Bones Osteoporosis Reversed With Natural Means Author: Mary Clowers Davis Skill: Life Coach Location: AZ, United States My 89 year young mother-in-law was on 9 meds. One was Fosamax. She was frightened by all the potential side effects of the Rx's and wanted off. She began a program of ICP, Comfortone, 6 oz. NingXia Red daily, Omega Blue, Super Cal., Polyzme + bouncing on a rebounder 10 minutes 3x daily. After 30 days she had a bone density done and it showed no signs of osteoporosis and she was able to discontinue the Fosamax. Was the Fosamax doing it's job, or did the exceptionally high quality nutritional support put her over the top? We gave her M.D. a list of everything above + plus a catalog to show we were using nurtitional support to cover the bases. This helped educate him so he could make an informed decision about her medications. 1 down, 8 to go. Blessings, Mary
Reversing Osteoporosis Over Time Author: Vera Smith Location: TX, United States About six years ago a bone density test revealed that I had full-blown osteoporosis. In fact - the test showed my bones were TWELVE years older than the rest of me! The test also revealed there were two neck disks that were completely dissolved. I immediately changed my diet, giving up coffee, sodas & dairy. I started drinking almond milk and cleaned up my diet. 21 months ago I started drinking a green smoothie which includes kale and chia seeds. and I also started on a protocol of Sulfurzyme, BLM & Super Cal. As I said, six years ago my bones were 12 years older than my actual age. If they had continued to deteriorate at the same rate, today they would be 18 years older than I am. But yesterday's bone density test revealed that instead of having very old bones. . . I now merely have osteopenia, a precursor to osteoporosis! In 21 months, I have significantly reversed a very painful disease! How way cool and exciting is that!? I will forever be grateful for the Young Living product line!
Osteoporosis Recipe Improved Bone Density Results Author: Ken Cook Location: CA, United States About a year ago I began treatment of Osteoporosis with Forteo, HCTZ and dietary modification. I searched here and found several suggestions for
Jul-Aug 2014 essential oil treatments, which I have followed. The first is applying cypress and wintergreen to the vitaflex points on my feet each night. The other two were blends I made following a recipe, which I alternated and applied in the morning and massaged into the vita-flex points. My primary area of application was my arch, which corresponds with the spine. After a year of these combined programs, my DEXA bone density scan results improved in my spine from -3.0 to -2.3, while maintaining the -1.5 in my hip. As my oil application was focused the spine flex points, I attribute some of the improvement to the essential oils. And I am now also including my heels when I do my twice-daily applications.
A Popping And Crackling Sound Came From My Hip Author: Elsie Tudd Location: CA, United States One day I stooped down to get birthday card which was at the bottom of the rack. When I started getting up my hips had a noise like popping or crackling. It was very painful to straighten up. Slowly I got my Deep Relief in the front pocket of my pants. I always carry Breathe Again and Deep Relief since the two fit nicely. I have some different oils in my back pack. I go to place where I have to cover. I pull my shirt and pull down a little bit my pants and rub the painful lower back parts, and keep praying by the stripes of Jesus I am healed. It take so long that the sales lady came over and asked what is going on. I told her what happen and I am trying to massage myself to relieve me of my pain so I can go on. Then she left me alone. I don't want her to know or she will call 911 which I do not want to bring me to the Emergency or hospital. It takes so long before I was able to walk little by little. I return all the groceries in my basket and leave the birthday card which was the most important reason I was there. Then slowly going to the cashier to pay. Then the ordeal began, how can I walk for 3 blocks and go to the bus stop at Russia, for my Bus 29? I really did not think good, may be black out. Not thinking to take a taxi, just focus on slowly walking one step at a time, inch by inch. Then I put the paper bag on my left hand, the left hip was hurting, transfering the weight to the hurting side. The pain subsided a little bit, and I was able to walk a little bit, and the pain was bearable. Sipping the Ningxia Red 1 ounce packet, I always have with me 3 to 4 packets in my bag. I was able reach the bus stop and was home about 4 pm. As soon as I put everything away I got the Essential Oils Desk Reference and looked at the bone fracture, hip fracture, broken bone, and all bone problems. I got all
