La femme belle boudoir packing list & tips

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Look One

Look Two

Look Three

Nude Heel s Bl ack Heel s Jewery


Congr at ul at i onsonbooki ngyourboudoi rphot ogr aphys es s i on. I t ’ sgoi ngt obeanamazi ngexper i ence.Oneoft hekeyst os ucces si s br i ngi ngapr operwar dr obewi t hyout hatnotonl yi sbeaut i f ul , butflat t er syourbodyaswel l . Her ei sacheats heett hatwi l lhel pyous hopandknow whatt o br i ngwi t hyout oyours es s i on.Ihopeyoufindi thel pf ul .Pl eas e f eelf r eet oas kmeques t i onsatanyt i met ohel pyout hr ough t hepr oces saswel l .

Bonni e Confer-Owner


910. 728. 6778

Bonni e Confer-Owner


910. 728. 6778

GARTERBEL TS, GARTERS &THI GHHI GHS A Gar t erBel ti sabel twor nar oundt hewai s torhi pswi t hat t achedgar t er s orf as t ener st ohol dups t ocki ngs . Somet i mesGar t er s ar ebui l ti nt ol i nger i e s oabel ti s n’ tneeded. Thes t ocki ngst heyhol dupar ecal l edThi ghHi ghs( becaus et heypul lupt o t het hi gh) . ear et wodier entt ypesoft hi ghhi ghs : Ther ear ubbermat er i alont hei ns i det ohel pt hem s t ayup. Thi si s Somehav REALL Yi mpor t antt oknow. I ft hes t ocki ngshav et her ubberi ns i det heyar e NOTmeantf orgar t er s . Theyar emeantt obewor nwi t houtt hem. The r ubberal l owst hem t os t ayupont hei rown. I fyout r yt opai rt hes es t ocki ngwi t hgar t er s , t heyar ev er yhar dt oat t achbecaus eoft het hi cknes sof t hem. St ocki ngswi t houtt her ubberar emuchmor edes i r abl ef orgar t er s .Ther ei s anar tt oat t achi ngt hes t ocki ngs . Agai n, don’ twor r y, I caneas i l yhel pyou andt eachyouhow i t ’ sdone. SHAPEW EAR Shapeweari sat ypeoft i ght fit t i ngunder weari nt endedt o r olands hapet hefigur e.Ther ear emanybeaut i f ulopt i onsout cont t her et hes edays .( Nott heonest hatar emeantt obehi dden,but s t yl est hatflat t erandar eal s opl eas i ngt ot heeye) . SLI P Thi nkoft hem asdr es s est hatar emeantt obewor nunderadr es s , of t enwi t hcupsbui l ti nf ors uppor t .Somes l i pscanfiti nt ot hes hape wearcat egor ybutmanydonot . CLOTHI NG Cl ot hi ngi saf ant as t i copt i onf orboudoi r !I tmi ghts oundcount er i nt ui t i v e butt hi nkaboutahotl eat herj acket ;orr i ppedj eansandas exybr a;or o t hes houl ders weat er s ;oras heerTs hi r t .Ther ear es omanyopt i ons f orcl ot hi ngt hatcanbej us tass exy,i fnots exi ert hanl i nger i e. Youcanal s omi xt het wo.Tr yabeaut i f ulbr awi t haf ul ls ki r t ,at ank

Bonni e Confer-Owner


910. 728. 6778

Now t hatyou know al i t t l emor eaboutt he dier entst yl es, r eadbel ow anddet er mi newhi chi st hebest f oryou! ‘ Abs ’ol ut el yt her i ghtl i nger i e… Wantt os how o t hos ehar d ear nedabsandal i t t l emor es ki n. Br aandpant ys et sar eagr eat opt i on.Thi ngst ot hi nkaboutar et hes t yl eofpant yyouchoos e ( t heamountofc ov er age)andwhatt ypeofbr as ui t syoubes t . I know i t st empt i ngt opul loutabr ayoumi ghtwearev er yday–but t r yt ol ookf ors omet hi ngal i t t l es exi er , s peci al . Somet hi ngt hati s meantt obes een! HeyMa’ am…. Needal i f t ?Soyouhav ehadababy, orl os ts ome wei ght , et c…andyoumayf eelyouneeds omel i f ti nt hebr eas tdepar t ment .I know mos twomenar et empt edt ogos t r ai ghtf orpus h upbr as …butr es i s tt heur ge.Bef or eyout r yonpus hups , l ookf or demicupbr as , orunder wi r ebr ast hato ers t r ongs uppor twi t hout addi ngt oomuchs i ze. Thi si st ypi c al l ymor eflat t er i ngpr opor t i on wi s e. Goods uppor ti smor ei mpor t antt hanpaddi nganyday. Thi s i snott os ayt hatt her ear en’ ts omegoodpus hupbr asoutt her e, j us tber eal l yawar eofhow anybr afit sandflat t er s .

