Bond Business Review (Sem 142)

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Entrepreneurs, Philanthropists, Style for the Boardroom



Zac Efron’s Transformation

INSIDE. CAMPUS NEWS 03 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Introduction to this issue. 04 PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS Business Students’ Association’s updates. 05 MAY SEMESTER CALENDAR University, local and world events. 06 BEST PLACES TO STUDY Your guide to study destinations on cam 08 DEAN’S WELCOME Business Faculty and Bond University news.

BUSINESS 09 POWER PARENTS Five power parents balancing careers and family. 12 BUSINESS DOWN UNDER The realities of doing business in Australia. 14 SHAPING UP THE BOTTOM LINE Keep your employees fit and active. 16 ZAC EFRON’S TRANSFORMATION How he overcame his darkest days. 20 IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA How the Internet is impacting business. 21 THE NET’S BUSIEST MAN A day in the life of IT geek, Tim Hwang.

STYLE 22 TEN FASHION FAUX PAS OF BUSINESS Avoid an outfit disaster. 24 WHAT DO UNIFORMS DO? How they improve business performance.

LIFE 26 WINTER WARMERS Recipes to get you through the cold nights. 28 THE BEST TRICK TO REDUCING STRESS Be stress-free through exams. 30 EIGHT SIGNS YOU KNOW A SOCIOPATH You’ll be oddly surprised. 32 THE L WORD Learn some simple life lessons. 34 MEET HARLOW AND INDIANA The cutest furry best friends.

Editor & Designer Brigette Foot Front Cover Photography:

Contributors Ben Carter, Mark Foster, Tom Lennox, Jessica Sargent, Lily Burt, Kate Darlington, Michaela Orsmond, Jessica Howe and Brigette Foot. Editorial Enquiries Please email me at:


mid-sems, the

elcome to 142 and welcome to Winter! As we’re heading into

reality of actually studying and completing assignments is starting

to set in (halppp me!). So as we approach the double whammy of mid-sem and winter blues, I hope this edition provides you with a short (slightly informative) distraction. This issue is focused on ‘the state of man’; the triumphs and tragedies we all face and how we can overcome them, our different personalities and the simple things in life that we enjoy. So within this issue you’ll find a feature article on the transformation of Zac Efron, focusing on his career and happiness since rehab. You’ll find some winter recipes to keep your insides warm, how to look your best in the business boardroom, some simple everyday life lessons, how to reduce your stress levels, and whether you, or someone you know, is a sociopath. So as you can see, it’s all about the journey of man; the journey of life. This semester has already seen a number of significant events, both on and off campus, including the magnificent celebrations of Bond’s 25th Anniversary (where BSA defeated all other FSAs in the Foundation Day Cup Boat Race), the controversial release of the Federal Budget, and who could forget the magical night at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory for Palaver 142. As next semester is my final issue, I really want to produce the best issue yet, so please, please submit any articles or ideas to me so I can make this happen! In the meantime, whether you’re reading this on campus or snuggled in your warm bed having a flick through, I hope you enjoy this issue and the remainder of your semester.

Brigette xx Publications Director Business Students’ Association


Hey there Business Bondies, After hoping you’ve all well and truly recovered from Palaver, we now look to the reality that is the coming Mid-Semester Exam weeks. Few in the Bond community other than Business students can sympathise with this period, as our group assignments, weekly quizzes and eventual exams begin to take shape. We come to the realization, yet again, that uni can be tough. Nevertheless, we can be hopeful that our nights spent in the batlabs/MLC/library studying will eventually lead to a job. In the process of getting our ‘jobs’, it’s likely that employers will want to see and favor those with ‘work experience’. Such an ambiguous phrase suggesting that to get a job we need experience but to get experience you need to have had a job…what is this sorcery. Bond fortunately does have a lot of opportunities for our Business students, primarily offered by the CDC. In order to further assist students, however, in bridging this gap and gaining ‘work experience’ the BSA will be establishing a new sub-group known as BSASocial, currently being piloted by two students this semester. BSASocial will act as a separate group under the BSA banner, and partners with local Gold Coast charities in providing semester-long work experience opportunities. This matches our desire to work and gain experience with the Charitys’ high demand for skilled employees. In the modern landscape, Charities need to operate as highly efficient businesses, requiring robust and SMART visionary thought, supplemented by feasible implementation strategies. In doing this, the charity must understand its supply chain and ultimate value creation, which must then be effectively communicated to the market. Clearly, there is a diverse range of roles that must be filled in running the business of a charity…almost as many as majors in the Business faculty…in fact they almost pair up exactly…I think you know where we’re heading. BSASocial is currently on track for full release next semester, however, the application process will begin late this semester. More information will be released so for now just look forward to this exciting new opportunity to engage in philanthropic backed work experience! Have an awesome semester and for any worries/queries/ general life-assistance just email the BSA!

Ben Carter President BSA


may semester calendar Black Music Month


Pets at work day.


Go skateboarding day.

Animal lovers, take this excuse to take your pet to work.

Why not? Get out in the sun and try something new.

27 30 July

05 13

On this day in 1927 the first colour television was demonstrated in NYC.

Social Media Day

Ice cream Month (US)

GC Marathon

Register for the Gold Coast Marathon at goldcoastmarathon.

Bond Open Day

If you are keen to help out on Open Day, you can register as a volunteer at


World Chocolate Day

14 18


Teddy Bear Picnic Day

Nude Appreciation Day Let’s all get nudie.

Today is Richard Branson’s 64th Birthday.


Golf Month


Jeans for Genes Day

Support medical research by wearing your favourite denim to work (any excuse will do). Donate at


Exams Begin


Holidays & End of Sem Bash



By Mark Foster

Bondies... we are a pretty motivated bunch, and we certainly do not do things by halves. When that Palaver or Thursday night at Dons comes around, its never ‘a quiet one or two’, its ‘go hard or go home’.


ucky for us, this mentality also tends to extend into the reason we are actually here at Bond; to sit behind a desk and punch out some work, even if this is while nursing a headache from the night before. The ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality is certainly strong at Bond. When it comes to the time you have to rip yourself out of bed and prep for that tute, do those readings, or power through an assignment, us Bondies have a buffet of locations to choose from. Each one of these locations offers up something different.