the oils available and lined them up in front of me. Broken Bone, I use first Valor followed by: 1. thyme, Aroma Siez, PanAway 2. helichrysum, wintergreen, peppermint, spruce, Idaho Balsam Fir and pine 3. Relieve It Bone Pain Same as #2 above Oils are almost the same Sprain 1. Idaho Balsam Fir, wintergreen and Aroma Siez 2. basil, pine, spruce, cypress and peppermint I rub it very gently on my back and wherever it hurts, layering one oil at a time, until every oil was used. I also put them on the soles of my feet, the temples, the mastoid, the spine almost every part of my body that I could reach. Then I fall asleep very deep sleep I did not know my daughter came. When I woke up I can't move, I can't get up to the bathroom. About 1 am I put the oils on again and praying how can I get up. So I try to slide, can not be, I don't know what happened I was able to use urinal which about 5 inches high, the problem is I can not get up. It takes so long, until I feel another urge to go again. But I have to get up and be on bed before my daughter wake up and go to work and see me in my room in that position. I have to lie down and pretend, I am sleeping. I don't want her to know or she will bring me to the hospital and the doctors will give me a hip replacement. When she left in the morning to work, she thinks I am still sleeping and when she comes in the evening she thinks I am already asleep. After she left for work, I am alone, since I can not use that urinal again because it is hard to get up and then I have to dispose it in the toilet and clean which is very hard work, So I have to crawl to the bathroom, and even to the sink. I am just so happy if she calls me and said, Mom I had a late lunch, because that means she will not eat when she comes home. In days that she will eat at home, I just told her to warm some food in the fridge. And sometimes she brought home some food for her to eat. I also make the blend for bone healing which 8 drops Idaho Balsam fir and 6 drops helichrysum, I also make the Broken Bone Blend per EODR page 356. And also put the all the oils of the Raindrop Technique in one 15ml bottle 10 drops each and fill it with Ortho ease. I also rub it on my spine up to the parts that I can reach and then I put in on my feet in almost all over the acupuncture or reflexology or vita flex points of my body are being utilized. I also use Palo Santo to regenerate my bones and Valor to realign my bones. The last of all this oils I put is the peppermint, because Cherie Ross said it pushes the
oils to where it belongs or what cell of the body really needs the particular oil. This goes on for 3 days, and praise the Lord! When I wake up on Friday about 7 am, there was no pain whatsoever and I jumped and praise the Lord sing praises to him and thanking Him for what He has done. When I rub or massage the oil I pray, By the Stripes of Jesus I am healed, and you are the God that healeth me. I sang healing songs, You are the Lord my healer. And thanking Him for my healing, even before He give me the healing. Or even before I received my healing. Because I believe He is the Healer and the oil is the medium or the vehicle that He like us to use as He commanded us in the Bible. Anointing with oils and pray. This happened Jan 3, 2011 and up to Friday the 7th when I woke up healed. I run out PANAWAY. To date I still use those blends I make.
Pain From Broken Clavicle Author: Christine Carleton Skill: Frequency Energy Location: Bc, Canada Two men at a bank machine beat me up. Amongst other injuries my left clavicle was broken. After 2 nights in the hospital, I was discharged with a couple of painkillers. This is a girl who has not had as much as an aspirin in over 20 years. The painkillers left me in a massive druggy haze. On the third or fourth day after the accident, zoned with the painkillers and still uncomfortable I pondered if it was even worth the struggle to get better because I could not think. It occurred to me that there must be something else. I reached for my PanAway, having heard that it helped bone pain, however, never believing it could touch the pain I was experiencing. I put 4-5 drops on. The pain reduced. I added a couple more drops. They pain was almost gone - by comparison - I felt I could at move at bit. My head started to clear, my thoughts started to return. When the care assistant came the next day, I asked them to throw out the maximum dose codeine pain killing drugs. From that point on I used PanAway. At my 4-week check up with the Dr. he was surprised with my rate of healing. Being over 50 with osteoporosis, I was healed to where he expected me to be at 6-7 weeks. He was amazed. I am so grateful I had essential oils and especially PanAway Disclaimer: These testimonials are for informational purposes and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. In managing your health, please consult your physician. Testimonials taken from:
Bonnie Bird – YLEO#1414970 – (925) 240-5282 Facebook Page: Blog: Email:
Congestion Thieves Helps Reduce Head And Chest Congestion Author: Amy Hillis Location: OH, United States My husband had a bad cold that included head congestion and chest congestion. He diffused Young Living Thieves oil and noticed his symptoms were significantly reduced when he was at home breathing in the oil. When he left for work and was away from the oil, within 15 minutes his symptoms increased again.
RC & Thieves And The Common Cold Author: Pamela Means Location: AK, United States There is a cold bug this year with some flu like symptoms, such as fever, loss of appetite, and then the usual cold symptoms of clogged head, congestion etc. I've been using Thieves to combat the sore throat, and congestion, but my friend gave me a little bit of RC, and what a difference! My head began to clear, and my congestion is better with just one application.
RC And Raven Relieve Congestion Author: Jane Hurd Location: NJ, United States I have used RC and Raven to relieve congestion by rubbing on my chest area and my young daughter, it has worked very well and sometimes relieved the symptoms of runny nose, etc. by morning.
Allergies And Nasal Congestion Author: Angelia Olson Location: TX, United States By putting a little tea tree oil on a cotton swab and swabbing my nasal passages each morning and night, it has greatly helped my sinus and allergy problems. It helps to clear out the congestion. If really congested RC works wonders. You bring a pan of water to boil. Drop a few drops of RC in and then put a towel over your head and lean over the pan. Breathe deeply. It is very soothing and helps you breath better. Good for those with lung congestion too.
Alleviating Sinus Congestion In A Baby Author: Mary Cobb-Blumer Location: KY, United States My grandson is 7 months old. I have been using the oils on him since birth. He stayed with me for a night and was really congested. I gave him a bath and slathered him with Peace and Calming and lavender to help him sleep, as it always does.
Jul-Aug 2014 I went into his room to check on him and he wasn't stopped up anymore. I forgot that lavender is good for sinus congestion as well. He slept well and woke up a happy baby. I recommend using these oils for rest and sinus congestion. I rub down his back, legs, feet and hair. Make sure you keep the oils away from their eyes. I have a granddaughter who is 2.5 now and I have used the same oils on her as well. Now with RC and Raven I diffuse it in the room when they sleep here. They recover so well. Sinus congestion and coughing seems to be at an all time high this winter.
I Often Get Laryngitis Author: Nicole Marquis Skill: Energy Worker Location: QC, Canada I often have laryngitis, it starts with sore throat, then sinus congestion, lung congestion, cough and lost of voice. Last week I decided to use essential oils on it. Thieves spray at the back of the throat, the first night and next morning got rid of the pain in the throat. A mixture of V6-lemongrass, frankincense, oregano and balsam fir applied several times on the sinuses, eased the pressure and helped to clear the sinuses. Thieves essential oil under the feet, 3 times a day, at the lung reflex point to stop the lung congestion. Usually the process takes 2 weeks to clear. This time I was back to normal in 5 days.
Bronchitis And Chest Congestion Author: Patricia Peschken Skill: Healer Location: WI, United States A retention enema of Myrrh and Eucalyptus Radiata, were very beneficial to me during a sever case of Bronchitis in 2007. In just minutes the coughing and congestion were relieved and my chest was completely clear for up to six hours before I had to repeat the enema. I used 15 drops of each oil mixed in a glass container and then sucked the oils up into an ear cleaning bulb, to administer the enema.
Smelling Oil Can Help Alleviate Nasal Congestion Author: Janie McCann Location: TX, United States My friend was in the Ukraine in December. He said it is very cold and everyone he knew was catching the flu and going into the hospital. He had some overthe-counter cold meds, but they were not much help. He had to sleep sitting up because of all of the congestion. He emailed me to let me know the situation. I emailed him back to see if he had any essential oils with him, to put on the bottom of his feet. He sent
back an email the next morning that he had twisted up toilet paper and put frankincense oil on it and put it in his nose in such a way that he could breathe it in, but it did not touch the inside of his nose. He said it worked better than anything else he had with him.
Facial Sauna With Oils Relieved My Deep Congestion Author: LIsbeth Wacker Location: WI, United States In the spring I was so congested. I could hardly breath through my nose. I tried different things but no relief from the stuffy nose. I looked online for some suggestions on what oils to use. I came across a suggestion on putting a couple of drops of peppermint and lemon in hot water in a wash basin and cover it with a towel, creating a steam bath for my face. I stayed under the towel and breathed in the steam from the hot water with the oils for about 5 minutes. About 10 minutes later my congestion cleared up and I was able to breath again. I could go to bed and was able to sleep. I am thankful for the oils God has given us.
