8 minute read

BOMA Advocates for CRE

Slow and Steady...

By Julie Taylor, CAE, Executive Director, BOMA Oakland/East Bay


This year didn’t start as we expected, with Omicron causing our events to go virtual again. We hope to be back to live education and luncheons in April. Until then, we’re holding some smaller in-person events like the Member Mixer on March 9. Get your golf clubs ready, the Walter Finch Spring Golf is back on April 4 at Round Hill Country Club. Be sure to sign up early for these events, as they’re likely to sell out.

Are you new to the industry or have any new staff? Be sure to get them involved in our Backpack to Briefcase Sessions. Our first session on February 23 covered reading leases. Future sessions will cover reading plans, certificate of insurance, and a mechanical tour in the Fall. These sessions will give you and your staff an opportunity to learn and network with peers.

Every two years BOMA International holds its Winter Business and National Issues Conference in Washington, DC. Jenna Hattersley, BOMA OEB President; Liz Despins, BOMA OEB Vice President; Manny Moreno, BOMA OEB Past President and current BOMA International Executive Board Member; and I participated in the event in early February. It was a great event that brought together BOMA leaders and professional BOMA staff from across the U.S. and Canada.

It was such a welcome change to meet with BOMA Association Executives (BAE)s in person. Noelle and I’ve been participating in nationwide BAE meetings via Zoom since March 2020. Fellow BAEs and their staff bring us a wealth of knowledge and experience. I was selected to join the BAE Council last Fall. This is a four-year role, like those of your BOMA OEB officers. I’m currently Secretary/Treasurer. I’m getting so much info and love being a voice for BAEs with the BOMA International staff and officers. The BAE speakers were great, and Jenna and Liz were able to attend them, too! We had two great speakers, one on communications and one on stress and DEI. They provided us with tools we’ll be able to use.

DC is the hub of history and advocacy. We learned about the three key advocacy issues facing CRE for 2022; carbon reduction planning, the Green Energy Loan Enhancement Act, and workforce development (see the flyer on page 6). Top photo: Liz Despins, BOMA OEB VP; Jenna Hattersley, The advocacy presenBOMA OEB President; Manny Moreno, BOMA International Executive Committee member; and Julie Taylor, BOMA OEB tations included one led Executive Director; at the welcome reception. Lower photo: by Maria Vargas with the

Zoom meeting with representativeness on Capitol Hill. Department of Energy. She debuted the DOE’s Better Climate Challenge that will be rolling out soon. The DOE’s challenge is not prescriptive. Instead, it will include resources from the national labs, resources, and collaborative opportunities for participants to learn from each other. Look for more information soon. In years past, we were able to meet with our representatives and senators in their offices. Unfortunately, due to Omicron it was not possible this year. We didn’t let that stop us! We had two Zoom calls with Representatives McNerney and DeSaulnier while we were in the District. We also met with the offices of Representatives Lee and Swalwell when we returned. BOMA International tweeted about out meeting! Be sure to follow BOMA OEB on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to get updates as they happen. As with anything BOMA, we had some fun, too! Manny led us on a great tour of the monuments—from going to the top of the Washington Monument to the Martin Luther King Monument. (See more coverage of

the conference and legislative priorities on pages 6-7).

I look forward to seeing you at an event soon!



Throughout 2021, BOMA International saw a number of significant legislative wins on many of our key issues and made great strides in expanding a presence and amplifying the voice of the commercial real estate industry on Capitol Hill.

There is still work to be done as we move into the Second Session of the 117th Congress. The 2022 National Issues Conference will focus on the following legislative initiatives, identified by our Government Affairs Committee as some of the industry's most pressing issues.


Carbon Reduction

THE ASK: Avoid blanket mandates and work with CRE to support meaningful and achievable carbon reduction policy

The commercial real estate industry has an important role to play in identifying and supporting solutions that effectively address carbon emissions in an economically responsible manner. As emissions-related government mandates have varied greatly in structure and effectiveness, the commercial real estate industry is committed to identifying carbon policy that is constructive and achievable. BOMA International, in collaboration with our global affiliates, is currently working to develop a "green framework" that could address carbon reduction strategies.

