Spirit - Girls' Division Magazine 2013-14

Page 10

Commemorating the Centenary of WW1 Amnesty Young Reporter of the Year

The Riley Centre: A Year On Romeo and Juliet

boltonschool.org Summer 2014

We shall remember 2013/14 as a time of great innovation in the life of Bolton School Girls’ Division. The Riley Centre has had an enormous impact on the Sixth Form girls, giving them the space and opportunity to work and socialise alongside the boys during study periods and breaks. The position of the Sixth Form Centre at the heart of the School denotes the importance which both Divisions attribute to Sixth Formers, who are the most important role models for the younger pupils. The second greatest innovation in terms of its impact on teaching and learning in the School has been the introduction of iPads, which have been rolled out to different year groups throughout the academic year. It has been wonderful to see how well these have been adopted by girls and staff, both in lessons and in leisure time. We hope that the Riley Centre and the iPads are just two of the many ways in which we prepare girls for their future life, by ensuring that they have the necessary social, academic and technological skills to move forward successfully when they leave us. My biggest wish is that girls should enjoy their time here and find excitement and stimulation in everything that we offer. I hope that this Magazine gives you a flavour of how rich and rewarding life here can be.

Bolton School Girls’ Division

Welcome to the first edition of BSGD Spirit. The name has been chosen because we believe that it encapsulates an essential part of what makes this School unique: the spirit and drive of the both the girls and the staff. The layout of the Magazine has also undergone quite a transformation and you’ll find that each department and year group has its own section. There are also some different articles to read about what has been going on in School this year. I do hope that you enjoy reading Spirit!

01 Staff
03 Art Department 07 School
15 Classics
16 Years 7
8 18 English
19 PE
25 Physics
26 Chemistry
27 Charitable
28 The Riley Centre 29 Year 9 30 Year 10 31 Year 11 32 History Department 33 Biology Department 34 Psychology & PSE 35 Amnesty International Community
37 Geography Department 38 Religious
39 Modern Foreign
40 Spanish 41 French 42 German 43 Technology Departments 45 Year 12 46 Enrichment 47 Careers Department 49 Young
Department 51 Year 13 52
Commemorating the centenary of the outbreak of the Great War
Hesketh House
Mathematics Department
Music Department

Fond Farewells...

As I was saying goodbye to the year 13 this term, I found it difficult to believe that it is exactly 40 years since I took my A levels and went to study for a Music degree at Nottingham University. After teacher training in London’s East End, I was appointed as Director of Music at Surbiton High School. After eight years teaching Music and being the Examinations Officer, I decided to move back to the North West where I took up a job in ICT and Management at Salford University. I obtained a Master’s Degree in problem solving and became a tutor, teaching students and industrialists. We decided to move to a small village called Ennerdale Bridge, in the Lake District; I worked at St Bees School where I taught Music and was also the Head of Careers. My daughter, Georgina, was born in Cumbria and, after 13 years, we moved back to Manchester and both of us came to Bolton School. I have taught here for the past twelve years, teaching Music, ICT, and have been a sixth form tutor. I was also the head of the Able and Talented programme and organised for the poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy to come into School. Recently I have worked as the Head of Music, and I have been privileged to conduct a mixed choir of over 300 singers in the Bridgewater Hall and also led the wonderful Ceremony of Carols.

On my first day at BSGD, as a fresh-faced NQT called Miss Johnson, I was wrongly directed to the sixth form centre. Now, 19 years, 3 Heads, 4 HoDs and myriad students later, I strangely don’t seem to have the same trouble...

My memories include:

• being the staff union representative and school council coordinator (the fl ags were waved when we secured the hot drinks machine and water fountains)

• umpteen whole school /GCSE Drama/Theatre Studies productions in various roles: directing/lighting/sound/ make-up (there’s no such thing as a little blood)

• TV appearances with the Quiz Club and girls’ films shown at national festivals;

• the Prefects’ Panto , in which I was portrayed annually as a feminist with a micro-skirt and cardigan

• the Christmas Post (gone are the days when I knew who the girls were parodying)

• the smiles, the silliness and yes, the tears I’ve shared with both staff and students.

But my abiding memories and my biggest joys are simple: they are the girls, their stories, their journeys, their happiness. I may not have risen to the dizzy heights of management. But, in my small way, if I have helped them to grow into fulfilled, self-respecting, happy adults, then it’s a job well done.

I will cherish these comments that two girls made: “ We learnt a lot in your lessons, and it wasn’t just about English.”

“Thank you for being my friend when I didn’t have one”. And I want to thank all my colleagues and students for a memorable 19 years.

In February, Bolton School’s longest serving librarian, Mrs Frew, retired from the ranks. Having worked here for thirty years, she has seen a considerable amount of the School’s recent history. After leaving school, Mrs Frew went to Newcastle University to study librarianship. On moving back to Manchester with her husband, she started working at Bolton School in 1984.

One of the major jobs Mrs Frew undertook during her time here was the computerisation of the library catalogue. Under Mrs Frew, the Junior and Boys’ Division libraries have also been integrated into that same system, creating the revolutionary library system that we have today! Another aspect of what Mrs Frew leaves behind her is the two books written about old headmistresses of the school. These contributions to the history of our school were another important part of the work she did. In retirement, Mrs Frew is making the transition into a lady who lunches, as well as continuing her bookish habits by running an ex-staff book swap. We hope she enjoys a relaxing retirement, and thank her for all the work she has done for the library and the school over the years!

Written by Emma Hussain, Year 11

Stephanie Adlam has been at BSGD for one year and has made quite an impact. She has worked in the Music department teaching Middle School, GCSE and A level classes. She has also run the Middle School Choir this year, conducted the Autumn concert, Ceremony of Carols and the May Serenade. She was also a representative member of staff at the Star Ball in the Hilton hotel, Manchester. She has enjoyed her time at BSGD tremendously and will be very much missed.

After studying Applied Physics and Electronics at Durham, my first two teaching posts were at Bury Convent, and Bridgewater School as Head of Physics and Chemistry. When I first arrived at BSGD, the Technology Suite was a set of cloakrooms; girls wore indoor shoes (Jesus sandals); we had family service at lunchtime in three separate dining rooms with ten girls and a member of staff on a big table; you had to eat a piece of fruit with a knife and fork. I was in charge of lunches for many years and it’s my fault that we have ID badges as they replaced the lunch tickets. Interactive whiteboards replaced blackboard and chalk and now iPads are replacing pen and paper. So I suppose it is fitting that this old relic is replaced by a newer model. I wish you all very happy lives and I will think of you when I am out riding my horse and you are all in school working hard.

01 Bolton School Girls’ Division

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Bolton School Girls’ Division and feel very lucky to have started my career here. I will always be grateful to the Religious Studies Department for their help and encouragement and, especially, for always responding to my newest idea and exclamation of ‘it’s so exciting!’ with such support. I have loved taking every opportunity to become ever more involved in the life of the school and to work with such creative and engaged young people, in both an academic and pastoral capacity. I had no idea that becoming a Sixth Form tutor would be the highlight of my year; the girls have been a delight and I will miss starting each day by catching up on the events in their lives. As excited as I am to embark on the next stage of my career, I know that I will miss the Girls’ Division very much and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and students who have made the last three years so wonderful.

I grew up in London in the Swinging Sixties; I saw the Stones play in Hyde Park, I bought mini dresses in Biba, made them even shorter, and hitched around Europe. Many Bolton School girls head South, ending up in London; I moved North, studying at Leeds University, and have never regretted it. I always enjoyed the gritty urban landscapes of the Northern cities, and was absolutely bowled over by the Lake District when I went there as a student.

The girls at Bolton School are just as sparky and accomplished as ever they were. It is still great fun to bat away cheeky comments; ‘I like your hair, Mrs Keenan. What colour was it before?’. The one constancy over the years has been the amazing commitment and energy of the staff. In my position as Head of Upper School, I have had an unrivalled overview of life in Years 10 and 11, and I never cease to be impressed with how observant and how caring our staff are, and how they give so freely of their time. The academic life of the school surges forward but it is underpinned by our strong pastoral structures; the pastoral care in Bolton School is second to none. This is ever more significant as, increasingly, life outside of school impinges on life in school.

During my years here, I have been Head of Careers, Head of Geography, Second Mistress (a rather dubious title if ever there was one) and Head of Upper School, so I have worked closely with practically everyone on the staff: teachers, nurses, secretaries and technicians, something I have thoroughly enjoyed. Of course, the Geographers have a particular place in my heart and I am full of admiration for them because they are exactly what I think teachers ought to be, committed to the wider life of the school, playing such key roles in establishing the SKCV charity, World Challenge, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

It has certainly been a hectic 31 years, and now I can look forward to having time to read the morning paper over a cup of coffee and climb a few more hills!

I began my career as a History teacher at Xaverian Sixth Form College in Manchester. I stayed for nine years at Xaverian before deciding to have a career break to stay at home to care for our two young children. They were wonderful years but, so as not to be deskilled, I became an examiner and then for many years was a team leader for GCSE History. In 2002 I came here to BSGD to work in the legendary History Department. My proudest achievement has been, along with Brian Davies, introducing Politics as an A Level subject into the school. Politics is “History on the wing” and has been a joy to teach. I can’t quite believe it has been thirty six years since I started in the profession. I will definitely miss the camaraderie of my colleagues and working with all the enthusiastic and talented young people in the Girls’ Division. I have an A to Z of all my retirement plans starting with A for allotment!

As an Old Girl, I couldn’t have been more ecstatic to come back to Bolton School as a teacher and could only hope that I would enjoy it as much as I did as a pupil. So what have I enjoyed most about Bolton School the second time around? Firstly, I have had a whale of time working with a department that can only be described as bonkers. I have thoroughly enjoyed running the Middle School drama clubs and helping with the Oliver production; all of the girls involved have worked so hard and some hilarious memories were formed in the theatre this year! But more than anything else, I have enjoyed working with those of you who love to learn. This is a wonderful school; not just because of the beautiful buildings, staff and facilities on offer, but because the pupils make every day a pleasure.

My year here at Bolton School has flown by. I have been lucky enough to experience the wide range of events and opportunities the school offers and enjoyed being part of the community. The school is full of character, as are the girls! I have never failed to be impressed by their enthusiasm for learning, care in their work and the wealth of ideas which they bring to lessons. I have loved sharing my subject with them and hearing their confident insights, so often presented with a sense of humour. I hope they have enjoyed our lessons half as much I have.’


Artistic Exploits...

The Art department has enjoyed another successful year with exciting trips and workshops... Liverpool Tate Gallery


ART DEPARTMENT 03 Bolton School Girls’ Division
September, Year 11 Art students enjoyed a trip to the Liverpool Tate to explore work by Jackson Pollock, Barbara King and other well known Cubists.The girls returned, having broadened their knowledge base and with a deeper understanding of important issues in art production.

Able and Talented Art Workshop at Neo Artists

In May, five Able and Talented GCSE Art pupils arrived at Neo aritsts’ studios in Bolton for an exciting day of solar printmaking. Artist and highly experienced printmaker, Denis Whiteside, was their tutor for the workshop. He ensured that each girl experienced every stage of the process as they created their own prints. This even included using the antique guillotine to cut the metal solar plates to size. The girls involved were Sophie Bennett, Louise Fairclough, Nuala Fowler, Laura Hainey and Iman Orths.

Year 8: Katie Tan Year 9: Megan Philips Year 9: Asena Akdeniz Year 7: Shivani Chohan

A celebration of the work created for GCSE and A Level, in the Art Department.

Bolton School Girls’
Year 11 GCSE work: Iman Orths Isabelle Pearce Nuala Fowler Ruth Ogden
ART DEPARTMENT SPIRIT 2014 06 Year 12 and 13 A Level Art work:
Zara Brown Charlotte Cooper Amy Hackin Megan Smethurst Abbie Gregson Robyn Lomas Zoe Pillar

Wherefore art

In March of this year, students in Years 10 to 13 staged a four-day run of Romeo and Juliet with Megan Smethurst from the Girls’ Division playing one of the title roles. She was supported by Georgia Toole as the Nurse and Jess Ryan in the new role of Rosaline, along with many other talented girls. The play is a musical version of Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, which takes inspiration from the New York ball scene. The cast played to sell-out audiences and received a well deserved standing ovation on their final night.

07 Bolton School Girls’ Division

thou, Romeo?


The War to End All Wars

Rightly or wrongly, History is often defined as events with which we no longer have a living connection. The death of Harry Patch (‘The Last Fighting Tommy’) in 2009 made the Great War a truly historical event by this measure. Since then, countries, governments and History teachers have been exploring ways to mark the centenary of the outbreak of hostilities in July and August 1914. Unsurprisingly, everyone it seems has their own view. ‘No Glory in War’ is an internet based pressure group which believes that the conflict should be remembered as a military disaster and a human catastrophe. The Prime Minister, on the other hand, has argued that the commemoration is an opportunity to raise the national spirit and should be on a par with the Diamond Jubilee of 2012.

Then there is a debate about what to remember. This year of commemoration had barely started when the Education Secretary Michael Gove sparked a debate by complaining that school history has too long been dominated by the Blackadder ‘lions led by donkeys’ interpretation of WW1. Finally, expert historians have been locked in debate with Niall Ferguson repeating his claim that the British government was to blame for the escalation of war in 1914, as opposed to Max Hastings who sticks to the oftquoted view about German militarism being the main cause of the war.

Into the midst of this academic debate, the Girls’ Division Senior School has attempted to mark the centenary in an

09 Bolton School Girls’ Division

appropriate way. In the summer term, Year 9 girls conducted their own research in the library, and, in particular, focused on the Imperial War Museum’s commemorative project ‘Lives of the First World War’. Girls in years 9, 10 and 12 attended a lecture by Professor Martin Alexander on the causes of the war, and Mr Owen recently led an assembly on the 98th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme (the bloodiest day in the British Army’s history). Finally, those girls who will be visiting the battlefields of Ypres and the Somme in October have been reflecting on their upcoming visit, in particular those who have a personal connection to the conflict. Next term’s newsletter will include a full report.

In short, however we choose to remember the Great War, we have a duty to understand it.

As Harry Patch himself said: “I could never understand why my country could call me from a peacetime job and train me to go out to France to kill a man I never knew. Why did we fight?”

For countless Year 10 pupils who have wrestled with this question at the beginning of their GCSE course, Harry’s words provide ample incentive.

Mr C Owen, Head of History and Politics


Year 6 Memories...

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was going to Italy on the Ski Trip in Year 5. I loved skiing down the steep slopes with great speed.” Serena Arya

“My favourite memory of Hesketh house is participating and rehearsing the Shakespeare play. I loved the Ski Trip too.”

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House is taking part in the sporting events. My favourite one was AJIS Indoor Athletics; I came home with one bronze medal and one silver medal.”

Ellie Bridge

“My favourite memory in Hesketh house was the trip to Patterdale Hall because we did lots of fun activities. My favourite one was gorge walking.” Leah Brownley

“My favourite memory in Hesketh House was going to Patterdale. My favourite activity was rock climbing. I also enjoyed doing the Indian Project in Year 4.” Jennifer Doyle

“My favourite memory in Hesketh House is when we went to the Roman Museum in Year 3.” Maisy Ferguson

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was doing the Tudor Explorer Project. The explorer I researched was called Sir Walter Raleigh.” Isabella Forshaw

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was the Ski Trip. It was a memorable place as I learned how to ski. It was also such fun and a great experience.” Rachel Funk

“I have two favourite memories: the drama day where we rehearsed and acted out in a pantomime script for the rest of the class. Another highlight was competing in the AJIS Netball semifinals.” Liberty Giggs

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House is the Spring Fairs. I held a Bearded Dragon both years and had lots turns on all the tombola.” Grace Hansford

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was going to Patterdale and doing gorge walking because it was fun jumping off the big rock.” Annabelle Gibbs

“My favourite memory of Year 6 was when we went to Patterdale Hall and did all the fun activities. I most enjoyed gorge walking and jumping off the big rock. I also enjoyed the Spring Fair. Learning about a Shakespeare play and writing and learning a script was fabulous.” Kate Hailwood

“My favourite part of my Hesketh House experience was doing the Shakespeare plays. I enjoyed the creative freedom of these projects. I also enjoyed the Ski Trip.” Stephanie Holland

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was participating in the AJIS Netball semi-finals in Year 6; I really enjoyed the day as I spent the whole day with my friends playing my favourite sport.”

“My favourite memory in Hesketh House was going to Senior School and doing the play of Cinderella, it was a fun time as we got to dress up and act. It was a very memorable thing because I love to act, now we are doing a Shakespeare play I can`t wait to go to Senior School.” Amber Kirkham

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was Charity Afternoon, because I love the feeling of giving money to charity and knowing that with every penny that I give it helps someone or something.”

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was the visit to Patterdale Hall because I loved all the activities especially gorge walking.” Laura Marsden

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was when we made Aztec jewellery because I enjoy being creative and I enjoyed the whole Aztec topic.” Charlotte Moore

“I have enjoyed Hesketh House very much because I have learned lots that I did not know before I came here. I liked learning about how to play Netball, Rounders and Water Polo. I loved Patterdale, especially this year when we were working in teams, doing the activities and finding out about the history of the Hall.”

Eleanor Murray

“Patterdale activities are my favourite memory of Hesketh House. This year we worked as a team and I think our team worked nicely together. I enjoyed learning about Sir Francis Drake in Year 5. I am really excited about doing our devised play of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Fatimah Naeem

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House is when the Netball Team went to AJIS Netball and we came third in the Cup. A special memory is when the swim team went to the Manchester Games and we met Rebecca Adlington.” Jennifer Taberner

“The Ski Trip, the knock a door runners scared everyone. But my whole room had a plan to catch the knock a door runners. It was very funny when Mrs Tatlock chased them around the whole building and told them off!” Paige Twidale

“My favourite all time memory of Hesketh House is when I swam at the Manchester School Games and Rebecca Adlington was there. She signed my swimming cap and bottle and gave my very good advice on swimming.” Ellie Wallis

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was in Year 5 when we did our Summer Concert. Some of the people including me dressed up as Aztec Priests and sang an Aztec Horrible Histories song!” Elizabeth Warburton

“My favourite memory in Year 6 was when we created and designed a model fairground in Design Technology. In my group we had an underwater theme. It was a lot of fun!” Madeehah Ahmed

Arabella Barker-Smith
School Girls’ Division

Blitz Cityscape

Year 6 Artwork created World War Two Blitz Cityscapes by blending vivid and dark colours of chalk pastel for the background and using a silhouette layer for a city landscape on top.

Picture Perfect

Year 3 have created their own self portraits to convey cheerfulness and enthusiasm. They paid special attention to positioning and the size of facial features.

Going Greek

Year 3 designed their own Ancient Greek vases and created their own collages of the famous Greek Myth ‘Daedalus and Icarus’.

Year 4

Read all about it! Year 5 Tudor Newspapers dsigned by
Chloe Ferguson and Ruby Hill Year 5 Entry from Christopher Columbus’ Diary by Estelle Pass.
Reading award posters on the topic of Science designed by Ananya Agarwal and Aakifah Ismail. Natasha Williams Jennifer-Mae Coetzee Harriet Dickenson Ellie Wallis Brooklyn Williams
Jessica-Rose Curtis-Walker

Hesketh House Prefects

13 Bolton School Girls’ Division
Fatimah Naeem, Laura Marsden, Rachel Funk (back), Leah Brownley, Liberty Giggs, Amber Kirkham Samantha Schofield, Rosie Allen, Ria Bansal, Isabelle Hood Serena Arya, Isabella Forshaw, Ellie Wallis (back), Arabella Barker-Smith (front), Charlotte Moore, Maisy Ferguson Katherine Baker, Brooklyn Williams, Jessica-Rose Curtis-Walker, Elspeth Harper Stephanie Holland, Jenny Doyle, Grace Hansford (back), Kate Hailwood (front), Eleanor Murray, Rhianna Lucas Shreya Kamath, Abigail Duckworth, Phoenix Khan (back), Sana Riaz, Madeline Ashton Ellie Bridge, Annabelle Gibbs, Jennifer Taberner (back), Elizabeth Warburton (front), Paige Twidale, Charlotte Hughes Olivia Stubbs, Natalie Taylor Towers, Saira Hussain, Mahima Raghavendra, Anna Boyers
Claris Roe, Sana Dalal, Elizabeth Lees (back), Maria Zhang (front), Madeehah Ahmed, Olivia Kaute

Year 6 Memories...

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was in Year 5 when we were making headdresses with various materials as part of our Aztec learning challenge. They had vibrant colours and were fun to make.” Rosemary Allen

“My best memory in Year 6 was creating and building a small fairground carousel in teams and making a circuit to make it work like a real carousel. I enjoyed doing this because I like art and making circuits (Science).” Madeline Ashton

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was in Year 4 when I visited Patterdale Hall for the first time. I particularly enjoyed taking part in the gorge walking and jumping into the river. Even though I was a little scared, it gave me a huge sense of achievement.” Katherine Baker

“In Year 6 I really enjoyed doing the short topic on the magistrate’s court. It was fun learning what happened in a court from real magistrates. I liked wearing a costume and setting up the classroom like a court.” Anna Boyers

“My favourite memory of Year 6 was when we went to Patterdale. My favourite activity was the Aira Force art work, when we made a waterfall picture out of lots of different materials which complemented our group poems.”

“My three favourite memories of Hesketh House are the pizza night on the ski trip (delicious pizza), the rock climbing in Patterdale (great fun) and the photography competition which gave me a huge sense of achievement when I won a prize in Year 3.” Sana Dalal

“My favourite memory of Year 6 was designing totem poles because I really like art and this activity was great fun. I also enjoyed learning about the fascinating history of the totem poles.”

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was when I went on the Ski Trip with school. I really enjoyed skiing for the first time and made good progress with my skills. The evening activities were great fun.” Shreya Kamath

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was when I joined this school in Year 5 and ever since I have had great fun - especially at Patterdale where all the activities were really enjoyable.”

“My best memory in Year 6 was the World War II topic. This is because I have been interested in the Second World War since I was about 5, so I enjoyed adding my opinions, bringing work in that I had done at home and learning more.” Phoenix Khan

“I have a lot of great memories from my time in Hesketh House but the thing that stood out for me is the Year 6 Patterdale trip. I loved the activities and being able to enjoy them with all my friends. I especially liked when we performed a dance in our Victorian costumes.” Elizabeth Lees

“My best memory of Hesketh House is from the Patterdale trip in Year 6. Climbing to the top of a rock face and abseiling down was the most exhilarating experience ever!” Mahima Raghavendra

“My favourite memory in Year 6 is doing the Shakespeare play. It was great fun, especially writing it! I look forward to doing more drama in the Senior school.” Sana Riaz

“My best memory in Year 6 was the William Morris painting because I really enjoyed copying the William Morris art and designing my own art, based on his designs.” Claris Roe

“I enjoyed most learning about World War 2, especially when Mrs Drinkwater’s father talked to us about the aircraft used during that time. I enjoy History and hope we learn more in Senior School.” Samantha Schofield

“I have two favourite memories of Hesketh House. One of my favourites is when I went kayaking in Patterdale and we rode down the rapids and then capsized at the end of the session (on purpose). The other activity I enjoyed this year was the Interhouse Cross-Country event.” Elspeth Harper

“My favourite part of Hesketh House was doing the Shakespeare with Mrs. Worsley because I like acting and it is basically like writing our own play. I liked working with my friends to adapt the script of A Midsummer Night’s Dream to create our own version of the story.”

Isabelle Hood

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House was in Year 6 when we went to Patterdale. I particularly enjoyed working as a team and doing all the curriculum activities, it gave me a chance to work with different people and it was fun.” Saira Hussain

“My most enjoyable memory of Hesketh House was when we did the WW2 topic, especially the talk from Mrs Drinkwater’s dad, 2nd World War veteran. I also liked learning about life during the war and how people survived the bombing.” Olivia Stubbs

“My favourite memory of Hesketh House is when we had a teddy bear picnic in Year 3, it was really good fun and our parents were there so we could go to the park. It was a wonderful experience for both me and my parents to socialize.” Natalie Taylor Towers

“My favourite memory of Year 6 is the art work on William Morris. I loved making my own design like his and learning about him and his life.” Brooklyn Williams

“My favourite memories of Year 6 are when we studied a topic based on World War II and when we went to Patterdale. The History topic was fascinating and our trip to the Lake District was great fun – especially enjoying the outdoors!” Maria Zhang

SPIRIT 2014 14
Olivia Kaute Jessica-Rose Curtis-Walker Abigail Duckworth

A year full of Classics moments

Pottery Club

The Classics Department has been busy this year with lots of activities. Our Greek Pottery Club proved as popular as ever with lots of girls from Years 7 and 8 making very creditable Greek pots.


The Year 7s enjoyed a trip to Chester where they scrutinised Latin inscriptions on Roman tombstones and were kept in order in the city by several Roman Soldiers.


The Year 7s investigated the ancient city of York and had a fabulous day, learning many new things about how the invasion of the Romans is still evident in our society today.

An Italian adventure

We took 50 girls and 6 members of staff to Italy this year. In spite of the freezing temperature on Mount Vesuvius (or, perhaps, because of it), we had an action-packed and successful holiday. The highlights were a warm day in Pompeii and a visit to the Archaeological Museum at Naples, which has some stunning exhibits.

CLASSICS 15 Bolton School Girls’ Division

Picture this... Highlights of the year from Year 8

India Day

Year 8 took part in a set of activities connected with Indian culture.

Guide Dogs

We enjoyed making cards in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind very much. We came up with the idea when brainstorming possible ways to raise money for charity, planning out the details of how to make the cards later on. All the cards we made were dog-themed, ready to be used as a fun greeting to friends. We sold them in our form’s cake sale, and found them to be quite successful. We’re very pleased with how well they sold and are glad we could support the guide dog charity.

Patterdale Trip

My favourite part of Patterdale was gorge walking because I kept slipping and at the end we got to jump off a cliff. The instructors definitely made an impact as they were all funny and helpful. Overall, it was fun and useful, as I learnt skills like teamwork and trying something I was scared to do.

A year in pictures of Year 7. Amongst other things, this year the Year 7s have enjoyed a trip to Stratford, and completing their work experience.

Careers Day

I really enjoyed the session on Microbiology, it was incredibly interesting and informative and made me think more about what it takes to have a career in Science, especially Biology.

Jessica Hindley, 8S

Civil workshopEngineering

Year 8 girls had the opportunity to take part in a workshop in which they learned all about Civil Engineering. This was a wonderful opportunity to show them the skills that are needed in this kind of job.