Flu Eliminated In A One Day Author: Candice Reif Location: AZ, United States I woke the other morning around 5 AM with an upset stomach. Within an hour I got the chills and began to shake. Then I knew the flu was trying to take hold. I took a capsule filled with Thieves oil even though my stomach was still a bit upset. It seemed just fine with no negative effects. This was repeated 3 more times during the day. As the day progressed I developed one flu symptom after another but individually. First upset stomach, then chills, upset stomach again, chest congestion, head/sinus congestion, my ears hurt, and finally headache. By 6 or 7 PM I was fine. It was amazing. The only other thing I did was take nap in the afternoon. So from now on I will ingest Thieves at the onset of illness instead of waiting for illness to "take hold" first.
Our Infant Son Came Down With RSV At 10 Weeks Author: Wendy Stanziano Location: FL, United States My introduction to Young Living came from our son being diagnosed with RSV (respiratory virus common in infants) at 10 weeks old and our experience with the rapid decrease in symptoms. Being viral, there was nothing the doctor could prescribe. The pediatrician cautioned that his
breathing might become labored and we should head to the ER. I was determined not to let that happen. My friend came over with her oils and she rubbed a blend of oregano, Thieves, RC, and Raven on his back, feet and chest. She sat in front of the diffuser with Thieves and held him upright. After a sleepless night upright in a chair before the diagnosis, he slept most of the night after reapplying oils and slept soundly thereafter. By the second day he had just a bit of nasal congestion, and by day 3 he was congestion-free.
Barometric Changes Often Cause Sinus Congestion Author: Sabine Barnett Skill: Raindrop Technique Location: TN, United States Where I live in Tennessee, the temperatures fluxuate greatly and barometric changes often cause sinus congestion, pain, or even sinus infections. While peppermint, R.C. and the Eucalyptus oils are helpful for some, I have found that the Thieves blend, diluted with V-6 oil helps me the most personally. What I do is pour a little pool of V-6 oil into the palm of my hand. A cold-pressed vegetable oil or coconut oil will do as well. Then I allow 1-2 drops of Thieves to fall into that little pool and immerse some Q-tips into the oil mixture. Then I swab my nostrils and try to reach as high as is comfortable. Thieves is a hot oil blend, so it must be diluted with a carrier oil. What happens next is that you start sneezing, blowing and releasing mucus. You may need to repeat this as often as needed until you get the relief you need. You may wish to start by putting some V-6 oil around the bottom of your nose so that the skin won't get irritated. This is what has helped me the most with sinus-related pain. A friend of mine, who had chronic congestion for years following an illness got relief after doing this on a regular basis until she had a breakthrough! Another great use for this is when flying. Putting some of these q-tips into a zip-lock snack bag and keeping them on you, it's great for swabbing your nose before breathing that cabin air that can carry so many germs. Disclaimer: These testimonials are for informational purposes and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. In managing your health, please consult your physician. Testimonials taken from:
Bonnie Bird – YLEO#1414970 – (925) 240-5282 Facebook Page: Blog: Email:
Infections Infection On Toe Removed With Oregano Author: Tandi Hartle Location: UT, United States My daughter was picking at her toe nails and pulled off a hang nail that caused a little bleeding. In a couple of days she had a pocket of green pus and a swollen red toe from infection. She said it was uncomfortable and asked if I could put something on it. I pulled out my trusty oregano oil and put a couple drops directly on the infection. By the next morning the pus was gone, redness and inflammation was gone. Oregano oil is amazing with any kind of infection, we take it both internally and use it externally.
Infant Oral Fungal Infection Cleared Up Author: Jennifer Swanepoel Location: FL, United States At two months of age, my infant daughter was diagnosed with a thrush infection in her mouth. She had two patches of it on the insides of her cheeks. While we were under the care of a doctor and were being treated with antibiotics, a friend recommended that I also try applying a diluted amount of Thieves oil directly to the infection. So I diluted a drop of Thieves oil blend into some olive oil, and then using the tip of a cotton swap I applied it directly to the patches of infection. After the second application, I would say a good 80% of the infection had disappeared from her mouth. I was amazed at how quickly the Thieves oil helped to get rid of it!
Staph Infection Of The Leg Author: Murray Johnson Skill: Healer Location: Wa, Australia I recently received medical treatment with liquid nitrogen to "burn" away a potentially pre-cancerous growth on my left leg. A week later the area became red and tender, and some three days after that, many red spots appeared on my leg. I showed this to a friend who is a practicing nurse and she identified that I had contracted a staph infection. That day I started applying Melaeuca Alternifolia oil morning and night over the affected area, and in five days the infection had totally gone and the wound had healed.