Green Energy Loan Enhancement Act

THE ASK: Urge your member of Congress to co-sponsor this piece of legislation.

Sponsored by Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO-6), the Green Energy Loan Enhancement Act proposes an increase to the borrowing cap for loans granted through the Small Business Administration's (SBA) 504/CDC Loan Program for energy efficient building upgrades, renovations, and retrofits. The SBA caps most loans at $5 million. However, certain projects that increase the energy efficiency of buildings and/or meet energy reduction goals may qualify for a loan up to $5.5 million, an expansion of $500,000. This legislation will expand the loan cap for energy efficient upgrade and enhancement projects from $5.5 million to $10 million.

Workforce Development

THE ASK: Continue to support workforce development policy and funding through the 117th Congress.

BOMA International is engaged with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to establish and build out the curriculum for a national Commercial Real Estate Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program. There are no federal programs currently in place with the sole purpose of developing a commercial real estate workforce certified to fill both existing and emerging industry jobs. Without programs in place to identify and develop industry talent, there will be significant negative impacts to the direct jobs within the industry, as well as the CRE-adjacent entities utilizing commercial office space to conduct their business.

Take-Aways from the Winter Business Meeting

To kick off the WBM, BOMA International’s Executive Committee (of which I am a member), met to continue its discussion, planning and implementation of the strategic plan refresh. This work started during last year’s Annual Conference & Expo. The committee continues to fine-tune the plan and has narrowed its areas of focus to three main topics: Education and Training; Workforce Development; and Membership, Communications, Local Associations/BAEs. As this process evolves, more information with be shared our members. The goal is to have a revised strategic plan in place by this summer’s Annual Conference & Expo. Other highlights from the WBM included: u With the help of PPP loans and better results in sponsorships, BOMA 360 building registrations and MOB conference registration, the 2021 business plan outperformed the original budget. u BOMA International will be working with Brightline Strategies under a grant from Yardi to conduct its third annual national tenant study in March, with results early in the spring. u In partnership with BOMI, BOMA International is launching a new online training course on ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance). The course is being piloted and will be available by summer. u The Nominating Committee is interviewing candidates for eight seats on the 2022 Executive Committee. Please encourage exceptional Emerging Professionals you know to interview for the EP seat. Contact Luci Vallejo on the BOMA staff for information. — Manny Moreno,

BOMA International Executive Committee member, PJMB Commercial

I was so honored to represent BOMA Oakland/East Bay at the Winter Business Meeting & National Issues Conference in Washington, DC in February. Jenna Hattersley and I were able to attend several of the BOMA International Committee meetings. The BOMA Association Executive (BAE) sessions that we attended with Julie really showcased the work that our BAEs put into our local associations. It was wonderful to see how they collaborate first-hand. I was also able to attend the business meeting for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. I was impressed to learn about the initiatives that BOMA International is taking to be a more inclusive and diverse organization.

There was also exciting news out of the Awards Committee. Updates were provided on the rollout of the new TOBY platform, which includes partnering with the BOMA 360 program. These changes will be a positive addition to the TOBY awards.

Despite not being able to meet in person with our representatives in their offices on Capitol Hill, it was a valuable experience to be able to virtually discuss some of the more pressing CRE advocacy issues that our industry is facing. I was impressed with their willingness to engage on the issues and provide support to our industry. I was able to discuss BOMA International’s initiative to engage the U.S. Department of Labor in developing a CRE Apprenticeship program to address the workforce development that our industry so urgently needs. Julie and I were able to share with our local representatives the work that the CREATE program has already done here in the Bay Area.

Overall, the conference was informative, engaging and, as always, fun! To be surrounded by so many of the leaders in our industry, from all over the country, was truly a unique experience. — Liz Despins,

Vice President BOMA OEB, Newmark

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