Anvil studio

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Music Creation

Using Anvil Studio /

Using Incredibox

It is best to download it from their website Anvil Studio is a Digital Audio Editor programme that you can download and use for free on your computer

These are the controls in Anvil Studio Play, rewind, stop and record

Track time



Using Incredibox Track Number (you can edit this to a name if you prefer.)

Track Instrument

Track Volume

Track Balance

Using Incredibox Unless you can already read and write music notation, it is best to use the Piano Roll Editor to edit the music on this track. ( It is blank to start with.)

The default instrument is a Grand Piano, but you can change this

Using Incredibox

You can click on the keys to hear the notes

Using Incredibox

To add a note just click on one of the squares.

Drag it to the right to make it a longer

Drag it up or down to change the note

To change the instrument click here

Using Incredibox

You can add more notes to make a chord or a longer tune.

Using Incredibox

You can pick from 128 different instruments

Pick one and listen to it, then try another until you get the sound you like

You don’t have to have just one instrument at a time. You can add a new track for others

Using Incredibox

The new instrument track will be added and again it will have the accoustic grand piano as the default.

Using Incredibox

Go back to edit track 1 ( Notice we have changed it to a celesta instrument.)

Using Incredibox

Now press “ctrl +A” to select all these note, and “Crtl + C” to copy them

Go to track 2 again and press “shift + insert� to paste the copy onto this track. ( make sure the track has been rewound so it will be at the start. Paste will copy it to wherever the black line is.)

Using Incredibox

Using Incredibox

This time change the instrument to an “Fx” instrument called Echoes”

The two instruments will now play in harmony

You can add as many new tracks as you like

Using Incredibox

We will use this new one to change some of the notes from the other two tracks.

Using Incredibox

Change the instrument to a “pad” sound. We have changed it to a “choir” sound

Using Incredibox

Dragging out the top note in each bar will make the Choir sing a long note while the Celesta and the Echoes tracks are still playing short notes.

Play it and see how the sound is starting to get “richer� and less like a computer sound.

Copying and pasting this way will allow to build up a rich sound.

Using Incredibox

Copying and pasting to the right will extend the length of the music.

Every new track can be built up separately without any copying and pasting to let you have different instruments playing different parts of the tune.

Re-mixing existing tunes

You do not have to create every note yourself. The website “� allows you to download existing songs in midi format.

Using Incredibox

Using Incredibox

This is the tune from the Movie “2 fast 2 Furious�, downloaded from

Using Incredibox It has 6 instrument tracks

Each track plays a totally different set of notes

Track 2 is just the notes for the tubular bells instrument

Using Incredibox

Try changing the instrument to another one and see how it alters the tune as a whole.

Or you could try leaving the instrument the same, but changing the notes. Try raising this note a little

Using Incredibox

Suppose you liked the section of Track3 between 28.07 and 33.26 on the timeline. Just drag with your mouse to highlight this

Using Incredibox

You can now use “ctrl + C” and “shift + insert” to paste it into a new song and use it in your own composition.

Remember to check the terms and conditions of any site you use and to acknowledge the original writer.

Using Incredibox Once you have got some short pieces of music, you can either record them as .wav files on Audacity and them import them as samples into Soundation Studio, or you can save them as a midi file and import that into a “Midi track� directly onto Soundation Studio ( The blue tracks .)

You continue to edit the midi tracks in soundation studio if they are imported as midi files

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Using Incredibox

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