2016 Bonner Fall Directors and Coordinators' Agenda

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Oh, the places we will go! Exploring the Future of Civic Engagement

Bonner Fall Directors and Coordinators’ Meeting The Claggett Center • November 1-4, 2016

In the spirit of fellowship and celebration, this Bonner Fall Directors and Coordinators Meeting is designed to do the following: • Provide staff with opportunities to participate in meaningful dialogue and learning across programs and our colleges and universities, especially about the opportunities and challenges for enhancing our work and civic engagement partnerships across the institution and communities; • Provide professional development and skill building opportunities that equip staff for leadership on campus and in the field; and, • Ensure that the Bonner Program and network remain on the “creative edge” that can support college access and student success, effective community partnerships, and campuswide integration while navigating the challenges within higher education.

Agenda Tuesday, November 1, 2016 Travel to the Claggett Center

Registration at the Claggett Center 3035 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown, MD 21710 You’ll be able to check in from 3:00 pm on

5:30 pm - 6:45 pm

Dinner and casual networking with the Bonner network ~ 
 The Claggett Center Dining Hall

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Welcome and Opening Session ~ Mapping and Exploring the Terrain of Civic Engagement on Our Campuses In this session, Bonner staff will have the opportunity to take a journey on “Bonner’s Excellent Adventure” to consider, envision, and discuss the future of civic and community engagement and learning on our campuses. We’ll engage in dialogue about where our work stands on campus now and its link to institutional mission and strategic priorities. We’ll identify and discuss some of the key current challenges (like the fiscal climate) that may be influencing our work. We’ll talk about what components we need to move our work forward in the next years to come.

8:30 pm on

Reception - casual social time for the Bonner community, with snacks and refreshments at the Claggett Center

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 7:45 am - 8:45 am Breakfast (with buffet & healthy options) The Claggett Center (or at your hotel)

9:00 am - 10:45 am All Group Session: Community Engaged Signature Work - Monocacy Last year, the Bonner network engaged in dialogue about the notion of civically connected academic pathways that culminate in an engaged capstone experience. Signature Work is part of the new Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) Challenge. This fall, the Bonner Foundation and several campuses in our network have contributed stories to the current issue of Diversity & Democracy. In this session, we’ll discuss key themes that are part of developing pathways to Community Engaged Signature Work.

11:00 am - 12:15 pm Elective Workshops A choice of 6 workshops, each of which is designed to build your professional knowledge and toolkit for building and managing the Bonner Program, as well as effective campus-wide centers. Topics will include: • • • •

Are We Making a Difference in Our Work with Youth - Powell Bonner Leadership Teams That Build Program Capacity - Potomac Incorporating Social Media and Online Tools into your Work - Monocacy The Book of Bonner: Integrating and Clarifying Program Elements for Students Blue Ridge • Top 15 Ways Faculty and Staff Support Students of Color - Tidball • Developing and Managing Community Partnerships that are Deep, Developmental, and Making an Impact - Walker

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch - The Claggett Center

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 2:15 pm - 4:15 pm Cohort Learning Community Strategy Sessions This year, the Bonner Foundation and network is launching several cohort learning communities, designed to provide opportunities for learning and support across programs and campuses on key issues in our work. The following cohort learning communities will be meeting in person to engage in planning and dialogue: • • • • •

Campus-wide Student Led Engagement - Potomac Community Engaged Signature Work - Monocacy Faculty Engagement - Blue Ridge Infrastructure to Support CBR & Policy Research - Walker Senior Presentations of Learning - Tidball

Staff may split up to join different sessions. Definitely join the one that you will be a part of, and if your campus has not committed yet, you can still participate.

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Campus Check In Time Given that staff may be split up in different dialogue groups and sessions throughout the day, your team has a chance to meet up. If you’re alone from your campus, feel free to team up with another colleague to reflect and process.

5:15 pm Since we’ll have dinner in nearby areas, like Adamstown, people will gather briefly to talk about carpooling and for announcements about restaurants.

5:30 pm- 8:45 pm Have dinner with colleagues off site.

9:00 pm on Reception and networking Casual social time with friends and colleagues back at the Claggett Center. Snacks and refreshments will be offered.

Thursday, November 3, 2016 7:45 am - 8:45 am Breakfast (with buffet & healthy options) at The Claggett Center (or at your hotel for people staying off site)

9:00 am - 10:45 am All Group Session: Student Learning Outcomes - Monocacy At this time, a number of campuses in the network have begun to formulate and finalize a set of intended student learning outcomes tied to civic and community engagement. This session will include a set of short presentations by some campuses that have articulated outcomes (or are on their way), sharing their processes. Includes presentations from: Berea College, Siena College, University of Richmond, and Warren Wilson College. Following up on the inquiry-based model learned from the University of Richmond in the Assessment Institute from last year, the Bonner network will do a data lab of these outcomes to discuss key common themes.

