A note from the Head…
This week we celebrated International Women’s Day, and as part of this I spoke to the girls in assembly about Emmeline Pankhurst. Not many of them knew about her considerable fight for equal rights and they were quite stunned to hear about some of the injustices in the past, and some of the inequalities that still exist in some countries today. The fact that these things came as a surprise is in part a good thing, Hesketh Housegirls certainly see themselves as equal to boys and can’t see why anyone would think differently!
Next week we are looking forward to taking part in the Foundation Gala Concert at the Bridgewater Hall. It is going to be a very special event and a wonderful opportunity for our young musicians to perform in such a prestigious venue. If you still haven’t got tickets there is a link later in the Newsletter.
Finally, with the change in the weather towards the end of the week it is perhaps timely to issue another reminder about our procedures in the event of heavy snow. A copy of the Severe Weather Arrangements can be found here.
The key points are that information will be posted on the front page of the school website (www.boltonschool.org), usually by 7.00am, and we would be grateful if parents would use the website as the first port of call. You will also be sent an email, and news often first appears on School Twitter Accounts such as @Philip_Britton, @sfboltonschool, @BSPDJnrGirls.
C Laverick Twitter
Please follow us on twitter @BSPDJnrGirls
The Giving Report
During the 2021-22 academic year, the Bolton School Foundation raised just over £1.8m for bursary and hardship funding. This exceptional total reveals the shared determination of supporters from across the School community to ensure Bolton School continues to act as a driver of social mobility in the local area, and we are honoured to have received such outstanding support from so many individuals during such a challenging and turbulent time for us all. To learn more about the transformational difference this generosity will make to the School, you can read the 2021-22 annual Giving Report in full here: https://issuu.com/boltonsch/docs/giving_repor t_2021-22
Bolton Schools’ Dance Festival
Wednesday 8 March
Tomasina Brenchley Millie Burrill
Lucy Byrom Jessica Cramant
Selina de Carpentier Isabelle Ducker
Imogen Fallows Jena Ghauri
Layya Hariff Ariana Hashemi
Chloe Hughes Ciara Jethwa
Lily McCairn Holly Millhouse
Bindi Naran Diya Naran
Georgia Nulty Victoria Piil
Hannah Smith Veda Taank
Our dancers enjoyed performing on stage at the Albert Halls earlier this week, as part of the Bolton Schools’ Dance Festival. They had been practising hard leading up to the show and were delighted with their final performance. Well done!
Alumni of the Year Assembly
Thursday 9 March
Our Year 6 girls were really pleased to be able to attend this special assembly - celebrating with the winners and hearing their life stories. The girls, and staff, came away feeling very inspired!
Parents’ Association Meeting
Monday 13 March 5pm Hesketh House
The next meeting will take place on Monday 13 March at 5.00pm. Any interested parents are welcome to join us, and in particular it would be good to get a few Year 6 parents if possible as one of the events to be discussed is the Year 6 Leavers’ Celebration. Please note that children are not able to attend as there is no supervision available for them at this time and it is not appropriate for them to be in the meeting.
Bridgewater Hall Gala Concert
Thursday 16 March
The Bolton School Foundation Gala Concert will be taking place on Thursday 16 March at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester. This promises to be an exciting evening of musical entertainment, with the chance for pupils from every part of the Foundation to showcase their talents at one of the most prestigious concert halls in the country. If you wish to attend the performance, tickets are free but must be obtained from the Box Office using this link https://www.bridgewaterhall.co.uk/conferencesevents/boltonschoolgala160323/
Comic Relief
Friday 17 March
In support of Comic Relief, we will be letting the girls wear their own clothes – with as much red as possible! Please make sure clothing is warm and suitable for a busy day in school. We suggest that the girls give a donation of £2 towards this worthy cause, which will be collected on the day.
Year 6 Bikeability Deadline for Consent Friday 17 March
Year 6 girls will have the opportunity to take part in Bolton Council’s Bikeability programme early in the summer term. More information has been sent home, a copy of the letter can be found here and the consent form is here Consent forms must be returned to school by Friday 17 March if you wish your daughter to take part.
