Constructivist: Abstract “Prouns”
El Lissitzky: Abstract Proun, “New Man”, 1923.
Final Drawing:
“Here, I took Lissitzky’s Proun ”New Man” and traced over it with vellum paper, along with a smaller proun I layed under it, and turned it into my own form of constructivisim. I then took the drawing a step further by putting it in Illustrater and changing the line weights and color, making my own abstract piece of his work.
Pyshical Model:
“For the pyshical model, I again made an abstract piece of Lissitzky’s work , by constructing my own interpetation. I used thin pieces of wood and bristol board for the materials.”
Digital Model:
“The Digital Model I constructed is designed too take Lissitzky’s proun and turn it into a machine. I got the inspiration for the idea from the High-Tech building below.”
“Another angle of the pyshical model. The materials on the model are made to make the machinery look hazardous.�
Section Cut:
“The Section shows that their is clearly only one for people to enter the structure and it’s through the center square. It is designed for workeres to fit inside and perform maintnance if need be.”