The ‘go to’ place of study for a large majority of Bondies, and it is easy to see why. When in the library, you are always bound to see people you know. As great as this is as a means of procrastination, it can easily mean you sit at a desk for five hours scrolling through Facebook and discussing the latest goss from the weekend. Lucky for those people who still want to show their face and be social, as well as get work done, there’s the silent section upstairs. This allows for the old work and reward scheme; one hour upstairs of hard study, then ten minutes downstairs for socialising. But we have to be honest with ourselves here… that ten minutes usually turns into two hours. A final benefit of the Library is Papyrus, providing that convenient caffeine hit or filling a gap with aeroplane grade food.



This is one of my favourite places to study at Bond. As soon as you step foot inside, you quickly see where your tuition fees are placed. An interactive floor, neon lights everywhere you look, as well as an unnecessary abundance of TV’s which all make the MLC what it is… and clearly enhance our learning and study capabilities. A favourite location for law template constructing, the MLC sees a wide range of students ‘bonding’ together. If you’re one to get easily distracted then this is unlikely to be a place for you, but if you are like me and enjoy a bit of stimulating colour and visuals while you study as opposed to a plain white wall, then this is most certainly a viable study location.


The Law Library AKA The Lawbry, is arguably one of the most silent places to study on campus. It has that distinct smell of leather bound books, and you feel immediately smarter as soon as you walk in. You know as soon as you enter the Lawbry its all work, with no real chance to be able to talk to anyone. It tends to not only be a place of study for the future lawyers of Bond, but the most dedicated students at Bond, including a surprising number of Med Students.

A location were it was once rumoured to have someone live in there for months, the batlabs is the location of choice for those late night dwellers and for cramming an assignment the night before it is due. Once in the batlabs, the reality of time is easily lost with a severe lack of windows. It is certainly not unheard of to walk in when its dark, miss a whole day, and walk out when it is dark again. For those of you whose personal hygiene is of the upmost importance, not to worry, the batlabs come equipped with showers.


Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it.


Maya Angelou

D Welcome from the Dean

With our 25th Anniversary Celebrations Week still fresh in our memories, I thought I would take this opportunity to reflect on our history and bring you up to date with some exciting new initiatives in the Faculty. Our last 25 years has been a period of constant innovation and strong growth. We started in 1989 with B.Com, an MBA and a PhD program. These programs remain with us today with growing enrolments and innovative content and delivery modes. And, along with way, we have added several post graduate and under graduate programs. We are particularly proud of our award winning EMBA program (ranked three in Australia by BOSS) and our fast-growing, enormously successful Global Leadership MBA program – which has the largest MBA alumni base in Japan. In recent years we have added the prestigious Hotel and Tourism program (with student internships completed within several international hotel chains as well as several graduate placements at the senior management level) and a highly relevant digital business major. We have also seen the development and growth of a number of programs in sustainable development, including the very successful construction management and project management programs. This year we remain true to our innovative traditions. Our most recent bold initiative is to deliver the first program in Queensland that focusses on Actuarial Science and the emerging area of big data analysis. This is a high end product in terms of both entry requirements and graduate outcomes including time to secure a job and starting salaries. This year we have attracted Professor Terry O’Neill (previously Director and Head of the highly regarded ANU program in Actuarial Sciences), to lead this program at Bond. In just three months, Terry with the help of others, has designed the program, and is in the process of acquiring accreditation with the Actuaries Society. In addition, two weeks ago we secured regulating approval to offer the programs through our international markets. The speed to market for this program is breathtaking. We have set aggressive enrolment targets for 2015. And, I am confident that this prestigious field of study and work will become one of our flagship programs. If you would like to know more about any of our programs, including the new B. Actuarial Sciences, please contact either Boyd or Eugenia at

On other occasions, I have made the observation that Bond is a great place to work – it also is an exciting place to work with a premium placed on agility, speed and innovation. With nearly ten thousand graduates spread across 100 countries around the world, the Faculty of Business is not just a great place to work, it is also a great place to study, learn and dare I say, have fun. Welcome to 142, I trust you will have an enjoyable and successful semester.

Mark Hirst

Professor Mark Hirst Dean of Faculty of Business



Miranda Kerr, Orlando Bloom & Son Flynn Bloom Photography: Vogue Australia July Magazine

Australian born supermodel, Miranda Kerr, gave birth to her beautiful boy, Flynn, three years ago. Although Miranda and Orlando announced their separation last year, they still balance their careers and family time with Flynn. Miranda not only manages her Kora Organics skin care line, but she is had a brand ambassador for Reebok, Clear hair products and also just launched her inspired tea set for Royal Albert.

Jessica Alba, Cash Warren & Daughters Haven and Honor. Photography:

Actress and business entrepreneur, Jessica Alba and her producer husband, Cash Warren have two beautiful girls (Haven, 2 and Honor, 6). Jessica is not only a very hands on mum, but she also runs her own company, The Honest Company.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt & Kids

Superstars Angelina and Brad are possibly the cutest celebrity family to ever exist. Cambodian born Maddox is the eldest sibling, turning 12 in August. He was adopted by Brad and Angelina in March 2002. Then there is 10 year old Pax who was born in Vietnam and adopted in 2007 and 9 year old Zahara who was born in Ethiopia and adopted in July 2005. And let’s not forget 7 year old Shiloh and twins Knox and Vivenne who Angelina gave birth to almost six years ago.

Kim Kardashian West, Kanye West & North West


Firstly, after the very elaborate wedding I had to find out whether Kim kept her surname or not, and my sources (which probably aren’t that reliable...) informed me that she has accepted West and made Kardashian her middle name. But nevertheless, this power couple are live very very busy lives with their one year old daughter, North.

Beyonce, Jay-Z & Daughter Blue Ivy Photography:

With little Blue Ivy turning two earlier this year, there is no doubt this power couple have had a very busy last two years balancing their careers, businesses and parenthood. And it doesn’t seem life is going to slow down anytime soon! Even though Beyonce just finishing her last tour and released her new album, her and Jay Z have just announced a joint world tour, ‘On the Run’... what a perfect way to travel together and share all their amazing experiences and memories as a family.



DOWN UNDER 12 photo:

By Lily Burt


e’ve all been told. Over and over again. The Australian dollar is highly vulnerable to a huge drop. But what have we done about it? Nothing. And what will we do about it when it happens? Complain about how expensive online shopping has become? Whinge about the increasing price of imported Vitamin Water sold at the Brasserie? As students, most of us do not believe that we Australian’s are the highest paid in the world. That our parent’s houses are the most expensive in the world. That our standard of living is better than anywhere else. We don’t believe this, because we also have the most expensive living costs in the world. The reason we are ranked among the most expensive countries in the world is because all of these surveys are conducted in the international currency – the US dollar. So the rise in the Australian Dollar (or more accurately, the fall of the US dollar), exaggerates the wealth of Australians infinitely.

Though many of us may consider ourselves international citizens, for some reason we are myopic in our investment tastes. The tyranny of distance means we stick to our homeland where we feel safe; whether it’s our robust legal system, language barriers, or perhaps even the relative safety of our investment – we (despite the bleeding obvious) refuse to take advantage of the high Australian Dollar and invest in the international market.

Not since the 1950s wool boom and the 1880s gold boom has Australia seen such wonderful buying power in the foreign marketplace. However, be warned, Reserve Bank governor, Glenn Stevens, has himself admitted that the Australian Dollar is likely to drop. In the 21st century, our ability to trade our money internationally is immeasurably better than it ever has been – with foreign currency accounts, foreign websites, international funds, and international property markets all available for your amusement at your computer.

With reasonably little value in Australian investment markets, too often we see a lethargic placement of the local depository of funds. With the stock market appearing fairly fully valued, property markets offering little negotiability, and money in the bank not being much fun – it’s frustrating to see the opportunities missed by students such as ourselves simply because we’ve become complacent with our money. The international market is the place where opportunity exists in both property and shares, but only if we look and learn, before it’s too late.




By Kate Darlington

n the business world, the goals of lower absenteeism and increased productivity are primary to the company’s objectives. Whilst there are numerous initiatives in action globally that strive to achieve these goals, research has suggested that, essentially, the healthier the workforce the healthier the “bottom line�. For this reason, organisations have been seeking and implementing corporate health solutions that encourage regular physical exercise. Exercising during work hours is beneficial for companies and employees respectively, through health improvements and increased productivity. Extensive research has proven that regular exercise, promoted and facilitated through the workplace, precipitates health benefits for employees. Participating in these programs yields a variety of health benefits that will ultimately reduce the waistline of employees while increasing their cardiovascular health and muscle strength. Healthy

workplaces prevent occupational disease/accidents, promote the concept of positive lifestyle behaviours and facilitate organisational development. Whilst it is obvious that exercise in the workplace has a constructive effect upon the general wellbeing of employees, there is also evidence to suggest that it has much more specific benefits, on particular body systems including our cardiovascular function. This arises from the fact that a lack of appropriate physical exercise results in the declination of this system. Physical inactivity is a leading factor associated with cardiovascular disease; hence it would be advantageous for companies to regard exercise as an important aspect of the workplace. Despite the obvious benefits that occur as a result of exercise, many individuals fail to meet appropriate daily requirements as suggested by health professionals. Through various polls performed, the main excuse for not exercising is lack of time. With physical exercise recommendations


ranging from 30 minutes to 90 minutes a day, 40% of adults say they lack time due to work commitments. A widespread solution is for companies to encourage employees to utilise on-site fitness facilities during work hours or execute a range of low-intensity exercises that can be performed in the office. Not only does a lunchtime workout reduce stress but it oxygenates the brain and enables employees to focus and make justified decisions. Therefore, it is evident that exercising in the workplace provides employees with numerous heath benefits as well as increasing employee productivity. Employee involvement in daily physical exercise appears to result in boosted energy levels; such a notion would consequently culminate in an increase of company productivity. Evidence suggests that exercising during the workday enables employees to feel reenergised and motivated. A study involving a number of employees at a consulting company, participated in a program that investigated employee productivity in relation to exercise. The program participants showed higher levels of well being and satisfaction with life and work as well as lower levels of perceived stress and better job performance evaluations. Through the conducted study it is palpable that physical exercise positively impacts upon workplace productivity. In addition, research also indicates that sedentary people who completed a regular exercise program reported improved fatigue compared to groups that did not exercise. While this research may seem counter intuitive, the average effect was greater than the improvement from using stimulant medications. As a result of exercise boosting energy levels, employees would experience improved cognitive function, consequently enhancing job performance. Companies that construct a professional environment which promotes the importance of health and fitness will characteristically shape a more desirable workplace, in which employees will work more productively. Through the encouragement of physical exercise, participants will be alleviated from work-induced stress and will experience boosted energy levels. As a result, employees will work more efficiently and effectively, increasing the companies outputs which in turn will increase the overall “bottom line�.



FRON By Brigette Foot

From teen heartthrob, Troy, in High School Musical, to the sexy shirtless Frat President in Bad Neighbours, Zac Efron has not only successfully transitioned himself into a mature actor, but he has overcome his fair share of dark moments. With his whole life in the public eye, he has triumphed over addiction struggles to reinvent his career and find peace and happiness with himself. As well as acting, Zac also has his own production business, Ninjas Runnin’ Wild Productions, which he starting to expand as he builds up his experience as a producer. 16