YEARS 7 & 8 SPIRIT 2014 16

This has been an exciting year for the Girls’ Division English department. A wealth of new initiatives have placed creativity at the heart of a varied programme of curricular and enrichment activities.

Banner Project

The Year 9 20th century poetry banner project has made the ‘A’ corridor a colourful place to be. This year’s featured poets have been Carol Ann Duffy, Gillian Clark, John Agard, Simon Armitage, Ted Hughes and Wilfred Owen. The use of collage and mixed media has shown the girls that poetry is a visual as well as oral art form.

The View

The first edition of the new school newspaper ‘The View’ was successfully launched by an adventurous team of girls from Years 10-13 in the Autumn Term. The editorial team, headed by Ananya Baksi, produced a range of exciting articles, which explored issues including life in Iraq, local charities, political icons, the NHS and school bands.

Discover Your Voice!

The whole of Year 7 enjoyed a day debate training with the English Speaking Union who sent their experienced student mentors to work with the girls. Subjects as diverse as the influence of the media on body image to whether we should enforce a school uniform were discussed with lively enthusiasm.

Battle of the bands is the chance for the older students to listen to some music performed by their friends, socialise and turn their noses up at the year 8’s who have somehow managed to sneak in. Not only is this one of the most exciting parts of the year for the huge audience that turns up, but also an opportunity for the next generation of musicians to showcase their talents to the school and teachers.

The general feeling in sixth form at the present moment is that of worrying about UCAS forms, getting the hang of finishing coursework on time and making sure it’s all up to scratch. As well as these stresses being carried by the sixth form, some of the students are preparing for something much more exciting and which takes just as much effort to perfect as getting a good grade on that piece of work. Over the coming months, various bands will be rehearsing nonstop for the Battle of the Bands contest to be held in the summer term. Students may

All things English... Poetry in motion


A spotted dinosaur peeks

Up at me from the pages of a heavy anthology

Resting on the keyboard.

He inquires as he looks

To my day

And my week

And the essay that I am supposed to be writing.

I cannot help but notice

His little face

In all the places it ought not to beAppearing now

On cover after cover, Books, notes, handouts, coursework, A product of a wandering hand

And a deep black sharpie.

Wide spaced eyes are boring holes Into my mind

And my conscience…

Maybe I will get back to work.


iLove You

You know, iHave come to realize, iLove you. Like a fifth limb, you’re part of everything iDo. Although iGet mad sometimes and throw you at a wall, iDrop you, iLose you, but, really, you’re my all. Without you, I’m lost, I can’t function alone, Although, iMust apologize for some places you go.

In the pocket of sweat soaked jeans at a gig or stuffed in my shoe,

In my bra, the waistband of my PJs, iEven take you to the loo.

iTake you everywhere, you’re my lifeline, without you, iCannot be, For it’s just a fact of life, iNeed you with me.

ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 17 Bolton School Girls’ Division
Guitar amps, microphone leads and a chord of nervousness. Bolton School’s Battle of the Bands is one of the most eagerly anticipated events in the school calendar. Once the Prefects’
look forward to
Panto is done and year 10 has finished
us with their mash up of various celebrities in
Post, what else could there be to
over the coming year?
expect some familiar faces from last year’s bands such as Cynical City and Absolution amongst a mix of newbies to compete for that winning title. Maybe there will even be a return from last year’s winners Off Piste to reclaim the throne and prove that they’re good enough to win it twice. The pressure is on for the bands, as this event is perhaps the most eagerly anticipated during the school year and certainly the one with the biggest turnout from the students. After the huge success of last year’s competition, it’s going to be tough to match those levels of excellence again this time. But we know they’ll manage.
Year’s winner Off Piste Harriett Gribben, Year 12

Open Mic

The Open Mic evening on 19th March was hosted by performance poet Mike Garry. 60 students of all ages entered our competition from which Mike selected 12 winners to perform alongside him on the night, including Bryony Meech in Year 7. Lydia Hounat in Year 12 was the overall winner alongside him on the night.

Lakeside Writing

The Lake District Creative Writing Retreat took place in February half term at Patterdale. Poet Peter Sansom and novelist Chris Wakling led daily workshops, offering invaluable tips, techniques and one-to-one advice.

Film Club

It’s been lights, camera, and non-stop action for the Year 10 Film Makers Club this year. After analysing cinematic techniques, storyboarding their script and being trained by Mr Kyle to use the equipment, they began filming, much to the embarrassment of some staff who became unwitting extras on exiting the staffroom! The film should be ready to show by the end of term. Those with nervous dispositions are advised to avoid it...

The Town

Life in the town at night is colourful; delicate streets lined with Narnian lampposts, slightly drunken laughter spilling out of doorways with a couple of notes of a song.

The town from above is a different kind of beautiful, the colours softer, blurring together in stark contrast with the snow on the mountains.

The lights echo up the hillsides, decorating the trees with trails of luminescence, ebbing out gently as the mountain grows steeper.

Hunger Hill

Sit on a bike.

Pink is best

With purple tassels on the handlebars. Ride the wavering, wobbling wheels on your way, Plant your feet on the pebble paved path, Take in the sloping elegance of your kingdom: Hunger Hill.

You are five again, you are Queen again, Your dominion belongs to you again. Square red houses join to square red garages And square red flowerpots sit on square red windowsills.

Taste the air

So far untainted by the smoke of dragons and Ford Fiestas.

Lift your feet off the ground now, Steady there, don’t fall, You’re soaring down the hillside, it’s like you never left at all.


too much

some loud chatter isn’t too much to bear but there’s laughter and that’s off-putting y’know that paranoia whispering in your periphery they’re looking at you and watching and giggling don’t trip up now or slouch dammit you’re alright here and have as much right as them why do you care stop that they aren’t your people for all you know it’s all in your brain no ceasing of that I’m afraid they’re taking too long to get a drink wonder what’s keeping them sneaked out just walked away because that way you’re sat alone haha then there’s that laughter again. It’s so off-putting.



At the beginning of May, the athletics team travelled to Bury Grammar School to take part in their first track events match of the season where a number of girls were pleased to achieve ‘personal best’ times.

The Year 7, Year 9 and Year 10 team results were all very close, with Bury just having the edge over Bolton. In the Year 8 competition, some impressive individual performances gave Bolton a comfortable lead to win their age group by 36 points to 24.

The following week, Bury Grammar School came to Bolton to take part in a field events competition. The Year 10 team results again were very close but saw Bury win this particular competition by 77 points to 68. Some impressive individual performances from Year 7, 8 and 9 saw all three age groups win their respective competitions as follows: Year 7 won 74-70, Year 8 won 81-36, Year 9 won 84-60.

Just before their exams, the Senior Athletics team took part in the Bolton School’s Sixth Form Town Athletics Competition held at Bolton Arena.

Impressive individual performances saw the following girls become town champions in their respective events: Jennifer Heyes -100m and Long jump, Ellena Owen 200m along with the relay team of Jennifer Heyes, Emily Harper, Ellena Owen and Emily Woodhead Ellena Owen and Emily Woodhead were placed second in the High Jump and Shot Put events respectively, along with Eleanor Ferm who was also placed second in the Discus and Javelin events. A special mention to Annabel Ault, who not only filled in at very short notice to compete in the 1500m event, which she subsequently won to become town champion, but who also went on to take part in the 800m. This proved to be a crucial decision as the points gained for having a competitor in this event saw the team crowned joint Town Champions after the points were shared between Bolton and Canon Slade.

Congratulations to the team on their success in being town Athletics Champions for the second successive year!

At the beginning of June, the Year 9 and 10 Athletics teams took part in their respective Bolton Schools’ Athletics Championships. Particular congratulations to Cerys Baines in the year 9 team who became the Bolton town Javelin champion with a throw of 22.46m.

Well done also to Fiona Hazlitt in Year 9 who qualified for the 200m final, as did the Year 9 and 10 relay teams. Olyvia Jones was placed second in the Year 10 girls 100m final and Georgina Owen finished 3rd in the 800m final. Priya Chevli achieved a second place in the Year 9 Discus competition, along with Serena Mohtasham who was placed second in the Year 10 Long Jump event. Both Year 9 and Year 10 teams finished third overall in their respective competition out of the 16 schools involved.

In the Year 7 and 8 competition particular congratulations to Daisy Francis and Hannah Stephenson in Year 8 who were placed first in the 100m and 200m respectively to become Town Champions in these events. The Year 7 team finished in 4th place whilst the Year 8 team were placed 5th.

Congratulations also to Jennifer Heyes (Year 12), Cerys Baines (Year 9) and Hannah Stephenson (Year 8) who were all nominated to represent Bolton at the Greater Manchester Schools’ Athletics championships on the 8th June. Unfortunately, Jennifer was unable to participate in the event at Longford Park Athletics stadium. However Hannah finished 4th overall in the 200m final, whilst Cerys finished in 3rd place in the Javelin event. Well done to both girls who achieved new ‘Personal Best’ performance standards!

Triathlon 2013

Hannah Stephenson, Rebecca Lees and Isabel Harper all took part in the Sefton Triathlon competition held in Crosby, in June, 2013. The girls all received a medal on the day for completing the event. Hannah finished in 2nd position, Rebecca finished in 17th place and Isabel in 18th place.

GolfLast July, the Girls’ Division participated in the Inter Schools’ Golf Competition at Bolton Golf Club. The teams of Ellie Broome and Rachel Metcalfe in Year 9, along with Mrs Hayes, battled through the rain before the competition was unfortunately cut short and rained off.


As a result of their impressive performances at the Bolton Town Competition in January, the following girls were selected to represent Bolton at the Greater Manchester County Cross country Championships in February. Well done to Maddie Kennedy who achieved a Bronze medal as a member of the minor girls team which finished in 3rd place overall.



Year 8 athletes travelled to Bolton Arena taking part in the World Marathon Challenge event.

The pupils had to take turns in running a 200m relay race by passing a baton on a track until they had completed a distance of 26.2 miles. The team competed against schools from all over the world simultaneously. Our time of 2h 15mins and 26 seconds put us 151st out of over 400 teams.

PE DEPARTMENT 19 Bolton School Girls’ Division
Athletics 2013
Alice Sandford 8B Emily Hunt 8G Niamh Knowles 8B Tara Wallis 8G Hannah Holt 8S Nina Simon 8D Anvi Varsani 8S Lucy Rowlands 8C Havana Lloyd 8G Taylor Healy 8C Ella Bolton 8G Isabel Harper 8C Grace Palmer 8G Paige Dobson 8C Year 7 Amy Chicken Zoe Grainger Molly Hill Mabel Horridge Maddie Kennedy Lucy Stiles Asmara Stubley Lauren Whitaker Olivia Wright Year
Zoe Ashworth Ella Bolton Taylor Healy Lucy Rowlands Abigail Shaw Hannah Stephenson Jessica Stiles Anvi Varsani
Mabel Horridge Maddie Kennedy Asmara Stubley Jessica Stiles
8 & 9
Year 8 & 9
Country BOLTON SCHOOLS’ CROSS COUNRTY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 Congratulations to the following girls who represented the school in November at the Bolton Schools’ Cross Country Championships. The Year 7 team finished in 2nd place whilst the Year 8 team finished in 3rd place.
RUNNING CLUB Year 9 Deeanne Ahmed Hadiqa Khan Megan Phillips Jennie Maher Year 8 Isabel Pillar Abigail Shaw Katie Tan Anvi Varsani Year 7 Lima Assi Claudia Barnes Emma Sellwood Katie White

Sports Day 2013

We were not sure if the weather would be kind to us on Sports day but the rain held off and all events were able to go ahead as normal. A large number of girls were visibly pleased to have improved on their performance standards but particular congratulations go to Daisy Francis and Hannah Stephenson in 8S, who both broke long standing school records. Daisy set a new 100m record of 13.31 seconds whilst Hannah ran the 200m in an extremely fast time of 28.53 seconds.


Sports Day Results 2013 Track Events

*New school record

Year 7 70m A Tara Wallis 7G

B Fatima Patel 7C

Year 8 A Kiran Cheema 8D

B Phoebe Campbell 8S

Year 9 75m A Devon Williams 9B

B Katrina Reader 9B

Year 10 8 0m A Emma Clarke 10C

Year 7 100m A Imogen McDonald 7D

B Sophie Brown 7D

Year 8 A Daisy Francis 8S*

B Sheila Chandra 8C

Year 9 A Imogen Joyce 9S

B O livia Porter 9G

Year 10 A O livya Jones 10E

Year 7 8 00m A Havana Lloyd 7G

B Taylor Healy 7C

Year 8 A Hannah Stephenson 8S

B Phoebe Campbell 8S

Year 9 A Molly Dick 9C

B Alex Duxbury 9S

Year 10 A Sophie Bennett 10A

Year 7 200m A Ellen Bate 7B

B Gabriella Appleby 7G

Year 8 A Hannah Stephenson 8S*

B Niamh Scanlon 8B

Year 9 A Louisa Brophy 9G

B Fiona Hazlitt 9G

Captains’ Reports

It wasn’t the winning but the pleasure and enjoyment I got from playing alongside so many of my friends that will be a lasting memory for me as I prepare to leave Bolton.

It was a privilege for me to captain the senior netball team in my last year.

A highlight for me was to win the Wallwork Trophy, as it was donated in memory of my mum’s old tennis partner who went to Bolton School, and my sister went on to win it three years later.

The staff at school have certainly assisted in improving my game and pushing me forward out of my comfort zone. This has taught me to have belief in my own abilities and a determination to never give up.

