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Bolton School leads the way on Directed Learning
Bolton School leads the way on Home Directed Learning
The 2019-20 academic year at Bolton School was certainly one for the history books. As a result of the rapid global spread of Covid-19, schools across the nation changed to home directed learning, except for key workers’ children and the vulnerable, and teaching went remote. There was much success as Girls’ Division teaching staff worked tirelessly showing imagination and creativity and pupils acted maturely and diligently to make things work. Junior and Senior School pupils, using their iPads and apps, undertook a wide variety of tasks across subject areas and produced quality work as normal timetables continued. There were many novel approaches to online learning, including Patterdale Hall setting daily outdoor learning challenges, stay-athome DofE activities and sports departments challenging pupils with competitions and keep fit sessions. Mrs Laverick, Head of the Junior Girls’ School, said: “Directed learning has worked really well at Hesketh House, with a huge variety of tasks and activities being created by the teachers and some excellent work produced by the girls. The fact that all the children have an iPad has been invaluable in making sure they stay in touch and can access the work. Equally important is the regular contact with their teachers, who are available to them all day. It has been a steep learning curve for us all, but I have been very impressed with everyone’s effort-pupils and staff alike!” Ms Bradford-Keegan, Assistant Head (Curricular and Extra Curricular Achievement) in the Girls’ Division, said: “Both our staff and pupils have managed the transition to Home Directed Learning with enthusiasm, commitment and success. The adaption has come in two forms: mastering technology that has been previously used to supplement in-school teaching and, secondly, adapting teaching methods to suit the remote experience so that pupils’ learning is maximised. As a result, the education that we are continuing to offer is of the highest standard not compensatory.” Miss Hincks, Headmistress of the Girls’ Division 2011-2021, said: “Thank you to every colleague at Bolton School including our Junior Schools, Infants’ and Nursery for keeping 100 key workers’ children happy and occupied, the majority at Beech House and Nursery, whilst offering home learning to 2,000 more. The programme of directed learning which we have adopted in every year group in Senior Girls means that girls are able to access lessons through video conferencing facilities or other apps, whether they are at home or, for key workers’ children, at School. Staff and girls have risen to the challenge amazingly and parents who are currently forced to stay home have had an insight into classroom life which many have appreciated. Since every girl has her own iPad, provided by the School, nobody is left out from the learning experience. I am so grateful to my colleagues for throwing everything into this and ensuring that the girls continue to make excellent progress despite the lock-down. Pastoral staff and members of the PE department are also touching base with the girls on a regular basis so that we can make sure that their spirits are good, too. Many parents expressed through social media how hugely appreciative they were of the efforts that teaching staff went to: