Important tips to digitize for tiny lettering

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Lettering is a very important part in logo designing. Many logos contain small lettering and while digitizing that logo for embroidery, it may create a problem. Tiny letters can be easily printed on paper but when it comes to embroidery, it becomes quite difficult.

But there are few techniques by which the embroidery for small letters can be done without losing its clarity. Some important tips are given below : - Use smaller needle for smaller letter. - Using thinner thread can generate the more accurate lettering. - Running stitches can efficiently create the small letters. For running stitch, start from the beginning of the word and go to the end by covering lower part. Place the stitches so they conform to the curves of line. Then go to the junction of letters going across any open area at the closest point.

- Then you can continue with the second layer of stitches starting from the end of lettering where you have left off and go to the top. Stitching should cover the junction of the lower part of letter. After tracing the lower part, proceed to the top of next letter. - To reduce the density of letter you can wider the column. - To gain more clarity, you can extend the corners of letters, open them up and drop the cross bars. - Adjust whenever needed by proofing the letters. Do the proofs as it is important to gain the maximum experience of digitizing the embroidery for miniature letters. It will help you to gain the perfection and efficiency in this task.

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