Bonnier Rights Fiction & Narrative Non-Fiction Autumn 2024

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The House by Pearl River

A poignant debut set in Jokkmokk, this horror story will shake you to the core

Hot new debutant author, William Älgebrink makes his debut with a horror novel reminiscent of Silence of the Lambs and The Whisper Man.

In the ancient forests outside Jokkmokk, bus driver Dylan lives in his old family house by the Pearl River, secluded from the rest of the world. He misses and longs for his older sister Ella-Kajsa who was the only one in his family who cared for him. Every day he hopes that she will return. But he is scared of running out of time; because Dylan knows that his heart is shrinking. The doctors won't help him, but he feels it every day. How his heart is growing smaller and soon enough, it will stop and he will run out of blood, and die.

Every day, a little boy rides Dylan's bus to and from school. One snowy afternoon, the boy goes with his mom to the shop, and accidently falls asleep in the car. When he wakes up, he is in Dylan’s kitchen. The boy recognizes Dylan as his friendly bus driver right away and relaxes, but what he doesn’t know is that Dylan has hit rock bottom.

A struggle for life and death ensues; Dylan must save his heart, and the boy must save himself.

The House by Pearl River is a horror novel set in the hinderland of Norrbotten by debut author William Älgebrink. Here, William expertly vives a gripping and page-turning story while discussing important themes like childhood trauma and mental health. The book also bring to light our society's fascination with True Crime, and what harm it can cause.

‘A harrowing and impressive debut. (…) Imagine black. Then envision delving deeper into a darkness so incredibly vast that there are no words to describe it. Yet this text manages to do so using beautiful, sometimes almost serene language. I haven't encountered such a dramatic fusion of form and content, of language and description, since reading one of my favorite books, Kåda. (…) It is truly original and utterly boundless.’ Kapprakt

William Älgebrink (b.1997) lives in Jokkmokk and works in communications and is also a filmmaker. His debut novel, The House by Pearl River, will be published by Romanus & Selling in October 2024. |

Cecilia Hansson

Ka a’s Lung

A woman’s eager search for life through a feverish obsession of Ka a’s death

‘I’m standing outside the main door to Hauptstrasse 187. It’s the beginning of May, the me of year when Ka a was journeying towards death. The sun beats on the back of my neck and I’m clutching a cake box. There are birds; I hear one or two cars faintly, a distance away.

If I close my eyes, I can imagine the cloud of dust sent up by the horses on the clay road. There’s the scent of new-mown hay. It could just as easily have been my mother’s home town in Tornedalen, way up in northern Sweden. The peace, and the feeling of being outside the world.’

Had Cecilia Hansson lived a hundred years ago, she would have entered a res ng home to get away from everyday life. Now, she is instead travelling around Central Europe in search of Ka a. Why so obsessed with Franz Ka a? And it's not rest she feels the need of, but life - before the air runs out in her lungs!

This is a close, personal reading of Ka a's collected works - in the light of our mes. She has dug in archives in Vienna, in Prague and in northern Sweden, and visited the sanatorium in Tornedalen where her grandmother was treated for her tuberculosis. And most of all, she has dug into herself. With Franz Ka a's help. In this European novel, two sets of lungs meet and breath as one.

Cecilia Hansson is a Swedish author, journalist, and poet, and a wellknown expert on Central Europe. Her previous novels Au Pair and Snow & Potatoes has been highly praised by cri cs. In 2017, she published a book called Hopeless But Not Serious, featuring essays on culture and poli cs in Central Europe and interviews with known European intellectuals, such as Marina Abramovich and Herta Müller. Cecilia’s poignant literary voice stands out and brings to mind like-minded thinkers of today, such as Maria Stepanova.

‘Cecilia Hansson reminds us of the body’s importance while we are all caught up in the cerebral crea on, and that is really worth something.’

A onbladet

‘A strange, at mes shimmeringly beau ful book.’ Göteborgs-Posten

Rights sold

Norwegian: Oktober

Publica on Wahlström & Widstrand August 2024 256 pages Material Swedish Edi on

Transla on, 51pp Synopsis Author Le er Film & TV Rights Rights available

Cecilia Hansson (b. 1973), was born in Luleå and now lives in Stockholm. She is an author, poet and journalist, and regularly contribute in the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet. She is a board member of Swedish PEN and a well-known expert on Central Europe. |

Agent Johanna Lindborg

Carl‐Johan Vallgren Your Time Will Come A Novel About a Crime

Over 42,000 copies sold! The Book of the Year Awardnominated, literary comeback by one of Sweden’s paramount novelists.

Falkenberg, 1993. It all begins when a mental pa ent finds the dead body of a young woman in a river. The cause of death seems to be strangula on, but there are also signs of severe starva on. Local police inves gator Björling is put on the case, but the evidence is scarce as the forest is hiding every trace of the killer, and no one has reported the vic m missing. Björling receives backup from a rising star at the Na onal Police Department, the young and talented inves gator Johanna.

Björling and Johanna take on the inves ga on with a distanced, mutual respect. They both have things they are eager to hide. In Björling’s case, it is the fact that a er recently becoming a widower, he suspects he might be losing his mind because he keeps seeing the spirit of his wife when he least expects it.

Björling’s seventeen-year-old daughter Malin is also ba ling sorrow since her mother’s passing. When her new boyfriend Ma as invites her to go camping at a secluded loca on deep in the forest, she lies to Björling about where she is going.

When the night falls in the dense forest, and Ma as weird brother John unexpectedly has joined them, Malin is star ng to feel more and more uneasy. Before the night is over, Malin will have tried in vain to escape a predator who knows the forest like the back of his hand.

By masterfully using the elements of a great thriller and with great pathos drilling deep into the human soul through his full-bodied characters, Carl-Johan Vallgren raises a series of existen al ques ons about man and nature, life and death, darkness and light.

‘Linguis c beauty, sorrow, and suspense with Vallgren’s notable tonality, this might very well be one of the best reading experiences of the year in the genre.’

Skånska Dagbladet

Carl-Johan Vallgren (b. 1964) grew up in Falkenberg but now lives in Stockholm and writes full me. He debuted in 1987 and had his interna onal breakthrough in 2002 with The Horrific Sufferings Of the Mind-Reading Monster Hercules Barefoot, for which he received the August Prize. Your Time Will Come is his first novel since 2015. |


Maria Adolfsson

The ’Doggerland’ series

Published in 20 languages, more than 880,000 copies sold across series

Enter Maria Adolfsson’s unique world of Doggerland, the ideal se ng for a Nordic Noir series with a twist.

The ’Doggerland’ series is an interna onally bestselling and awardwinning series, featuring Detec ve Karen Eiken Hornby within the unique se ng of Maria Adolfsson’s imaginary Doggerland islands. This fic onal island civiliza on has its own local language, geography, and cultural tradi ons, rooted in both Britain and Scandinavia.

Fatal Isles is the first book introducing Detec ve Inspector Karen Eiken Hornby. It’s the morning a er Oistra, the big oyster fes val on the main island of Doggerland and a woman is found brutally murdered on a secluded part of the island.

In the second book, Wild Shores, it’s Christmas me, and Detec ve Inspector Karen Eiken Hornby is s ll off work following the injuries she sustained in the previous book. Now, a man is found dead in a disused quarry, and it looks to be no accident.

In the third instalment, Cruel Tides, Karen Eiken Hornby is tasked with looking into the disappearance of the world-famous singer Luna, who has returned to her na ve Doggerland to record her comeback album.

In Run or Die, book four, the harbour is crowded when Doggerland’s first Pride parade is taking place. High spirits turn to horror when someone fires a weapon into the crowd, what’s more, Karen is confronted with truths and lies from her own past.

In the fi h book, Downburst, Karen is enjoying her maternity leave and is less than pleased at being called back into service to solve a case while, at the same me, protec ng her child.

In the sixth instalment, Necessary Evil, it’s Christmas me, and eccentric ar st Raymond Osse has vanished from his home. It's Karen's job to support and calm the rela ves before a missing person's report can be filed, but at the same me she has her own family issues making life difficult.

The seventh book, Silent as the Grave, was published in February 2024.