Whether you are playing sport on your own or as part of a team, my advice to you is to always strive to be the best you can be.


A group of Year 7 and Year 8 girls have successfully participated in the Girls’ Football Development Programme, being coached by a fully qualified football coach from Bolton Wanderers FC. They have completed 2 blocks of coaching gaining level 1 and level 2 certificates and medals. The awards will be presented at the Reebok stadium at the end of the summer term.

At the start of the summer term, Bolton School hosted its second festival of girls’ football, in association with the Independent Schools Football Association. The Bolton School team showed a lot of energy during every game but, unfortunately, on this occasion the competition was too strong. The girls were able to enjoy a full afternoon of football, playing both competitive and friendly games as part of the festival.

Year 10 A Saamin Cheema 10A

Sports Day Results 2013 Field Events

Year 7 Long A Isabella Tankard 7G

Jump Sophie Brown 7D

B Imogen McDonald 7D

Year 8 A Priya Guhathakurta 8N

B Isabelle Devine 8S

Year 9 A Caitlin Duckett 9D

B Abbie Gregson 9N

Year 10 A O livia Lowe 10F

Year 7 Shot A Ella Stenton 7C

B Nita Kanji 7B

Year 8 A Holly Errington 8S

B O livia Roberts 8S

Year 9 A Tomina Kirkman 9G

B India Locke 9C

Year 10 A Kate Moss 10E

Year 7 High A Isabel Pillar 7S

Year 8 Jump A A sena Akdeniz 8D

B Emily Stansfield 8D

Year 9 A Farah Ali 9B

B Eve Stephenson 9D

Year 10 A Emma Clarke 10C

Year 7 Discus A Vanessa Azavedo 7B Aaliyah Ascroft 7D

Year 8 A Trinity Halstead 8N

Year 9

B Hannah Daley 8N

A Priya Chevli 9G

B Amber Farrington 9G

Year 10 A L auren Hampson 10A

Year 7 Javelin A Gabriella Appleby 7G

Year 8 A Hannah Lever 8C

B Amna Idres 8N

Year 9 A Cerys Baines 9B

B Abigail Deveney 9G

Year 10 A Anjani Hathi 10E

Year Group Winners 2013

7G, 8S, 9B, 10A

Being the Senior Lacrosse captain has been a brilliant way to end my Bolton School sports career.

We have reached the quarter finals of Division One at National Schools, which was the best result the School has ever achieved.

Spending my Saturday mornings with the team, often in rainy and muddy conditions will be one of my lasting memories of life at Bolton School.

We are a hardworking team, with a great sense of fun, and our team spirit always carried us through matches.

Becoming Senior Swimming captains for our final year made the season all the more special.

The Bolton School swimming team is very hardworking and dedicated, giving their all at training and galas.

In February the senior team retained their Bolton Town Champions status and the Junior and Inter teams came second in the championships. We’d like to thank Mrs Duddle for being a fantastic coach and for making our time as captains so enjoyable. It has been a privilege to captain such a great team this season.

Saana Ahmed B ryony Meech Melissa Cartwright Alexandra Devine Anvi Varsani Zainab Emritte Sally Cowling T iggy Blackwell Ella Bolton Emily Pike


Both the U14 and U15 teams competed well at the Northern Schools competition, with the U14 squad finishing in 3rd place overall and the U15 team were runners up, in 2nd place, in their tournament. Thank you to all of the squad players throughout school for their commitment to practices and matches this season. This year, many pupils have also played lacrosse at representative level for their county and

During the early part of the season, the following girls were selected to represent the U18 and U15 Lancashire County Lacrosse squads: LANCASHIRE COUNTY LACROSSE

U18 ‘A’ Squad

Ellie Broome Ellen Dick

Molly Dick Emily Harper

Jessica Melling Ellena Owen

Georgina Owen Georgia White

Emily Woodhead

U18 ‘B’ Squad

Hannah Al-Saidi Louisa Brophy

Lucy Croston Amelia Howe

Emma Jackson Alisha Maini

Sarah Richards Abigail Sikorski

Bethany Warke

U15 ‘A’ Squad

Ellie Broome Louisa Brophy

Molly Dick (C) Emma Jackson

Alisha Maini Amie Murray

Georgina Owen

U15 ‘B’ Squad

Maisie Camm Eleanor Gibbons

Hannah Stephenson


Following on from their success at County level, the following girls were selected to represent the Junior North of England Squads at the Territorial Tournament in March 2014, at St Swithun’s School.

‘A’ Squad

Ellena Owen Georgina Owen

‘B’ Squad

Ellie Broome Ellen Dick Emma Jackson.


The Senior and U15 Lacrosse teams took part in the National Schools’ Lacrosse Tournament in Guildford in March.

In the U15 Tournament, the team played five matches throughout the course of the day and finished in third place in their section.

The Senior Team qualified for Division One. The second day of matches saw the team reach the quarter final stages of the tournament.

Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, the opposition from Rendcomb proved to be too strong, and the quarter-final match was lost 0-4. Nonetheless, the team reaching Division One is a fantastic achievement and congratulations to all the girls for representing the school.


English Lacrosse runs talent development programmes for girls through an Academy system. The system plays an important role in raising the performance of our junior players and contributing to the success of the National teams at U19 and Senior levels.

The following girls are currently enrolled on the programme:

Talent Academy:

Scarlett Amos (Year 9) Ellen Bate (Year 8) Amie Murray (Year 9)

Regional Academy

Ellie Broome (Year 10) Molly Dick (Year 10) Ellen Dick (Year 12)

National Academy: Emily Harper (Year 13)

Senior Squad

(*Half colours, +Full colours)

Hannah Al-Saidi* Annabel Ault+ Nadia Barabash* Emily Bibby Lucy Croston+ Marie Decadt* Ellen Dick Eleanor Ferm+

Amy Hadjinicolau* Emily Harper+(C) Emily Harrison* Miriam Harrison+ Jennifer Heyes+ Taylor Heywood Holly Holt+ Amelia Howe*

Madeline King+ Jessica Melling

Khamillah Mohammed Ellena Owen+ Nikita Padmakumar Sarah Richards

Radhika Sharma Abigail Sikorski* Emily Storer Bethany Warke+ Georgia White* Emily Woodhead+


Millie Adamson

Grace Ball

Ellie Broome(C) Louisa Brophy

Molly Dick Alexandra Duxbury Amber Farrington Abigail Gregson

Alisha Maini Georgina Owen Holly Wilcock Charlotte Winrow

U14 Scarlett Amos Zoe Ashworth Maisie Camm (C) Sasha Cooke Hannah Daley Alice Ferguson Harriet Flatt Daisy Francis Priya Guhathakurta Rebecca Lees Hannah Lever Jennifer Maher Amie Murray Hannah Saad Emily Stansfield Hannah Stephenson Jessica Stiles Isobel Tailor Su-Sam Tham U13 Gabriella Appleby Aaliyah Ascroft Vanessa Azavedo Ellen Bate(C) Sophie Brown Molly Cooper Rachael Crompton Paige Dobson Eleanor Gibbons Alisa Grundy Jaya Guhathakurta Taylor Healy Imogen MacDonald Alice Sandford Nina Simon Thea Simpson Ella Smyth Ella Stenton Zara Walsh U12 Imogen Bootle Anita Cardozo Isabelle Catlow Jessica Chae Amy Chicken E smée Higgins Honey Higham Santina Hundle Millie Hurt Mabel Horridge Isabella Howe Maddie Kennedy Robyn Lever Cate Lord Bryony Meech Lucy Nuttall Emily Rajbhandari Lucy Stiles Asmara Stubley O livia Wright PE DEPARTMENT 21 Bolton School Girls’ Division



Congratulations to the Junior Team Badminton players, Naadiya Mohammed, Vanessa Azavedo Jacqueline Jones-Humphrey and Ginny Edwards along with the intermediate team of Francesca Adams, Hannah Al Saidi, Nalisha Patel and Claudia Smith, who all reached the semi-finals of their respective County Tournaments which took place in January.


Year 7

Lima Assi Nichayolanda Hughes

Alison Jordan Mariyah Karim

Carla Law Rachel McGinty

Bryony Meech Bridie Rawlins

Hannah Rayner Emma Sellwood

Sara Shaikh Asmara Stubley

Katie White Lauren Whitaker

Year 9

Ellie Addison Leena Ahmed

Zoe Ashworth

Amelie Bamford

Olivia Bromley Maisie Camm

Harriet Camus Kiran Cheema

Lucy Cooke Hannah Daley

Isabelle Devine Georgina Edwards

Holly Errington Priya Guhathakurta

Nadia Hall Pantea Habibi

Jessie Harper Katie Hewitt

Samantha Heywood Emma Higginbottom

Rachel Ibberson Fatima Islam

Anu Jain Neha Khimani

Halima Mansoor Aminah Mohammed

Maariyiah Patel Tilly Rodriguez

Hannah Saad Niamh Scanlon

Isobelle Taylor Su-Sam Tham Ellie Twist

The squad competed in the AEGON Teams’ Tennis competition again this year.

The girls have also competed in the Senior AEGON Tennis Tournament. The girls battled the elements in terrible weather, with Natasha Lomas, Madeline King and Emily Harper all winning their singles matches, meaning we just had to win one of the Doubles games. Natasha Lomas and Emily Harper managed to win their game 6 games to 3 to give us a 4-1 win. This meant that the teams got through to the Knockout stages of the competition against Runshaw College. They matched Runshaw, point-for-point, in the game, but were very unlucky to concede the match 11 points to 9. Well done to all of the girls for their efforts and commitments throughout the season!

Year 8

Vanessa Azavedo Zinneerah Bax

Naadiya Mohammed Taylor Jones

Jacqueline Jones Humphrey

Chloe Hendry Isabelle Pillar

Ayesha Safri Fatima Saleem

Katie Tan Anvi Varsani

Year 10

Francesca Adams Eleanor Bracegirdle

Year 11

Hannah Al-Saidi Nalisa Patel

Claudia Smith

Year 7 Natasha Barnes Ella Bolton Naadia Mohammed Zara Walsh Samantha Woods Year 8 Hannah Daley Kiran Cheema Year 9 Francesca Adams Ellie Broome Louisa Brophy Amber Farrington Fiona Hazlitt Beth Holbrook Charlotte Johnson Imogen Joyce Ashleigh Meech Rachel Metcalfe Year 10 Hannah Al-Saidi Marie Decadt Emma Rayner Year 12 Emily Harper* Madeline King* Natasha Lomas* Emily Woodhead* * - Full colours
Tennis 2013


The Swimming Team has had a very busy year competing in a number of competitions and fixtures against other schools. The girls have demonstrated excellent dedication and determination throughout the season. Alongside the usual inter-school friendly matches throughout the year, all of the age groups competed in the North West regional round of the English Schools’ Relays, held in Salford, at the end of September.

The Intermediate and Senior Teams travelled to St Peter’s School in York to compete in the John Parry Relays, alongside teams from the Boys’ Division. The Senior Team were placed 5th in the Freestyle Relay and the Intermediate Team did very well to finish 2nd overall in both the Freestyle and Medley Relays, receiving silver medals for their success.


The Junior and Intermediate teams competed in the Bolton Town Championships. There were some very close races with both age groups finishing 2nd overall.

The Senior Championships were held the following week and the team managed to defend their title, beating local rivals Canon Slade. The winning Senior Team members were:

Madeline King Miriam Harrison

Katie Nightingale Radhika Sharma.


Under 12

Imogen Bootle Lucinda Butterworth

Amy Chicken Ella Fullelove

Mabel Horridge Rachel Jarvis

Maddie Kennedy Cate Lord

Sarah Mogg Anabel Nuttall

Lucy Nuttall L auren Robinson

Alexandria Smith Imogen Swift

Under 13

Seren Davies Hannah Ferrier Erin Horsfield Niamh Knowles

Havana Lloyd Emily Manock

Lucy Rowlands Alice Sandford

Thea Simpson Tara Wallis Samantha Woods


Niamh Knowles and Emily Manock competed in the English Schools’ Swimming North West Division Individual Championships. Niamh came 6th in the 100m breaststroke and 4th in the 100m individual medley. Niamh also won two medals coming 3rd in the 100m backstroke and 1st in the 100m freestyle. Emily also secured three gold medals in the S9 100m freestyle, backstroke and the SB8 classification of the 50m breaststroke.


Thirteen Year Seven girls participated in the Salford 100s Lifesaving Competition at Westhoughton Pool. The girls did very well in this longstanding traditional event held by the Humane Society For The Hundred of Salford, competing against over 50 girls from other schools in Bolton. A special mention should go to Alexandria Smith who finished 11th overall.

Salford 100S Lifesaving Participants 2013

Imogen Bootle Lucinda Butterworth

Amy Chicken Mabel Horridge

Maddie Kennedy Cate Lord

Sarah Mogg Anabel Nuttall

Lucy Nuttall L auren Robinson

Alexandria Smith Imogen Swift Nicole Williams


Louisa Brophy Priya Chevli Isabelle Devine Holly Errington

Jessie Harper Emma Higginbottom Zoe Howell Jennie Maher Anna Rowlands Hannah Stephenson Charlotte Winrow

Senior Miriam Harrison*(C) Madeline King +(C) Katie Nightingale Radhika Sharma + - Full Colours * - Half Colours


The girls who attended the Year 7 Gymnastics Club this year, participated in the Bolton Schools’ Gymnastics Competition at St Joseph’s High School on Monday 10th February 2014.

