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Welcome from the Head
This edition of the Girls’ Division Magazine, brings us to the end of an exciting year, which has marked our first full year in school since 2019 and my first year as Head. You will see that in ‘getting back to normal’ this has also been a year of firsts and we were particularly thrilled to launch the inaugural Platt Fisher lecture. You can read more about Dr Sheila Fisher and the first event on pages 4-5. This year has afforded us much celebration in a whole host of ways: we enjoyed celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and held assemblies, competitions, and charity events across the School, as well as sharing our experiences of life in the reign of Elizabeth II with our Old Girls and local community at the Jubilee Tea in the Riley. Our own anniversary was also celebrated with our first Founders Assembly led by Head of Foundation Mr Britton, and you can read about this aspect of our history on page 7. I am immensely proud of all we have achieved this year and this edition is testament to the spirit and determination of all our pupils. I am so pleased that our students have been able to participate in trips, sports and outdoor pursuits once again. On page 20 Miss Lindle has given a full summary of all we have on offer for outdoor adventuring whilst pages 44 to 51 chart our sporting endeavours and successes over the three terms. As ever, we have had a creative year showcasing pupils’ talent with a host of wonderful drama, music, art and design. The year closed with an uplifting production of ‘Matilda’ which was enjoyed by pupils, staff and their families across the Foundation.
It is an absolute privilege to be Head of a school where pupils are so committed to making the most of the opportunities our staff work hard to offer; I look forward to seeing what the next year will bring.
Mrs Lynne Kyle Head of Girls’ Division