There is no doubt living in the constant eye of the paparazzi would be a nightmare. And I could not even comprehend growing up and learning life’s great lessons in front of the public eye. But even with the controversy of rehab, 26 year old Zachary David Alexander Efron has made the transition from teen heartthrob to serious thespian quite successfully. Whilst actors like Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio and Channing Tatum have managed to pull it off, there have been far more who have failed (I’m looking at you, Taylor Lautner). Zac has conquered the fears, the pressure and the party lifestyle of Hollywood to find himself in a position where he is the happiest he has ever been. A simple Google search of Zac will find articles focusing on his addiction, his rehab nightmares, his temper which lead him to punching a homeless guy and his worried friends. But as Zac revealed in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter (THR) there’s an explanation and reason for everything. Zac exclaims he was burnt out, “I had done films back-to-back-to-back” and this is what ultimately pushed him over the edge. But beneath the pressure of work and the fast paced lifestyle of Hollywood Zac revealed

there were deeper reasons too. “There was something lacking, some sort of hole that I couldn’t really fill up. Work started to become the reason to go anywhere, the reason to talk to anybody. The phone calls I received were regarding work, the ones I wanted to make were regarding scripts or to producers. Slowly, but surely, I was no longer living in my house. It was just hotel to hotel, so my hobbies went out the window.” He slowly stopped seeing friends, grew distant from his family and lived out of a suitcase, which influenced him to turn to drugs and alcohol. “I was just so deep into my work, it was really the only thing I had”, he told THR. “I clung to it in a way that came a little bit destructive... I was drinking a lot, way too much.” But it was not just his addiction which was affecting him mentally and physically. He described himself as an insomniac who wrestled with anxiety for years and constantly just thought and thought, and over thought everything. For any person in their 20s, who is single, living not just in Hollywood, but anywhere in the world, and trying to figure out their career and what they want to do in their life, it is inevitable to lose yourself and your way for a little while. But the important thing is you learn from the journey and you move photo:


forward. And as Zac puts it “I wouldn’t take anything back; I needed to learn everything I did. But it was an interesting journey, to say the least.” Realising his alcohol and cocaine addiction were destroying him and his family and friends, Zac openly took himself to rehab, but understandably kept it from the public’s knowledge. He no longer drinks and enjoys being completely sober. He has distanced himself from his ‘party friends’ and limits his exposure to temptations. “When Coachella and stuff was going on before the press tour (for Bad Neighbours), we did ‘NoChella...We just downloaded all the music on Spotify that was going to be at Coachella. My buddy and I got a Jeep, filled it with camping gear and just drove across the country on Route 66. And just blasted music on the speakers.” He has since joined Alcoholics Anonymous, sees a therapist and takes sobriety a day at a time as he admits it is a never-ending struggle. “I’m in a good spot right now. I feel great. I think it’s changed my life. I’m much more comfortable in my own skin. Things are so much easier now.” As he tries to change, he is living an ultrafit life, using weights and a rowing machine, and swimming 20 laps a day. He has the type of

18 photo:

regimen that makes older men weep; working out daily, eating healthily and even drinking pH-balanced water from a specially installed alkaline faucet. He gets ready for bed around 9 p.m., when he’ll watch a movie and read a script, turning in before some of his peers even rise because he likes ‘to get up early and swim and train.’ Currently single, he has spoken of the now struggles of life; of dating, of falling in love, of searching for love and being there for your friends when they need you. “There’s no question that to receive anything great, like love or respect, or to better yourself, you have to give a piece of yourself away.” Oh Zac, come to Australia, specifically to my house, and I will love you. As he moves deeper into his 20s, his goals are becoming more defined. He is keen to take charge of his career and has started producing through his Ninjas Runnin’ Wild Productions. His first movie as producer was That Awkward Moment (about three guys who vow to remain single, only to have their plans derailed) was released in January, and while it didn’t light up the box office with its $26 million gross, it cost only a reported $8 million to make. He also recently bought the rights to John Grisham’s The Associate (which centers on a Yale Law School graduate forced to go undercover in a law firm with defense-industry connections), and also has a number of other movies lined up to produce. Whilst producing is also at the forefront of his goals, he is also focusing on continuing to better himself as an actor. “I’m constantly searching for characters that are about betterment of self and betterment of others. And I’m searching for those parts because those are the ones that make me happy. They’re the ones that fulfil me personally.” Word on the street is that he is taking major pay cuts in order to have a heftier share of the back end and to also choose projects which will challenge him more. And apparently it is paying off with Zac earning the respect of many producers and directors across the world. As reported in THR, Zac reflected on his journey so far, and man is he a man of wise words. “Without those moments where you feel like your lowest, it’s impossible to appreciate the high ones. No matter who you are, you face challenges growing up. You go with your things, you learn, you have to. It’s impossible to lead an honest and fulfilling life as a man and not make mistakes and ‘fess up to them when you need to. When you have success young, and you accept the good things, you have to accept all of it. You have to accept the moments of glory but also a great responsibility. And that responsibility, to some degree, involves being a role model. At the same time, I’m a human being, and I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I’ve learned from each one.” So as Zac reinvents his brand, builds his new producing company empire and focuses on his career, its evident that as humans we all have our down times and experience that need to shed unwanted skin, cleanse ourselves both emotionally, mentally and physically and purge that past which has come to haunt us. But what’s most important is that we learn from those mistakes so we can grow. learn and refocus on what is important to ourselves so we, as business students, can become the next CEO of our favourite company.



acebook is now used to share assignment content, organise group meetings and communicate among group members. Phone numbers and email addresses are no longer exchanged; you simply need to add each other on Facebook. Social media has changed the way we socialise and the way we classify social activities. 40% of people socialise more online than they do face to face, and the average consumer spends one out of every 7 minutes online on Facebook. If Facebook were a country, it would be the second largest in the world. Of the 6 billion people in the world, 4.8 billion have a mobile device, while only 4.2 billion have a toothbrush and even less have a toilet. Of these 4.8 billion with a mobile device, 85% are smartphone users with access to social media. Social media has completely transformed the way we interact and conduct our daily lives so it was inevitable that it would also transform the way business is run and the way organisations interact with consumers. 64% of consumers have identified that they have made a purchase decision based on social media content and with the average consumer spending 23 hours actively on social media each month, this is a lucrative location to interact with consumers.


SOCIAL MEDIA ON BUSINESS By Jessica Sargent Most students can’t remember a life before Internet, having grown up with even the most primitive forms of dialup. Since this time the laptop has replaced the desktop and now smartphones and tablets have changed the way we use the Internet again. The biggest change that has come from the Internet, and our overwhelming access, has been the complete proliferation of social media. For your average university student, apps like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat have become an integral part of our daily lives. Even though we all had a life before social media, that life is a distant memory. Social media has crossed all boundaries in our lives even becoming a means to facilitate our learning.