11:00 am - 12:15 pm Elective Workshops A choice of 6 workshops, each of which is designed to build your professional knowledge and tools with key aspects of the Bonner Program. • Community Engaged January Term Courses - Walker • Measuring Institutional Change: Putting Your National Assessment of Service and Community Engagement (NASCE) Data to Work - Monocacy • Strategic Planning, Process, Problems, Progress - Tiball • Strategies for Campus Wide Engagement and Support - Powell • Trauma Informed Care - Potomac • TVRS: An Example of Deep Partnerships in Action - Blue Ridge

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch and Break - The Claggett Center

Thursday, November 3, 2016 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Idea Labs: Design Thinking and Innovation Strategy Sessions These blocks, rather than being conventional workshops or even sharing of best practices, will allow participants to wrestle with new ideas, surface and confront challenges with new solutions, or otherwise engage in creative thinking and dialogue. Choose a topic that suits you and come prepared to offer your insights and perspectives. • • • • •

Alumni Network - Walker BWBRS 4.0 - Tidball Envisioning the Ideal Community Engaged Campus - Monocacy Exploring the Intersection of Civic Engagement and Well-Being - Potomac Issue Education and Organizing - Blue Ridge

4:15 pm - 5:15 pm All Bonner Business - Monocacy Meeting to cover important Bonner Foundation and Network news, updates, and other information.

5:30 pm

Reception and Dinner The Claggett Center

7:00 pm on Social Time!

Friday, November 4, 2016 7:45 am - 8:45 am Breakfast (with buffet & healthy options) The Claggett Center (or at your hotel)

9:00 am - 10:30 am Staff Networking and Professional Development Discussions - Monocacy Bonner Fall Directors Meetings are always a great support for staff and faculty to find fellowship, be renewed, share and take away some ideas and best practices, and deepen their own professional knowledge and toolkit. This session, planned and facilitated by Bonner National Fellows, will allow for staff to meet in groups with peers with similar levels of experience. You’ll have a chance to discuss your experiences and to generate ideas for what kinds of professional development and supports might support you to stay inspired and acquire even greater leadership and competencies.

10:30 am - 11:00 am Closing

Elective Workshops Top 15 Ways Faculty and Staff Support Students of Color - Tidball Caroline Twiggs, Shannon Hoffman, & Shuli Archer In 2014, the Mars Hill University Intercultural Council conducted focus groups with students of color. One of the results of the session was a list of 15 ways faculty and staff can support students of color on Mars Hill University's campus. In this interactive session, we will reflect on this list and discuss ways in which our offices can incorporate the best practices generated by the students. The Book of Bonner: Integrating and Clarifying Program Elements for Students - Blue Ridge Brad Brewer You want your students to have strong service positions that naturally progress, and for all your Bonner meetings to follow the developmental model such that graduating Bonners have optimized their learning and impact over four years. Easy, right? The problem is, CLAs aren't always followed, T&E meetings don't always seem relevant (and can feel redundant) and cornerstone activities, career connections, and academic linkages can feel like "one-offs" we scramble to include in the student experience. This summer, my team made a book for our students that includes all of those elements and it has changed everything. Let's talk about how! Bonner Leadership Teams that Build Program Capacity - Potomac Samantha Ha & Jessie Scott Student voice is a fundamental component of the Bonner Program. One way to optimize student voice and empower students to lead their fellow students is through your Bonner Leadership Team. This interactive workshop will address different BLT structures and how to combine them into a structure that best fits your program, best practices for building and maintaining an effective BLT, and ways to build capacity for your Bonner program using your student leadership.

Wednesday, Nov 2 11:00am-12:15pm

Incorporating Social Media and Online Tools Into Your Work - Monocacy Matt Cummings Are you interested in improving your social media presence and integrating these tools your professional repertoire as well as center’s work? This workshop will present strategies to take advantage of free and low-cost social media tools to enhance your online presence (both personal and for the institution) and how you can better connect with today’s tech savvy audiences. From free online graphic design programs to publishing on Linked In to developing a thorough marketing strategy, this webinar is geared for the beginner but will also contain some tips and tricks (like using analytics) for more advanced users. Developing and Managing Community Partnerships that are Deep, Developmental, and Making an Impact - Walker Bobby Hackett In recent years we have expanded our goals for community engagement to include capacity building projects and to include partnering with local collaboratives working at a systemic level to bring about change. Going beyond placing students in direct, hands-on client service positions is a major transition for most schools in our network. This session will provide an opportunity to share experiences and strategies for working with community partners to define and manage capacitybuilding projects, whether as part of Bonner service, school-year or summer internships, or linked to an academic course or independent study. Are We Making a Difference in Our Work with Youth? - Powell Ellen Alcorn Lots of our students are working in schools and after-school programs. We have many data points to show that our students are enjoying positive benefits from doing this work, but how can we tell whether these efforts are really making a difference for our partners? After sharing some of the tools and strategies we use at Bates to assess the impact of our work with public schools and other youth-serving organizations, I'd love to hear the approaches that you are using. Let's use this space to wrestle with the question of impact assessment together!