The series has sold over 880,000 copies worldwide, and published in 20 languages and coun ng. Fatal Isles, the first book , won the Petrona Award in 2022 and was chosen as the Sunday Times Book of the Month a er publica on in the UK in 2021.

Maria Adolfsson (b. 1958) lives in Stockholm where she writes full- me. The ‘Doggerland’ series has been translated to 20 languages to date and has sold over 880,000 copies across the series so far.

Publishers of Doggerland

Czech: Argo (1-3)

Croa an: Leo Commerce (1-2)

Danish: People’s Press (1-7)

Dutch: Lui ngh Sijthoff (1-7)

English (W): Bonnier Zaffre (1-3)

Estonian: Uhinenud Ajakirjad (1-7)

Finnish: Tammi (1-7)

French: Denoel (1-2)

German: Ullstein (1-3)

Hebrew: Keter (1-2)

Hungarian: Gabo Kiado (1-3)

Icelandic: Forlagid (1-5)

Italian: SEM Libri (1-4)

Norwegian: Bonnier Norsk (1-5)

Polish: Foksal (1-3)

Portuguese (BR): Faro (1-2)

Russian: AST(1-2)

Spanish: Salamandra (1)

Turkish: Cinar (1)

Ukrainian: Fabula (1-3)

Publlished by Wahlström & Widstrand 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024


Swedish Edi ons

English Edi ons (1-3)

English Sample Transla ons (1-5)

Series Presenta on & Title Synopsis

Contact Johanna Lindborg |

Maria Adolfsson Silent As The Grave

Book 7 in the ’Doggerland’ series

The seventh instalment in the internationally bestselling and award-winning crime series set on the fictitious Doggerland.

Karen, Leo and Selma are on Noorö to celebrate midsummer with their family. A phone call from the local police breaks the heightening tension, and Karen grabs her chance to get a break from the ever-stressful company of her relatives, and leaves to help with a disappearance case.

At the same time, Karen’s sister Helena who works as a journalist, has started digging into a story that turns out to be more explosive than she had bargained for. Soon she’s threatened, but instead of being silenced she decides to work together with Karen and gather enough proof to guarantee her safety. To succeed they must leave Doggerland and travel to Sweden.

Silent as the Grave is the seventh book in the series featuring Detective Karen Eiken Hornby (later Friis). This time, Adolfsson breaks with tradition and takes us to Stockholm, Sweden, the author’s own home town.

The first book in the series, Fatal Isles, has won the prestigious Petrona Awards in the UK, and the series has sold over 880,000 copies and counting.

‘A successful mixture between Nordic Noir and a classic Bri sh whodunit.’

Nya Lidköpings-Tidningen

‘This [series] has terrific characters as well as effec vely inven ng a new genre, Anglo-Nordic noir.’ Sunday Times (UK)

’Set in the fic onal yet completely credible loca on of Doggerland... the atmospheric se ng, akin to the wind- and history-swept Faroe and Shetland Islands, and Nordic climes, enhances the suspenseful and intriguing plot of a police procedural that combines detailed observa ons and thoughts on the human condi on… and the interac on between the superbly portrayed characters creates a thrilling tension and believable environment.’

Petrona Awards 2022

Maria Adolfsson (b. 1958) lives in Stockholm where she writes full- me. The ‘Doggerland’ series has been translated to 20 languages to date and has sold over 880,000 copies in Sweden alone so far. |

Contact Johanna Lindborg

Jesper Ahlin Marceta



Come along for the ride of your life — from Flödarp to Tbilisi and back!

Brilliantly balanced between comedy and family drama, Flödarp Forever is the unexpected, entertaining readingexperience you had no idea you craved this much.

When Jon and Eva grow up in Flödarp, there are forty families, two lonely old people, one bus shelter, three floodgates and, of course, the sawmill. All part of the village’s eco system. Almost all men work at the sawmill, most women do not work at all. Jon and Eva are a mismatched couple – he is restless and always looking for life around the next corner, she does not dare to imagine a future that is different from her past. Ideally, Eva would have stayed in Flödarp forever. And perhaps that would have been the case, if only she hadn't accidentally set the sawmill on fire…

This splendidly entertaining novel takes the reader on a journey from the countryside of Skaraborg, to the world city of Tbilisi, and back again. It is a winding and philosophical story about the vagaries of life, and about how some things change over generations, and other things always stay the same.

Inspired by John Irving’s modern eccentricities in books such as The World According to Garp and with just a pinch of Jonas Jonasson’s witt, Jesper Ahlin Marceta’s Flödarp Forever can only be compared to Wes Anderson and his quirky aesthetics. Encountering Jon, Eva, and eventually their children, brings The Royal Tenembaums to mind. Within the integrity of this story, all the unlikely happenings are believable!

The author’s background as a journa list can be told from the immense joy of storytelling noticeable on the page, and his doctoral degree in philosophy can be sensed between the lines.

Welcome to Flödarp, don’t forget to enjoy the ride!

‘Jesper Ahlin Marceta is in many ways a skilled storyteller, and the story flows on like a steady brook in a rather varied landscape.’


‘It is a book like no other… It is wri en with love for the small things, and with a big dose of humor.’ @miasbok (reader review)

All rights available

Publica on



Author Le er

Film & TV Rights Rights available

Jesper Ahlin Marceta (b. 1986) is a journalist and philosopher, known for his expertise in political analysis. He is the editor in chief of the Swedish magazine Svensk filosofi. He was born in Mariestad but now lives in Stockholm. |

Agent Johanna Lindborg

Lars Berge & Axel Gordh Humlesjö

The Honey Trap

— On Swedbank, Russia & The World’s Largest Money Laundering Scheme

20,000 copies sold!

In the spring of 2020, a cell phone rings in an editorial office in Stockholm. A year has passed since Mission: Inves gate’s revela ons about the Swedbank money laundering scandal and now an intelligence source has addi onal sensi ve informa on to share. The Russian security service FSB has for a long me obtained and documented informa on about the bank's management, the source claims. It all started 2005, when a high-ranking manager allegedly bought sex from a luxury pros tute at the Hotel Metropol in Moscow.

A reporter begins to inves gate these trails, leading to the very heart of Swedbank’s management and deep into Russian security services. The suspicion soon starts to grow that Swedbank – the most Swedish of all banks – has been systema cally exploited by the FSB and has become a pawn in Vladimir Pu n's warfare against the West.

The Honey Trap – On Swedbank, Russia & the World's Largest Money Laundering Scheme is a tale of dodgy business, espionage, and Russian imperialism. But above all, a story about the moral superpower Sweden and how the largest bank, once built on values from the people's movement, got a brutal awakening to a new and dangerous world, where naivety and hunger for money turned out to have devasta ng consequences.

Award-winning journalists Lars Berge and Axel Gordh Humlesjö have spent more than four years inves ga ng what went on behind the scenes when the oligarch billions were spinning through Swedbank's accounts, events that those in charge did everything in their power to cover up.

’A fantas c, page-turning book about how Russian intelligence infiltrated Sweden’s biggest bank and used it as a vehicle for money laundering. It is one of the most gripping spy adventures I’ve read, even more so because it’s real.’ — Catherine Belton, Washington Post

Lars Berge (b. 1974) is a Stockholm-based writer, journalist and documentary producer. His first non-fic on work, Project Wolf, became an instant na onal bestseller and was nominated for the interna onal Ryszard Kapuściński Award for Literary Reportage 2020.

Axel Gordh Humlesjö (b. 1986) is an award-winning inves ga ve reporter at SVT, Swedish Television. In 2019, he was awarded the IRE Award, Prix Europa, and an interna onal Emmy Award for the inves ga ve documentary Decep ve Diplomacy, which unveiled the truth about the murder of the Swedish lawyer and UN expert Zaida Catalán in Kongo-Kinshasa. |

Contact Johanna Lindborg

Daniel Birnbaum

Schellenberg’s Ring

A new, suggestive novella by praised art expert‐turned‐author

Following the success of Dr. B, Daniel Birnbaum is back with a novella centered around the Venice Biennale 1942.

‘Prince Eugene was there. And my friend, Grünewald, despite being jewish. S ll, it’s as if the exhibi on never happened.’