Companies have endeavoured to reach consumers through advertising, actively engaging with them and placing themselves across a range of social media platforms to engage consumers. Using data mining, the advertisements seen on your Facebook newsfeed are tailored to each individual consumer to maximise advertising effectiveness, benefiting both the company and the consumer. Even coupons are now found on social media, further benefitting the consumer as they’ll no longer forget the coupon at home. Social media marketing is the fastest growing marketing methods, with technological advancements allowing further effectiveness through enhanced targeting capabilities. The benefits of utilising social media in business goes beyond business to consumer interactions, with statistics showing that business to business marketers using blogs will generate 67% more leads. Professional social media platforms such as LinkedIn also provide enhanced credibility for business to business organisations. Social media has become intrinsic to our society. It has gone beyond simply being a means to socialise with friends infiltrating academia and business. We spend more time than we realise on social media, actively engaging, procrastinating or filling in a spare five minutes. Whatever the purpose, an inordinate amount of consumers’ time is spent on social media and businesses have caught on, tailoring their activities to suit our lives. The result is that organisations are able to more effectively target their consumers and can reach them constantly. For consumers, the organisations can constantly be reached by you too, with social media encouraging consumer feedback. The social media revolution has changed the way business is conducted, ultimately to the benefit of the consumer. With increased efficiency, access and accountability, social media has caused an irreversible transformation that requires a change in business operations and those who cannot keep up will become obsolete.




BUSIEST MAN By Brigette Foot

im Hwang has held a full time job for no longer than two years, and yet he manages to achieve more in a week than most achieve in a month. He’s an IT geek, a savvy businessman and a philanthropist, so what exactly does this ‘robot with a soul’ do, and how does he manage to get it all done?

functions such as the law (not yet done). In fact, Hwang has already released a free software package which automatically fills out IPO forms which is traditionally the job of a first year law associate. ‘I want to replace lawyers with code’ says Hwang. A big road ahead for Hwang, I think, but when there’s a will, there’s a way!

Only eleven years ago, Hwang was in high school where he started his own club, ‘The Strategic Gaming Forum Syndicate’, which put in ‘non-nerd’ terms was a board-gaming club. He raised funds through selling cakes and cookies and marking them up at a ridiculously high price. Fortunately, Hwang assures the students didn’t mind because he earned their respect through the creation of his own parody shirts which featured himself smiling with braces and the phrase ‘Big Tim is Watching You’. Whilst Hwang knows his parents were secretly concerned with his intentions, and whether he ‘was all there’, almost every weekend they still helped Hwang iron on his face to all the shirts.

Hwang recently explained to Forbes that since college he has kept a progressing list of goals and ideas which is made up of two columns - A Someday List and a Maybe list. However, his accomplished list is just as long...

Fast forward to the present, and the now 28 year old is a one-of-a-kind Web entrepreneur who seeks legitimacy for his digital concepts, rather than riches. Such concepts include crowd-funding (done), social bots that interact with Twitter (done) and software to automate and memorise expensive human

He was the founder behind the now biennial event, “ROFLcon’ which is attended by 900 people who have the opportunity to meet industry experts including Internet Lawyer Jonathan Zittrain, 4Chan’s Christopher Poole and even the ‘Double Rainbow’ viral video guy. He established the Awesome Foundation which raises funds to grant finances to individuals who create something ‘awesome’. For example, the first grant was donated to a Professor who wanted to make a 33 foot long hammock to sit in a park. This then influenced the introduction of crowd-funding business, Kickstarter, which has now given out more than $1 million in grants across 1000 projects. This has now positioned him alongside Bono and Bill Gates as one of the world’s most innovate philanthropist.


He has also organised a mock ‘Start Up Weekend’ called ‘Hype Up Weekend’ where people congregate to pitch funny and ludicrous ideas to tech companies. He also worked in Marketing but soon lost interest and attended Berkeley Law School instead. He then became a summer associate and absolutely wowed the firm, but what they didn’t realise what that he coded his own software to do the work for him. He soon realised was his witty sense of humour and passion for IT made him capable of discovering and creating many different successful projects. And ever since that epiphany he has never stopped. As of March, he began his latest full time job as head of special initiatives at Imgur (an image sharing and meme-generation site) who recently secured $40 million in venture funding. So how does he manage to get it all done? Hwang has had a very structured lifestyle since he was at school. He meticulously planned every hour of every day and has become known amongst the industry as the ‘robot with a soul’ because he simply loves everything he does and is so dedicated to each of his projects that he just manages to organises his time so everything is performed well above expectations.


Fashion Faux Pas


Stockings with shine or sparkle won’t wash in the boardroom and neither will a scraggy pair of 20 deniers. Opt for tights with a denier count of 60 or more and avoid prints like the plague.

of the

Business Boardroom By Michaela Orsmond

Whether we like it or not, every career and industry has a uniform that signals credibility. That uniform varies widely for doctors, artists, bankers, and fashion models, of course — what signals credibility for a runway model would undermine the credibility of a brain surgeon. In the world of business it’s not what you do but how you do it. With one small gesture you can impress, insult, appear cultured and educated, or simply become a social outcast. In a comparative business environment whether you’re looking for a job, a raise, negotiating a major deal, interacting with peers, or knocking on doors for customers you will be ultimately judged on how you conduct yourself. VPL? Red bra? Skirt so short you can see tomorrow’s washing? Not all workplace fashion faux pas are so easy to avoid. Here’s the top business fashion faux pas that will keep you out of the boardroom and land you on the water-cooler secretary gossip list.



Men wearing a leather belt on a business suit that is not the same colour as their leather shoes. There are no excuses. Let’s simplify it: different leather colours = no.

Oh, the VPL. It’s considered one of the worst fashion blunders ever, and yet people just keep doing it. Visible panty lines are for Bridget Jones only. Conversely, this does not mean you should go to work without bra or underwear, lest you’ll be renamed Britney Spears.


Ladies: New York’s finest have always 22 said, skirts shouldn’t fall more than “one Bic biro’s length” above the knee.


It’s been said that clothes make the man, and if that mantra holds any weight, a lot of men have some explaining to do… explaining all of those patterns that is. The key is to wear no more than three patterns, or to match just one or two patterns with one or two solid colors. Of course, the easiest thing you can do is find one pattern you look good in (like chalk stripes or herringbone) and stick to it.