Thursday, Nov 3 11:00am-12:15pm

Elective Workshops

Trauma Informed Care - Potomac Charmaine Wilson

Strategic Planning: Process, Problems, Progress - Tidball Michael Nordquist

Trauma Informed Care (TIC) is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. Does trauma affect everyone differently? Are there ways to embrace those differences? Let's explore how trauma affects our college students and communities. Community Engaged J-Term Courses Walker Trecia Pottinger, Anne McKee, & Zane Dukes

As the work of civic and community engagement centers expands, and expectations from campus and community partners grow, a strategic plan can provide a center with focus and direction to decide among what can seem like an endless list of exciting, innovative, and important projects and programs. This session will explore when and why a strategic plan might be useful or necessary, strategies on how to prepare and embark upon a strategic planning process for a center or program, discuss the process TCNJ undertook, and reflect upon the problems that a plan can, and cannot, address.

Does your campus offer January or May Term Course? Interested in a different approach to your domestic and international service trips? Come learn how two Bonner Programs developed short semester community based learning courses for their Bonner Students. In January 2016, both Maryville College and Oberlin College offered new courses for their Bonner Scholars. Maryville College took an opportunity to change their First Year Trip into a three week January Term travel course that joined the history of civil rights to current justice issues. Oberlin College collaborated with the School for International Training on trip to Amsterdam to learn about sexual health, LGBT rights, economic justice, and migration and consider how NGOs grapple with these issues in the contemporary Netherlands. Strategies for Campus-Wide Engagement and Support - Powell Joan Liptrot and Xany Whitmoore The Office of Service Learning promotes a strong culture of service at Rider by providing service experiences for all Rider students, staff, and faculty through a variety of on and off campus opportunities. Campus wide days of service, ongoing service initiatives, service to go kits, and support to faculty as well as all campus clubs, organizations, and departments is facilitated by staff and Bonner students serving as interns. Learn how our initiatives strengthen the experiential development of Rider students as well as enhance the role of Rider as an agent of change in the Mercer County community.

TVRS: An Example of Deep Partnerships in Action - Blue Ridge Heather Camp Three years ago The Center for Community Engaged Learning and Research collaborated with the Trenton Police Department, The Trenton Prevention Policy Board, and TCNJ faculty members to propose a new project called The Trenton Violence Reduction Strategy, a $1.3 million dollar project. This workshop will explore how the Center built upon its deep partnership model to draft the proposal and execute the initiative. We will also discuss the ways the project has helped to advance the core programs of the Center: Community Engaged Learning, Bonner Community Scholars, and Research initiatives. Measuring Institutional Change: Putting Your National Assessment of Service and Community Engagement (NASCE) Data to Work - Monocacy April Backus Join us to learn what the NASCE is, what is measures and how it is used. This workshop is designed to help you understand how your institution can use the NASCE to measure shifts in institutional culture over time. We will review what we know from our combined data set of more than 57,000 completes at 100+ colleges and universities as well as ways that other institutions have used the data in their strategic planning and community engagement efforts on their campuses.

Roster Campus Allegheny College Allegheny College Allegheny College Bates College Bates College Berry College Berry College Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham-Southern College Brown University Brown University Brown University Centre College Centre College Christopher Newport University Concord University Concord University Davidson College Davidson College DePauw University DePauw University DePauw University DePauw University Earlham College Earlham College Edgewood College Emory & Henry College Guilford College High Point University IUPUI Lindsey Wilson College Lindsey Wilson College Lynchburg College Lynchburg College Macalester College Mars Hill University Maryville College Maryville College Maryville College Montclair State University Morehouse College Morehouse College Notre Dame of Maryland University Notre Dame of Maryland University Oberlin College Oberlin College Rhodes College