The year is 1942. War is raging, and yet Sweden is supposed to be a part of the increasingly ethically compromised Venice Biennale. An idealis c and visionary art cri c is given the task to ship the Swedish contribu ons to the scandalous exhibi on.

By pure chance he runs into the mysterious SS officer Walter Schellenberg, who has surprising connec ons to Sweden. Suddenly, doors are being opened into secluded socie es that normally shy the light, as well as the secrets of history.

Daniel Birnbaum is back in fine form, with a thrilling novella set in a world normally obscured to outsiders, in which he himself as the head of the 2009 Venice Biennale has unique knowledge. Schellenbergs’ Ring is a razor sharp novella about art, power and secrets, in which reality and fantasy meet in a sublime collision.

His debut, Dr. B, a novel about his grand-father Immanuel Birnbaum was published in 2018 to great acclaim, and was translated into 8 languages.

Praise for previous tle:

‘If you’re looking for a ridiculously brilliant story, you can stop looking… He’s got the world’s best story—he’s got DR B.’

Svenska Dagbladet

‘Daniel Birnbaum is the grandmaster of the art world, an überintellectual, yet fairly grounded wonderboy. DR B is an astonishing thriller-novel…reminiscent of both Hjalmar Söderberg’s Doctor Glass as well as the dreamy melancholy in The Rings of Saturn by W.G Sebald.’ A onbladet

Rights sold All rights available

Op ons

Dutch: Uitgeverij Querido

English (US): HarperCollins US

English (UK): 4th Estate

Estonian: Rahva

German: Piper Verlag

Italian: La Nave di Teseo

Portuguese (EU): Porta Editora

Publica on

Albert Bonniers Förlag May 2024 150 pages


Transla on, 51pp

Daniel Birnbaum (b. 1963) is a cri c and professor in art theory. He previously headed up the Modern Museum of Art in Stockholm, and has produced exhibi ons in museums in Europe, Asia and the US. In 2009 he was the head of the Venice Biennale, which is the scene of Schellenberg’s Ring

Contact Johanna Lindborg |

Hanna Blixt

’Love in Leksand’ series

The 100,000 copy bestselling feelgood series

From award-winning author Hanna Blixt comes a new novel set in the bestselling series, ‘Love in Leksand’.

Churchbells by the River marks the latest instalment in the popular ‘Love in Leksand’ series. Here, the air is filled with love and excitement as Maggie and her beloved Åke prepare for their upcoming wedding. They can’t wait, but their budget is limited due to their successful chocolate produc on and café business, which keeps them busy. Åke asks Hilma to help with the wedding prepara ons, but her past unexpectedly resurfaces when family members show up from nowhere; what are they doing here? Meanwhile, Hilma's boyfriend Joel is hiding a secret.

Churchbells by the River, book 5 in the popular ‘Love in Leksand’ series, is a novel filled with warmth, romance and humour when we once again return to the idyllic Dalarna.

The previous novel, Gazebo by the Pond took Sweden by storm and sold over 100 000 copies, and coun ng. It’s a warm, roman c, and touching story about dreams, friendship and love, as well as the need for community and a purposeful life.

Book 1, Glass Veranda by the Lake introduces Nora and Viktor, as well as the mesmerizing landscape of Leksand. In book 2, The Waterfront Gallery, they open up a li le gallery together, and in book 3, Balcony With Ocean View, which also won the Adlibris Award for Best Feelgood Novel of 2022, we follow the couple on vaca on to the Caribbean.

Gazebo by the Pond marks a new beginning in the series with the introduc on of Hilma and her story. All books can be read as standalones, and are centred around Leksand; in the idyllic, roman c, and red-cabin-filled county of Dalarna.

Praise for Gazebo by the Pond:

‘A feelgood with everything you could wish for! Accessible language and depic ons of both characters and sceneries are skillfully done.’

Bokprataren (blog)

Metafora (4) Danish: Straarup & Co (1-5) German: Penguin Verlag (1+4)


Tammerramaat (1)

Vallardi (1)

Bonnier Norsk (1)

Hanna Blixt (b. 1979) writes bestselling, award-winning women’s fic on. She began as a writer of YA before her ’Love in Leksand’ feelgood series, which has gone on to sell over 100,000 copies and win awards. Gazebo by the Pond marks a new beginning for the authorship, as she’s moved to Bazar förlag with her fourth independent book in the series.

Contact Johanna Lindborg |

Callum Bloodworth Summer Days

The first book in the new witty trilogy ’The Collective of Broken Hearts’

80-year-old S na Nilson is sick and red of being sick and red. But when her old friend-turned-enemy, Bengt, has the audacity to want to make their collec ve living… modern, S na will do ANYTHING to destroy Bengt and uphold her late husband's dream for the collec ve living…

In a charming pink collec ve living in the small suburb of Sandshov outside of Stockholm, everything should be peaceful, right? Hardly.

Mul -diseased seniors S na and self-appointed chairman Bengt are constantly figh ng about the chairman posi on and the future for the collec ve living. All the while, the rest of the members try to keep the peace, but what they don’t know, is that S na has decided that she doesn’t want to live for that much longer. Not a er losing her husband Mauritz barely a year ago. Therefore, she desperately needs to win this last ba le against Bengt, to keep Mauritz’s dream intact and bring the collec ve back to its former glory.

A er a separa on, Julian Almer and his six-year-old son Felix end up in the collec ve in Sandshov. Julian soon realizes that he is not the only one who is dealing with heartache in the collec ve. His next-door neighbor Alice Flood has recently gone through a breakup. But she is also trying to understand who sent her the cryp c note that led her to the collec ve in the first place…

Summer Days is the first book in the trilogy, ‘The Collec ve of Broken Hearts’. In this feelgood series, Callum Bloodworth writes a fun and fresh story about collec ve living. It’s a story filled with wi y and sharp dialogue, reminiscent of Mhairi McFarlane, and the novel is filled to the brim with heartwarming characters, cinnamon buns, and a collec ve with great stories that lay hidden within its worn walls.

‘The characters and the se ngs vividly bring the story to life. The protagonist is a fierce and stubborn woman with strong opinions, who you can't help but fall in love with. You will fly through the pages of this deligh ul and wi y story about people who unapologe cally stand up for their dreams.’


Callum Bloodworth (b. 1990) grew up in the UK before moving to Sweden in his early teens. Today, he lives with his family on Ekerö, outside of Stockholm. He has wri en several popular feelgood and YA novels. |

Åke Edwardson

Treblinka Comedy Club

A new literary novel by a pioneer and central figure on the Swedish detective scene

1941. Hatred is rapidly spreading across Europe, seeping into people's minds through cracks and crannies. The German Reich is well on the rise and fear of what's to come holds everyone who doesn’t fit the ideal, in a ght grip.

Arne Hoffmann was born and raised in Berlin, Germany, and is now an American journalist and a Jewish comedian. He hasn't been back in Berlin for over twenty years but as a journalist for The New York Post, he feels compelled to return home and report on what's happening behind the borders of the German Reich. He's also worried about his cousin, who stayed behind. With rumours of Jewish people disappearing, he feels desperate to get her out before it's too late.

With a naive perspec ve of what's to come, Arne travels to Berlin, thinking he can help his cousin and her family leave the city without revealing his own iden ty and family background. However, it's only a ma er of me before the high-ups within the dictatorship he's been ge ng closer to, thanks to his profession, realize that they’re dealing with not only a journalist and comedian, but also a Jew.

Treblinka Comedy Club is a celebra on of life and a tribute to one of the darkest periods in modern history. With a backpack full of research, Åke Edwardson brilliantly combines fic on with historical events and people, such as Hermann Göring and Reinhard Heydrich. All the while, the main character's humour shines through with jokes that Åke Edwardson has picked up from history books and interviews.

In five acts, Åke Edwardson guides the reader through Berlin during World War II, ending the story with the uproar at the Treblinka extermina on camp in Poland. Treblinka Comedy Club is a thoughtprovoking novel in the style of Jojo Rabbit. The book is filled with dark humour and historical facts, making it a compelling page-turner that you won't be able to put down un l the very end when Treblinka begins to crumble to the ground.

‘This is a brilliant story that expertly balances through a vicious me.’


