2 minute read
Kindness, equality, positivity, an end to disputes and conflicts: 27% Public services and local amenities: 4%
Fantastical ideas and enquiry thinking: 5%

Environment: 135 children focused on the environment including thoughts on climate change, fossil fuels and renewable energy, deforestation, tree-planting programmes, animal welfare and extinction threats, fast fashion, littering and pride in our local environment.
These ideas indicate that children are concerned about the state of our planet, including the impact of human activity, and are interested in finding ways to preserve it for future generations This highlights the need for education and to take action on climate change and environmental preservation, as well as the importance of introducing sustainable practices into everyday life.

The prevalence of poverty-related ideas suggests that children are aware of and concerned about inequalities in society This highlights children wish to be enabled to tackle poverty through action and charitable giving They are keen to improve access to education and basic necessities like clean water in their own community and others, and ensure that wealth is distributed more fairly.
Poverty: 44 children presented ideas related to poverty including thoughts on homelessness, food banks, food waste, access to clean water, access to education and division of wealth.
Technological advance: 51 children presented ideas related to technological advance including medical advancements linked to curing terminal illnesses and easing suffering, mechanisms to improve access and lifestyle for people with physical disabilities, improvement of the safety of social media, cyborg connection with technology to directly link thought process to e g printing images and intuiting friendship, mechanisation of environmental renewal, mechanisation of the police force, time travel, blended living with different environments e g in space or aquatic life, global transport networks, teachers replaced by technology, rapid language acquistion via technology and their home town becoming a beacon of technological development
These ideas demonstrate children's fascination with and curiosity about technology. It is important to continue to foster an interest in science, engineering, and technology in children, while also being mindful of the ethical implications of technological advancements, such as the impact on employment or the potential for misuse It is crucial to signpost the range of careers in emergent technologies to children and young people.
equality, positivity, an end to disputes and conflicts:
97 children presented ideas related to kindness, equality, positivity, ending disputes and conflicts and replacing judgement with acceptance, diversity and inclusion Children specifically mentioned irradication or racism, gender equality, LGBTQ+ equity and better representation of neurodivergent experience including foregrounding of autism in women and girls. They were also interested in inequalities and corruption in leadership as well as matters of law linking crime to the inequalities people experience. Some children also presented ideas on being free to learn according to their interests and hope to be understood as clever at school suggesting some modes of learning that were not good fits for them. One child imagined a world where everyone was able to weigh up the consequences of their actions before they acted