Mrs Rebecca Turner Mr Simon C Turner Mr Jon Twist Mr Nathan J Utley Miss Amanda J Valentine Mr Martin Wadsworth Mr Peter Walker Mr Peter Wallace Mr Michael P Wallwork Mr Mark Walshaw Mr Richard Washington Miss Hui Shan Wen Mr Simon D West Dr Rebecca M Whyte Mr Nigel Wightman Mrs Barbara Wild Mr David L Williams Miss Samantha Williams Mr Drew Winstanley Ms Sarah Wood Mr David A Woods Mrs Janet Woods, CBE Mr Niall R Woodward Mr Nick Worth Mr Alexander F Wright Mr Michael Yates
The donors listed above pledged their support, or made a gift to the School, between 1 September 2022 and 31 August 2023, or have remembered the School in their will. The volunteers listed above gave their time to support the School, its pupils and its Alumni, between 1 September 2022 and 31 August 2023. Every effort is made to ensure that the Roll of Honour is accurate, and we apologise wholeheartedly if there are any inaccuracies. Please do inform the Development Office if that is the case.
Bolton School
Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4PA Registered Charity No: 1110703 t. 01204 434718 e. w.
Support the Bolton School Bursary Foundation Registered Charity Number: 1196968