3 minute read

Sports Round Up

ESSA Swimming Competition

Our U11 Swimming team travelled over to Sheffield to compete in the final of the ESSA Primary Schools' Team Championships on Saturday.

After getting to grips with the pool and the size of the blocks during the water familiarisation session, the boys competed excellently; swimming a PB in both the medley and the freestyle relay.

An excellent effort from Ashton, Noah, Oscar and Sam, considering the standard and level of swimmers competing from other schools. Well done, boys! TG

Anyone for Tennis ?

Please find linked here all the details of the Summer tennis and racquet sports course at Markland Hill Racquets Club (https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/MarklandHillRacquetsClub) in the last week of the Summer holidays.

Please contact Margot Knowles directly if you wish to book a place for your son.

June Geography Mission

Geographical Invention !


Create a piece of technology or transport which could be invented in the year 2050. This could be something to help solve a geographical problem for example, over-fishing, pollution or global warming. This could also be something to help with monitoring geographical issues e.g. temperature increase.

This could perhaps be something to help a specific country or type of country (e.g. low-income country) to enhance their development.

How to submit your geographical invention: email lgillibrand@boltonschool.org.uk with your submission by Friday 30th June at 4pm!


Year 6 Bikeability—last week of term

Year 6 parents: when your son is doing Bikeability in the last week of term, he should come into school in his school uniform and bring suitable clothing and shoes for cycling with him. Please bear in mind that it may be wet weather, so a waterproof coat and gloves may be required. If sunny, please send your son with a hat and sun cream. The boys will change prior to taking part in the course and will change back into their uniform before leaving school. The course will take up the majority of the day and, as such, no ipads or swimming kit are required.

Bikes should be brought into school on the morning of your son’s course and placed in the playground. If your son is a coach traveller, we have advised Transport that he will be bringing his bike on the coach on the relevant days, if applicable. Don't forget cycling helmets too. Bikes will be kept in school overnight and can be collected from Park Road at 4pm.

Big Battery Hunt

The Big Battery Hunt is a nationwide programme to help educate and inspire young people to recycle more used batteries. Please send all of your unwanted batteries to school, where we will store them and then take them to our local supermarket for recycling.

There are great prizes to be won for school, including £3500 towards outdoor and garden equipment. SL

This Week’s Achievements

Congratulations to Dylan Jones in Year 4, who recently played in the UK Chess Challenge Megafinals and has been selected for the Gigafinals in July in Manchester. Well done and good luck, Dylan!

Congratulations too to Svojas Dubey, in 3A, who has recently passed his Trinity Grade 1 Classical Guitar examination. Well done !

More congratulations go to Sol Tagari, in 3B, who won “Players' Player Trophy” for his football club (AFC Bolton Under 8s), for the season, where he was voted the best player by his team members.

Sol was also recognised as the highest goal scorer for his club this season too by coach, Lee.

Finally, well done to Aaryan Nayyar, in 4B, who dealt with some challenging conditions in his recent race in the second round of go kart racing in Wales.

Aaryan did well to improve 9 places to finish in 14th position against some excellent, older drivers.

Keep it up, Aaryan!

School Uniform Shop—Opening Hours

Monkhouse will continue to offer appointments for school uniform to customers via www.Monkhouse.com on a first come first, served basis. Customers without appointments are very welcome to attend.

Headphones/ Earphones in School

Miss Ormerod has asked if boys could remember that they will need to have their headphones/earphones with them at all time whilst in school in the next few weeks.

Please make sure that your son brings them into school every day.

Thank you !

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