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Hesketh House
Year 6 Memories...
I really enjoyed going on the ski trip in Year 6 I had a brilliant time. Evie Morris
I had a fantastic trip to Patterdale. I did every activity. Zahra Ashraf
I had a fabulous time Sailing in Patterdale; it was great fun and we got to do the ‘Hairy Scary Man Jump’. Isabella Backhouse
I remember going to the Bolton Schools Netball tournament, we won all our matches except the final but we still got to play at the Manchester Games. Sienna White
On my first Netball competition with school, I got stuck on the coach! The driver had to cut me out of my seat. We still won the competition though! Tia Fitzgerald
I remember when we did a Flash Mob for Mrs Brierly, all the girls of Hesketh House were dancing to Uptown Funk. Zulfah Akinwande
I loved going to the National Chess competition in Guildford. I drew against the second best girls’ under 11 player in England! Imaan Rashid I loved playing the ‘Moo Game’ at Patterdale – you had to stare at your opponent and moo at them until they laughed. Sofia Riaz
I loved doing Skidooing on the Ski Trip. Noor-Al-Haya Razaq-Aziz
I loved our Year 6 trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter. Paavana Sugumar
When we went to the AJIS Proms, at The Grange School, I brought a large pack of Maoam sweets with me and we had to hide them from Miss Fairclough. Kate Beirne.
One of my favourite memories is of Tia losing her ski pole on the ski trip, she made up a song about it and it stuck in our head for months! Alice Nielsen
I enjoyed Bikeability but didn’t enjoy crashing into the netball post and the front of school! Everyone thought it was funny to watch. Eesha Neelam
We tried to have a party at midnight in our room at Patterdale. Unfortunately, we got busted by Mrs Lucas. Sorry Mrs Lucas! Mira Chang
In Patterdale, when I did the jump in gorge walking I lost my wellies. The instructor Joe had to dive down and get them. Luckily, I didn’t have to walk back with just one welly on like Chloe Zhang! Aleeza Sadiq
One of my favourite memories was getting into the Netball Squad and Water Polo Squad. I was really proud of myself. Abigail Lockie
My group went down to the cellars at Patterdale and saw the most enormous spider. Alice and I were terrified! Kate had to come and rescue us! Iris Shepherd
At Patterdale, it was really funny when Alice was so tired that she fell asleep on the toilet. Olivia Wong
My favourite memory was in Patterdale in Year 6, when Amishi and I were sailing. We went round in circles because of a massive wave from the cruiser. In the end we had to get rescued by the speed boat. Armita Habibi
I loved playing knock-a-door-run at Patterdale. Eesha Dhaygude
On the ski trip Kate had to literally pull me out of bed to wake me up. Emily Bowden
When we were kayaking in Patterdale, we played ‘rock-paper-scissors’ and if you lost you had to sit on the front of the boat and most people capsized. It was so funny! Lucy Pickett
Art Attack...
Year 3
Can the Earth shake, rattle and roll? Chalk pastel pictures to complement the girls’ lessons on volcanoes and earthquakes.
Menesa Kilinc Olivia Ramirez Nievas Laila Altaf Philippa Irving
Year 4
Painted Boudicca using Dio Cassius’ description of the heroic and determined Warrior Queen Lola Errington Moving toy made in D&T using old boxes, dowelling and a cam mechanism

Year 5
Rainforest Butterflies
Georgia Clarkson & Nia Raja Eleanor Law
The Study of the Ocelot Marissa Hollinghurst Roman shields (scuta) made using decorative designs inspired by Roman gods, wings, eagles and lightning bolts
Dhatri Anil & Phoebe Masheter
Headdresses Nora Oesterle, Nikita Luhar & Lois Cowin Patterns in the rainforest using watercolours

Musical Memories Sport It has been another successful year for sporty pupils at Hesketh House! The Year Looking back over the past academic year, the musical highlights no doubt came in March as 5/6 Cross Country team achieved the the Junior Girls’ Choir not only performed at the Bridgewater Hall as part of the School’s Joint double success of winning both the Bolton Gala Concert, but also achieved Joint First place at Ramsbottom Music Festival after singing Schools Championships and Bolton Schools ‘Symphony’ and ‘Glorious’! Girls also created beautiful music for the Christmas Production for League. The Year 3/4 team also won the 2018, ‘The Shepherd’s Story’, and in the Summer Term four pupils joined an orchestra of talented Championships, and both age groups achieved pupils from across the North West led by Stephen Threlfall to perform at the AJIS Proms. individual first and second place in that competition. The Year 6 Netball team and the Year 5 Swim team both represented Bolton at the Greater Manchester Games following success at qualifying rounds. Two teams achieved podium positions at AJIS Netball competitions: the U10s came second while the U11s placed third. A haul of 15 individual medals were won at the Sportshall Athletics competition, and at the AJIS Tennis competition Lucy Pickett won the Plate.