Sequins are the devil where your workwear wardrobe is concerned: avoid at all costs. Lurex sweaters, cheap beading and all plastic embellishment should also be ignored, oopt for sophisticated prints if at all. ‘Sparkles’ should remain the stripper name that your Maths teacher scared you with when contemplating the impact of your high school exams.


Navigating your way to the water cooler in six-inch heels is rarely a good idea (think Bambi on absinthe), the perfect office footwear is an in-between heel. Also women wearing open-toed shoes or sandals with a business suit. No. Just no.


The Faux-Pas Unicorn that is white socks with dress shoes. This fashion crime is worse than that embarrassing uncle who wore crocs in all of the family photos, right around the time you decided to get Facebook.


What Do Uniforms Do? By Jessica Howe

If you’re anything like me, most of you have spent the majority of your life in a school uniform. Most of you have probably also spent most of your life waiting for the glorious days where uniforms no longer exist and you get to wear normal clothes.



espite my belief that all schools are secretly plotting to make kids look disgusting; with so many businesses adopting the ‘uniform’ as a sign of unity, there must be a legitimate reason behind the policy… Right?

Erik Nisbet, national marketing manager for Lodging and Gaming with Uniforms to You says, “If you want to create a consistent service impression, employee uniforms are a large part of that”. Adopting this reasoning, it’s not surprising that many businesses in the industry opt to adopt a uniform simply for ease of identification. Admit it, we have all been to McDonald’s enough times to easily recognize the Maccas uniform – decked out in black, accompanied with a cute little cap. It’s the same story with other leaders in the business industry – Apple, Kmart and Woolworths have all donned the uniform. Not only are uniforms important for identification, they are also important because they relate directly to employee satisfaction, retention levels and job performance. People who work in uniforms tend to take more pride in what they are doing, because everyone knows what company they are working for, and essentially, what company they are representing. As put perfectly by Univogue President Sylvia Hougland, “when you purchase uniforms, you are not just buying a piece of clothing, you are buying your vision of the property.” This notion can be seen in action with many companies upgrading their uniforms at the same time that they launch a new marketing campaign. Take, for example, the relatively recent uniform

upgrade by Virgin Airlines – the uniform has evolved from the drab beige and white colour scheme to the much more exciting scarlet, purple and pink combo. According to designer Diane Zebell of Angelica Image Apparel, uniforms are a powerful tool, and should be used strategically by companies. A uniform allows companies to reflect their understanding of what patrons want to gain from their experience with the company. Again, looking at Virgin’s new uniform, they have upgraded from the excessively conservative outfit, to a classy, elegant look that reflects the airline’s new aim to ‘bring back the romance’ by making your flight ‘anything but ordinary’. Although some companies worry about a uniform restricting the ability of employees to express their individuality, I don’t believe this should be used as a reason to opt away from a uniform policy. It’s obvious that implementing the requirement to wear a uniform immediately puts people on a level playing field. Whilst standardized uniform may be excessive for some workplaces, in a society that continually endeavors to work towards equality and cooperation, I believe a uniform dress code is certainly reasonable. So next time you have to put that hideous uniform on, for whatever reason, just remember that the aim is not to make you look ridiculous – it’s actually an extremely sensible business decision that will probably make you better off in the long run.



Winter Warmers Soul warming foods to get you through those long cold days of classes and study.

PREPARATION TIME 10 minutes ~ COOKING TIME 20 minutes ~ MAKES 6 large waffles

SAVOURY QUINOA WAFFLES 1 cup plain flour ½cup wholemeal flour 1 cup cooked quinoa 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 2 tsp sweet paprika 2 tsp fresh thyme 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 tbsp olive oil ½ cup chopped spring onions 1 egg 1½ cups milk Cooking oil spray PLACE flours, quinoa, baking powder, sale and paprika in a large mixing bowl. Stir to combine. Add thyme, garlic, olive oil and spring onions. Mix. WHISK the egg with a dash of the milk in a separate bowl. Add the remaining mil and mix well. Add this to the flour and mix until just combined. Rest for five to ten minutes. HEAT a waffle iron. Grease the plates with cooking oil spray. Place a cupful of mis on the iron and cook. SERVE with desired toppings.

THE WINTER ESSENTIAL: COFFEE Think of the brew you’re serving as the morning equivalent of a cocktail. Get it right and your guests won’t want to leave. According to the best barisstas in the business, ice-cold, full-cream milk is a necessity- it’s what gives your cappucino the best froth - so leave the skimmed stuff to the morning commuters. Nespresso Coffee Machine, $199, Harvey Norman.


WARM FRUIT SALAD 600g good-quality ready-to-eat dried fruits (such as prunes, pears, apricots, figs cranberries) 3 tbsp clear honey 1 vanilla pod, split lengthways 1 Earl Grey tea bag 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice 700ml cold water Mascarpone or Greek yoghurt, to serve

PREPARATION TIME 20 minutes ~ COOKING TIME 10 minutes ~ MAKES 6 servings

PLACE the fruits and cold water into a large saucepan. Add the honey and vanilla, scraping the seeds fromt the pod into the pan. Bring to boil. STIR well, lowering the heat to allow it to simmer for 10 minutes until slightly syrupy. TAKE the pan off the heat and stir in the tea bag. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Discard the tea bag and vanilla pod, tip the fruits and liquid into a non-metallic bowl and pour over the lemon juice. Stir, then leave to cool. Cover and chill until ready to serve. SERVE with mascarpone or Greek yoghurt.


