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2021 SMA & SMT Registration Form
by Editor

CLASS HOURS: 3-7 p.m.
Location is subject to change. Registrants will be informed of changes as soon as possible.
Place a check in the box to the left for each course in which you would like to register.
Air Handling, Water Treatment & Plumbing Systems Tuesdays, Nov. 9 -Dec. 14
Through this course, you will learn about climate control for human comfort, the components of HVAC systems, and the basics of water treatment and plumbing systems. You will gain the skills and knowledge to perform common water tests, maintain air-conditioning systems, maintain water services, and inspect portable fire extinguishers.
Please select your BOMI Enrollment Status (This section is required for registration)
BOMI Designation Enrollment Fee: I wish to pursue a BOMI designation. (RPA, FMA, HP, SMT, SMA) Please charge the one-time BOMI enrollment fee of $225.
Non Enrollment Charge: I am not pursuing a BOMI designation. (Note: You will be charged a $100 BOMI course fee for every course checked above.)
Currently Enrolled: I am currently enrolled in a BOMI designation program. No Charge
Name _________________________________________ Company ________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City __________________ St ______ Zip ________________ Phone ___________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________
Most 2021 BOMA Georgia SMA/SMT classes feature a $500 embedded scholarship from the BOMA Georgia Foundation reflected in the course pricing at right. To learn more, go to
Check enclosed
Credit card, (mark details below) Name on Card ________________________________ Card Number ____________________________________
Expiration Date ______________
Signature _________________________________________________________
Amount to charge (mark one):
Member Rate ($1,099 $599* + enrollment status fee above)
Payment: You will not receive your book(s) until full payment is received. Payment must be received in the BOMA Georgia office no later than seven working days prior to the class start date. There is a $100 late fee for registrations less than two weeks prior to the course start date. Cancellation policy: Full refund up to earlier of 2 weeks before start of class or until book is shipped; 50% refund if cancellation within 2 weeks of start date; no refunds after class starts. Non-Member Rate ($1,319 $819* + enrollment status fee above)
* Prices reflect a BOMA Georgia Foundation embedded scholarship for all students enrolled in these courses. These courses are not eligible for additional scholarships from the BOMA Georgia Foundation.