The team had been working their floor routines and vaults for a number of weeks and were well prepared for the competition.

Well done to the girls who took part!

Honey Higham Isobel Lupton

Lydia Lycholat Jessica Price

Lauren Robinson Alexandra Whittle

Inter-Form Rounders Winners

7S, 8D, 9C

Inter-Form Netball 2014

7B & 7C, 8G, 9D, 10E

Inter-Form Lacrosse 2014 7B & 7C, 8B, 9S

Individual Sports Trophy Winners

Senior Victrix Ludorum 2013-14 Maddie King & Emily Woodhead

Collinson Trophy For Excellence In Lacrosse Emily Harper

Senior Netball Trophy Ellena Owen

Upper School Victrix Ludorum Hannah Al-Saidi

Rounders 2013

The Year 11 Rounders team played their only fixture of the term against Smithills School, before embarking upon their Leave of Absence. Despite being ahead in the first innings, Smithills won the game 93 points to 57.

Isabella Gregori was named ‘player of the match’.

PE DEPARTMENT 23 Bolton School Girls’ Division
ROUNDERS CLUB Year 11 Madison Brownley Katherine Devine Ellen Dick Isabella Gregori Taylor Heywood B rittany James Katie Nightingale Nikita Padmakumar Selina Patel Katherine Potts Sarah Richards Radhika Sharma


Netball is played, both for fun and competitively and BSGD and the girls have had an enjoyable year. The netball squads have had a very busy season with plenty of midweek and Saturday fixtures in addition to local, county and national tournaments.

Ellena Owen in Year 13 and Sarah Richards in Year 12, have both been selected to represent Cheshire County Under 18 netball squad.

Georgina Owen in Year 10 has also been selected for the Under 17 Regional EXCEL netball squad - a high performance squad which

follows an intensive training schedule with some of the country’s top coaches.

Senior Netball and Lacrosse teams visited Edinburgh for their annual fixtures against St. George’s School. The seniors remain undefeated in this fixture by winning their game convincingly 32-9.

At the end of September, the Year 8 and 9 netball squads travelled to Condover Hall to take part in the GSA invitational netball tournament. Both teams were successful in qualifying for the cup competition.

BSGD have won the Bolton League across all age groups in addition to winning the Bolton Schools’ Tournament.

The under 13 team has also competed in the under 13 HMC tournament along with the under 13 National Netball cup.

Thank you to all the girls for their effort and teamwork, to Mrs Hall and Mrs Duddle for their work with their teams and to Mr Owen for assisting with the umpiring.

12 Neha Bagewadi Layla Cafferty Isabelle Catlow Amy Chicken Haleema Fazal Elizabeth Glover Esmée Higgins Molly Hill Mabel Horridge Isabella Howe Millie Hurt Maddie Kennedy Robyn Lever Cate Lord Sarah Mogg Lauren-Rae McGann Gabrielle Williamson Olivia Wright Under 18 Stephanie Dean+ Amy Hackin+ Emily Harper+ Jennifer Heyes+ Holly Holt+ Madeline King+ Georgina Nicol+ Ellena Owen+ Eleanor Winters+ Emily Woodhead+ Under 17 Alexandra Brown Olivia Burke Katherine Devine Ellen Dick Taylor Heywood Nichole Kay Robyn Lomas Jessica Melling Khamillah Mohammed Nikita Padmakumar Sarah Richards Isabelle Whitehead Under 16 Sadaf Alikhasi* Hannah Al-Saidi* Emma Clarke* Chloe Coton* Marie Decadt* Molly Heron Alexandra Hopkinson* Amelia Howe* Sarah Ibberson* Olyvia Jones Mariam Majid* Iman Orths* Isabelle Pearce Georgia White* Alexandra Woodhead* Under 15 Millie Adamson Louisa Brophy Molly Dick Caitlin Duckett Alex Duxbury Amber Farrington Fiona Hazlitt Imogen Joyce Alisha Maini Vasuda Marthi Rachel Metcalfe Amelia Myatt Georgina Owen Megan Whittle Devon Williams Charlotte Winrow Under 14 Scarlett Amos Zoe Ashworth Caroline Blair Abbie Brierley-Finch Sasha Cooke Hannah Daley Isabelle Devine Priya Guhathakurta Rachel Ibberson Rebecca Lees Hannah Lever Ciara Mansfield Molly Marshall Amie Murray Matilda Rodriguez Emily Stansfield Hannah Stephenson Under 13 Zahra Al-Falouji Gabriella Appleby Katherine Astbury Vanessa Azavedo Ella Bolton Sophie Brown Rachael Crompton Eleanor Gibbons Emily Hunt Havana Lloyd Imogen MacDonald Naadiya Mohammed Nina Simon Thea Simpson Ella Smyth Tara Wallis Zara Walsh Samantha Woods NETBALL CLUB Year 7 Charleigh Adams Imogen Bootle Lucinda Butterworth Anita Cardozo Shivani Chohan Anna Clark Elizabeth Crowther Zoe Grainger Hana Hanif Alexandra Haworth Isabella Howe Isobel Lupton Bryony Meech Sarah Mogg Madeline Moon Imane Nagi Lucy Nuttall Chloe Tsang Hafsa Syed Year 8 Esmee Bradbury Hannah Holt Nita Kanji Fatima Naeem Sara Patel Emily Pike Zayna Quereshi Year 9 Olivia Bromley Maisie Camm Kiran Cheema Holly Errington Harriet Flatt Jessie Harper Zainab Kazie Jennie Maher Isobel Tailor Su Sam Tham Ellie Twist

Fantastic Physics...

Physics Camp

Students attended Keble College, Oxford, for a day of learning about Physics.

Physics Olympics

Two Year 9 teams of 4 students took part in the Physics Olympics competition over in BSBD. The girls who took part are:

Lab in a Lorry

Tejal Shanbhag, Year 13, achieved a Merit on the British Physics Olympiad A2 Challenge 2013-2014. She also achieved a Silver Level on the next level of challenge, the British Physics Olympiad Round One 2013-2014. Nadia Barabash and Jennifer Heyes were also commended.

Environment Club

As the academic year comes to an end, it is good to reflect on the great variety of projects the girls have been involved in over the last year. Some have made houses for solitary bees out of recycled wood and bamboo canes. They then used the art of pyrography or ‘wood burning’ to decorate them. Others have made pencil cases and colourfully decorated make up bags using recycled fabric. The girls also learnt how to insert both a lining for the bags and a zip. Using only natural products, the girls went on to make their own make up as Mother’s Day

gifts. They had great fun making lemon scented body scrub and a selection of fl avours of lip balm.

Both the Herb Garden and Nectar Bar Garden continue to develop, providing a colourful display. Using old newspapers and colourful magazines, the girls have made plant pots for developing seedlings which will naturally decompose when planted into soil. A third garden has also been created which has been filled with a mini wildflower meadow which

we hope will continue to set seed, grow and flower each year. In addition to this, a variety of other seeds and bulbs have been sown around the edge of the new car park next to the dining room. Together with members of the History Club, the girls scattered Flanders Poppies as part of the Centenary Poppy Campaign. The aim of the campaign is to cover the UK with poppies during the centenary period in commemoration of all those who lost their lives in the First World War.

PHYSICS DEPARTMENT 25 Bolton School Girls’ Division
The November 2013 Institute of Physics, Lab in a Lorry visit Year 8 pupils and Year 7 Science Club members. Team A Lea Assi 9B Sudah Ahmed 9S Imaan Bhuta 9C Kiran Cheema 9D Team B Neha Khimani 9B Aminah Mohammed 9B Fatima Islam 9N Anika Patel 9D Nadia Barabash Jennifer Heyes Corin Greaves Nasreen Musa Tejal Shanbhag (Merit) Michelle Sun

Curious Chemistry

Global Experiment

Some Year 10 pupils took part in The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Global Experiment, which investigated the vitamin C content of different fruits and vegetables.

Edible Cells

Year 7 created some edible cells during Chemistry lessons.


Charitable work...

This year our fundraising efforts have been monumental. The enthusiasm for proposing new and innovative ways of raising funds for charity, reflects the spirit of the pupils here at Bolton School Girls’ Division. We have dressed from head to toe in neon to raise over £300 for Guide Dogs for the Blind; we have hosted a pumpkin carving competition to support the Belief foundation, a charity set up by one of our Year 12 students; we have donned Christmas jumpers and have hosted countless cake sales. Needless to say, we’ve truly excelled ourselves this year with our fundraising efforts. A new initiative has been introduced this year, where the school vote democratically for a charity for which they raise funds. A new charity is voted for on a termly basis. This year we have raised nearly £3000 for the Children’s Adventure Farm Trust, One Step, Brathey Trust and Wipe Your Tears.

CHARITIES 27 Bolton School Girls’ Division

The Riley Centre: A Year on

Riley Centre Officially Opened

On Tuesday 17th June, the School’s stateof-the-art £7m Riley Sixth Form Centre was officially opened by benefactor and Old Boy, Mr Ian Riley.

The lunchtime celebration was led by the Headmistress of the Girls’ Division, Sue Hincks, and the School’s new Head Girl, Jessica Melling and Captain, Paul Greenhalgh. All lavished praise on the centre, which opened for use in September 2013, and spoke of how it provides the best of both worlds - a hub for social activities and study whilst, allowing the School to retain single sex teaching.

Chairman of Governors Mr Michael Griffiths, an Old Boy and former School Captain himself, then offered thanks to the Alumni and friends of the School who had offered substantial contributions to fund the construction of the stunning elliptical glass-fronted building. The centre, which includes an ICT suite, seminar rooms with touch-screen televisions, quiet study areas, a common room, a refectory cafe area, exhibition space and the main school reception, links with the Senior Girls’ and Senior Boys’ Schools by two-tier walkways and completes Lord Leverhulme’s original vision of a central quadrangle based on the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge.

A plaque was unveiled in the Sixth Form Centre Reception by Mr Riley in front of dozens of guests that included donors, governors, present and former Head Teachers, current and past pupils as well as other friends of the school.

The celebrations continued with guests enjoying a buffet lunch whilst being entertained by the Junior Saxophone Quartet. Headmaster of the Boys’ Division, Philip Britton, then brought the event to a close by officially dedicating the large multi-functional space on the ground floor of the building as the Leverhulme Suite.

Raeesah Taylor, Year 12, says:

“ Well, I can certainly say it demands attention. Standing proudly in the centre of both divisions, looking sleek and sophisticated, with its two-tiered glass walkways; it’s definitely not something that you can ignore! The inside has an aesthetically pleasing café and ‘lounging’ area. Along with the study area on the second floor, which consists of individual study spaces, ICT facilities and booths for “group work”, there are offices for members of staff. I must say that it’s part of the school that sixth formers would now struggle without.”

Rachael Ward, Year 12, says:

“The building finally provides a physical bond between both the Boys Division and Girls Division, which, before now, seemed more like two separate schools. Having the Sixth-Form boys and girls mixed during breaks and lunches whilst maintaining single-sex education in lessons, is advantageous, as it adheres to the traditional ways of the school for learning, but allows room for new friendships and a new environment during our free time. The new Sixth-Form centre has proven popular amongst both pupils and staff. In light of this, we, as students, will look after the centre so that future Sixth-Formers can appreciate and enjoy it just as much as we have.


Year 9 is a year full of new opportunities and excitement

YEAR 9 29 Bolton School Girls’ Division
Duke of Edinburgh expedition training Playing rounders in post exam week Experiencing
the great outdoors Post exam barbecue

Year 10 brings a change of tutor groups and fresh academic challenges

Christmas Post

The Christmas Post is a way for the new Year 10 tutor groups to get to know each other, whilst also raising money for charity. Each tutor group produces a short and entertaining piece of drama to perform in front of the whole School, which entices the staff and students to pay to post their Christmas cards with them. It is always a lot of fun and a wonderful bonding exercise for the new forms.

Young Musician

YEAR 10 SPIRIT 2014 30
Zoe Stirzaker was placed first in the second round of the Rotary Club Young Musician of the Year. She will compete against the winners of the other Northern districts including Cumbria, Wales and the Isle of Man. I0F in Christmas Post rehearsal Zoe Stirzaker Year 10 Easter trip to Alton Towers’

Year 11 class of 2014

Prefects 2014

Our Year 11 School Council representatives for 2013-2014.

Climbing Club

Climbing Club has been an exciting way for the Year 11 girls to expend some energy and have a break from exam preparation.


Year 11 students took part in the trip to Tanzania, in July of 2013, and were able to experience the different lifestyles of the Tanzanian people. They also helped at a school and worked for the charity, LivLife, that one of our Old Boys founded. They described it as a thoroughly worthwhile and valuable experience; something that they will never forget!

YEAR 11 31 Bolton School Girls’ Division

Historical Happenings...

History Club Open Morning

Girls dress up as Tudors for Open Morning in October, to demonstrate to prospective students what learning History at Bolton School is really like: fun!

Turton Tower Trip

Year 8 travelled to the local historic house, Turton Tower, in May. Here they witnessed Tudor role plays performed by volunteers and got to see the inner workings of a genuine Tudor house.

History club continues to delight younger members of the school with its various opportunities for historical art and craft. Making masks in History club.

Biological Brilliance!