Author Talk – Stephanie Sorrell
Wednesday 22 March
We are delighted that one of our Old Girls has recently had her first children’s book published and, as one of her first engagements, has chosen to come back to Bolton School to talk about it.
‘Dandy the Highway Lion’ has been described as “a delightfully old -fashioned debut adventure for modern children aged 7 and up, full of friendship, daring and fun.” It has “strong animal welfare and ecological themes with a funny and fantastical twist”.
Books are available to buy and must be ordered by Friday 17 March at the latest. Stephanie will be in school on Wednesday 22 March to speak to the girls and will also sign any books that have been ordered. More information has been sent home with the girls, a copy can be found here
Bolton School Scouts’ Quiz Night
Saturday 18 March
This event has been organised to help support the five senior pupils who have been selected to go to the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea this summer. More information can be found on the flyer attached here. Tickets are £10 (including a pie and pea supper) and can be purchased here
Patterdale Hall Information Meeting
Thursday 23 March
There will be anInformation Evening on Thursday 23 March when we will be giving pupils and parents more details about what to expect when they visit Patterdale Hall in the Summer Term. We would particularly recommend that you attend if your child has not been to Patterdale before.
Don’t miss out as the absolute deadline for orders is the end of March. As in previous years, plants will be delivered to Bradshaw so that collections can be arranged from Saturday 13 May at a time convenient to you (other collection points can be arranged too). Any questions please contact Amanda Valentine via bsbdpa@gmail.com Thank you for your support.
Kidzone Easter Holiday Club
The programme of activities and booking information can be found here.
BSSL Easter Activity Programme
BSS Leisure are also running activities during the Easter holiday, more information is here.
The dates of our visits are as follows:
Year 3 Tuesday 2 May – Wednesday 3 May
Year 4 Monday 22 May – Wednesday 24 May
Year 5 Wednesday 24 May – Friday 26 May
Year 6 Monday 15 May – Friday 19 May
All pupils are expected to take part in these trips.
Boys’ Division PA Plant Sale
Deadline 31 March
The annual foundation wide plant sale has been launched. It is a significant fundraising opportunity for us and so your support would be greatly appreciated. We would like to encourage the wider school community, any friends, neighbours and families, to add some colour to their outside spaces by ordering hanging baskets and plants via our very successful plant sale. Ordering is really easy, emails or texted images of our form are accepted and payments made via offer online banking. Plants will be ready for collection on Saturday 13 May. The order form is linked here and is also available via the school website (or Parent Portal). Please place an order with us and remember to mention this to your friends too.
Messages from the Friends of Bolton School
Treasures of Bolton School Thursday 18May
Join us for an evening with Eric Fairweather, the Bolton School Archivist, who will share some of the historic treasures of Bolton School with a small audience. We will meet in the Boys’ Division library for light refreshments from 6.30pm, and then Eric will guide us through the Chained Library and other items of historical interest, between 7pm and 8pm. Tickets are £5, on a first come first served basis, and there are 20 places available. If you would like to attend, please email here for booking details and tickets.
Evening Classes
The Friends of Bolton School are considering organising term-time evening courses for current parents, alumni and current and former staff. The classes will be taught by some of Bolton School’s most experienced and popular teachers with the emphasis on learning in a relaxed environment. To help us plan this venture, we would be grateful if you could complete this short questionnaire if you think you might be interested.
Year 5 and Year 6 Netball v Bury Grammar
Friday 3 March
Our Year 5 and Year 6 netball teams travelled to Bury last Friday to play in a friendly fixture. It was a very successful afternoon with three wins; Year 5 A won 21 – 0, Year 5 B won 8 - 0 and Year 6 won 15 – 6. Well done to Jessica and Tullah who were named as Player of the Match for their teams!