Åke Edwardson (b. 1953) is a pioneer and central figure on the Swedish detec ve fic on scene. His crime novels have won the Swedish Crime Writers’ Academy Award for best crime novel. Edwardson’s books have sold over 7 million copies in 27 languages. With Treblinka Comedy Club he moves away from crime novels and embraces the literary scene with renewed vigor. |

Pernilla Ericson

Dry Spell

Book 3 in the ’Four Elements’ series

An obliviated villa. An extreme drought causing poli cal tension to rise. A ransom le er about a kidnapped child who is presumed dead, and while she is running out of water, you are running out of me…

The atmosphere in Nynäshamn is tense, a severe drought has struck Sweden and farmers' crops are quickly drying up. Livestock must be slaughtered, and food prices are skyrocke ng. Police inves gator Lilly Hed, who’s six months pregnant, inves gates a devasta ng explosion in a villa nearby with no survivors. It is assumed that the Västlund couple and their six-year-old daughter Maja have died in the explosion. What a first sight is believed to be an accident, slowly develops into a murder inves ga on. But who had mo ve?

Lilly is exhausted, her pregnancy is anything but easy and at the same me the legal process against her violent ex is in a decisive phase. But Lilly's private life fades when someone claims, via a ransom le er, to have kidnapped Maja. As long as the requirements are not met, the girl will be denied water — and so, the clock starts cking...

Dry Spell is a dense and nail-bi ng thriller about a brutal perpetrator who operates under the radar when society is paralyzed by relentless drought. The third book in ‘Four Elements’ series will make sure to keep you at the edge of your seat…

Praise for the series:

‘I love the way Pernilla Ericson writes, so driven and constantly exci ng and believable. You can’t put the book down, so make sure you have it with you wherever you go when you interact with the characters in this exci ng series.‘

A onbladet

‘Realis c and hair-raising, a brilliant depic on of unrelen ng police work under excep onal circumstances.’


Pernilla Ericson (b. 1979) is a journalist and columnist focusing on equality and climate issues at the Swedish evening newspaper, A onbladet. Dry Spell is her seventh book and the third one in the thriller series featuring Lilly Hed. The ‘Four Elements’ series has established Pernilla Ericson as a crime author who’s here to stay. |

Jan Gradvall Melancholy Undercover

The Book of ABBA

A new music biography based on openhearted interviews with all four members of ABBA over the past decade. Through personal narra ve, this book widens our view on the world’s most famous, and private, bands.

“Even the happiest songs have a melancholic base. We made melancholy undercover.” – Benny Andersson

ABBA remains one of the world’s most famous and loved bands of all me. It doesn’t ma er that 41 years have passed since their infamous breakup. Somewhere in the world, there is always an ABBA song playing.

With unique access to the four secre ve members of ABBA for the past decade, Jan Gradvall has wri en an unusual biography about the band. Based on openhearted interviews with all members, he shares new light on some of the most memorable moments for the band and lets us know what happened off-stage.

With ABBA’s music as focal point, Jan Gradvall also widens the narrave of ABBA by sharing what influenced their music and success, as well as showing how ABBA in turn, influenced and reshaped the en re universe of music.

ABBA’s impact cannot be overes mated. They have influenced musicians in all genres since their interna onal breakthrough in 1974 with ‘Waterloo’. What shaped the lives of the members of ABBA and influenced some of the most loved songs in the world? How did the unlikely reunion, “ABBA Voyage”, come about? What impact has ABBA had throughout modern history, across the world?

Inspired by Craig Brown’s biography about The Beatles, One Two Three Four, Jan Gradvall places ABBA at the centre of music history and through him we are allowed closer than ever before with one of the world’s most private bands.

‘We get tender portraits of the band members' personali es, as the author experiences them. I am digging it.’ Göteborgs-Posten

Jan Gradvall (b.1963) is one of Sweden’s leading journalists and experts on music and pop culture. He has received several journalis c awards during the course of his career, as well as being chairman of the jury for the Nordic Music Prize. The first record he ever bought as a kid was an album by ABBA. |

Croa an: V.B.Z

Danish: Gutkind

Dutch: Unieboek Het Spectrum

English (UK): Faber

English (US): St Mar n’s Press

Estonian: Ajakirjad

Finnish: Otava

Italian: Rizzoli

Norwegian: Aschehoug

Polish: Foksal

Portuguese: Porto Editora

Spanish: Planeta

Film/TV: TBA

Publica on Albert Bonnier Förlag

October 2023

370 pages


Swedish Edi on

English Transla on

Chapter Outline

Author Le er

Contact Johanna Lindborg

Åsa Hellberg

The Queen of Swedish Feelgood

Åsa Hellberg is one of the most beloved feelgood authors in Sweden. Now, she returns with the final instalment in the series ‘The Sisters from Fjällbacka’, the historical suite that builds on her own family history.

Set in the eary 1900s in a changing Sweden, the series is reminiscent of Rhys Bowen's interna onally bestselling WW2 novels. The series marks a shift for the author, into the more intimately personal, as Hellberg has found inspiration in the bunch of brave, stubborn and hysterically funny women found in her own family tree.

In the first novel, Beloved Sisters, we meet sisters Anna and Cornelia, who grew up on a farm outside Fjällbacka, in Kville parish. Despite their poor upbringing, they trained as nurses and entered a new world in the big city, encountering doctors, women's rights ac vists, and demanding work. However, tragedy later struck, tearing the sisters apart.

The second novel, Sisters Side by Side, we travel to New York in 1909. Charlo a Hellberg unexpectedly finds career success in Manha an. Three of the four sisters make their way over the Atlan c to explore a new life. Sigrid finds herself struggling with married life and behind closed doors nothing is what it seems. All the while, their youngest sister, Rut, becomes a trusted figure in their community in Fjällbacka. She’s helping those in need, which makes it easier to carry the secret she is hiding from the outside world.

In the final instalment, The Last Chapter, Hildur Hellberg is excited about her trip to America, but life as a newly-wed doesn't turn out as she had hoped. She writes to her family in Fjällbacka that Thomas is a wonderful husband and father, but that's far from the truth. Meanwhile, her twin sister Signe struggles with her feelings for the son in the upper-middle-class family she works for. She gets drawn into a rivalry between two brothers and wonders if she’s just a pawn in their vile game? When disaster strikes, she is le ques oning who she can trust.

‘The Sisters from Fjällbacka’ is a hear elt historical series from millioncopy bestselling author who has been translated into 20 languages.

‘Åsa Hellberg’s female portraits are strong and alive and have become her signature.’


Åsa Hellberg (b. 1962) grew up in Fjällbacka, southwestern Sweden. She is one of Sweden’s most beloved commercial women’s fic on writers and is author of the acclaimed ‘Sonja’ series and the London-set ‘Flanagans’ trilogy.

Agent Johanna Lindborg |

Åsa Hellberg España Por Favor


1 in the ‘Everybody wants to go to Spain’ feelgood series

Åsa Hellberg is in high form in this new contemporary feelgood series, in which three childhood friends decide to make the most of life after 60 — by moving to Spain!

Three things happen at the same me in the calm village of Fjällfors in Northern Sweden: Mia's husband dies right when she discovers he has been chea ng on her, Noora's daughter becomes pregnant on her own, and expects uncondi onal support from the grandma-to-be, and Lo a is forced to move in with her ex-husband in Luleå following bad medical news.

Wasn’t life supposed to get be er a er 60? And what’s going to happen with the three best friends’ dream of Spain? As they keep on figh ng off the cold and darkness of Swedish winter, Lo a sings Y viva España at church choir loud enough for the angels to hear her. Noora is told by her psychic that opening up a crystal shop in Spain is not in the cards for her right now, and Mia’s world is suddenly shaken by Pedro who works at the local pizzeria.

But when mute 81-year-old Dolores decides to take ac on, with her straw hat and homesickness, everything changes once again for the trio. Suddenly, a van is on its way through Europe, heading for Torrevieja!

Åsa Hellberg’s books have reached immense popularity among both Swedish and interna onal readers. No one depicts female desires, friendships and self-explora on quite like she does. Her authorship has previously been translated to 20 languages and her books have sold over 600,000 copies in Sweden alone.

España por Favor is reminiscent of her early breakthrough with the beloved series about Sonja, mixed with Jo Thomas’ heart-warming escapism and romance as she explores life a er 60 with great humour and compassion.