Bonni e Confer-Owner


910. 728. 6778

L et sgett ot hebot t om oft hi s …. I fagr eatt us hs hoti sonyourl i s t , I r ecommend t hats how j us tenough, butnott oomuch. I pr ef ercheekyorBr azi l i an

bot t oms

bot t omsov er

t hongs . Manyt eddi esandbodys ui t sar ecuti nt hebackt os how o s omet us h. Thos ear ea gr eatopt i ont oo! ( bewar eofs t r i ngt eddi est hough–t heydon’ tal waysflat t er ! ) L egsL egsL egs–l ot sofopt i ons …Weal lwantl onggor geousl egs . Her ear eacoupl eoft i ps f ort hat ! L ookf orhi ghcutundi es , t eddi es , bodys ui t s . Thehi ghert hel egopeni ngt hel onger yourl egswi l ll ook. Al s obr i ngapai rofs ki ncol or eds hoeswi t hyou. Thatwi l lmakeyourl egs l ookev enl ongert hant heyar e. Needal i f tbutdon’ twantt os how t oomuchs ki n?Bus t i er sar ef oryou! Theyo eramazi ng s uppor twhi l egi v i ngyoual i t t l emor ecov er age, al lwhi l eflat t er i ngyours hape. W antt oAr m wr es t l e? Ar msar es omet i mesaconcer nf orwomen. Wel l , l et ’ seas et hatconcer n. L ookf orl ongs l eev edbodys ui t sort hr ow acr i s pwhi t ebut t ondownov ers omeki l l er l i nger i e. Pr es t o -nowor r yneeded. How t odocov er age, cor r ect l y…Ev ent houghboudoi ri sabouts heddi ngl ayer s , I do under s t andmanywomendon’ twantt os how t oomuchs ki nort heyar econcer nedabout par t soft hei rbodyt hatt heymi ghtnotwantt os how o . Her ear es omet i pst ocov er , boudoi r s t yl e. I fyouar ewor r i edabouts howi ngyours t omacht hi nkofs hapewear( t hegor geouski nd! Not t heki ndt hathur t s ! ) , Sl i ps , bus t i er sandcor s et s .A beaut i f ull acer obeov erabr aandunder weari sagr eatchoi ce. Soi sapl ai nwhi t et ankt opandl aceyundi es .

Bonni e Confer-Owner


910. 728. 6778

I fyouhav es omes t r e t c hmar ksors c ar sl ookf ors omemor eopaq uemat e r i al s , b uts t i c kwi t has t yl et hatwi l ls t i l ls how o yours hape–l i kea b odys ui toras l i p . Thewor s tt hi ngyouc andoi shi deb e hi ndal otof f ab r i c–l i keab ab ydol lf ore x ampl e . I twi l lonl ymakeyoul ookhe av i e r . We wantt os e eyourg or g e ouss hapenomat t e rwhatyouwe arorhow c ov e r e d youar e . SHOES Pl e as ebr i ngatl e as tonepai rofbl ac kandones ki nc ol or e dhe e lwi t h you.Noankl es t r apspl e as e .I fyouwantt obr i ngmor es hoe s , f ant as t i c ! ! J us tke e pi nmi nd, t hehi ghe rt hehe e l–t hebe t t e r ! ! J EW EL RY Fe e lf r e et obr i nganyj e we l r yyoumi ghtwantt owe ar .Ic anhe l pyou c hoos ewhatl ooksni c ewi t hyourout fi tandwhatwi l lflat t e rde pe ndi ng ont hepos e st hatwear egoi ngt owor kwi t h. PROPS I fyouwantt ob r i ngap r oport wot os how o youri nt e r e s t sand pe r s onal i t y, t hat ’ sg r e at . J us tb ec ar e f ult hati tdoe s n’ tg e tt ooc os t ume l i ke . L e s si sal waysmor e . COL ORS Mos tc ol or swor kr e al l ywe l li nc ame r a.Somet hatdonoti nc l ude e s c e ntc ol or sands ome t i me sr e dandt ur quoi s e .I fyoul i ker e d, l ook fluor f orade e pe rr e d–s ome t hi ngnott oobr i ght .Bl ac ki sal waysc l as s i cand l ooksgr e atone v e r yone . BRANDS He r ear es omebr andsIl ov et hatde l i v e rgr e atqual i t yandfi t :

www. ant hr opol ogi e. com www. agent pr ovocat eur . com www. ur banout fit t er s . com www. nas t ygal . com Al waysbr i ngmor eout fit swi t hyout hanyoupl ant owear ,t hi swaywehaveopt i ons! Ial s or ecommendbr i ngi ngatl eastoneout fitt ot al l youtofyourcomf or tzone. Youdon’ thavet oweari t ,butyouj ustmi ghtwantt o!

Bonni e Confer-Owner


910. 728. 6778

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