Year 5 A
Annabelle Hutchinson
Alice Lomas
Charlotte McCarren
Izzy Owen
Alexia Pattle
Jessica Shannon
Sienna Shum
Bronwen Soper
Sahana Jacobs
Francesca Longton
Tullah Maher
Avni Patel
Molly Scales
Isabelle Tunstall
Sabrinah Warren
Orla Wilson
Year 5 A
Annabelle Hutchinson
Charlotte McCarren
Izzy Owen
Alexia Pattle
Molly Scales
Jessica Shannon
Sienna Shum
Bronwen Soper
Sahana Jacobs
Alice Lomas
Francesca Longton
Tullah Maher
Avni Patel
Molly Scales
Isabelle Tunstall
Sabrinah Warren
Orla Wilson
Congratulations to all players, and in particular to Jessica and Alice who were voted ‘Player of the Match’ in their games.
Year 6 Netball v Clevelands
Tuesday 7 March
Petra Critchley
Taliah Dean
Aamina Akram
Shalom Chigara
Petra Critchley
Isobel Mitchell
Fleur Oxley-Harrison
Mariyah Patel
Tulsi Patel
Imogen Quint
Poppy Rate
Year 5 Netball v Manchester High
Tuesday 7 March
Year 5 were in action again on Tuesday, with a fixture against Manchester High. All girls played very well with convincing wins; the A Team 23 – 3 and the B Team 15 – 0.
Ryanna Hung
Ariella Manivannan
Tabitha McNair
Isobel Mitchell
Beau Strange
Molly Wilkinson
Ella Wrigley
Year 6 girls continued their great form with a convincing win against Clevelands School on Tuesday, 13 – 6. Unusually they were playing against a mixed team of boys and girls, which added to the challenge, but didn’t put them off their stride. Very well done!
Monday 13 March PA Meeting 5.00pm
Wednesday 15 March Y6 Netball v Manchester High (H)
Thursday 16 March Y5 AJIS Netball
Bridgewater Hall Rehearsal – am
Bridgewater Hall Gala Concert (Choir, Strings, Woodwind)
Friday 17 March Comic Relief
Tuesday 21 March House Day
Wednesday 22 March
Swimming Match v Park Road (H)
Author Visit – Stephanie Sorrell
Thursday 23 March Y6 Trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter Patterdale Hall Meeting 7.00pm
Friday 24 March Y5 / Y6 House Netball Y3 / Y4 House Dodgeball
ESSA Swimming
Saturday 25 March AJIS Quiz
Tuesday 28 March Y5 Viking Day
Wednesday 29 March Y5 Architecture Workshop TERM ENDS 4.00PM
Friday 21 April Y6 Girls’ Football Tournament Stockport Grammar
Monday 24 April House Afternoon
Wednesday 26 April Eurovision Song Contest! 1.30pm (pupils only)
Thursday 27 April Primary Division Open Afternoon 4.30pm – 6.30pm
Friday 28 April Y5 Taster Morning in Girls’ Division Year 4 AJIS Netball Competition
Alderley Edge
Tuesday 2 May Y3 to Patterdale
Returning Wednesday 4 May Y4, Y5, Y6 EXAM WEEK
Wednesday 3 May PD Lecture – Rob Dobson
Friday 5 May PA Breakfast Club
Tuesday 9 May Y3 EXAM WEEK 6G Bikeability
Wednesday 10 May 6G Bikeability
Thursday 11 May 6F Bikeability
Friday 12 May 6F Bikeability
Eco-Club Recycling Trip
Saturday 13 May Hesketh House Taster Morning 9.30am – 12.00pm
Monday 15 May Y6 to Patterdale
Return Friday 19 May
Y4 House Swimming Gala p3, 4 (Sorry no spectators)
Wednesday 17 May Y5 House Swimming Gala p6, 7 (Sorry, no spectators)
Saturday 20 May AJIS Proms TBC
Monday 22 May Y4 to Patterdale
Return Wednesday 24 May Y6 House Swimming Gala p3, 4 (Sorry, no spectators)
Wednesday 24 May Y5 to Patterdale
Return Friday 26 May Y6 Careers Afternoon Y3 House Swimming Gala (Sorry no spectators)
Monday 29 May –
Friday 2 June HALF TERM
Summer Term 2023
Start of Term – Monday 17 April
Bank Holiday – Monday 1 May
Half Term – Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June
End of Term – Friday 7 July 3.25pm