‘The story puts the reader in a great mood, and you immediately want to read on about the lovely trio and their future adventures .’


‘Love, a new beginning and surprising chances in a radiant mix— perfect for reading or listening to immediately.’

Selma Stories

Dutch: Xander Estonian: Varrak Publica on

January 2024 323 pages

on, 60pp

Author Le er

Film & TV Rights Rights available

Åsa Hellberg (b. 1962) grew up in Fjällbacka, southwestern Sweden. She is one of Sweden’s most beloved commercial women’s fic on writers and is author of the acclaimed ‘Sonja’ series and the London-set ‘Flanagans’ trilogy. |

Agent Johanna Lindborg

Catharina Ingelman‐Sundberg

The Lost Land

New, suspenseful historical series by the bestselling author, set in 8.000 BC

The bestselling author of ‘The League of Pensioners’ series is back! This time with a new historical novel, based on recent archaeological findings and with an urgent climate message.

Roughly 8,000 years ago, young Eira lives on Doggerland, near the ice cap in the north, with her husband Skagii and son Ötzi and the Vidar tribe. When Eira begins to no ce signs that it is ge ng warmer and the water levels are rising, she feels uneasy. Nature is sending her tribe a message, and she feels they must listen.

But Eira’s warnings are not well received, and the new leader in her village debars her from the community. She is forced to leave everything behind, including her son. She takes refuge with the travelling Urdi tribe, where she meets the ar st and flint smith Joar. Together, they must quickly make those around them realize the disaster which awaits them, and reach higher land before their valley is buried under water.

The Lost Land is a historical novel based on the latest research findings about Doggerland, a Stone Age culture found in the sea at the Dogger's Banks in the North Sea. Catharina is inspired by these recent findings, crea ng a suspenseful story with climate change as a backdrop. Throughout the story she manage to connect our modern-day challenges with our ancestors, and how history is repea ng itself.

Catharina Ingelman-Sundb erg’s beloved ‘The League of Pensioners’ series became a huge interna onal bestseller, translated into 29 languages and became bestsellers not only in Sweden, but also Canada, the UK, and Italy. Apart from being an author, she is also a professional diver and archaeologist.

Praise for previous series:

‘Instead of hyperbolic, mustache-twirling villains, Ingelman-Sundberg de ly orchestrates the twists and turns in the plot through the foibles of real life, capturing the rebelliousness percola ng just under the surface of ignored, shuffled away elderly folks in this merry, lighthearted caper.’

Kirkus Review

Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg (b. 1948) has previously worked as a journalist and marine archaeologist, including spending fi een years diving for our history around the world. Her previous series has been published in 40 countries. |

Håkan Nesser

The ’Barbarotti’ series

From the Godfather of Swedish Crime

A classic crime series by award-winning author Håkan Nesser, which has so far sold over 2,5 million copies in Sweden and over 5 million copies interna onally.

Although introduced as a new crime series, Håkan Nesser’s Barbaro stories deviate from the structure of classic crime novels. The first tle, The Darkest Day (2006), shows the dark secrets of a seemingly ordinary Swedish family when two family members disappear on the eve of a birthday celebra on. The Root of Evil (2007) is wri en from the perspec ve of the murderer, giving the reader a head start over the police. The third tle, The Secret Life of Mr. Roos (2008), is above all the story of a man leaving his old life behind to find a new start. The Lonely Ones (2010), goes back in me to the 1970s, and a group of students whose travels behind the iron curtain will change them forever. The Axe Woman (2012) is the fi h and final tle in the series, and finds Barbaro , beset by grief, having to tackle a five years old case of a missing person. The case is connected to a decades old murder in peculiar ways, a horrific murder that – un l now – was thought to be solved.

The Culpability of Albin Runge (2020) is the first true return of Gunnar Barbaro , and the first book in the series to take place in the picturesque isle of Gotland, as Gunnar Barbaro and Eva Backman try to solve a deeply personal unsolved case. The Last Days and Death of a Scribe (2021) revolves around a long-lost manuscript and features the world of publishing, taking place during the pandemic. A Le er From Munich (2023) is the eight instalment of the series.

In The Le -Handed League* from 2018, Håkan Nesser lets his two most beloved characters, the Inspectors Barbaro and Van Veeteren, meet for the first me to solve a difficult case together.

‘Nesser is in the front rank of Swedish crime writers.’

The Times (UK)

‘Nesser has a penetra ng eye for the skull beneath the skin.’

New York Times (US)

‘An excep onally gi ed author – maybe the best in Sweden!’

Hamburger Abendbla (Germany)

Håkan Nesser (b. 1950) is one of Sweden's most beloved and renowned authors. He is the first author to win three awards for Best Crime Novel from the Swedish Crime Associa on, and the first author to ever win the Palle Rosencrantz award twice. He is also the recipient of the first ’Golden Revolver’ for interna onal crime writers from the Riverton Club in ten years, and has been rewarded with |

Publishers of Barbaro

Bulgarian: Emas Publishing (1-2)

Czech: Bastei Moba (1-8)

Danish: Modtryk (1-10)*

Dutch: Uitgeverij De Geus (1-9)*

English (UK): Mantle (Macmillan) (1-5)

Estonian: Kirjastus Pegasus (1)

Finnish: Tammi (1-7)*

French: Seuil (1)

German: btb Verlag (1-10)*

Italian: Ugo Guanda (1-9)*

Latvian: Zvaigzne ABC (1)

Norwegian: Vigmostad & Björke (1-3)

Gyldendal Norsk Forlag (4-10)*

Polish: Czarna Owca (1-8)*

Russian: Ripol (1)

Spanish: Planeta (1-3)

Published by Albert Bonniers Förlag 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2018*, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024

Contact Johanna Lindborg

Håkan Nesser

Young Man’s Journey To The Night

A new case for Inspector Gunnar Barbarotti!

Young Man’s Journey To The Night is the ninth tle in the ‘Barbaro ’ series and opens with the delivery of a pizza, served with a cold-blooded murder...

It's early summer and grading me in Kymlinge. Sports teacher and former all-rounder Allan Fremling decides one evening - against his usual dietary rules - to order a pizza at home. Before the pizza has had me to cool, he is dead in his own hallway. Two shots to the chest, one to the head. Detec ve Inspector Borgsen, o en called ‘Sorrysen’ because of his sombre demeanour, is assigned the case as he lives in the same neighbourhood.

However, he is suffering from the effects of Covid and is finding it difficult to do his job. When a second murder occurs prac cally below Borgsen's balcony, it is me for his colleagues Barbaro and Backman to get involved in earnest. The connec on between the two murders is unclear. Perhaps someone has asked themselves: Is it always wrong to kill?

The ‘Barbaro ’ series follows Detec ve Inspector Gunnar Barbaro , and originally consisted of five instalments published between 2006 and 2012. The celebrated Barbaro books have sold over 2,5 million copies in Sweden, and more than five million copies interna onally.

Praise for the series:

’Håkan Nesser is an extraordinarily skilled storyteller, and as usual, a big part of the enjoyment of the story lies in the dialogue between Barbaro and Backman. They reason, try ideas, twist and turn the witness stories.’

Dagens Nyheter

’My favourite inspectors, Gunnar Barbaro and Eva Backman, are called to the case and it’s an honor to follow them while they step by step get closer to the answer to the riddle. And when it is finally revealed, it’s so spectacular that I almost get heart palpita ons.’

A onbladet

Rights sold

Danish: Modtryk

Dutch: De Geus

German: btb Verlag

Italian: Guanda

Norwegian: Gyldendal Norsk

Polish: Czarna Owca

Op ons

Bulgarian: EMAS

Czech: MOBA

Finnish: Tammi

Estonian: Pegasus

Latvian: Zvaigzne ABC

Spanish: Planeta

Publica on Albert Bonniers Förlag

July 2024

331 pages


Swedish Edi on


Author Biography

Film & TV Rights Not available

Håkan Nesser (b. 1950) is one of Sweden's most beloved and renowned authors. He resides on the secluded island of Gotland, where he spends his days wri ng. His books have sold over 20 million copies in more than 30 languages. |

Lina Nordquist Solace

A New Novel by the Winner of The Book of the Year Award, 2022

Lina Nordquist returns with a new, heartbreaking literary novel about a society in despair and a young boy’s desperate wish to do right by his family.