Receding Gums And Infection Led To Horrible Pain Author: Thomas Carroll Location: CA, United States
Jul-Aug 2014 This has happened twice now. My upper left molars numbers 10-12 had the gums recede and produce infection between the roots of the teeth and the cheek bone. Using hot salt water relieved severe pain temporarily, but infection soon spread throughout the number #10-#15 molars. My entire face was swollen and in the worst pain you can imagine. After rinsing with hot water I used a cotton Q-tip with the Thieves oil applying at each molar intersection and every sore spot. It has managed the infection and come through for me. I had originally tried the lavender the first day and switched to the Thieves oil once the infection spread to the majority of my upper left jaw.
My MRSA Nightmare With A Happy Oregano Ending Author: Laura Hudgins Location: TX, United States I had my second child in October of 2011, and two weeks later I had a my first severe facial skin infection. Obviously I was distracted after just having a baby and did not pay it much attention. Two weeks later I was hospitalized with a kidney infection and also had to have the infection on my face lanced. That is when I learned that I had MRSA. Again, I did not think much of it at the time and thought I was cured from being on IV antibiotics for 4 days. A few months later I got another infection on my face that started out as a pimple, according to doctor's this was the entry point for the infection. This infection also had to be lanced. Over the course of several months this area of my face kept becoming reinfected and had to be lanced each time because the Bactrim antibiotic I was taking could not reach the infection to cure it by themselves. The size of the infections and swelling were alarmingly large. The last MRSA infection on my face just happened spontaneously in my facial tissue. There was no entry point on the skin or break in the skin for it to enter, which meant it was living inside my tissue. The doctors were very concerned about this, but offered little solutions. I was basically told there was nothing more they could do for me, to prevent these infections from reaccuring. I was so scared for myself and my family! That is when a family member told me about oregano oil and that a relative of their's had positive results using to orally and topically combat MRSA. I started using the oil when I could "feel" an infection brewing, and am happy to report that I have not had an infection since. This oil changed my life and inspired me to learn more about the powers of essential oils!
Gentle Baby For Skin Infection Author: Deborah Ranada Location: ID, United States After the chicken pox my son developed different type of rash over his entire body. I took him to the doctor who said he had a secondary skin infection. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic that he said may or may not work. I did not get the prescription filled. Instead I rubbed him all over three times a day with a few drops of Gentle Baby oil diluted in V-6 oil, so it would spread further. The first three days there was a great improvement. I could tell the infection was healing. In a week it was gone.
"Incurable" Infection Attached To Metal In My Back Author: Kathryn Breon Location: PA, United States For three years my 29-year-old son has had a severe infection that went undetected, although he went to several hospitals for help. Finally in March he was diagnosed with the infection, which had now attached itself to metal that was put in his back several years before. There was no name for the infection, although it was not MRSA. My son was given 6 weeks of IV antibiotic therapy through a PICC line. He was also told that antibiotics could kill 99% of the infection, but no medication could completely kill it. It would come back, and he was given no hope for long-term recovery. They could do surgery to remove the metal, thus getting rid of the infection, but they said he would have only a 25% chance of surviving surgery. Along with praying for healing, about eight weeks ago my son began taking Thyme, Oregano, R.C., Thieves, Lemongrass, and about a third of a bottle of Melissa (all I had, and it is out of stock now), putting several drops of each essential oil under his tongue and letting them absorb into the mucosal membranes twice a day. Then he added olive leaf tincture about four weeks later. He began taking Oregano essential oil in capsules, and, as some of it would spill, those of us who have put it into our mouths will appreciate his fortitude. Last week my son had bloodwork done to see where the infection is, and today he talked with the doctor about test results. The doctor said, "I have never seen anything like this before, but there is no infection in your body; and I do not understand how there is none." What a wonderful answer to prayer, and what a testimony to a marvelous God! Incidentally, an allergy problem my son has had for years disappeared shortly after he began using the essential oils. Praise be to God!