Biology Olympiad

In March, the British Biology Olympiad challenged and stimulated gifted students with an interest in Biology to expand and extend their talents. In offering a wider syllabus than A-level, it allows gifted students to demonstrate their knowledge and to be suitably rewarded and publicly recognised by the award of medals, certificates and other prizes. It is hoped that competing in the Olympiad will encourage students already interested in this valuable, wide-ranging and rewarding subject to continue their study beyond A-level. Saira Ahmad achieved a Silver award and Charlotte Cooper and Sana Valli a bronze award. Ellena Owen, Hannah Wylie, and Rashida Patel achieved a Highly Commended Certificate whilst Stephanie Dean and Eleanor Ferm achieved a Commended award.

Biology Challenge

In March, Year 10 students participated in the Biology Challenge organised by The Institute of Biology. Questions were set on the school curriculum but the on-line competition also rewards those students whose knowledge of the subject has been increased by reading books and magazines, watching natural history programmes and taking notice of the news and media for items of biological interest. This is a nationwide competition and so we did extremely well, achieving 2 gold awards, 4 silver awards and 20 bronze awards. 25 girls were awarded a highly commended certificate and 30 girls commended.

Adventures with Drosphila

This year in the department we bred drosphila, a small genus of flies, as part of the A2 genetics unit. The students learnt how to identify male and female drosphila and then select certain characteristics to carry out genetic crosses. It was a 4 week long project and a few of the flies escaped!

Year 9 using quadrats to observe the distribution of lichen outside the school.

BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT 33 Bolton School Girls’ Division

Psychology Cambridge University Essay Prize

in Psychology, we have established a proud tradition of entry into this highly prestigious competition, enjoying notable recent successes, including Rachel Zarouk who won first prize in 2012. She won a cash prize of £300 and her attendance (accompanied by Mrs Sanders) at a celebratory awards dinner. The pair spent the day at Newnham College in the company of Senior Professors of Psychology; photographs of the event are on the website, as is Rachel`s winning essay. This year, Paloma Shakouri received special recognition for her essay on the development of concept formation in children and how this impacts upon their language skills. The competition provides an excellent opportunity for potential Psychology undergraduates to broaden their knowledge of the subject beyond the confines of the A Level specification. Cambridge offers two possible titles in early June and candidates select one of these to research and write-up. Interested students should contact members of staff in the Psychology department for further information.

Overcoming Prejudice

Year 9 listened to a talk by Laurence Clarke about the hurdles, barriers and prejudice that he has to overcome every day of his life because he is permanently wheelchair bound. He and his wife Adele, 34, who both have cerebral palsy, are parents to two able-bodied sons: Tom, eight, and nine-month-old Jamie. As a couple, they refuse to be defined by their impairment, in a society that is still shockingly unused to seeing disabled parents intent on pursuing independent lives. They were recently the subject of a documentary for the BBC’s ‘Beyond Disability’ programme, a series that explores our attitudes to disability in the 21st century. Laurence’s thought provoking story prompted many searching questions from the girls.

Girls used their iPads to learn about cyberbullying in their PSE sessions.


Reporting on Rights

Every year the Politics Department enters the Amnesty International Young Human Rights Reporter of the Year competition. The brief for students is to produce an article highlighting a Human Rights abuse somewhere in the world. Khadijah Ismail in Year 10, wrote an article on Child Soldiers.

Child Soldiers: A frighteningly real issue

Throughout history, children have been misused in military operations so greatly; such practices are against the ethics our of society. Children are exploited in three ways. Firstly, they can be forced to undertake direct hostilities, for example, fighting on the frontline. Secondly, they are used for maintenance roles such as scouts, go-betweens or sentries. The third way is using them as human shields or for publicity.

Although international agreements are put into place to try to limit the participation of children in armed conflicts, the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers reports that use of children in military forces is still common. According to the Human Rights website, “In over twenty countries around the world children are direct participants in war, deprived of a childhood and exposed to shocking violence. An estimated number of 200,000 to 300,000 children are serving as soldiers for both rebel groups and government forces in existing conflicts”.

The definition of child soldiers differs in different countries. In Africa there is a ruling which defines a child soldier as a person under the age of 18, who is part of any kind of equipped force or group. This description also includes girls recruited for sexual purposes, it does not just refer to a child who is carrying or has carried weapons. Up to half of the world’s child soldiers are in Africa; in the end credits of the film ‘Blood Diamond’, it says that ‘there are still 200,000 child soldiers in Africa’. Many of these ‘invisible children’ are orphaned by violence. These children are as young as seven and are forced into conflict due to poverty, abduction or have been deceived into joining. Imagine the psychological effect on the children involved. If adults come back from war severely disturbed and don’t want anyone else to experience it, what would these children feel?

Roughly 90% of victims of war are civilians and approximately half of these are children. Countless children in war are regularly victim to accidental injuries or death due to their curiosity because land mines are designed to injure the enemy but they are the cause of deaths of around 10,000 children yearly.

The Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers has reported thousands of children are involved in conflicts and ceasefire situations in Burma, Indonesia and Nepal. However, government refusal of access to conflict zones has made it tough to document records. In Iraq, the state has incorporated children as young as ten into ‘boot camps’ and then expected them to train for fourteen hours a day. In the UK, the minimum age to join the Armed Forces is sixteen although parental permission is required. The Convention on the Rights of the Child called on ratifying governments to do everything possible to ensure that young people under 18 don’t take part in hostilities.

Children should grow up under conditions that allow them to achieve their full potential. For this to happen, they must be protected from any form of military recruitment by armed forces or groups involved in armed conflict.

Khadijah Ismail, Year 10

Community Hours

It has been a truly remarkable year, with students in Year 12 registering over 6500 hours of community action, with over 50 students achieving a v50 or v100 award for the charity ‘vInspired’. The whole school community has been involved in a range of projects, including the Harvest Festival in October, Operation Christmas Child, and the Hamper project.

“I believe that volunteering has allowed me to make a difference to the lives of many people.”
Hajara Saleem
“I have learnt that volunteering is much more than just giving up some of your spare time. It us about developing yourself, and also giving back to the community and others.”

Urban Outreach Hamper project Operation Christmas Child

The Shoebox Campaign gathered pace this year with the girls and staff making up 173 boxes of essential toiletries, stationary and small gifts for Children in Uganda.

In December a group of 20 keen sixth-form students rose to the challenge of providing 600 variety packs of biscuits and 600 Christmas puddings in just 3 weeks for the Urban Outreach Hamper project, providing Christmas Dinner for needy families in Bolton. The pupils divided into two teams and then devised a range of enterprising money- making ideas, to include appeals on the local radio, fundraising at the Park Road Christmas fair and carol singing at Bolton train station during rush hour!

Pocket Nook

Throughout the school year, sixth form students have been taking part in making an ‘under the sea’ themed wall hanging for local Autistic charity ‘Pocket Nook’. ‘Pocket Nook’ is a residential care home for young adults suffering with Autism. A group of sixth form students travelled to the care home and decided to make a wall hanging that would be positioned in the Sensory Room.

The staff at Pocket Nook say: “Staff at Pocket Nook want to send a very heartfelt thank you to all the students at the school who have supported us recently. We are so grateful for their time and efforts in making Pocket Nook a wonderful place for our young people with autism to live.”


Bolton School Sixth Form students won a place at the vInspired National Awards, held at the O2 Indigo in London, as a result of their outstanding commitment to volunteering. Bolton School has been ranked as one of the top schools in the country, with the highest proportion of students registering hours and achieving a v50 or v100 certificate.

Disability Snowsport

Polly Hughes and Katie Devine have attended sessions at the Chillfactore on a weekly basis, to help the charity provide exciting and life enhancing activities for individuals who require adaptive equipment or special instruction. This enables people with disabilities to take part in snow sports.


Geographically Speaking...

Highlights of the year in Geography include the Year 7 trip to Formby, Year 8 making their own Shanty towns, Year 9 creating their own volcanoes.

Sixth formers also raised money for the people of the Philippines by holding a cake sale.

GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT 37 Bolton School Girls’ Division
Sixth Formers Philippines Cake sale Year 8 making shanty towns Year 9 volcanoes Year 9 volcanoes


Our visit to Amsterdam was a definite highlight of the year. We had a fantastic time exploring the city, visiting the Anne Frank House, enjoying a canal trip, the Portuguese Synagogue, Rijksmuseum and a visit to a traditional Dutch village with windmills and crafts. The girls showed an incredible determination to shop, shop, shop, along with an uncanny ability to sniff out a sushi bar wherever we went.

“Amsterdam is a beautiful city and I really enjoyed our trip there as it was a great mix of historical culture with modern touches as well. I most enjoyed visiting Anne Frank’s house because I had learned about her from a young age so to finally see it and hear more of her story was very interesting and moving.” Laura Daly, Year 12

Professor Emily Jackson

Our Sixth Form students have benefitted from the expertise of several guest speakers this year, including Professor Emily Jackson, Head of Law at the London School of Economics, who has a particular interest in medical law and ethics. She delivered a thought-provoking lecture on assisted dying and the law.

The Religious Studies Department has continued to take girls to a variety of places of worship to bring to life the faiths studied in the classroom. Our most recent visit has been to the Bridge Church in Bolton, where Year 8 girls had the opportunity to explore a very modern church and discover the wide range of community projects supported by the church, including the Grub Tub urban outreach scheme to distribute food to those in need In our local area and which our School also supports. The girls asked some excellent questions including Christian attitudes to divorce, other faiths and same sex marriage.

Year 9s have used their iPads to create comic strips to explore how Buddhist teachings influence the way Buddhists live their lives.

It has been another successful year for the Religious Studies department with an exciting array of trips put on for the students.
A modern interpretation of the Tibetan Wheel of Life. Year 9 creative response to the story of the Buddha and his enlightenment.

Bienvenudo, Bienvenue & Wilkommen

We have had a busy year with lots of our usual activities and some new ventures. The exchanges and study trips to France, Germany and Spain have provided the girls with superb opportunities to perfect their language skills and enhance their cultural knowledge. We

opened up the department to Able and Talented

from the Bolton area at our Year 11 Language morning and it was lovely to work with Year 5 pupils on our Primary Languages day. We have also been delighted to welcome our new Head of French, Monsieur Fico and our

J’ai choisi d’être assistante de français en Angleterre car je voulais découvrir la culture britannique ainsi que ce beau pays qu’est l’Angleterre. Être assistante de français m’a offert la possibilité de m’initier à l’enseignement mais m’a également permis de partager la culture française.

Cette année en Angleterre a confirmé mon envie d’enseigner mais m’a aussi fait découvrir mon amour pour les voyages et les rencontres humaines.

Cette année passée à Bolton School a été une véritable expérience de vie. Les élèves m’ont appris que rien n’est impossible et qu’il faut toujours croire en soi pour réussir.

Languages Day

After a gruelling exam period, the Year 8 girls were in the mood to take part in fun language activities and learn some new skills. The German cooking sessions meant that they could enjoy waffles and biscuits, as long as they got the ingredients right! Salsa demanded a little more energy and a sense of rhythm in order to keep in time and Mr Challinor provided an introduction to Italian with a lot of unusual pronunciation tips. All girls enjoyed the performance of a French play “Mon père ne me comprend pas“ from the Onatti theatre company.

Able & Talented

Last October, for the first time, we took part in the day of MFL activities at Manchester Metropolitan University offered to able and talented year 10 students. Five girls for each language went with Miss Irvine to Manchester for a day of language immersion.

Ich bin seit September 2013 die deutsche Sprachassistentin hier an der Bolton School. Ich komme aus Basel, und da ich in der Schweiz Englisch- und Geschichtslehrerin werden möchte, war dieser Aufenthalt für mich ideal. Ich habe viele wertvolle Erfahrungen gesammelt und sehr schöne und vergnügliche Stunden hier an der Bolton School verbracht. Vielen Dank!

MFL Debating

In November we took part in the annual North Schools’ MFL Debating Competition at Cheadle Hulme School. The teams debated entirely in French, Spanish and German. Topics included ‘Prisons are of no use’ and ‘Dogs are better than cats’. All girls showed excellent debating skills and knowledge of the language.

linguists French and German language assistants Pauline and Chantal. This year girls have produced both creative and thought provoking work during their language studies, a taste of which you will find on the subject pages. Shafiq Head of MFL


On Easter Sunday a group of twenty Year 10 girls travelled to Málaga to study at the Spanish school, ‘La Escuela Cervantes’. We spent the next week studying Spanish in the mornings and then we would do a different activity in the afternoon. These included: A tour of Málaga, visiting the Teatro Romano, shopping in Calle Larios, going to the beach, a Flamenco workshop, visiting the Picasso museum and spending a day in Seville. By the time we arrived back home, we all agreed that it had been a great week; it was a chance to speak Spanish and live with a Spanish family, as well as take part in activities which we had never done before such as fl amenco dancing.

Hannah Shaw, Year 10

Spanish Club Film Evening

Tardes de cine español

Este año hemos visto dos películas españolas en el teatro. La primera se llamaba “Tres metros sobre el cielo” y fue muy popular con tanto las alumnas como las profesoras. Ganó un premio en el festival de cine de Málaga en el año 2010 y en los papeles principales son dos jóvenes actores españoles, Mario Casas y María Valverde. Se puede leer el libro “Tres metros sobre el cielo” que está en la biblioteca. La segunda película se llamaba “Ladrones” que también ganó un premio de cine en el festival de Málaga del año 1996. En esta película María Valverde interpreta el papel de otra joven española de una buena familia que se involucra con un “ladrón”, interpretado por Juan José Ballesta. Es una película muy artística y se la recomendamos a los aficionados de cine.