1935, Brynäs, Sweden. The young mother Benedikte no longer has a choice; there is no food le in the cupboards, the evic on no ce is on the kitchen table, and her two small boys are slowly fading away while their bellies ache.

In 2023, Eder reminisces about his mother, how she had to push her own boundaries and what she was forced to do in order to save him and his baby brother. He also remembers his childhood miracle; his grandfather’s cabin in Rengsjö, the warmth in the kitchen, and the turnip mash he served with bu er.

Eder will never forget the feeling of watching his safe haven come crumbling down and how the truth finally would catch up with them all, destroying what they had rebuilt as a family. But, Eder will also always remember the feeling of true love.

Praised author Lina Nordquist returns with Solace, a historical novel about family, betrayal, and love. Most of all, it’s about courage and finding comfort in a cabin by the hill, and the blue mountains of Hälsingland.

‘This is the perfect novel that takes you on a stunning journey through me, exploring a life full of love, sorrow, tough decisions, and shame.’


‘The depic on of the harmony between the two young boys and their great Grandpa shimmers. It makes Solace a novel well worth reading, far more than most Swedish novels.’

Upsala Nya Tidning

‘The language flourishes and sparkles in Lina Nordquist’s Solace, and it vividly portrays the harsh reali es of poverty and the power of love, while leaving a las ng impact.’

M Magasin

Lina Nordquist (b. 1977) was born and raised in Hälsingland, and now lives in Uppsala with her family. She made her literary debut in 2021 with Hunger, which she received the Book of the Year Award. Solace is her third novel and was published in March, 2024.

Croa an: Fraktura

French: Büchet / Chastel

Op on publishers

Czech: Host

Danish: Gutkind

Estonian: Ees Raamat

Finnish: Schildts Förlag

Hungarian: Európa Könyvkiadó

Lithuanian: Baltos Lankos

Norwegian: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag

Russian: AST Publica on Romanus & Selling March 2024 428 pages |

Ella‐Maria Nutti

To the Trees

The second novel by bestselling debutant & critics’ darling!

A father and daughter get caught in the vast wilderness during a heavy storm and are forced to seek shelter without any way to contact help. Soon enough, they are forced to confront the silence between them and the things that stay buried.

A daughter follows her father into the winter-clad wilderness to help feed their reindeer herd. She is dealing with a broken heart and chronic pain and has a feeling her father would have preferred to go alone.

Suddenly, the snowmobile breaks down and causes them both to crash heavily onto the ground. Once they recover from the first shock, they realize that without cell recep on or any other aid, they are forced to walk to the nearest shelter before they are hit by a blizzard.

During the strenuous walk, we are also walking through the daughter’s stream of thoughts, associa ons revoking her recent breakup and her rela onship with these surroundings, or rather a sense of lack thereof. Things her father knows through inheritance and how he has never shown a will to share those things with her.

There is usually a radio on, or other people around, or the reindeer in need of a en on, something filling the silence between them. But in the middle of nowhere, in the ny shelter during a heavy storm, they are soon forced to acknowledge everything they have never said aloud.

Ella-Maria Nu ’s debut Coffee With Milk came out in 2022 and became an immediate success, praised by cri cs and readers alike. With over 40,000 copies sold, To the Trees is her highly an cipated second novel.

Praise for previous tle:

‘It has never been clearer that a certain kind of pain and a certain kind of love belong together. That Ella-Maria Nu dares to stay in that ambiguity, I interpret as a promise for the future.’


‘The debutant Ella-Maria Nu , writes with impressive linguis c and psychological sensi vity.‘

Borås Tidning

Rights sold

Finnish: Johnny Kniga

Op ons

German: Rowohlt

Publica on

Wahlström & Widstrand

September 2024

192 pages


Ella-Maria Nu (b. 1995), was born in the northern Swedish town of Gällivare and now lives in Umeå where she is studying psychology. Ella-Maria previously taught Sámi and studied at Långholmen's wri ng school in Stockholm. Her debut novel Coffee With Milk came out 2021 and sold over 40 000 copies. |

Swedish Edi on English Sample

Transla on, 50pp


Author Le er

Film & TV Rights Rights available

Agent Johanna Lindborg

Pauline Olsson Ghoreishi Alejandro.

They loved each other like brothers, but their youthful games quickly went too far...

“I press the phone hard to my ear and feel my cheek get hot and sweaty when Adam says Hello, do you know what has happened, Alejandro is gone. Adam says Hello, do you know what has happened, Alejandro is dead.”

When Adam calls to tell our unnamed protagonist that Alejandro is dead, his world begins to crumble. It had been a while since they last spoke, but if Alejandro is dead, how can he s ll be alive?

A wildly poe c reminiscence of their brotherly bond takes us through their upbringing and into their teenage years. Where new friends introduces marijuana, leading to an innocent side hustle selling grass to save up for a car. That was before their group of friends started to get into real trouble.

We also follow closely the a ermath of Alejandro’s death. Unable to deal with his grief and disconnected from his emo ons, our protagonist makes impulsive decisions by breaking up with his girlfriend, and calling Alejandro’s mother in the middle of the night. Trying to make sense of this new, emp er world.

Reading Alejandro., it is hard to believe that Pauline Olsson Ghoreishi is a debutant. The novel is imagina ve and experimental in form, playfully poe c, and brilliantly opens up the mind of a troubled young man. Through his stream of consciousness, Pauline subtly comments on the current state of the world, where drugs are in abundance and young boys get dragged into dangerous situa ons. Where the worst could happen at any me.

Pauline Olsson Ghoreishi has an absolute-pitch for the temperament of her main character and hits the quartertones of both despair and comedy when describing his view of his surroundings.

This is a topical depic on of a group of male friends in present-day Malmö, dealing with ma ers that bring Yahya Hassan’s poems to mind, but it is also an u erly engaging story of a young man naviga ng through the deepest sorrow whilst coming of age.

‘Mainly, I am incredibly impressed by her skinless proximity to her main character, how she connects with this young, angry man and urgently shares his life’s story and experiences.’ Svenska Dagbladet

Pauline Olsson Ghoreishi (b. 1997) grew up in Knivsta and lives in Malmö. She is a journalist educated at Skurup College and has taken a wri ng course at Wik College. Alejandro. is her debut. |

Agent Johanna Lindborg

Stefan Pagréus

The Opposite 7 Paradoxical Strategies for Less Stress, Anxiety, Worry and Self‐Criticism

A self-help handbook covering 7 usual areas for not feeling great. And as many strategies showing how paradoxical thinking can make you feel be er!

’The closer we get to the thing that scares us, the more our anxiety increases. It makes it easier to think that if we don’t back off, the discomfort will rise to unmanageable levels. So we turn our heels, back away, hide and let it go. And just like that, the displeasure in our body decreases. But what happens if we stay? Well – drum roll – the anxiety will ease too. If the disaster does not strike (which it usually does not!), a er a while, the brain concludes that the situa on calls for neither running nor figh ng.’

For anyone struggling with depression, stress, anxiety, worry, selfcri cism, and/or rela onship problems. You are not alone. To solve our bad feelings, we o en tend to use strategies that seem logical, reasonable and right, but in fact leads us completely on the wrong path. The solu on, to the surprise of many, is to start behaving in a way that feels unintui ve, strange, and wrong. Quite the opposite, in fact.

In the accessible and fun (yes, fun!) self-help book The Opposite, author and psychologist Stefan Pagréus explains how we, by not listening to our ins ncts and instead doing the opposite, can turn things around and make ourselves feel be er.

With a background in adver sing and marke ng, Stefan knew exactly how to give this book an accessible look and feel. Graphic elements add to the reading experience, making this the ho est tle in the psychology/lifestyle genre this season.

Stefan guides us through different parts of life in each chapter, giving prac cal ps and tricks along the way, on how to turn the bad feelings around and help us get back on track. By changing how we think and act, we can feel be er, increase happiness, be less afraid, sleep be er, and stop brooding, stressing, bea ng ourselves up — and have be er rela onships. The ”wrong” way to self-improvement never felt more right!