Music Festival
Adjudicators: Piano: John Gough (RNCM/Chetham’s piano tutor) Instrumental: Daniel Chandler (Bolton Music Service)
Piano Year 3: 1st Isabella Hurst 2nd Florence Kenny 3rd Tabitha Jordan HC Menesa Kilinc, Liza Petrova Year 4: 1st Ella Walker 2nd Hannah Chen 3rd Evie Done-Jackson HC Dhatri Anil, Alana Bootle Year 5: 1st Marissa Hollinghurst 2nd Nikita Luhar 3rd Lottie McAndry HC Tilly McCann, Nora Oesterle Year 6: 1st Sofia Riaz 2nd Imaan Rashid 3rd Eva Hurst HC Hana Turnbull, Angie Vasanth Strings: 1st Kate Beirne 2nd Chloe Zhang 3rd Sofia Riaz
Beginners: 1st Tilly Morris 2nd Angie Vasanth 3rd Georgia Ainscough
Brass, Woodwind, Drums 1st Kate Beirne 2nd Emily Bowden 3rd Marissa Hollinghurst

Vocal 1st Eva Hurst 2nd Annabelle Guest 3rd Paavana Sugumar
Small Ensemble Angie Vasanth & Harshini Madhu Shankar (Piano Duet)
Large Ensemble Hesketh House Choir The Year 3-4 (below) and Year 5-6 (above) Cross Country Teams

The Year 6 Netball team at the Greater Manchester Games

Year 6 Memories...

I have happy memories of our Sports Days, my favourite event was the sprint final. Shanya Khan

I enjoyed going on the Writing Retreat at Patterdale Hall in February half term, the writing based on a visit to Aira Force was really good. Angelica Vasanth
I had such fun on the ski trip, I loved skiing down the mountain! It was funny when Hannah sat on me on the chair lift. Laila Westwood
I loved having a solo singing part in the Year 3 production which was all about fairy tales and childhood. I was Little Red Riding Hood. Jennah Kideer
I have made such good friends and the teachers have been brilliant. Dinburgh Ai
I remember when we were in Year 3 we performed a flash mob dance for Mrs Brierley, who was retiring. Amy Heaton
On the ski trip, Hana and I got off the chair lift at the wrong stop and the instructor had to come back to get us! Chloe Zhang I loved the H Factor event where we tasted lots of new food, especially fruit. There was a smoothie bike where we had to pedal to power the blender to make our own smoothies! Rosie Heywood
It was amazing when we did the “Hairy-Scary-Man jump” at Patterdale, I felt so proud of myself. I have made lifelong friends at Hesketh House. Aaliyah Karim
I loved sailing at Patterdale, I did the dry capsize. I made great friends at Hesketh House. Georgia Ainscough
I remember when we had the chance to see inside a helicopter which had landed at School. We could sit in the driver’s seat. Hannah Faulkner
I remember meeting Bumble, the police horse that we sponsor. Elizabeth Newton
On the ski trip it was funny when I skied in the part of the slope that was out of bounds! Malaika Haider
I enjoyed having a solo singing part in the production of Alice in Year 5. Aditi Prashant
On the ski trip, I got left behind after falling down and I came down another path, off piste. I landed near another ski group and my skis fell off. Hana Turnbull

I have enjoyed all the productions we have done over the years. I have also made some great friends at Hesketh House.Harshini Madhu Shankar
I loved performing solo singing parts in the productions, particularly the one in Year 3 when I was a doll in a box. Also on the ski trip it was funny when Mr Stringer snapped my ski pole in half! Eva Hurst
I was proud to represent School at the AJIS Netball competition in Year 6, we came 3rd. Lily-Grace Greer

I have enjoyed all the sports fixtures, especially the AJIS ones. There have been lots of opportunities for me to represent School. Ella Clarkson I love all the sports, especially the Interhouse rounders and netball events. Annabelle Guest

I enjoyed taking part in Bikeability, I slowed down and it meant that two of my friends cycled through a red light. Chloe Leung
I enjoyed the fun we had competing in the Interhouse rounders and Netball events. Sarah Tabani
I loved taking part in the football fixture. I also enjoyed the ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ assembly, as I got to be Jeremy Clarkson! Olivia Laithwaite
I loved having Mrs Tatlock as a teacher, she was really nice. Mariella Duckworth
I really enjoyed our Induction Day to Year 6, with Mrs Joseph. We had fun and made some lovely things to display in the classroom. Iksimar Kaur