Name Ellen Bach Charmaine Wilson Dave Roncolato Ellen Alcorn Martha Deschaines Laurie Chandler Michael Zirkel Kristin Harper Emily Thornton Betsy Shimberg Juan Carlos Carranza Mathew Johnson Liz Brandt Gregory Chery Bradley Brewer Natalie Fields Kathy Ball Kristin Booher Katherine Bowser Jessie Scott Douglas Harms Matthew Cummings Valerie Rudolph Jana Schroeder Abbey Pratt-Harrington Tricia Dusick Travis Proffitt James Shields Mary Beth Foust Charli Linemann Natalie Vickous Elise Luckey Anne Gibbons Sammie Chapman Ruth Janisch Lake Caroline Twiggs Anne McKee Amy Gilliland Zane Dukes Krystal Woolston Monty Whitney Jacob Bentley Ammad Sheikh Lindsay Radice Trecia Pottinger Brandi McVety Shannon Hoffman

Email ebach@allegheny.edu cwilson@allegheny.edu droncola@allegheny.edu ealcorn@bates.edu mdeschai@bates.edu lchandler@berry.edu mzirkel@berry.edu kharper@bsc.edu ethornto@bsc.edu elizabeth_shimberg@brown.edu juan_carranza@brown.edu mathew_johnson@brown.edu elizabeth.brandt@centre.edu gregory.chery@centre.edu brad.brewer@cnu.edu nfields@concord.edu bonner@concord.edu krbooher@davidson.edu kabowser@davidson.edu jscott@depauw.edu dharms@depauw.edu matthewcummings@depauw.edu vrudolph@depauw.edu schroja@earlham.edu prattab@earlham.edu tdusick@edgewood.edu tproffitt@ehc.edu jshields@guilford.edu mfoust@highpoint.edu charli@iupui.edu vickousn@lindsey.edu luckeye@lindsey.edu gibbons@lynchburg.edu chapman_s@lynchburg.edu janischlake@macalester.edu ctwiggs@mhu.edu anne.mckee@maryvillecollege.edu amy.gilliland@maryvillecollege.edu Zane.dukes@maryvillecollege.edu woolstonk@montclair.edu wilbur.whitney@morehouse.edu jacob.bentley@morehouse.edu asheikh@ndm.edu lradice@ndm.edu tpotting@oberlin.edu bmcvety@oberlin.edu hoffmans@rhodes.edu

Roster Campus Name Rider University Joan Liptrot Rider University Xany Whitmore Rollins College Marissa Corrente Rollins College Sharifa Ford Rutgers - Camden Chris Countryman Rutgers - New Brunswick Amy Michael Rutgers - New Brunswick Claudio Mir Sewanee: The University of the South Michelle Howell Sewanee: The University of the South Robin Michaels Siena College Allison Schultz Siena College Kelly Finn Siena College Emma Bettiol Siena College April Backus Spelman College Jilo Tisdale Spelman College Mellonee Axam Spelman College Teanna Glass Stetson University Amber Finnicum-Simmons Stetson University Luisa De Guzman Stockton University Daniel Fidalgo Tome Stockton University Erin O'Hanlon The Bonner Foundation Robert Hackett The Bonner Foundation Annie Pasqua The Bonner Foundation Kristi Corider The Bonner Foundation Elvis Diaz The Bonner Foundation Sam Ha The College of New Jersey Paula Figueroa-Vega The College of New Jersey Michael Nordquist The College of New Jersey Heather Camp Tusculum College Courtney Washburn Union College Stefanie Edgell University of Dayton Kelly Bohrer University of Richmond Bryan Figura University of Richmond Blake Stack University of Tampa Ian McGinnity Ursinus College Katie Turek Ursinus College Christian Rice Wagner College Kevin Farrell Warren Wilson College Shuli Archer Widener University Gretchen Mielke Wofford College Jessalyn Story Wofford College Ramon Galinanes

Email JLiptrot@rider.edu AWhitmoore@rider.edu mcorrente@rollins.edu SFORD@Rollins.edu ccountry@camden.rutgers.edu Amymic@rci.rutgers.edu isnard@rci.rutgers.edu amhowell@sewanee.edu rhille@sewanee.edu ajschultz@siena.edu kfinn@siena.edu ebettiol@siena.edu abackus@siena.edu jtisdale@spelman.edu maxam@spelman.edu Tglass1@spelman.edu afinnicu@stetson.edu ldeguzma@stetson.edu daniel.tome@stockton.edu erin.ohanlon@stockton.edu rhackett@bonner.org apasqua@bonner.org kcorider@bonner.org elvis@bonner.org sam@bonner.org pfiguero@tcnj.edu nordquim@tcnj.edu hcamp@tcnj.edu cwashburn@tusculum.edu stefanie.edgell@unionky.edu kbohrer1@udayton.edu bfigura@richmond.edu bstack@richmond.edu imcginnity@ut.edu kturek@ursinus.edu crice1@ursinus.edu kevin.farrell@wagner.edu sarcher@warren-wilson.edu gkmielke@widener.edu StoryJW@wofford.edu galinanesr@wofford.edu

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