Stefan Pagréus (b. 1977) is a licensed psychologist and runs his own therapy office in Stockholm. He has a background in adver sing as a copywriter. Stefan is also one of the founders of the Swedish fashion brand A Day’s March. The Opposite is his first book, in which he shows us how we can use simple principles to tackle the life worries we all suffer from – and how we can feel be er. |

Christian Rück

Suicide for Beginners A Social History and Modern Perspective on Life and Death

In 1983, Michael Jackson was breaking records with the hit song Billy Jean, U2 sang about Sunday Bloody Sunday, and Nena about 99 Lu ballons. 1983 was also the year when Liz Rück, Chris an’s aunt, died. The cause of death was suicide.

In Suicide for Beginners Chris an Rück takes us on a deep dive into a societal issue we are rarely brave enough to discuss, even if it’s a topic we need to voice aloud more. What do we do when a child dies? Should a 104-year-old professor be allowed to make the choice to end their life at a death clinic in Switzerland? And why didn’t anyone stop the Swedish prisoner from starving himself to death?

In twelve chapters, the expert psychiatrist Chris an shines a light on the wreckage and nuances a er a suicide. He asks ques ons such as: who has the right to end their own life, and what can we learn about the fact that suicide as a phenomenon exists? Can you predict a suicide, and what does the research say? And what is truly a life worth living? We learn about the history of suicide and the modern perspecves of today. Alongside this, Chris an shares conversa ons he has had with other researchers, loved ones who have lost someone to suicide, and his own experience and what he has seen through his work.

Suicide for Beginners is a book about the darkest corners of being human, while also showing how studying these aspects can make the beauty and fragility of being alive shine bright.

’The fact that some individuals in our society take their own lives should prompt us to reevaluate how we view progress in addressing this issue.

Reading Suicide for Beginners is an excellent way to start.’

Svenska Dagbladet

‘Rück’s straigh orward prose and the survivors he has spoken with are both emo onally s rring and unforge able – as I read, I found myself pausing occasionally to allow the words to fully resonate with me.’


Chris an Rück is a psychiatrist and professor at Karolinska Ins tutet, one of the world’s foremost medical universi es. He is also one of the experts on the highly popular Insidan panel, a part of the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. Addi onally, Chris an also serves as a scien fic advisor for the American Founda on for Suicide Preven on. |

Donia Saleh

Bile Red

The highly anticipated second novel by a rising star in Swedish literary fiction

A trauma sed woman, trapped within her own mind, and her niece both try to find remedy in each other’s company.

Shock wave treatment is the only thing that can spare Golan from the memories of blood flooding between the mountains, and all the men, the mothers, and the poppies. The naïve and innocent Aya, Golan’s niece, desperately seeks her love and a en on, while Golan wants nothing more than to forget and wipe away all memories, seeking only a black void.

Golan leaves Aya clinging to her hand while receiving nothing but harsh and destruc ve love, it is all Golan has le . Aya regards her aunt with both horror and delight and tries to reminisce about their past, and her childhood while the loneliness creeps in and threatens to tear Aya apart. Who is she without the bold and powerful love that Golan used to shower her in, and demanded in return? If she is not meant to be Golan’s closest commandant, what’s her purpose? Who is her family? As she pushes further into Golan’s existence and Aya’s own loneliness, something inside her threatens to explode.

Bile Red is Donia Saleh’s second novel in which she con nues to explore iden ty, trauma, and how an uncertain world can drive us all to the brink of madness. She has already established herself as an important and fresh voice in the Swedish literary sphere, with this novel only further implemen ng her talent.

‘Donia Saleh strengthened her posi on as a storyteller with Bile Red The stunning portraits she has created of the two main characters, Aya and aunt Golan, clearly place Donia amongst the créme de la créme of Swedish authors in our modern age.’

Västerbo en-Kuriren

‘Donia Saleh has an extraordinary talent for immersing readers in her stories. Suddenly, the story is just there, in every part of you.’

Dagens Nyheter

’It is a unique talent to be able to write so tenderly about darkness, and hope.’

A onbladet

Donia Saleh (b. 1996) is born and raised in Uppsala, and now lives in Stockholm. She is a graduate of the Master’s programme in Crea ve Wri ng at Akademin Valand. Today she works as a literary cri c and writer. Her debut came in 2020 with Ya Leila, for which she was nominated for the Borås Debut Prize and the Catapult Prize for Best Swedish Debut. Bile Red is her second novel. |

Gun‐Britt Sundström Engagement

Rediscovered classic in the vein of Tove Ditlevsen, now relaunched

With sales of over 60,000 copies since the relaunch, Engagement is a masterful modern classic that is everrelevant and ever-fascina ng.

What is it to be a couple? What responsibilites can one presume, and what can you ask from each other; Time? Sex? Faithfulness? Is it different if one marries? And can you live together if you have differing ideals for how a rela onship should be?

These are the types of ques ons that Mar na and Gustav discuss with each other, and others, as they try to break the mould and make their rela onship work. They give up, and leave each other. But always seem to come back to one another. Again, and again.

The novel takes place in Stockholm during the 60’s and 70’s, a me of change when the nuclear family is ques oned, and perhaps on its way out. S ll, our heroine discovers how difficult it can be to be without a ”husband” when everyone around you are crea ng their own families and coupling up.

ENGAGEMENT was first published in 1976, and has been re-discovered by recent genera ons who can take solace in its modern themes and thinking. For the reader of Rachel Cusk or anyone who has recently fallen in love with Lucia Berlin, Gun-Bri Sundström’s ENGAGEMENT is s ll as, or possibly even more, relevant than when it was first published. Many recognize themselves in this unroman c love story— crying and laughing equally with the couple.

’ENGAGEMENT is a flood of humour and a love for language, but the most important thing for me as a 19-year-old was that I could recognize myself in Mar na's struggles regarding the monogamous rela onship.’


’ENGAGEMENT is a landmark of Swedish literature.’

Karolina Ramqvist, author

Rights sold

Chinese (simpl): Bejing Huaxia

Danish: Gads förlag

Dutch: De Geus

English (W): Penguin Modern Classics

Finnish: Tammi

French: Robert Laffont

German: Suhrkamp

Norwegian: Gyldendal Norsk

Polish: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Publica on

Bonniers Förlag

Gun-Bri Sundström (b. 1945) works as an author, cri c and translator. Her debut came in 1966, and she’s so far published 16 books, whereof six are children’s books. Engagement was published in 1976, and has become a modern classic. Since the 1990’s, Gun-Bri Sundström has established herself as one of Sweden’s foremost translators of children’s books and fic on. She received the Helga Prize in 2019 for her ‘linguis c sensi vity, self-distance, black humour and acuity.’ |


Author Descrip on Film &

Malin Ullgren Elevation

One of the most acclaimed debuts of 2024

‘She hadn’t been prepared to lose anything. All she had wanted was to gain something. In a way, that was all there was to it.’

Eleva on is about a woman in the middle of life who increasingly feels the need of a cure for the approaching emp ness and sadness. Literature has always been an escape from dreary everyday life, but it also has the power to awaken a longing to experience the same elevated feeling that follows great fic on.

When she ends up in an unexpected and secret rela onship, fantasy and reality, life and poetry collide. What is the price of eleva on? Malin Ullgren's debut novel is about the tales we tell ourselves in order to survive. An elegant and meless debut, unanimously loved by cri cs.

‘Ullgren's novel is significantly greater literature than anything else I have read about amorous love in recent years. Her language con nuously finds the most accurate images for the body's sensa ons, the wordless world in which vast parts of our lives unfold – beyond ra onal thought, and beyond the concept of feelings. Ullgren also has the ability to describe the world in a way that most novelists aspire to, but few possess. A masterpiece.’


‘The pages of her novel almost turn themselves - and, like Bovary's Emma, the book slides almost impercep bly from entertaining and light ennui to pu ng the whole of existence at stake. Ullgren is not in a hurry, but likes to dwell on small details, which make the world of the text appear to me: a pair of inherited earrings, a cup of tea, a knife scratching a wax cloth, make the story of the novel more than just a story - it is experienced more as a piece of life.’


