3 minute read


21 APRIL 2023

Form Captains and Vice Captains

The following girls have been elected as Form Captains and Vice Captains for this term:

Form Captain Vice Captain

3C Orla Riley Chloe Hughes

3H Zaynah Ashraf Francesca Mills

4B Hannah Bobat Hannah Humphreys

4W Sophia Kennedy Arwa Bhatia

5J Kya Patel Annabelle Hutchinson

5M Abby Tso Alice Plenderleith

6F Isobel Mitchell Stephanie Li

6G Maka Matorera Ava Lafferty


Saturday 25 March


Zoya Ghauri Emily Guo

Sahana Jacobs Avni Patel

Kya Patel Inarah Seedat

Music Examination Success

Congratulations to the following girls on their recent music examination results:

Arwa Bhati Piano Pre-Prep Distinction

Avni Patel Piano Grade 2 Distinction

Brooke Shum Singing Grade 2 Distinction

Summer Term Curriculum Overviews

Curriculum Overviews for this term can be found using the links below:

Year 3 Curriculum Overview Summer 2023

Year 4 Curriculum Overview Summer 2023

Year 5 Curriculum Overview Summer 2023

Year 6 Curriculum Overview Summer 2023


Please follow us on twitter @BSPDJnrGirls

Just before the holidays we attended the AJIS Quiz competition hosted at Bury Grammar School. Our team of six girls enjoyed answering a huge variety of questions on topics such as coding, flags, Disney characters, calculating angles, naming films from emojis and even animal noises! The final round tested their engineering skills when they were asked to create a marble run from just paper and tape. Well done to them all, they represented the school admirably!

Easter Bingo!

Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 March

Thank you very much to our Parents’ Association who supported our Easter Bingo sessions in the last week of term. The girls all enjoyed playing –particular congratulations to our winners!

Year 5 Viking Day

Tuesday 28 March

Year 5 enjoyed meeting their Viking visitor and finding out about that first Viking invasion in AD 793 The topic was really brought to life for the girls and they had a fantastic experience designing board games, exploring artefacts, making clay lamps and training as a Viking soldier!

The Inaugural Hulton Lecture

Wednesday 3 May, 5.00pm, GD Great Hall

We are thrilled that the first lecture of its kind will take place in the Girls’ Division Great Hall on Wednesday 3May 2023 with Old Boy, Rob Dobson (Class of 1982) acting as the keynote speaker. More information has been sent home in a recent email.

You are invited to join us for the event and afterwards for refreshments in The Leverhulme Suite. There is no charge and tickets will not be issued for this event but it would be helpful in assessing seating requirements if those wishing to attend would let us know to confirm numbers. Please click on this link to register and follow the instructions to the next screen which will take you to the Hulton Lecture booking page.

Parking will be available in the Boys’ Division Quad. Additional parking, if required, will be made available on Dobson Road Quad.

Year 5 Architecture Day

Wednesday 29 March

Girls in Year 5 enjoyed a fantastic architecture workshop, making a Saxon Roundhouse and a Viking Longship. As well as enhancing work in their History topic, they also learnt a great deal about structures and building with strong shapes.

Patterdale Hall – Summer Residential Visits

Trip Information and Kit Lists have been sent out, a copy can be found here:

Year 3 Patterdale Information and Kit List

Year 4 Patterdale Information and Kit List

Year 5 Patterdale Information and Kit List

Year 6 Patterdale Information and Kit List

The Royally Big Portrait

Deadline Friday 28 April

We would like to encourage the girls to take part in this Children in Need competition, more information can be found here We would also like the girls to take a picture of their entry on their iPad, so we can use it in school.

Please make sure that you have checked your daughter’s contact and medical information on Parent Portal, and given consent for the trip.

Lunch Menu

The lunch menu for next week can be found here.

Sport Report

Year 3 and Year 4 House Dodgeball

Friday 24 March

Congratulations to Year 3 girls in Buttermere and Year 4 girls in Windermere, who won their House Dodgeball Competitions at the end of the Spring Term!

Year 5 and Year 6 House Netball

Friday 24 March

Year 5 and Year 6 girls enjoyed playing in the House Netball Tournament at the end of the last term. Windermere won in Year 5 and Grasmere in Year 6; overall, after combining the scores, the House Cup went to Windermere – well done!


English Schools Swimming Association

Primary Schools Team Championship

Friday 24 March


Petra Critchley

Alice Lomas

Izzy Owen

Darcey Tomlinson

Congratulations to our Year 5 and 6 swimmers, who competed in ESSA Primary Championship (North West) and came 1st in the Freestyle Relay and 2nd in the Medley Relay. This means they will now go on to compete in Sheffield in June – a fantastic achievement!

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