Tapas Night

Una tarde de noviembre las clases del Año 10 salieron a cenar en un restaurante español. Probamos una variedad de tapas y ¡todas comimos mucho! Nos encantaron la paella, las gambas al ajillo, el pollo al chilindrón, las albóndigas, y por supuesto, el postre.

SPANISH DEPARTMENT SPIRIT 2014 40 Year 8 work on physical descriptions. Year 9s created their own versions of advertisements. Year 13 work on poverty.

Immersion Day

In February, our A-Level French students enjoyed a treat at the Arts Centre in the form of a French Immersion Day, allowing them to enrich their vocabulary and consolidate their listening skills, as well as contribute to and participate in some short debates in French.

French Exchange

In February, as part of the annual French exchange, students from the Collège SaintBenoît in Moulins arrived in Bolton where they were warmly welcomed by their English families. During their stay, the French students took part in a number of activities, including visits to Liverpool and York. During the Easter holidays, the girls were reunited with their pen friends. In Moulins, the girls enjoyed a busy week and took advantage of the opportunity to practise their language skills.

Spelling Bee

All Year 7 pupils took part in a French Spelling Bee run by the organisation, Routes into Languages. The girls had one minute to correctly spell as many words as possible from a selected list. To add an additional level of difficulty, they also had to remember whether a noun is masculine or feminine so that they can add the correct article! After impressive elimination rounds in class, 12 girls were selected to take part in the school final to decide which talented final four would go on to compete in the regional competition at Manchester Metropolitan University. Although we were not victorious this year, the girls all said that they really enjoyed the experience and were delighted with their spelling ability in a foreign language.

FRENCH DEPARTMENT 41 Bolton School Girls’ Division

German Exchange

Six girls took part in the joint German exchange trip to Bonn, staying with their German exchange partner’s family for a week. The exchange is a fantastic way to make new friends, both English and German, and to get a real feeling for the language and the culture.


The German weekend in Patterdale for girls and boys in Year 11 to 13 is a regular item on the school calendar and is always an enjoyable and educational event.

Sankt Nikolaus

Every year before Christmas, we celebrate Nikolaus in German lessons. This photo shows Frau Warburton dressed up as Sankt Nikolaus and Chantal, our Swiss German assistant, dressed up as Knecht Rubrecht. In Germany the tradition is that Sankt Nikolaus comes with gifts for well behaved children on the 6th of December. Knecht Rubrecht carries a stick for less well behaved children. Luckily, the pupils in our German lessons are always well behaved and so they all get a treat!

Lieblingssachen - Emily Manock

Meine Lieblingssachen

Mein Lieblingsauto ist der Mini

Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist lila

Meine Lieblingszahl ist dreiundzwanzig

Mein Lieblingssport ist Schwimmen

Mein Lieblingsrollstuhlsport ist Rollstuhl-Rugby

Meine Lieblingsmannschaft ist Manchester City

Mein Lieblingsessen ist Pizza

Meine Lieblingssendung ist The Last Leg

Papas Lieblingssachen

Sein Lieblingsauto ist der BMW

Seine Lieblingsfarbe ist blau

Seine Lieblingszahl ist acht

Sein Lieblingssport ist Triathlon

Sein Lieblingsrollstuhlsport ist Rollstuhl-Basketball

Seine Lieblingsmannschaft ist Manchester City

Sein Lieblingsessen ist Chips

Seine Lieblingssendung ist Match of the Day

Mamas Lieblingssachen

Ihr Lieblingsauto ist der Audi

Ihre Lieblingsfarbe ist orange

Ihre Lieblingszahl ist dreizehn

Ihr Lieblingssport ist Netball

Ihr Lieblingsrollstuhlsport ist Rollstuhl-Leichtathletik

Sie hat keine Lieblingsmannschaft

Ihr Lieblingsessen sind Kekse

Ihre Lieblingssendung ist Grey’s Anatomy


Textiles Food

Amy Dykins

GCSE final


Amy designed a child’s bridesmaid dress using flowers as a theme, to be worn at a traditional English wedding.

Emily Barnes

GCSE final product

Emily created a kimonostyle fit and flare dress, influenced by Japanese street style.

Nuala Fowler


final product

Nuala designed a dress to be sold at music festivals, inspired by The Punk Era.

Hannah Bentley

A-level final product

Hannah incorporated recycled fabrics into her design for a dance costume inspired by the carnivals in Rio de Janeiro.

Year 11 GCSE final CAT products. The task was for a café culture product or a Great British Bake Off idea to sell in a supermarket.

Zoe Cockerill

A-level final product

Zoe created a women’s jacket with removable collar, inspired by the surrealist movement.

Emma Metcalfe

Emma designed a women’s blazer taking inspiration from 1960’s menswear and the current trend towards an androgynous style.

Natalie Henderson


final product

Natalie designed a dress to be worn by Juliet in a modern production of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

Phoebe Birchall

GCSE final product

Phoebe designed playsuit for a teenager, drawing inspiration from the age of punk.

Tayyibah Khalid


final product

Tayyibah designed a dress for a special occasion, inspired by Chinese culture.

Year 12 students sporting their completed bodices inspired by natural forms for their AS final product. Left to Right: Esther in Emily Tasker’s butterfly bodice, Polly in Tina Aster’s floral bodice, Tina in Polly Hughes’ volcano bodice and Emily in Esther Compsty’s rainforest bodice.

TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 43 Bolton School Girls’ Division
Alex Woodhead Natalia Adhya Nina Rabbitt Sophie Bretheton Sally Fletcher

Resistant Materials


Taylor Heywood

Mechanical inspired lamp

Taylor used a variety of materials including African Blackwood veneer, acrylic and plywood to create this eye catching lamp. She used the vacuum bag and laser cutter to manufacture the curved base and hot air gun to create the curved neck. A USB LED lighting system provides a bright and attractive light.

Suzanne Etchells

Disney inspired lamp

Suzanne set out to create an attractive yet suitably functional night light for children aged 3-5 years. This fun little lamp is made from vacuum formed HIPS plastic with acrylic, plywood and vinyl details. A USB LED lighting system has been used to light up this character and provide a low glow of light.


Lucy Croston

Storage unit for students

Lucy set out to tackle the task of deisgning and manufacturing a storage unit for typical student belongings that would combine aesthetics with function. She used Art Deco decorative features as her inspiration for both the outer shape of the unit and the mirrored door design. She used plywood, softwood and acrylic mirror along with the laser cutter process to create her product. She has considered the storage of folders, stationery and books in what is an eye catching and unique storage unit.

Holly Watts

Apple Mac inspired lamp

Holly based her lamp design on the use of her Apple Mac computer at home and the need for extra light when working. The simple yet elegant shape of this lamp is made from plywood. The curved neck was produced using the vacuum bag and the base was cut on the laser cutter. A USB LED lighting system has been used to light provide a gentle hint of light helpful for working under.


Ammara Umarji

Curved coffee table

Ammara used flexiplywood and the vacuum bag to create an unusually shaped coffee table top. She then used acrylic to add a brightly coloured shelf along with laser cut magazine holders. A unique and appealing coffee table.

Sophie Bretherton

Tack storage box

Sophie designed and manufactured this box to use at her stables. It is made from plywood, acrylic and softwood. It has wheels at one end to enable portability and the interi-or includes some line bent acrylic to create storage sections. The laser cutter was used to produce the words on the front of the box. A highly useful product.

Lauren Hampson Gadget storage

Lauren has produced a sleek and useful storage device. The three triangular plywood compartments are handy for storing all sorts of useful items. The striped black and white acrylic top was carefully cut on the laser cutter. This product has a real contemporary feel.

Charlotte Morley Bird box with storage

Charlotte used beach huts as her inspiration for this lovely product. She laser cut plywood for the sections for the outside and the inside of the product. The interior consists of the bird house in the middle and two storage compartments witrh removable lids. We’re sure any bird would be proud to nest here!

Emma Hailwood

Harry Potter inspired coffee table

Emma dared to be different by producing a triangular table. She used traditional mitered biscuit joints at the corners of the top and shelf and carefully stained the softwood to achieve the shade she was looking for. The laser cut image in the centre of the top looks effective in mirror acrylic.

Tara Jeyam Abigail Harrison Sophie Bates Serena Mohtasham Lucie Burley

Year 12 is the first year of A level study in The Riley Centre for the girls

BEST Competition

In September, the whole of Year 12 were be involved in a Business Enterprise and Skills Training day or (BEST). The aim of the day is to provide pupils with an insight into the world of business and enterprise, whilst improving their interpersonal skills, vital for ensuring success in future careers and also at university.

KPMG Trophy

A compelling business proposition from the Sixth Form boys and girls of “[Scan] and Edit” swung the judges in this year’s KPMG Enterprise Trophy at Bolton School. Six teams battled it out in front of a panel of judges comprising Phil Warriner of BT, Paul Dolyniuk, Yen Lee and Steven Abbot (Old Boy) of KPMG. The teams pitched their ideas, Dragons’ Den style, to the panel and to a large audience of peers, parents and teachers.

After some tough deliberations from the panel, congratulations went to the winning team of “[Scan] and Edit”, comprising Ellen Dick, Richard Humphrey, Ben Laing, Jessica Melling, Kiran Patel and Tom Walton. Their exciting concept of an app which allows the scanning in of hand-written notes into mobile devices and the transformation into Word documents was backed up with a clear presentation, which impressed the judges.

YEAR 12 45 Bolton School Girls’ Division

Whole School Enrichment

A range of extracurricular activities took place this year as part of whole

Enrichment. These have included

School a series of talks given by Dr John Roberts on Nuclear Energy, Dr Suzanne Hunt on the DNA in drosophila, Dr Karen Mitchell on Business and Enterprise for Year 9, A lecture on History by Dr Fiona Edmunds and a Year 7 Crime day. Girls meet Dr Terence Etchells at his Mathematics lecture. Dr Heather Williams meeting students after her lecture. Year 7 girls become crime investigators for the day. Girls meet Dr Karen Mitchell after her lecture on Biotechnology and its Application. Girls listening to and completing activities in Dr Suzanne Hunt’s lecture on drosphila. Year 7 girls complete activities on Crime Day. Year 7 girls investigating crime scenes. Dr John Roberts meets students after his talk on Nuclear energy. Dr Heather Williams giving her lecture on Science in Healthcare. Year 9 and 10 girls complete an activity on drosphila after their lecture by Dr Suzanne Hunt.

Come on a journey with

Follow the Careers Pathway in School and beyond!

1. Year 7 Work Sampling

2a. The Year 8 Careers Day

5a. Year 10s and 11s

4b. The Film Industry

Year 10s learned about the film industry and work on employability skills whilst making 10 shot films. They went on to use this experience to help them write a CV.

5b. Morrisby test

In the summer term Year 10s sat the Morrisby test which is followed by an interview with parents in the autumn term of Year 11. This psychometric test is invaluable when choosing A levels and considering a future career. Many Years 10 and 11 also carry out Work Experience to find out more about possible careers and build up their employability skills.

What next?

6a. BEST and the KPMG Enterprise Trophy

8b. Talks, Visits and Activities

An extensive programme of talks, visits and activities enables Year 12s and 13s to make an informed choice about their future. We cover: UCAS; Personal Statements; CV and Interview Skills; Aptitude test training; work experience opportunities; Oxbridge planning and preparation and much more.

CAREERS DEPARTMENT 47 Bolton School Girls’ Division

the Careers Department

2b. Acting and the Theatre

This year we explored Acting and the Theatre with Simon Trinder who has worked extensively with the RSC and the BBC. The rest of the day was filled with sessions on Engineering, Microbiology, Fashion Design and Entrepreneurship.

4a. Year 10 Challenge Day


3a. The Convention

6b. Business and Enterprise Skills Training

All Year 12s undergo Business and Enterprise Skills Training before devising a business plan of their own in teams with the boys. The best six enter for the KPMG Enterprise Trophy.

Careers and Higher Education Convention

Year 9s to 13s attended the biennial Careers and Higher Education Convention which filled the two Great Halls and the Riley Centre to the gunnels! A combination of over 100 stands and exciting seminars introduced girls to a wide variety of career areas and educational routes from Apprenticeships to Architecture.

Old Girls were amongst the many delegates offering their advice to pupils, including Abbey Sweeney (2005-2012), representing her employer ANS, a highly successful IT infrastructure company who were voted ninth in The Sunday Times’ list of the Top 100 companies to work for.

7a. Careers Focus Days

8a. Years 12 and 13 preparing for Work or Higher Education

7b. Specialised Careers Days

So far we have offered specialised careers days for year 10s and above to opt into. So far we have organised days on Creative Industries, Careers in Business and Working in the NHS.


Young Enterprise

It has been a successful year for the two YE companies, Tweega and ReVamp. Each team had to complete a trade stand, a report and presentation for the competition. Both went through to the Greater Manchester Area Final with Tweega coming Runner-Up in the Bolton, Wigan and Bury Final, as well as winning Best Trade Stand Award. ReVamp came Second Runner Up.