‘The discussion concerning life and poetry and how those great things intertwine is not plainly wri en, but shaped, for the reader to discover. That is one of the great quali es of Malin Ullgren's novel. Another is how that level clashes with a prose that manages to depict physical spaces, everyday environments, ci es – Stockholm, Gothenburg, Paris –in a way, rich in detail and care, that never res the reader. There is nothing unnecessary here. It is an art in itself.’

Dagens Nyheter

Malin Ullgren (b. 1973), grew up in Gothenburg and now lives in Stockholm with her family. She is a literature cri c and since 2014 working at Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter. Eleva on is her acclaimed debut novel. |

Agent Johanna Lindborg

Katarina Widholm

Beloved Betty

The fourth and final part of the bestselling ’Betty’ series!

Over 400 000 copies sold across the first three books!

The year is 1955 and four years have passed since Be y's husband Olof died. Be y struggles with feelings of inadequacy and is weighed down by the burden of caring for the children Mar na and Anders alone. She is also tackling guilt and shame over what happened in Copenhagen and how she le things off with Mar n Fischer.

Be y has so far dealt with her inner anguish by pushing aside thoughts of Mar n and forbidding the children to talk about Olof. But she also begins to realize that her life choices affect those closest to her. Perhaps especially Mar na, who has le school to devote herself full- me to music and is quickly growing up.

When Mar na receives an invite to sing at the opera in Venice, an invita on that is also extended to Be y, everything comes to a head. Be y is soon forced to come to grips with her past and decide what she really wants. But does she really dare to follow her innermost feelings?

Beloved Be y is the final part of the beloved ‘Be y’ series by Katarina Widholm. A true favourite among a devoted readership, all books in the series have been on top of the bestseller lists in Sweden, and Katarina has been nominated for Book of the Year Award, Storytel Awards and Adlibris Reader’s Choice Award several mes.

The series has also been praised and loved by readers and cri cs in Finland, France, Norway, Denmark, Estonia and the Netherlands.

Praise for the series:

‘With perfect sensi vity, Katarina takes the reader back to Sweden in war me, with music, films, shops, restaurants and the celebri es of the me as a backdrop. A great novel for binge reading!’


‘Katarina Widholm has put her whole soul into trying to create a true depic on of what life could be like for young poor girls in the 1930s. As a portrayal of society, the novel gets the highest ranking, and as a feelgood novel she gets just as high marks.’


Katarina Widholm (b.1961) lives and works in Hudiksvall and writes full me. With the ’Be y’ series, she has become a major reader’s favourite and the books have been nominated for several awards. |

Other Available Titles

Winner of the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2023!

Joanna Rubin Dranger REMEMBER US TO LIFE

A masterpiece and future classic that picks up where Art Spiegelman’s Maus le off, in a documentary graphic novel about the pain of being alienated and cut off from one’s history.

Joanna Rubin’s unflinching and unostenta ous ability to depict our existence is unique, and in Remember Us to Life her portrayal of the hardest part of life will sha er your heart and prompt new insights. The novel was published to high acclaim and has received an outstanding recep on from readers and cri cs alike.


Published by: Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2022

Rights sold: Arabic: Mahrousa, Danish: Cobolt, English: Ten Speed Press Norwegian: Spartacus, Spanish: Planeta Film and TV Rights: Rights available

Kerstin Ekman


Kers n Ekman, acclaimed author of The Wolf Run and Blackwater, goes into dialogue with her own literary heroes.

Kers n Ekman hardly needs an introduc on. Since her debut in 1959, she has reached a posi on of a living legend on the Swedish, and interna onal, literary scene. Her most recent novel, The Wolf Run, has sold to 21 territories and been published to high acclaim all over Europe. Now, she has wri en a collec on of essays about books and authors that have influenced her own life as a writer, and as a reader. In 24 chapters, Kers n Ekman shares personal and powerful experiences she’s been gi ed from reading.

Swedish tle: MIN BOKVÄRLD

Published by: Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2023

Rights sold: Danish: Gyldendal, Norwegian: Aschehoug

Patrik Svensson


The beloved second book by Patrik Svensson, interna onally award-winning, New York Times, Time Magazine, LA Times, Sunday Times and Washington Post acclaimed author of The Gospel of the Eels.

The author takes us on a different excursion, deep-diving into the last remaining mystery on Earth: the sea. Object of our earnest fascina on, Svensson a empts to answer our quesons about the deep: how did people start exploring the sea? What went through the minds of the first sailors who followed the stars to the great unknown? And what do we really know about the creatures that stayed below the surface?


Published by: Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2022

Rights sold: Catalan: Enciclopèdia Chinese (simpl.): Guomai Danish: Gads Finnish: Tammi German: Hanser Greek: Metaixmio Italian: Iperborea Spanish: Libros del Asteroide

Other Available Titles

Åke Edwardsson THE ’WINTER’ SERIES

The three- me winner of the Swedish Crime Writers’ Award is back with long-awaited return of Winter series.

The thirteen novels with Erik Winter have sold over seven million copies in 27 languages. The first ten novels have also been turned into TV-series with first Johan Gry and later Magnus Krepper as Erik Winter, broadcast interna onally. In 2019 rights were sold to a Hollywood produc on company for Room nr 10 along with the op on right to the rest of the series. The final book in the series is planned for publica on in spring 2025.


Published by: Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2021

Rights sold: Dutch: A.W. Bruna Finnish: Like German: Hörbuch Hamburg Polish: Virtualo Film and TV rights: Not available

Karin Wahlberg A GOOD

Crime Inspector Claes Claesson is back in the 10th instalment of the series!


It is late summer, September, and the popular and skilled pediatrician Paul Klintman is found murdered in his home in the village of Östra Torns, in Southern Sweden. He was supposed to have traveled to Falun in Dalarna county for a conference on the importance of physical closeness between infants and parents, but never le . Colleagues and rela ves are in shock and can not for the life of them understand who would have wanted to take this good man’s life. Or? Is the perpetrator to be found in his professional life or in the private sphere? In Karin Wahlberg’s popular detec ve series about Crime Inspector Claes Claesson, murder plots are mixed with the characters’ challenges in everyday life. A thriller series of 10 books in a hospital environment!

Swedish tles: EN GOD MAN

Published by: Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2022

Rights sold: Finnish: BookBeat Norwegian: Bonnier Norsk Forlag Polish: Swiat Ksiazki

Anna Platt


Inadvertently, our actions may have effects on others, more severe than we ever could imagine. Like a ricochet that irrevocably connects one story with another…

Perfect for readers of Laura Dave’s The Last Thing He Told Me, Anna Platt has written a masterful and highly intricate story, as she pans between three character’s lives with a cinematic quality to create a narrative that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Ricochet inhabits the space between commercial and literary fiction, being a true qualitative page-turner such as Where the Crawdads Sing – also a novel about a crime – which will make you keep reading until the surprising end.


Published by: Bokförlaget Bazar, 2023

Rights sold: Czech: HarperCollins Finnish: Docendo Polish: HarperCollins

International Co‐Agents, Exclusive Representation


Livia Stoia

Lidia Dumitru


Grayhawk Agency


Fic on

Gray Tan

Non-fic on

Yichan Peng


Sherri Cheng


Kris n Olson Literary Agency

Kris n Olson kris


Tu le Mori Agency

Fic on

Ken Mori ken@tu

Misa Morakawi misa@tu

Non-fic on

Fumika Ogihara fumika-ogihara@tu

Manami Tamaoki manami@tu

Miho Hiruta miho-hiruta@tu


ANA Budapest Évi István


Macadamia Literary Agency

Magda Cabajewska

Kamila Kanafa

Anna Kiljana


Geenie Han


Casanovas & Lynch

Sarah Guilloret

Sofia Perez


AnatoliaLit Agency

Ayşenur Müslümanoğlu

Contact Us

Johanna Lindborg

Head of Agency | Literary Agent | Film & TV

Matilda Fogelström

Literary Agent

Maria Montner

Bonnier Rights

is a literary agency selling transla on rights for authors wri ng in the Nordic languages across all genres, and is home to debuts, bestsellers and awardwinners alike.

Senior Advisor | Foreign Rights Manager @BonnierRights Bonnier Rights Luntmakargatan 45 111 37 Stockholm Sweden +46 8 696 89 10

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