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All For Good Causes...
The School has raised over £13,000 for charity this year! Year group events such as the Year 7 sponsored silence for Cash for Kids, Year 8 Young Apprentice Challenge supporting Guide Dogs, Year 9 Children in Need cake sales, the Year 10 Christmas post raising money for Chrisites, and the Prefects’ Panto raised £7,000. Whole school events made over £3,000 for the Charities of the Term, which this year were Save the Children, Birtenshaw School, Refuge and Age Concern.
Alzheimer’s Society
In the run-up to Christmas, Old Girls, Girls’ Division Sixth Form students and staff emptied their jewellery boxes to contribute more than 350 pieces to a collection of unwanted jewellery for Alzheimer’s Society! It was estimated that over £600 would be raised thanks to the donation.
Guide Dogs
Girls in Year 8 met up with Toni Forrest and her guide dog, Quilla, a Labrador Retriever, to hear about the vital work that guide dogs perform. In PSHEE, the year group took part in the Business Challenge to raise money for Guide Dogs: given a budget of £10, they had a week to set up, create and market products and then five days to sell and ‘reinvest’ the money to make more profit. The girls raised £953.62 in total for the charity!
Christmas Jumpers
Pupils donned their best Christmas Jumpers and festive accessories to raise money for Save the Children.
Cash for Kids
“I really enjoyed the sponsored silence because I knew that all the money I raised would go to the children that are less fortunate then ourselves. I have to say it was hard, though (especially for me). By the end of the day, once it was all over, I felt proud not just of myself but all the other forms and girls who had also taken part. A week later I got to go and take part in a shopping spree to buy toys for the children.” Kheshayna Jadwa 7C The Year 7 girls raised £2,800 for Cash for Kids and Key 103’s Mission Christmas Appeal. The money was used to buy Christmas presents for the appeal, which delivers the gifts to disadvantaged children across Greater Manchester.
Christmas Post
Year 10 pupils present Howard Newall, Community Fundraising Officer for Christie’s, with a cheque for £1,354.83 following their hugely successful Christmas Post fundraising.
Well Good
This year Well-Good has funded the construction of wells to the tune of £5,200! The money is being used to build wells around the world in places like Malawi, Indonesia, India and Nepal. Girls’ Division pupils are currently on track to complete the half a million questions required to fund an additional well in Niger. The completed projects can be viewed on the Well-Good website: