UP CURSOR Brand Book Internal Version

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UP CURSOR BRAND BOOK brand and style guide





Mission Brand Manifesto Values

Camaraderie and Individuality

Stewardship and Selflessness

Respect and Open-mindedness




Holistic Development

ii | Contents








Use Cases








Why CURSOR not cursor?


Why CURSOR Sexy?


Contents | iii

WHAT IS UP CURSOR? The UP Association of Computer Science Majors (UP CURSOR) is a nonsectarian, nonprofit, and socio-academic organization founded on August 16, 1983 by a group of BS Computer Science students. The following are the objectives of the Organization: 1. To extend the training of its members beyond the formal limits of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science curriculum of the University of the Philippines Diliman; 2. To integrate the efforts of its members in pursuit of academic growth and excellence; 3. To foster goodwill, friendship, cooperation, and dedication among its members; 4. To cultivate and maintain cordial, fraternal, and professional relations with other organizations inside and outside the University; and 5. To provide a channel for the promotion of general interests in the field of computer science. These are achieved by utilizing the talents and skills of its members to hold different events where different topics in computer science are discussed. The organization also provides different services for its members and the Department of Computer Science – UP Diliman. This way it can can develop its members holistically while promoting computer science and what it can offer to the society.

1 | What is UP CURSOR?

UP CURSOR is a nonsectarian, nonprofit, and socio-academic organization

UP CURSOR is where people who believe in the same values form the strongest bonds and share their heart and mind for computer science

BRAND MANIFESTO Computer science is an important part of our society. It manifests in all the activities we do from the most apparent – science and technology, etc. – to the most distant – nation building, people empowerment, etc. It enables us to become more effective individuals in all aspects of our lives. With it, we can be more, achieve more, and learn things beyond our current knowledge.

UP CURSOR is where people who believe in the same values form the strongest bonds and share their mind and heart for computer science with each other and with the community.

VISION To be an institution where the next generation of professionals can find a home that will enable them to refine their skills and talents in using technology for building a better country

MISSION To promote Computer Science through the holistic growth of its members by training them in leadership, management, teamwork, social responsibility, and other skills that are beneficial to their growth as students and, eventually, as leaders in nation building

Brand Manifesto, Mission, and Vision | 2

VALUES This organization seeks to help its members grow by instilling in them the core values it holds. The core values are what defines the organization and what shapes its members who, in turn, collectively and continuously shape the organization as well. UP CURSOR’s core values are as follows

Camaraderie and Individuality

To thrive as a group and as individuals.

One does not live entirely on his own; in order to survive and sustain himself and his needs, he must require the help and assistance of others. The organization values camaraderie and unity, realizing that one cannot sustain the needs of the whole; teamwork is essential. Upholding and maintaining excellence as an organization is never an easy task, and the unity and solidarity of the members seeking for the organization’s growth build stronger foundations. In the same way, while fostering these traits, one is able to find a sense of self and an ability to develop his/her identity in the process.

Stewardship and Selflessness

To live for the community and not only ourselves.

Our organization has always made it a point to go outside the boundaries of the academe and continuously find ways on how we can give back to the community and society. Its internal events train the members on how to put themselves last and always look out for the needs of their peers, while the external events prove how our members willingly share their time, efforts, and resources to reach out to those in need and to serve a purpose greater than themselves.

3 | Values

Respect and Open-mindedness

To embody the right attitude and mindset.

In an environment such as UP, students are constantly being exposed to various new experiences that require them to step outside their comfort zones. The organization then encourages the members to step out of their comfort zones while providing them a family that accepts them for who they are. They are also given activities and events that allow them to see different sides of every picture. Nevertheless, the organization emphasizes that at the end of the day, their views and opinions will always be respected and heard, for this organization aims to embrace the beauty in diversity.


To manage efficiently and effectively. The members are taught early on that in a world with limited supplies and resources, one must do whatever it takes to make things work, however few or little they may have to begin with. Â A lack in resources should not hinder the organization and its members from growing. To find ways and alternatives to get through situations is the challenge the members face. Good and effective output is delivered in spite of difficulties.

Values | 4

UP CURSOR aims to produce members that have grown and developed holistically

5 | Values

Holistic Development

To be the best version of ourselves.

Through all of these values, the organization aims to produce members that have grown and developed holistically – continuously learning and excelling in every field possible. We expose them to an environment that trains them in any way possible, producing members that are both academically and socially equipped - members who are not only able to promote Computer Science for what it is, but also for what it can and will be.

7 | Logo

LOGO The seven rays at the lower left of the logo represent the seven committees that make-up the organization and brings its products and services to life. The element in the middle is a cursor made out of nodes. Each node of the cursor represents four of the five core values of the organization which are: Camaraderie and Individuality, Stewardship and Selfishness, Respect and Open-mindedness, and Resourcefulness. Finally, the ‘boundary’ or hexagon that encloses the features of the logo completes the representation of core values. The hexagon represents the value of Holistic Development, UP CURSOR’s main goal for its members, achieved through unity and teamwork. The orientation of the design and the placement of its individual elements represent an allencompassing meaning. With the rays placed at the ‘back’ of the ‘cursor’ element, it urges that the history of the Organization and the legacy of its alumni shall not be forgotten and will instead help UP CURSOR attain the goals it tries to clearly set for itself.

Logo | 8



9 | Logo




Use Cases Logo only. Use this version only when UP CURSOR is visible or well-established in another place in the material.

Logo + name. This is the general purpose logo. Use this version if you are not sure which version

Logo + name (alternate). Use this version when there is

to use.

limited horizontal space.

Use these black and white versions for prints with limited ink

Logo | 10

FONTS Use Aleo Bold for headings, preferably always in uppercase. Use Gravity Regular for subheadings. Use Gravity Book for body. Use appropriate font weight to emphasize. Set tracking to automatic but an adjustment of up to 10pts can be used to provide visual clarity. Leading can be set to automatic or as desired. Make sure the lines are not too close.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW XYZ1234567890 Aleo Bold for Headings, 10 pts tracking

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Gravity Regular for Subheadings

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Gravity Book for Body

11 |Fonts





#10743C R: 16 G: 116 B: 60 C: 88 M: 30 Y: 98 K: 19

#161616 R: 22 G: 22 B: 22 C: 73 M: 67 Y: 65 K: 80

#f4f4f4 R: 244 G: 244 B: 244 C: 3 M: 2 Y: 2 K: 0

Secondary Green 1

Secondary Green 2

#2B8145 R: 34 G: 129 B: 69 C: 85 M: 26 Y: 95 K: 12

#46B549 R: 67 G: 182 B: 73 C: 73 M: 0 Y: 100 K: 0 Colors | 12

UP CURSOR engages the readers intellectually and professionally

VOICE The voice is clear, concise, honest, fearless, and smart – the qualities that best describe UP students. Being part of the university entails a certain responsibility to be sensitive and openminded to all sides of an issue and to be critical in making conclusions. Together with our values, this means that our voice should engage the readers intellectually and professionally. It should be compelling and straight to the point; casual but polite. Taking all that into account, our primary language will be English. Filipino will be used only when necessary. Avoid emoticons and other unnecessary comments, just go straight to the words. We speak conversationally. We wish to share our passion and understanding of technology, never to impose. However, we are firm with our words to command trust and affect the lives of our readers. We, after all, deliver on our promise to enable everyone with computer science.

13 | Voice

WHY CURSOR NOT cursor? UP CURSOR, the name we’re most famous for, has been our moniker for the longest time. And aside from the fact that cursor is a computer term and it can be spelled out in our name (UP Association of CompUteR Science MajORs), it is important to spell it in all caps, as we are not just a simple cursor. Though we take inspiration from it, we want to differentiate ourselves from the symbol that helps us navigate in our computers. We are an organization with values and purpose. For that, our name deserves to be capitalized.

UP CURSOR is not just a simple cursor. Why CURSOR not cursor? | 14

WHY CURSOR SEXY? “CURSOR, Sexy!” started out as a simple confidence booster to motivate and rally our members in the heat of competition during the annual Engineering Week festivities. Now, it does not only serve as a way to encourage and excite our members, but also helps bring us together as a family. The simple cheer has evolved into something that encapsulates what we stand for as an organization. Sexy is not just a physical manifestation. It’s not what’s outside, but what’s inside that matters. Being CURSOR Sexy is what unites us through our differences. It does not matter what you do or who you are. As long as you can find something that connects you to the organization, you can be part of our family. Our diversity is what makes us strong. It’s what makes us sexy, CURSOR Sexy. Plus, you have to admit, it really makes for a pretty cool cheer.

Being CURSOR Sexy is what unites us through our differences.

Why CURSOR Sexy? | 15

UP Association of Computer Science Majors All Rights Reserved 2017

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