Bolton School Junior Boys' Weekly Newsletter - 20 April 2023

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Bolton School Primary Division

Junior Boys’ School

Summer Term, 2023 WEEK B

Dear Parents,

Thursday 20th April

I hope that all the boys had a relaxing and refreshing Easter break and they have enjoyed their first few days back. Their energy and enthusiasm, along with some pleasant weather, has made the week a positive one!

At the end of the last term, we held our Spring Concert. Here is the link to the concert for those who have not yet seen it: Park Road Spring Concert 2023 - YouTube.

Next week sees the start of our Patterdale Hall residential trips. The Patterdale Hall visits are integral to our curriculum and offer a wide range of benefits to our boys. They offer an opportunity to build resilience, responsibility and organisation skills. The boys can develop new or stronger friendships. They will have opportunities to support one another and be supported. They will overcome challenges and perhaps discover new talents. The surroundings will bring the boys closer to nature and encourage mindfulness for the environment. We hope everyone is looking forward to their stay!

Charity Fun Run- Friday 26th May

At the end of this half term, we hold our annual Charity Fun Run where children get to take part in a run dressed in ‘fun costumes’. This is a well-known and well-loved annual event for Park Road and it may be worth thinking about costumes your son can wear on the day. We do want to point out that new items do not need to be bought for this event and we request that boys do not attend in inflatable costumes as these can often be quite problematic. We will send out further reminders as we approach the event.

Royally Big Portrait

As we approach King Charles’ Coronation, we would like to encourage our boys to take part in the BBC’s Royally Big Portrait project The Royally Big Portrait is a giant digital portrait of King Charles III that will feature thousands of individual portraits of the King drawn by a record breaking number of pupils and students from across the UK. In order to enter, parents must submit their child’s work. More details of the task and how to submit can be found on our Whole School Showbie Folder- please note the deadline for submitting is Friday 28th April.

Bag 2 School

This week, your son should have come home with a Bag2School bag. Details of items which can be donated were with the bag, including a return date of Monday 24th April 2023 (next week). For more information on what can be donated visit: Donations can be made in any bag or bin liner and should be left in the corner of the staff car park from 8am as usual.

Hulton Lecture

Prior to the holidays, we sent out information regarding the Primary Division’s Hulton Lecture. The original letters can be found on the Parent Portal. The event is free but we ask that you register your interest on this link: This event is compulsory for our Year 6 boys, therefore we ask that Y6 parents register their son on the link above.


Attached to the newsletter are this term’s ECAs.

24th April– Patterdale Hall Trips Commence (see below)

27th AprilPrimary Division Open Evening

1st May–Bank Holiday

8th May–King’s Coronation

22nd-26th May Park Road Exam

Week 26th May –Fun Run


Jasper– Ski Success

Jasper Daniels in Y4 competed in the GB Snowsports Alpine Championships in Tignes over Easter. It was the highest level of competition he has ever entered, in an enormous pool of international ski racers.

He came away with:

5th in Kombi (1st by year of birth)

9th in Giant Slalom (2nd by year of birth)

6th in Slalom (1st by year of birth)

Message from the Eco Committee

Messages from the ECO Committee

Energy Saving Tip: Why don't you take shorter showers? This will save energy. A little goes a long way!

The eco committee members have been litter picking in school and noticed that most litter consists of single use plastic. It would be helpful if snacks could be brought in reusable pots. Please remember that we encourage healthy snacks rather than crisps, sweets and chocolate.


Year 5 boys have been making free-standing carboard animals. This was a good chance to recycle some material into art and explore working from a design and scaling up a model. There were some great final products.JM


29th May-2nd JuneHalf Term

As you can imagine we get many emails a day from our parent community. We ask that emails sent to administrators or the Primary Office reference your son’s name and class so we do not have to search through our management information system in order to respond to queries more swiftly.

The School attaches great importance to matters of Health and Safety. Every care must be taken for personal safety and the safety of others. We ask that boys with longer hair start to bring in hair ties to keep their hair back. This is particularly important for sports and lessons involving tools, machinery or experiments.


Saturday 25th June

Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity Ball

Save the date for this exciting event which will be held at Albert’s Standish on Saturday 25th June 2023.

Bag2School Collection Monday 24th April:our next clothes and shoe collection with Bag2School will take place on Monday 24th April from 8-9am. Please bring your bags to the Beech House car parkand help us have a really good collection. As well as raising funds for the PA, it also helps the environment by helping to divert unwanted textiles away from landfill. By getting involved in our Bag2School collection, you have an opportunity to sort through your cupboards and wardrobes and donate unwanted textiles - this can include adults' and children's’ clothes, shoes, hats, belts, handbags and softtoys. You can use any bag to donate your items and don't forget toaskgrandparents, friends and neighbours to have a sort out as well!

Christmas Raffle Donations don’t forget todrop your Christmas Raffle donations intoSchool and we will store them in readiness for the Christmas Raffle!

EasyFunding— online shopping can alsogenerate funds for the school PA by simply using the easyfundraising app and linking your account:

WhatsApp if you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up todate with all things PA, please clickon the following link:

PA Mailing List if you would like to be added tothe PA mailing list, please get in touch: Twitter – don’t forget to follow us on Twitter: @BSPDJnrBoysPA

Year 6 Play: Important Dates

Due to a range of events in the school calendar, the Year 6 Play 2023 will now be taking place over the following three evenings: Tuesday 4th at 7pm, Wednesday 5th at 7pm and Thursday 6th 5pm. Please note that the Year 6 play is one of our compulsory events and all Year 6 boys are expected to attend, we therefore want to make you aware of this date, in the final week of term, as far in advance as possible.

Closer to the time of the play, rehearsals are understandably very important for all boys to also attend and it would help us if you could avoid the following rehearsal dates when making medical appointments:

Friday 5th May: 9- 12.00

Monday 22nd May: 13.00 – 16.00

Monday 5th June: 13.00 – 14.30

Wednesday 7th June: 13.00 - 14.30

Friday 9th June : 10.30 – 12.00

Monday 19th June: half day rehearsal (afternoon)

Friday 23rd June: 9-12.00 (half day rehearsal)

Monday 26th June: full day rehearsal

Friday 30th June: morning - dress rehearsal

PERFORMANCE DATES: Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July.

News from the Park Road PA

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