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Chemistry Olympiad
Several Year 13 students in the Girls’ Division participated in this year’s Chemistry Olympiad. The intrepid participants demonstrated their problem-solving skills and applied their knowledge in new, real-world, challenging situations. The students worked for the full two hours and were rewarded with the following achievements: Bronze Certificates for Victoria Cook, Chloe Ferguson, Sanjana Patel, Fabeha Shafaat and Josie Varghese, and a Silver Certificate for Marie Poon. Well done!
MEDSOC is a joint society for all aspiring Medics, Dentists and Vets. A huge thank you to Year 13 students Josie Varghese, Shady Morgan and Oweis Khalid for all the work they have put into preparing sessions this year. Congratulations to the new leaders of MEDSOC: Carol Habib, Aisha Yaqoob, Zane Nirodi and George Worth. We look forward to another eventful and informative year!

A group of four Girls’ Division pupils took part in the 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Manchester and District Chemquiz. Due to the ongoing Covid restrictions, teams were asked to pick a research topic from one of five categories. They created a very interesting presentation on how Chemistry contributes to medicine and drugs, including information on chemotherapy, diabetes, Covid treatments and surgery materials. Uma Patel in Year 11, Du’a Qedwai in Year 10, and Lucy Johnstone and Lucy Pickett in Year 9 each received a science dictionaries as a recognition of their entry.

Space Camp
Sofia Carerra-Knowles in Year 13 has successfully applied for a place at space camp this summer! She will join 23 other international students in Norway for this exciting week-long experience. Sofia said: ‘I have always had an interest in engineering, and with space being one of the fastest growing industries, with so much to explore, it has always intrigued me. Whilst carrying out research into the latest developments in space technology, I came across the space camp on the European Space Agency’s website. ‘The European Space Camp is an annual week-long summer camp held at Andøya Space in Northern Norway. It is for 24 young people, aged 17-20, from all over the world, who will attend lectures from some of Europe’s top scientists and engineers on topics varying from rocket physics to the Northern Lights. There are also activities such as hiking to the Alomar research station and swimming under the midnight sun. In particular, I’m most looking forward to building and launching our own rocket as well as experiencing Spaceship Aurora, where participants can go on virtual missions to space.’