PREPARATION TIME 15 minutes ~ COOKING TIME 1 hour and 40 minutes ~ MAKES 6 servings 1 butternut squash, peeled and diced, reserving the seeds 1 tablespoon cumin seeds 1 dried red chilli, crumbled Olive oil 2 sticks celery, trimmed and finely chopped 3 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped A few sprigs of fresh flatleaf parsley, leaves picked and chopped, stalks finely chopped 2 small red onions, peeled and finely chopped

PREHEAT oven to 200°C. Place squash, cumin and crumbled chilli on baking tray, drizzle with olive oil, mix together and place in the oven. Roast for 45 minutes until the squash is cooked through. HEAT a large saucepan and pour in a splash of oil, once the squash is roasted, Add the celery, garlic, parsley and twothirds of the onion, and cook gently with a lid on until softened. Drop in the roasted squash and let it sweat for a few minutes, then pour in the stock. Bring to boil, turn down the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the chickpeas and simmer for 15 minutes more. Meanwhile, toast the reserved squash seeds with the almond flakes, fennel, sesame and poppy seeds in a little olive oil until they are nicely coloured all over. 1.5 litres organic chicken or SEASON the soup well and, using vegetable stock a hand-held blender, whiz for a few 2 x 400 g tinned chickpeas, seconds so it thickens, but there are still drained some chunky bits. Keep warm while you 50 g almond flakes mix together the lemon zest, chopped ½ tablespoon fennel seeds parsley leaves and mint leaves. Chop the ½ tablespoon sesame seeds remaining onion until it’s really fine, then ½ tablespoon poppy seeds mix into the zesty mixture. Sea salt TO SERVE, spoon half a teaspoon of Freshly ground black pepper harissa paste into each bowl. Divide the Zest of 2 lemons zesty herb mixture between the bowls A few sprigs of fresh mint, and ladle over the soup. Stir each bowl leaves picked and chopped once with a spoon, then sprinkle with Harissa paste the toasted seeds and almonds and finish Extra virgin olive oil with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. 27

Set of 4 bowls, Kmart, $8 Waffle Iron, Wheel & Barrow, $19.95

Pancakes, Crepes, Waffle and French Toast by Hanna Miles, $39.95

Kambrook Soup Maker, Target, $84


Improve relaxation levels, burn calories, boost your immune system, lower your blood pressure levels, enhance your memory and improve your overall intelligence all with one, hopefully, enjoyable experience.


am sure I speak on behalf of many young men and women who have experienced the awkward ‘birds and the bee’s’ conversation from Mum or Dad. Yes, as you might have guessed, this conversation is going to be about sex… but hopefully less awkward than your first ‘birds and the bees’ talk.

As most medical students already know in their deep unquestionable knowledge, sex boosts your immune system, burns calories, lowers blood pressure, reduces the chance of a heart attack and, lets not forget, it hits the G-spot and induces moments of ecstasy. But, did you all know that a healthy dose of regular intercourse not only reduces stress levels but it actually stimulates the brain’s reward circuit and makes you more alert? This can even reward you with a greater amount of intelligence, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be smarter? Whether you believe in Plato’s view upon true love and its ever-lasting connection, or life is just too short for you and you thirst the feeling of lust, sex may just be the answer to your desires. Research has been performed and blood samples have been analysed, and it has been found that sex improves your memory and mental alertness and conditions for however long you last! Weight loss is another big perk associated with sex. So whether you participate in these activities for the eight calories lost in undressing your partner, or the 200+ calories burnt while you gaze into each other eyes… You’re still becoming smarter as you lose weight. So during this exam period, I challenge you to try something new. Get away from those ten hour days sitting in the silent section on the fourth floor of the library and make yourself a goal of including this relaxation tactic into your study schedule (now I am not promoting sex but rather assisting you in life advice). 28

He asked me “ so what is your favourite position? I said “CEO.”

29 photo:


By Jess Sargent

SIGNS that you’re


dating, sleeping with, or friends with

sociopath We’ve all met that person that just seems too good to be true…well may turn out that they are. We’ve also met that person that doesn’t sit quite right and something just seems ‘off ’. It might not just be you; this person may be a sociopath. 30


A sociopath suffers from an antisocial personality disorder, which is characterised by a lack of sense of moral responsibility or social conscious. Sociopaths have very few moral boundaries and have no qualms about manipulating lying, stealing or cheating to get ahead and get what they want. The scariest part is that they can’t and won’t change; they are not mentally ill but they have a hardwired personality disorder. With approximately 900,000 Australians being diagnosed as sociopaths, chances are you’ve come across a few. Sociopaths are classified into three types – charming manipulators, irresponsible and indifferent, and dangerous criminals. The most deceiving among these is the charming manipulator – the everyday sociopath. The everyday sociopath seems charming and charismatic, seems to be the perfect friend or partner, and usually seems too good to be true. They draw you in, use you for what they need and unfortunately leave you worse off in the end. So if the everyday sociopath seems like the perfect person, how do you avoid them? Look out for these eight red flags so next time you meet that ultraconfident charmer, remember they really could be too good to be true.


Sociopaths have an inflated sense of self, they are extreme narcissists with a huge sense of self entitlement. A sociopath will love to tell you about their successes, of all of their amazing plans and all of the things that make them particularly remarkable. They will sell themselves to you and will have no issue with the fact that everything they’ve told you is a lie. And while all of this is going on, they’ll make you feel as if you’re lucky just to be in their presence.




A sociopath doesn’t believe that society’s rules apply to them as in their eyes they’re above everyone else. Consequently, a sociopath will have no problem with breaking rules and laws and feels no remorse for doing so, regardless of the consequences.




Because a sociopath cannot learn from Playing the victim is an important part of the sociopath’s their past, they keep repeating the same M.O. as it’s needed to complement the overinflated ego. A sociopath will play the victim to create sympathy and make mistakes and appear to never grow up. A you want to ‘help’ them and spend time with them. They will sociopath is demanding and only thinks of tell stories of their horrible childhood and how badly they were their needs, seemingly unable to put anyone before himself or herself, because they treated by their (fill in the blank). truly are incapable of doing so as they are their only priority. A sociopath’s ability to play the victim card will make you feel sorry for them and make them seem vulnerable. It will create a bond from shared vulnerabilities and draw your attention away from the truth you may have come close to discovering. LIVES LIKE




A sociopath struggles to see the point of work, seeing much easier ways to get things ALWAYS BLAME for free. A sociopath will often see a target SOMEONE ELSE as their career path, with the manipulation If you ever catch a sociopath doing the ‘wrong’ and deceit being a full time job, a sociopath thing, they will show a complete lack of any remorse, will live a parasitic lifestyle leeching off shame, guilt or any other reaction to doing something of their target until they are ready to wrong. You may be completely shocked, but they are acquire a new one. indifferent. Regardless of what you’ve caught them doing, it will never be their fault as there will always be someone else to blame. They will never admit that they are wrong and if there is no one else to blame, they will simply ignore you.