Grandpa Overcame A Bone Infection In His Ankle Author: Margery Cleary Location: OH, United States My grandpa had an infection in his ankle that required surgery and 6 weeks of antibiotics IV. Following that an MRI showed no progress and the doctor wanted to operate again and scrape the bone saying that if it was all the way around, he would have to amputate! I had previously treated a bone infection in the knee of a pony with great success 3 months prior, that gave me the courage to convince grandpa to give Thieves oil a try. He applied 2-3 drops of Thieves on the affected ankle for 3-4 weeks. Upon returning to Florida, and going to the doctor there, he was told the infection went into remission! Thank you God and Young Living Essential Oils! It has been more than 10 years with no signs of reoccurring.
Fungal Infection Caused Hearing Loss Author: Robin Knies Skill: Energy Worker Location: VA, United States I have had a candida or fungal infection in my left ear for two months and have tried everything. I have removed all sugar, gluten, dairy, and corn from my diet. After months of being unable to hear well, someone suggested I use oregano in my ear, just one scant drop. Knowing oregano to be very hot I was extremely hesitant to try this. I decided I would dilute it in coconut oil and only use one tiny drop of oregano. I could feel it working right away. I also saw my chiropractor the next day and got a great adjustment. Within three days my ear was totally clear and the tinnitus is gone. Disclaimer: These testimonials are for informational purposes and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. In managing your health, please consult your physician. Testimonials taken from:
Bonnie Bird – YLEO#1414970 – (925) 240-5282 Facebook Page: Blog: Email:
Urinary Tract Thieves Helped With An Urinary Tract Infection Author: Sylvia Nicoletta Location: Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany I was working with a staff member complaining about an infection she has had now for 1.5 years. She was in a Doctors care for all this time using several different kinds of medicine. Nothing worked. She has this infection in the urinary tract. I simply asked her to try Thieves in 8 ounces of water daily if possible twice or more times a day. She tried it out and guess what? Two weeks later her infection was gone, even though it tasted horrible she said. She now is signed up as a Distributor and I offered her my help in establishing her own group.
My Daughter Refused To Urinate Author: Laura Hopkins Location: TX, United States Although my four-year-old did not have a fever, I believe that she had an urinary tract infection. She refused to urinate and was crying and screaming when I had her try. I gave her an ounce of NingXia Red with a capsule of Life 5. Then I used a coconut oil suppository with RC in it and had her retain it vaginally and used the oil on the redness on the outside. The reason I did this was because it was what I had on hand (I had the suppositories on hand left over from treatment for past respiratory issues) and because the lemongrass in the suppository would be good for the infection. I had her relax, gave her more NingXia Red and put Thieves on her feet. Within an hour, she went to the bathroom twice without any pain.
Reversed A Cat UTI With No Antibiotics Author: Janis McGrath Skill: Energy Worker Location: IL, United States I noticed that my female cat was straining and looking uncomfortable. It was obvious that she had her usual spring urinary tract infection. Her urinary tract was almost completely closed and she had blood in her urine. I have read that female cats who are spayed too early can have repeated problems with UTIs so this may be her issue. She had been eating normally and drinking water so it was a sudden surprise flare-up. I did not want to exposure her to even one round of antibiotics that could stress her digestive system. I had successfully helped her with essential oils in conjunction with antibiotics before so I wanted to try to fight this infection with essential oils alone.
Jul-Aug 2014 When I have used antibiotics on her in the past, it can take 24 to 36 hours before she can comfortably urinate again. That means potentially a day and half of no sleep while she is in pain and straining to urinate. I applied Helichrysum oil to the tips of her ears, Thieves oil to her paw pads, and petted her with ImmuPower, then Raven oil blends. Within a half hour, her urinary tract had opened and she laid down to relax and take a nap. Within 24 hours, she was urinating normally. I monitored the infection by feeling the warmth of her ears. For the next 48 hours, I petted her with Thieves, ImmuPower, and Raven, rotating one oil or oil blend each hour. Every three or four hours, I re-applied Helichrysum oil to her ears. I felt the Helichrysum oil was key to pain relief, relieving the urinary tract spasms, and bringing healing circulation to her urinary tract. I opened a bottle of Mountain Savory oil and put it on a table next to my couch. My cat lay down on the arm of the couch and inhaled the oil, about 10 inches from her nose, for the next twenty minutes. After that, I put a couple drops of Mountain Savory on a cotton ball and put the cotton ball near her favorite napping place. I reapplied the oil to the cotton ball every 48 hours. After 48 hours, I reduced the frequency of oil application to my cat, alternating Thieves, ImmuPower and Raven every two to three hours and Helichrysum every six hours. If her ears felt like they were getting too hot again, I would apply all four oils again at the same time. After four days, I decreased the oil application to once every eight hours; after six days, down to once every twelve hours. After eight days, I stopped using the oils and watched carefully for any signs of recurring infection. I'm happy to say there has been no reoccurrence. The urinary tract infection is gone and she didn't have to suffer the side effects of antibiotics.