ReVamp member, Ellie McGivern: ❝Young Enterprise has developed my ability to work within a team and to use my initiative to develop our products. I would recommend it to future Year 12s, particularly those interested in business and economics.❞

Managing Director of Tweega, Amber Tobin: ❝Young enterprise has given me valuable skills that will be very useful in the future. It has taught me how to organise a team efficiently of strong minded girls and how to channel all of our skills and ideas effectively to create an innovative product to the best of our abilities. It has also helped my public speaking skills through the many opportunities given to us by Young Enterprise. It has been a very worthwhile experience and I would urge anyone given the chance to grab it and use it to the full.❞

BUSINESS & ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT 49 Bolton School Girls’ Division

Hour of Code

A special lunchtime Hour of Code session was held in school, on March 7th, where a group of girls completed 20 puzzles featuring various familiar gaming characters. With the “Hour of Code” initiative, the organisers, Code.org, aimed to debunk the idea that coding is difficult.

Programming Activities

Girls have used Makey Makey kits with a PC, running the Scratch programming software to create pianos that use coins or fruit for the keys in the Programming Club.

Programming in Class

A level Computing pupils, as well as members of the Programming Club, have had fun using the Raspberry Pi computers for various activities. Year 8 pupils used Illustrator to create unique butterflies for the Graphics part of their studies. They also used Scratch to create a “Frogger” style game. Year 9s used either Scratch or Python to create various games. Have a go yourself using codeskulptor.org!

Year 10 BCS

Girls produced a range of documentation relating to a new Robot company, focusing on providing meaningful, accurate pieces that showed a house style for their brand.

Francesca Adams 10A and Ruchika Sharma 10F


Year 13 is the final year of A Level study and farewell to all of the girls

Things that I will always remember about Bolton School Girls’ Division:



“Saturday morning lacrosse matches in the rain made bearable by the hot pasties and tea at the end.“

“I love all the things that have become traditions, such as Prefects’ Panto.”

“In Year 12 we did the horrific bleep test for World Challenge and the entire school turned up to watch.”

“In the Junior School, summer time revolved around the green flag coming out and who could collect the most ‘acorns’ and run the best field shop.”

“Cake Friday in Mrs Dalzel-Job’s Biology class was the highlight of my week every week.”

“Prefects’ Panto was definitely a highlight. It was terrifying but it all worked out in the end!”

“Opting to do the relay on sports day to ensure maximum time on the hill eating ice-pops!”

“Eating horrible sweets on the coach on the way to Stratford and nearly being sick.”

YEAR 13 51 Bolton School Girls’ Division
Post and dressing up on the last day!”
Year 9 Maths, our Maths teacher did karate chops to Maths formula.”

Marvellous Mathematics

UKMT Challenge

Congratulations to Imaan Bhuta who, as a result of her excellent score in the UKMT Challenge, was invited to enter the European Kangaroo in which she achieved a merit certificate. She has subsequently been invited to attend Masterclasses at the University of Liverpool organised under the auspices of the Royal Institution Masterclasses.

Mathematics Mentors

Thank you to our wonderful Mathematics Mentors for this year.


In January of this year, a group of twenty Year 9 girls embarked upon the Alan Turing Cryptography Challenge.

Mathematical Olympiad

In the Autumn Term Year 12 and Year 13 Mathematicians entered the UK Mathematical Olympiad for Girls.

The paper is designed to be very challenging with only about 1,200 participants in the whole of the country. Four of our students, Katie Hurt, Madison Brownley, Eleanor Harding and Millicent Camm scored above average marks, one narrowly missing out on achieving a Distinction.

Schools’ Chess Championship

The National Schools’ Chess Championship is an annual event run by the English Chess Federation. The team were, Sharon Daniel, Zara Walsh, Neha Bagewadi, Naaddiya Mohammed, Santina Hundle and Shivani Chohan.

Maths Team Challenge

Zayna Quereshi, Imaan Bhuta, Nicola Li and Lea Assi travelled to Manchester University with Miss Kelly to participate in the UK Maths Team Challenge.

Intense concentration as girls compete in the National Schools’ Chess Championship


Musical Maestros

Autumn Concert

This year’s Autumn Concert showcased the depth and breadth of musical talent within the Girls’ Division at Bolton School.

Carol Concert

The Girls’ Division opened its doors again, in December, for another atmospheric evening of the Ceremony of Carols.

May Serenade

This concert was a great mix of classical and modern music and, as such, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Recital Evenings

The recital evenings are an opportunity for students to perform in a less intimidating environment. Held in the Arts Centre, these oversubscribed concerts have been a great success at showcasing the girls’ work in their individual vocal or instrumental lessons and preparation for their music examinations.

School Girls’ Division

Inspiring the Next Generation Chamber Choir

The Joint Chamber Choir, gave a superb performance at the annual fund raising concert given in aid of ‘Muscular Dystrophy’ at Christ Church, Heaton. The choir performed some well-known songs including, ‘Autumn Leaves’ and ‘Day By Day’ and some less well known songs including, ‘Welcome Yule!’. This was written for the Joint Chamber Choir by John Powell, former director of the choir. There were also some excellent solo performances given by Holly Holt and Jessica Ryan (Year 13).

Senior Girls’ Music Festival

The girls’ performances were adjudicated by Miss Kristine Healy, who was impressed by the enthusiasm of all the participants. The results were as follows:

Middle School Piano:

1st Sally Cowling 7G

2nd Lucy Stiles 7C and Jessica Stiles 9G

3rd Ingrid Lam 7C and Ella Bolton 8G

Senior School Piano:

1st Jessica Ryan 13A1 and Natasha Lomas 13E2

2nd Alexandra Hopkinson 11B

3rd Laura Simmonds 12F2

Middle School Vocals:

1st Caroline Blair 9D

2nd Jacqueline Jones-Humphrey 8C

3rd Jessica Kay 7D

Senior School Vocals:

1st Molly McLaughlin 10E

2nd Jessica Ryan 13A1

3rd Holly Holt 13E2 and Sara Crompton 10D

Middle School Woodwind:

1st Lucy Stiles 7C

2nd Sally Cowling 7G

3rd Isabel Harper 8C

Senior School Woodwind:

1st Natasha Lomas 13E2

2nd Holly Holt 13E2 and Harriet Gribbin 12A1

3rd Zoe Stirzaker 10E and Vasudha Marthi 10E

Middle School Brass:

1st Ellen Bate 8B

2nd Antigone Blackwell 7G

3rd Anabel Nuttall 7S and Emily Rajbhandari 7S

Middle School Strings:

1st Abigail Holt 9C

2nd Jessica Stiles 9G

3rd Annabelle Boulos 7B

Senior School Strings:

1st Katie Hurt


1st Charlotte Johnson 10C

2nd Molly Marshall 9C


1st Hannah Mitchell 13A1

Bolton School Old Girls work in almost every field imaginable and are a great source of inspiration to our current pupils. Over the course of the last year, we have been delighted to welcome back to School a number of Old Girls who came to offer advice and information to current GD pupils on their varying career and study paths.

Alumni Lectures

In September 2013, Dr Lynne Daly (1965-1972) led a Year 9 PSE Session on Self Harm.

Lynne with pupils at her talk, in the GD Theatre

In November 2013, Lizzie Foster (née Whyte, 1987-1989) spoke to Year 12 students about her career at the BBC, as part of their PSE programme.

Lizzie with two Year 12 pupils at her lecture

Business Day

Also in September, Karen Diggle (Class of 1977) was keynote speaker at the Year 9 Business Enterprise Day.

Karen addressing pupils


The University of Liverpool Medicine

ADHYA LAUREENA Leeds Metropolitan University International Relations and Spanish


Liverpool John Moores University Biomedical Science

AHMED AYSHA (2012) The University of Bradford Optometry

AHMED YASMIN The University of Liverpool Dental Surgery

ALDERSON ELIZABETH Somerville College, Oxford University History

ANDERSON CAROLINE The University of Manchester English Language for Education

ANDERSON REBECCA The University of Nottingham Pharmacy

BARDSLEY OLIVIA The University of Sheffield

Law with Spanish Law

BHAM HAWWA Lancaster University Medicine

BHATTA NAZNEEN The University of Bradford Pharmacy

BISWAS TANIYA University of Bristol Medicine

BOLTON SOPHIE Imperial College London Mechanical Engineering

BROPHY BETHANY University of Glasgow Physiology and Sports Science

BROWN RUTH The University of Edinburgh Spanish and History

BROWNLOW MOLLIE Durham University Theology




Liverpool John Moores University English

COOPER HANNAH Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge Veterinary Medicine

COTON BETHANY University of Northern Colorado, USA Psychology


CROOK EMILY Loughborough University Chemistry

DAGNALL NATALIE (2012) University of Surrey Nursing Studies

DAVDA ZAHRA (2012) The University of Manchester Economics

DAVIDSON OLIVIA University of Glasgow Economics

DONALD EMMA Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Chemistry

DUNBAR GABRIELLE Newcastle University History and Archaeology

EDWARDS CHARLOTTE The University of Manchester Chemical Engineering

ETCHELLS KATHERINE The University of Edinburgh Structural Engineering with Architecture

FARRINGTON GEMMA Newcastle University History

FATIMA SEREEN Bulgaria Medicine

FORD MARI The University of Edinburgh Spanish and History

GABBATT STEPHANIE The University of York English Literature

GREENWOOD GEORGINA (2012) The University of Edinburgh Chemistry with a year abroad

GRUNDY ELIZABETH The University of Birmingham Ancient History

HACKETT-EVANS, AISHA University of Exeter English

HADJINICOLAOU OLIVIA Trinity Hall College, Oxford University Geography


HARRISON HEATHER University of Exeter English Literature

HASHMI SOPHIA The University of Manchester Dentistry

HAUGHTON ANNA Oxford Brookes University Geography/International Relations

HENDERSON JENNIFER The University of Sheffield Law and Criminology

HOLDEN JENNA (2012) Edge Hill University Primary Mathematics Education


HOSKER OLIVIA (2012) Trinity Hall College, University of Cambridge Law

HUGHES FAYE Liverpool John Moores University Business Management

HYAMS REBECCA University of Leicester Italian and Spanish

IJAZ HUFSA The University of Liverpool Medicine

JONES CATHERINE University of Bath Mathematics


KERSHAW HELEN Cardiff University Biomedical Science

KIRKHAM MAEGAN (2012) University of Leeds Midwifery

LAVELLE KATIE University of Leeds Geography

LEIGH CHARLOTTE The Manchester Metropolitan University Foundation in Art and Design


LILLEYWHITE AMY University of Bristol Law

DESTINATION OF LEAVERS 55 Bolton School Girls’ Division



Cardiff University Medicine

King’s College London, (University of London) Child Nursing

LOWE REBECCA College, Durham University Archaeology and Ancient Civilisation

MACLENNAN ALICE College, Durham University Politics

MAHMOOD FIZA The University of Liverpool Medicine

MALEK HUMAIRAH The University of Manchester Mathematics

MAN JESSICA The University of Manchester Optometry

MCCLEAN REBECCA Teeside University


Film and Television Production

King’s College London (University of London) Medicine

MUNSHI AYESHA (2012) The University of Liverpool Medicine

MUTTON BRYONY The University of Sheffield French and Hispanic Studies

MYERS JESSICA The University of Sheffield Biomedical Science

NADAT SURAYYA University of Leeds Chemical Engineering

NANDAKUMAR MADURA King’s College London, (University of London) Medicine

NIAZ AMANI University of Chester English Language

O’DONNELL ABIGAIL Aston University, Birmingham Psychology and English Language

ORTHS FARAH University of St Andrews Philosophy and Spanish

OUGRADAR AASIYA The University of Birmingham Dentistry

OUGRADAR SALEHA (2012) The University of Manchester Dentistry

OWEN CATHERINE University of Bristol Geology

OWEN CODIE The University of Nottingham Mathematics

PARKE HEATHER Durham University Sociology



PATEL JUVAIRIYAH The University of Manchester Optometry

PATEL MEHJABIN (2012) University College London (University of London) Pharmacy

PATEL SALIHA (2012) The University of Liverpool Dental Surgery

PENDLEBURY TESSA Durham University ModernLanguages

PICKUP KATHRYN Oxford Brookes University Midwifery

PIKE HANNAH Loughborough University History and International Relations

QUIGG SASHA Newcastle University Biomedical Sciences

RASHID SARAH University of Leicester Medicine

RELPH ROBYN York St John University Physiotherapy


ROBINSON EMILY The University of Nottingham Civil Engineering

ROBINSON FELICITY The University of Edinburgh Medicine

RODEN GEORGINA Tilburg University Economics

SABINI ISABELLA Newnham College, University of Cambridge French and Spanish

SARSFIELD LAURA The University of Edinburgh English Language

SCOTT CHARLOTTE Loughborough University History and International Relations

SIMON ANNIE Durham University English Literature

SMITH EMILY University of Bath International Management and Modern Languages

SOUTHWORTH EMMA The University of Birmingham History

TAYLOR ERIN School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) Japanese Studies

THOMSON ANJULI University of Leeds Law

THRUSTON GEORGIA Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge English

TOPPING EMILY The University of Sheffield Law and Spanish

UNDERWOOD CHARLOTTE (2012) University of St Andrews Medicine

UNWIN CHARLOTTE The University of Sheffield Russian Studies

WARBUTRON ELLEN (2014) University of Bristol Economics with study in Continental Europe

WARDLE CHARLOTTE Anglia Ruskin University Computer Science

WELCH LUCY The University of Birmingham Geography

WYNNE CHLOE The University of Warwick History and Sociology

YOUNG MILLA The Manchester Metropolitan University Biology

ZARROUK RACHEL The University of York Psychology

Bolton School Girls’ Division Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4PB 01204 840 201 boltonschool.org

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