Most people feel somewhat uncomfortable telling a lie, a sociopath is the complete opposite and actually feels uncomfortable telling the truth. Lies are THEY SHOWER YOU how they function in the world and how they achieve WITH ATTENTION what they want. If a sociopath is ever caught in a AND FLATTERY lie they will change the topic, go to their faithful A sociopath will have few friends as they less people weapon of blaming someone else and if they are close to, the less chance there is of them pushed, will become extremely angry being found out. By spending exorbitant amounts of and lash out, but will never admit time with just you, the two of you become extremely to the lie. close very quickly. It will be very flattering for a


while, however, they will quickly try to isolate you from your friends and family, making them the of your world. 31




‘Learn’ is almost the most dreaded word of uni (after exams and group assignments)... and yet we just expect we can just get our degrees and not have to actually learn anything. Although, to be honest, I can’t remember much of what I was taught in my first year of uni, but what I have learned is a lot of life lessons. So here a few life lessons which you can hopefully learn from.

How to change a flat tyre... Perhaps one of life’s great life lessons as it could be the most awkward moment for a lady... standing by the side of the road in a short skirt trying to figure out how you can gracefully bend over and crouch down without every passerby seeing everything whilst listening to all the guys hooting as they drive past (instead of stopping and helping, you d***), or even worse, realizing you don’t have enough hands to actually change the tyre whilst you struggle to hold down your dress, which keeps flying up in the wind. And for a guy, well the fact you don’t know how to change a tyre is just awkward in itself.

Step 1: Obviously drive slowly as soon as you realise

your tyre is flat and find a safe place to stop. And always make sure your basic tool kit is in your car... otherwise none of these tips will help...unless you have RACQ, then you can just call them and all problems are solved.

Step 2: Slacken the nuts holding the wheel to the hub, remove the wheel rims and use the tyre iron to loosen them before jacking up the tyre.

How to protect yourself from identity theft... So earlier this semester Tom had his identity stolen, and whilst you might think it will never happen to you, it is important to be cautious because it really can happen to anyone. So here are some tips from the financial advisor and founder of, Dominque Bergel-Grant:

Tip#1: Identity thieves target letter boxes and

your recycling bins, so always shred your important documents which contain your personal information.

Tip#2: Be cautious of text and email scams and

remember a financial institution will never contact you via this way. If you are still unsure, you can always ask them to provide an Australian Financial Services licence number which you can validate for assurance and peace of mind.

Step 3: There should be a slot next to each tyre where Tip#3: Never use the same passwords for your

the top of the jack fits. Place it directly under this notch accounts and change them every six months. Whilst this and twist the lever clockwise to start raising the car until is inconvenient for you and avoids having to wait for the busted wheel is off the ground. that ‘forgot your password’ email and follow the link and then try to rethink of a new password, which you Step 4: Use your hand to unscrew the loosened nuts forget by the next day... all you have to do is save the all the way off. Slide the old tyre off in a “10 minutes to password on a password protected spreadsheet (oh the 4” position and then replace it with the new fresh tyre. irony if you forget your spreadsheet password) and you Hand tighten the nuts as much as you can then turn the will have the greatest protection from identity theft. jack anti-clockwise to lower the car back down.

Step 5: Tighten the buts with the tyre iron and replace your spare tyre asap.

Tip#4: If you own a credit card, then it is a good

idea to run a credit check on their bank accounts when submitting your tax return to see if anyone has applied for credit in your name.


How to deliver bad news... Being the bearer of bad news is never fun, but there are ways you can soften the blow, according to Donna Flagg, the author of Surviving Dreaded Conversations. The key step is reframing the deliverance within your mindset. “Reframe the negativity of delivering bad news in your mind as providing someone with information you want to know if the shoe was on the other foot” says Flagg. “This shift can make all the difference, in both the outcome and experience”. Another terrible mistake is delaying the conversation and putting it off for as long as possible because you automatically assume the receiver will have the worst possible result (either start drowning in tears and sobbing in front of everyone whilst you awkwardly sit or stand there trying to tell them ‘it’s ok’ or they throw stuff across the room and smash everything in their path). “Just be sure to have a general sense of what you need to say and arrange its delivery in a logical sequence beforehand so you’re not babbling on”, she adds. Although people prefer you to deliver a message in a direct way, getting straight to the point, it doesn’t mean you have to be a soulless, heartless b**** when you say it. “A warm, caring tone goes a long way.”.


NEVER GESTURE WITH YOUR CUP When you’re not drinking, place your cup on the saucer, which should remain on the table at all times. It’s proper etiquette and will save your silk from spills



Gently fold the tea from a six to 12 o’clock position and avoid clinking the teaspoon against the china or tapping it against the edge of the cup refinement is key.

When you’re seated, it should be placed nearly over your lap and if you need to be excused, leave it to one side of your place setting. Before you leave, it’s polite to fold it neatly.


DON’T SCOFF YOUR SCONE Remember, they’re not bite size. Place it on your plate and cut it in half, making sure the inside faces up. Spread on the jam first, then the cream.


Meet Indiana & Harlow... @harlowandsage

Indiana and Harlow are the latest cute animals to go viral across social media. Since launching their social media accounts in March 2013, they now have over 100,000 followers on Instagram where their human owners post cute pictures of them enjoying life and each other’s company. As you can see, they are actually probably the cutest and most goofiest dogs you will ever see. Harlow is a beautiful and expressive Weimaraner who seems to love posing and goofing off for the camera. His late sister Sage, a beautifully speckled Dachsund, also used to play in the photos with him, but after Sage’s death due to old age, Harlow was joined by a new little sister, Indiana, an absolutely adorable and goofy young Dachsund puppy. Now we are treated to regular photos of the two rascals playing and napping together. Harlow and Indiana now seem to be near inseparable, and all the better for us because they are the cutest little things ever and it appears that becoming famous is simple; be a cute dog.



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