Oregano For Urinary Tract Infections Author: Bonnie Olar Skill: Massage Therapist Location: PA, United States Our pet yellow lab was 10 yrs. old when she showed signs of blood in her urine; she is an outside dog and I noticed pinkish, red spots in the snow everywhere she would urinate. I pulled out the Essential Oils Desk Reference and it said that it could be an UTI (urinary tract infection). I decided to try the recommendation and started putting two drops of Oregano with one drop of vegetable oil in the palm of my hand and applied to the bottom of her front paws and then repeat with the
back paws. She is a large dog weighing 70lbs. so I could have probably used it "neat" but oregano is a hot oil and paws can be sensitive. She did not like it at first. I did this 3x's the first day. The next day the bleeding had stopped! I continued for four more days just to make sure. It has never happened since and she is now 12yrs.old!!! About 6months later I got an UTI for the second time in my life and I immediately began using 5-6 drops of oregano in a vegetable capsule 3x's daily. After the first day I had no pain, just alittle pressure. By the second day I had no symptoms at all but kept taking the oregano for 3 more days just to make sure it was gone. That was almost two years ago and I have not had it since!
Preventing Future Urinary Tract Infections Author: Joy Bowes Location: MD, United States I used to depend on antibiotics to cure my urinary tract infections. Now, I only use all natural products. 1. Life 5 probiotics 2. Inner Defense capsules 3. Cranberry capsules 4. Young Living oils - oregano, thyme, endoflex 5. Plenty of water I would use probiotics and Inner Defense capsules 8 hours apart from each other, cranberry capsules every 8 hours, and oils on abdomen as needed. It was empowering to know that I no longer rely on a doctor's prescription pad to remedy my UTIs. In fact, with the products listed above, I can prevent all future UTIs. Now I do not need to worry about post-UTI yeast infections since the probiotics remove only the bad bacteria and leave the good bacteria within my system.
Successful In Overcoming A Urinary Tact Infection Author: Paola Aguillon-Brashear Location: TX, United States I had gone through two urinary tract infections within a year so I was aware of the signs when the third one occurred. Each time I was blessed with an absence of pain in the lower abdomen when the UTI started. However, I become aware of the infection when shooting pains were felt in the lower back or when I found blood in my urine which is when the infection as already spread. The classic routine consisted of going to the doctor, be on pain medication for days and antibiotics for a week with little room for work. I decided to do things differently this time. The urgency to use the bathroom repetitively happened in the middle of the night, with blood discharge.
I went though the testimonials for guidance and decided upon an intake of several oils. I made a capsule with 12 drops of Thieves and 2 drops of Purification and went to bed. I not only fell sound asleep, not having to go to the bathroom again for hours, but there was no more blood in the urine the following morning either. I kept taking capsules mostly with Thieves (10 drops) but then Purification too (5 to 10 drops) and a little bit of Frankincense, 3 times a day for four days. I also drank lots of water and pomegranate juice. I still had to urinate a little more often than usual for a couple of weeks so I did a detox treatment with clay that cleared everything out. I consider this a success as I took no medication, at all, and it was my first attempt at using oils for an acute infection. I was never in any pain or discomfort and didn't miss a day of work!
The UTI Prescription Is Still In My Purse Author: Deanna Taylor Location: OR, United States Yesterday I woke up feeling normal. By 11 AM, I had the usual symptoms of a urinary tract infection. By noon, I was urinating blood with clots in it! The Dr. called me back on my way to the urgent care, and called in a prescription. While I waited for that process to happen, I tried the oils...hoping to slow down my rapidly developing infection and avoid the ER on New Year's Eve! I took 4 drops each of Thieves and Purification in a capsule, and lay down with two drops of each on my abdomen, and a heating pad. In 90 minutes, all visible signs of blood were gone, and other symptoms diminished. I took the same capsules 3 more times through the day, and held off on the antibiotic. This morning, all symptoms are gone! Of course, I will continue to take some capsules for a few days to be sure. I am so thankful to God for His healing touch through essential oils! Disclaimer: These testimonials are for informational purposes and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. In managing your health, please consult your physician. Testimonials taken from:
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