1 minute read
Millie. Age 10.
What does ‘being strong’ mean to you?
Not just being strong physically but mentally. You can be really strong physically but what’s holding you back is your mindset. If you are competing against friends and all you want to do is win, that’s not having a strong mindset. Strong would be more like congratulating your friends, giving them tips. The mindset overpowers the physical strength.
And that’s the best part of being a ninja, you have so many supporters and so many people helping you. And they help you see another side of the obstacle that you don’t even realise.
Who are your main supporters?
My mum, my dad and my nanna’s support means a lot to me.
Since Dad is a ninja as well, he understands where I’m coming from. And he listens to what I say, all of my suggestions. My mum gives me awesome tips on how to improve. And my nanna is always helping me and cheering me on.
Kiara. Age 13.
If I don’t get something right I ask my teachers or friends for help. If I still don’t get it, I usually break it down and go by steps. And my friends will be there saying, ‘You’ve got this, you can do it!’ Your friends will always be there with you, no matter what.
Chloe. Age 10.
What inspires me to be better is watching my idols on the Ninja Warrior show. My favourite ninja is Olivia Vivian. She is one of the crowd favourites, and I want to be just like her.
I talk to her once or twice every two weeks. She helps me with things I’m having trouble with in my ninja and my gymnastics.
My coach has taught me my whole technique. That’s how I run. I learnt it from him. He always tells me to ‘keep on going’.